Scheme of activities of the organization for the bank. How to describe a business scheme for a bank

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From this article you will learn:

  • What are the basics of running any business
  • What are the rules for doing business
  • Why do you need a business plan
  • What to look for when developing a business plan
  • How Russian reality affects the choice of model
  • What business models are used in practice
  • What are the features of doing small business in Russia
  • What business methods are most effective
  • What CRM software to use to make your business easier
  • Does the internal and external environment affect the conduct of business

In fact, a novice businessman needs quite a bit: promising idea, the makings of an entrepreneur and a small amount of money for a good start. But even those who do not have all of the above have every chance to start a profitable business. The main thing is to choose the right direction. In this article, you will learn what smart business is.

Business Basics

To understand the basics of entrepreneurship, you first need to clearly understand what a business is in principle. At first glance, everything is clear. However, the usual understanding of business is superficial, and therefore needs to be supplemented.

First of all, we note that business is one of the urgent needs of people. But not for everyone, but only for special individuals. Who are they? These are individuals who have very strong energy. Therefore, people with strong potential want to start their own business most of all. Of course, there is nothing wrong with this. But in order for a powerful energy flow not to harm anyone, it must be spent. That is why such individuals open their own business. Running a business for them is a way to direct energy into a productive direction.

Of course, there are other ways to release energy. But doing business is the most exciting and optimal, because it allows you to earn. That is, he converts energy into money. It turns out that doing business is the monetization of the entrepreneur's internal resources. As for its foundations, it is knowledge about the efficient conversion of energy into money.

Let's go even deeper and find out where, in principle, is the source of human energy, the one that gives him strength and motivates him to create a business, turning him into an entrepreneur. It's simple - energy is formed by a born idea. A person wants to realize it, and therefore starts a business.

Many people open their own business just because they really want to do business without having practical knowledge and skills. In fact, they are doing the right thing. Where are they taught to promote new ideas that no one has promoted before? Nowhere! An entrepreneur gains knowledge and experience in the process of work, learns from own mistakes. But at the same time, a businessman can learn how to work with ideas - both in general and with some specific ones.

To know how to work with ideas means to understand the basics of doing business. This knowledge can be obtained by absolutely everyone, in contrast to the knowledge of working with specific ideas. It happens that entrepreneurs manage to develop their product or service without an appropriate theoretical basis, and very strong intrinsic motivation helps them in this. It is she who gives strength to cope with difficulties and successfully run a business. But mistakes and failures still happen and often.

So everything basic knowledge about business, a person draws the basis of his conduct from his idea. It is she who intuitively tells what to do and how to do it. Accordingly, at good entrepreneurs have a business sense, and therefore they are not interested in learning business. The main thing for them is to tune in to the idea in order to develop it competently.

It's a business idea, not start-up capital, as many believe - a fundamental factor for the development of the business. Those for whom money is at the forefront are not entrepreneurs at their core. Let's say more - thoughts solely about making money interfere with the competent promotion of a business, since they are motivated to work solely for the sake of money, capital accumulation, and not the development of an idea.

Business rules that work in any situation

There are many examples of well-known US millionaires going bankrupt but rising again and reaching new heights. What's the secret? The fact is that when building a business, they observed two rules - simple and unpretentious, but extremely difficult to implement.

Rule one. Tell yourself that you will implement your idea until you reach the intended goal and create successful business. Let it turn into a life credo. And when you come to the first results, non-standard ideas for maintaining and improving your project will immediately appear. Thanks to new knowledge, experience, skills and an expanded outlook, you will see new opportunities and perspectives.

Rule two. Don't be afraid to miss. Learn from them, turn another failure into an event that brings you closer to your desired goal. How many failures can you handle? And how much is needed? Exactly enough to reach the goal!

But that's not all, it's just a start. When developing your business, be sure to consider other rules for building and maintaining efficient business, and there are many of them. Otherwise, you won't succeed.

Of course, we do not mean those well-known legislative norms that all businessmen must follow - this is an indisputable fact. We are talking about the unwritten rules by which any entrepreneur can achieve success.

So, rule one. When making decisions about a business, consider its prospects. That is, if you face a dilemma - big earnings right away, but an uncertain future, or relatively small profits, but with serious growth prospects - choose the second path. Only in this way will you come to real success, and the business will flourish.

Second rule: You need to know at all times what is happening in your business industry. The owner of the company, who has no idea about the trends in the development of his niche, can be safely called incompetent and unprofessional. If you are interested in business, you can anticipate potential problems.

Third rule: do not produce more products than necessary to avoid overproduction. If there is no buyer for the goods, you will work “for the warehouse” and, of course, will not earn money on it.

Fourth Rule orders to stop production if the goods are of insufficient quality. If the product does not meet the established standards, it is better to suspend manufacturing process find out why this is happening and try to correct the situation. Don't risk the name of the company.

Fifth Rule related to the ethical side of things. Build relationships with partners, suppliers and employees only on the condition of mutual respect. Only if the relationship is modeled in this way will the project bear fruit.

sixth rule quality work - well-selected staff. Without it, modern business will not be successful. The team should consist of people interested in the development of the company. Make sure that employees are personally interested in achieving goals - thanks to this, work will become much more efficient and effective.

Rule seven: do not be afraid to trust the staff of your organization with responsible assignments. After all, it often happens that an ordinary employee knows some questions better leader. If your employees can make decisions, let them do it. When people understand their own importance, they begin to work more productively.

The above rules are key for an entrepreneur interested in growth and profit. By following them, you can build a profitable business.

Business scheme

A business plan is somewhat similar to a business plan. It also shows all the important elements of successful operation and the path to a high position in the market. It is better to draw it up even before registering as an entrepreneur. The key points will depend on the scope of the business - Agriculture, production, trade, etc. But there are general provisions. It is in accordance with them that a business strategy should be formed:

After registration, the business scheme looks like a list of priority tasks that an entrepreneur must complete:

  • select and rent suitable premises, taking into account the direction of the business;
  • hire qualified specialists to make the activity successful;
  • establish contacts with potential customers and clients;
  • if necessary, form a client base;
  • organize the production or sale of goods - open retail outlets, take care of the availability of production facilities.

All these actions must be coordinated with the developed business plan or scheme of work, and then inconsistencies must be eliminated. Activity planning is, in principle, important for both small and large businesses. Even if an entrepreneur works alone, it is still useful for him to analyze his work in a timely manner and form a plan for a certain period, be it a month or a year. If there is no such plan, the project may become less efficient and cost-effective, since even if big earnings a businessman runs the risk of not noticing significant financial losses and conducting unprofitable activities. It is important to constantly study the offers on the rental market. That is, you can significantly save on renting an office or production space. The main thing is to find a cheaper option, but a good one.

It is also necessary to assess the market conditions for goods that a businessman produces or sells. Due to inflated prices, demand may fall. Very low prices On the contrary, they can lead to unprofitable activities.

The project management scheme is developed by the entrepreneur himself. But you can trust this to a specialist. All that a businessman will subsequently have to do is just follow it in work.

Why do you need a business plan?

A business plan is a document that answers all questions about the project and gives a complete picture of the company's performance in the near future and in the long term. The plan can be adjusted if current plans and strategies change.

The practice of doing business is rich in countless force majeure that can affect the outcome of cases. There are so many of them that it is unlikely that we would be able to talk about them in the article. In addition, taking into account all the circumstances in one document and forming tactics of behavior when they appear is an almost impossible task. A logical question arises: do you need a business strategy, or are there enough basic techniques that can be used as needed? Experience shows that it is still useful to have a plan.

This document accomplishes two goals:

1. Business plan for "internal use":

  • As you know, 10 minutes spent on planning saves an hour of intensive work. If a small business segment company has a well-defined plan, management processes become more streamlined. This is especially true when working in a team. Such a plan excludes discrepancies. In addition, it indicates how each team member should act in a given situation.
  • Control over the effectiveness of activities. In a quality business plan, the main points-indicators are indicated, to which the company must come after a certain period. By how clearly you go through them, you can judge how effective business processes are and improve them if necessary. Also, you have no doubt that employees strive to the right goals if the guide is temporarily unavailable.
  • Risk reduction. As already mentioned, force majeure in business is impossible to predict. But a generalized scheme of behavior in a critical situation is a useful thing. Typically, such measures are universal and reduce risks. Information about who, when and in what situation they will undertake should be included in the business plan.

2. Business plan for investors.

A master plan for doing business is needed not only for internal use. In some cases, it can be provided to outsiders. Often, a business plan is analyzed by potential investors in order to draw conclusions about the feasibility of investments. The decision of the investor to cooperate with you depends on how well all the nuances are worked out in it. The business plan acts as a conditional "debenture" and must be followed.

A good business plan is about making your business easier.

Before compiling it, it is necessary to assess the current situation in advance and analyze the information. One of the most popular tools that allows you to preliminarily assess the situation, especially in small businesses, is a SWOT analysis that structures all the data.

What is a SWOT analysis? It is needed to assess the internal and external resources of the organization, to draw up an objective picture for the business plan. It includes elements such as:

  • strengths - weak sides goods or services. Here we can note the low cost of goods, the high professional level of employees, the innovative component in the product, the beautiful packaging design or high-quality service, etc.
  • Weakness- weak sides. For example, a company does not have its own retail space, the brand is not very recognizable among the potential target audience etc.
  • Opportunities- business opportunities, for example, the use of new materials and technological solutions, additional funding, etc.
  • Threats- Threats to business. Here we can talk about unstable economic situation or the political situation in the state or region, the peculiarities of the mentality of buyers, the level of technology development in the territory where the project is being implemented, etc.

Before proceeding to the detailed completion of the sections of the plan, prepare the maximum amount of additional data on the future project. Analyze the industry, find out what methods you can use to promote the product, study the competitors. Also evaluate how much your company will make tax deductions, what resources the future project has, for example, financial, intellectual, temporary, personnel, etc.

Based on this data, you will understand how to develop an effective plan, and you will not have to search for information for its sections in parallel. You will save time and achieve good results.

What is the basis for choosing a business model in Russia

The place of business is a very important parameter. In management, as in an activity management system, the mentality of the citizens of the state on whose territory the company operates is taken into account. There is still no developed and well-established business culture in Russia. It can be said that there are no own development models, since from the very beginning the goal is set for firms to approach European standards.

The mentality is a very durable element, which cannot be said about the unstable market conditions. Therefore, if an entrepreneur does not take it into account, then he dooms himself to improperly organized business processes in advance.

When establishing a business in Russia, he should take into account two main features of the mentality:

  1. Family ties that are still valid today. They do not allow you to organize a business based solely on professional level and qualifications of counterparties
  2. The Russian businessman first calculates the income of a competitor and tries to do everything possible to beat him. If there is no such prospect, he simply does not start a business.

Because of these two factors Russian business develops slowly. As a rule, the behavior of modern Russian enterprises is based not on an internal mission, but on the desire to create a certain image. In principle, this is also a rather positive trend, despite the presence of pragmatic goals.

Taking into account the specifics of the mentality in management, different types of thinking are formed. Now in Russia there are the following:

  • Industrial: it is based on the product, methods, tools and volumes of production. Attention is not focused on the concepts of the external environment, the needs of the target audience and the target audience itself.
  • Marketing and financial: the main objective of doing business with this approach - to achieve the desired level of sales and operating profit. The result of actions within this system of doing business can be a formed brand. However, it will not have a value component.
  • Communication: is formed on the basis of forecasting and modeling the development of business processes. Entrepreneurial activity is a system of interaction between groups of persons that influence the existence of an enterprise ( we are talking about founders, managers, employees, clients, contractors, government agencies, media, competitors, public institutions).

The term "business model" is often confused with strategy, resulting in a substitution of concepts, or it is considered one of the elements of the strategy. This confusion is explained by the fact that the concepts are similar to each other, but at the same time they are not the same. They differ in the following points:

  1. The factor of value creation and their transformation into income. The purpose of a business model is to describe the method by which an enterprise earns from a product or service. The strategy captures more distant prospects and creates a stable competitive advantage.
  2. Price commercial activities or income of the owner. Turning the cost of commercial activities into income for the owner is not the primary goal of the project's business model. And this is what makes it different from strategy. That is, it does not focus on ways to make a profit, but at the same time it significantly affects the income of the company's owners.
  3. The level of qualification in the field of commercial activity. To form a business model of an enterprise, special knowledge is not needed. However, in order to develop a strategy, a more in-depth analysis is needed, for which you need to have certain knowledge in the area where the company is developing.

For a visual representation of the relationship between a business model and a strategy, pay attention to the formula presented by M. Levy:

V=MS, where

V - value, M - business model, S - strategy.

It shows that a company that wants to implement the chosen strategy should choose the most optimal business models for itself, on the basis of which it will subsequently develop and create value for consumers.

Types of business models

  • Franchising. A form of relationship between business entities in which one transfers to another the right to engage in certain activities according to an already existing and proven business model.
  • Direct sales. Realization of consumer goods and services from person to person outside stationary retail outlets.
  • B2B(Business-to-Business - business-to-business). Form of information and economic cooperation. B2B collaboration is classified according to the type of persons involved - in this case this is a legal entity. Businesses supply goods and services to other firms, not to end customers. Let's say they make promotional materials for another organization involved in their promotion.
  • B2C(Business-to-Consumer - business-to-consumer). A type of electronic commerce activity, the purpose of which is direct sales. An effective solution to the problem of territorial remoteness of large and small cities through the unification of pricing policy and the work of delivery services.
  • B2G(Business-to-Government - business for the government). There are two participants in the system - the state and business. This business technology characterizes e-commerce and is used, for example, in the organization of public procurement.
  • G2B(Government-to-Business - government for business). A set of software and government tools for online collaboration executive bodies authorities and commercial structures (websites of government agencies, public procurement, and so on).

Forms of doing business are classified differently:

1. Manufacturer. In this case, physical goods, intangible products (music, films) or services are produced. Who will act as the target audience - the client or the distributor? The main goal here is to produce a sought-after product and deliver it through an efficient channel.

This business model is of 3 types:

  1. Direct marketing to the consumer, within which the product can be bought in an online store or a traditional outlet owned by the company. Such a system of doing business has a number of advantages: there are no intermediaries, income is growing, and relationships with consumers are built directly (through free support, detailed presentation product, and so on).
  2. Sale to distributors and wholesalers and retailers. The product is marketed to specialized retailers who are able to reach end consumers through a variety of channels. Most manufacturers fall into this category.
  3. Transfer of exclusive rights to distributors. Manufacturers enter into a cooperation agreement with one or more intermediaries. So they form a monopoly on competitive products in a certain territory and receive large profits. Among the representatives of this group of sellers, for example, auto manufacturers, film producers and writers.

2. Distributor of goods and services. Intermediaries are the main link between the manufacturer and buyers. Their task is to combine products from different companies in order to scale sales. Distributors improve margins and reduce logistics costs. The competition in this market is very tough.

In this model, the following types are distinguished:

  1. Retail(including e-commerce) for a wide range of purposes, where a lot of vertical products are involved. Buyers interact exclusively with distributors for all products, and this is a value proposition in such a business. For example, Amazon and Walmart online platforms work according to this model.
  2. Niche Orientation(narrow focus). In retail general purpose a wide range of goods is sold, and distributors of product specialization work with a certain group of products. Examples of doing business under this model are Toys ‘R’ Us and Babyoye.
  3. Club of personal sales. Here consumers pay a certain amount for membership at regular intervals and thanks to this they get personal access to an exclusive system of discounts on leading brands. For example, Costco, Sam's club, Gilt, Exclusively.
  4. One product per day. Woot operates according to this business model. Instead of selling hundreds of products, the firm offers just one product each day at a deep discount. Thanks to this, manufacturers are able to get rid of excess stock in the shortest possible time, and the distributor is able to sell products in large volumes. Consumers receive information about a particular product every day.

3. Integrated model. It is used by traditional retailers whose goal is to increase the flow of customers at the expense of Internet users. So, buyers choose a product and pay for it on the distributor's website, and the store or warehouse gives them this product.

4. Razor and blade model. In accordance with it, one product is sold at a reduced price with an eye to the subsequent sale of another. Business Examples: Most Gillette razors are inexpensive. But in order to buy cassettes for them, the buyer needs to spend money. To support this business model, the complementary product must be protected by a patent or tied to a platform so that competitors cannot release it.

5. Brokerage business model- an element that connects buyers and sellers, with the receipt of a commission for their services. It brings huge profits when using the monopoly advantage. This business technology differs from others in scope and network effects. It does not give the desired results without the proper number of sellers and buyers.

In total, this business model can exist in 6 variants:

  1. Sale physical goods. Buyers become bidders and the highest bidder takes the product. According to this model, the world-famous Ebay platform works effectively.
  2. Rental of physical goods. Buyers for a limited period of time (usually on vacation) open access to real estate offered for sale. This is what does, for example.
  3. Platforms for the sale of virtual goods. For example, Apple and Android firms offer to buy third-party applications for platform users.
  4. financial goods. This category includes all brokerage companies, banks and financial institutions.
  5. Social services. Sites such as oDesk, Elance, 99designs, Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) offer their audience services for certain types of work that are popular with buyers (employers).
  6. An experience. On the Sweemo website, users can experience new sensations and get unforgettable impressions from visiting a vibrant show, backstage, studio, etc.

6. Business model of the landlord. A company rents premises or goods for a set period of time for a specified price. This group includes hotels, airlines. This business model applies to physical goods. But in last years It also applies to online products, for example, eBooks, music.

7. Advertising business model- Leading in the work of Internet sites. The basis of their main income is content generation. Website content and advertisements is developed taking into account the peculiarities of the Internet business model.

If the content is interesting and provides an influx of users to the site, the businessman places his advertisement. The main difficulty of this model is the AdBlocker tools (some fragments of the page with unpleasant banners, pop-up windows, etc. are blocked), as well as the wary attitude of the site's audience towards advertising.

This business model is presented in 3 main types:

8. Subscription based business model. In accordance with it, income is generated from periodic payments of clients, for example, telephone and rent of houses. The business model is also suitable for those companies that create software and offer it as a service (SaaS). The main problem of the model is the massive termination of contracts with subscribers when they switch to competitors or to another product.

9. Affiliate (affiliate) marketing . The main component of the model is the service provided to the client. At the same time, as an addition, he is offered to become a member of the affiliate program for a commission. Good example application of the model - Indian search engine Justdial. Users contact the company for information about hotels, establishments Catering etc., and Justdial connects them to 3-5 service providers for a commission.

10. Multilevel marketing. The purpose of doing business under this model is to move some customers into the category of sellers. Typical representatives are Amway and Tupperware. In accordance with multi-level marketing, the client audience is divided into certain levels. Buyers who actively refer their acquaintances and friends to the distribution company receive the highest rewards. The main problem with the model is that consumers often resist and are afraid of commercial interest in themselves.

Features of doing small business in Russia

Aspiring entrepreneurs start their own business for a number of reasons. They close the business for an even more extensive list of reasons. Yes, the dashing 90s, which everyone knows about, have long sunk into oblivion. The legislation of the Russian Federation has stepped far ahead, and despite the gaps left in it, small business in Russia is no longer a gamble.

Doing small business in Russia has specific features due to a number of conditions, in particular:

  • political environment;
  • economic situation;
  • measures taken by the state in terms of the development of economic activity;
  • support measures;
  • legal assistance to the small business sector;
  • tax policy;
  • financial and credit conditions;
  • standard of living in the state.

So far, all of the above factors are far from ideal, which interferes with the normal conduct of business, and this should be taken into account by everyone who plans to start a business. And this situation will continue until Russia develops, including in the production direction, thanks to the economic, legal, social, and tactical measures laid down by the government.

Rosstat data show that 50% of all small business segment companies are trading companies. Why? The point is to take industrial premises rent is now expensive, paying taxes seriously hits the pocket, and the state does not provide special support to entrepreneurs. It is much easier to open an office and sell something to order than to release and then sell the product. And this is the way of thinking of every second novice businessman.

Also, young entrepreneurs are afraid of tax officials and representatives of government agencies. But today these fears are completely unsupported. If your plans do not include the sale of prohibited products (drugs and weapons), then you will not often have to deal with officials. And if the accounting department is in perfect condition, then never. Be that as it may, strive to create honest and comfortable conditions business should be done by both the entrepreneurs themselves and the state - equally.

3 business practices that have proven to work

"Chinese" method

Characterized by speed and mobility. For a businessman who works according to this scheme, the main thing is more and cheaper.

All profits must be collected within 3-4 months, otherwise someone will certainly come up with something cheaper. Entrepreneurs should be prepared for quick earnings and a lot of business ideas, even if they are shallow, because they lose their relevance in the shortest possible time within the framework of the “Chinese” method. New entrepreneurs are emerging, improving these concepts and making them cheaper. Therefore, there is a risk of being out of work.

Everyone chooses the way of doing business individually. If a businessman does not like to prepare for a long time and is interested in making quick money, this form is not for him. If his plans are to use loans, then you need to have 10-12 ideas at once. Only in this case, the entrepreneur can achieve the desired results.

Businessmen following the "Chinese" model are constantly generating ideas. They quickly get bored with everything, and they easily start everything new, with little or no fear of difficulties, unlike others.

The courtship method

This way of doing business is suitable for those who like to look after others. Example: you sell upholstered furniture and I. How will we compete? We are compiling such an advertisement: if you purchase upholstered furniture from me, and not from a neighbor, you will receive an armchair as a gift. That is, bypass competitors due to the fact that you provide additional services.

The essence of this model is that the client needs to demonstrate quality service. You will always have customers, not because you are a professional, but because you know how to provide quality customer service. The "caring" method is aimed at long-term business. The main thing here is not to create a network, but an atmosphere. When a person wants not to eat a certain dish, but just to go to a cafe, because he likes the service, environment, atmosphere. That is, it is important to establish contact with consumers, to be able to serve them with high quality, and the highlight should be precisely in the services, since the content will not differ from competitors in any way.

Aristocratic method

Exclusive products for the "chosen ones". Suppose you are a master jeweler. You have made a piece of jewelry with the engraving “Faith. Hope. Love” specially for the family, where the grandmother's name is Vera, the daughter's name is Nadezhda, and the granddaughter's name is Lyubov. That is, the product is exclusive. Accordingly, its cost is high, since it was created for a limited circle of consumers.

The emphasis in this model is on the exclusive. You are selling a product intended exclusively for someone. Therefore, it costs corresponding money. Let's say a well-known business coach conducts trainings for 100 thousand rubles. The high price is due only to the promoted name, despite the fact that the coach graduated from the same higher educational institution, like others. Exclusive clients go to him in order to say later: "I attended the training of this specialist, I can afford it."

  1. amoCRM.

Uncomplicated SaaS CRM system to form a database of contacts and record transactions (with reference to contacts). Contacts and deals can be tagged. Based on the amount and status, a sales funnel is formed. There is an API. It is possible to add fields to deal cards. Integrates with MailChimp.

  1. Megaplan Sales.

The tool provides joint business management for small and medium-sized enterprises of any profile. Designed for increasing sales, personnel management and remote work. The system is equipped with CRM, invoicing, transaction control, task manager, file server, internal mail, forum, module for working with employees.

  1. Client base.

A simple and convenient system that allows you to maintain a single database, create any tables with more than 8 types of fields, differentiate access rights for users to information, make personalized e-mails by scheduling time and attaching files, create documents with templates based on the database from any tables etc. It comes in 3 versions: Local, Web and SaaS.

  1. Simple Business.

Tool + software client with which it is convenient to manage tasks, projects and allocate your time. It is also designed to automate the processes of managing a company, a corporate website, communication and teamwork (e-mail, telephony, video and audio conferences, chat, etc.), relationships with customers, employees. It also allows you to automate document flow and submit reports to tax office and funds, management of accounting and contractual documentation. Suitable for installation on your own server.

  1. fresh office CRM.

Cloud ecosystem for business. Consists of the following modules: CRM, Marketing, Workflow, Orders, Telephony, Analytics, Warehouse and Financial Accounting, E-mails, Chat and others. The user's enterprise collectively works in one window of one application, continuously evaluating the effectiveness and monitoring the activities of each of the departments. It is safe to say that the program provides ease of doing business.

  1. wire crm.

An online customer accounting tool that can be successfully used by entrepreneurs, small and medium-sized companies. WireCRM provides a basic set of accounting tools (Contact Manager, Deal Accounting, Event Calendar, Integration with mail and telephony, Export and Import). Also, this business system has an application store that allows you to install additional functionality. The tool is simple and not overloaded with unnecessary features, however, if required, they are easy to add.

  1. Zoho CRM.

CRM for small business segment companies. Offers modern Ajax tools. Advanced features for sales management. Integration with other Zoho services (spreadsheets in particular). The program is also equipped with built-in means of integration with the company's website. The interface is provided in Russian.

  1. Salesap CRM.

Online service for accounting of clients and transactions. It saves the entire history of dialogues with customers, call records, allows you to monitor staff, manage tasks and projects, and receive reports online. It independently creates tasks at each stage of the funnel, notifies about the upcoming deadline and automatically sends an SMS notification to the client.

  1. Things are going.

Cloud CRM for small businesses. Convenient and easy to use. A significant advantage is the affordable price.

  1. GEN CRM.

Convenient and functional service for doing business. Integrates with the website, e-mail, telephony, SMS mailings and e-mail, Yandex.Metrica, 1C and any other external system. Powerful analytics: sales funnel, bounce analysis, summary of the day and other reporting.

Successful business on the example of Facebook

The history of Facebook is a great example for all companies seeking to achieve success in entrepreneurial activity. The social network has become ubiquitous, becoming famous all over the world, and its founder, Mark Zuckerberg, has turned into the youngest billionaire in history.

It is important to understand that Facebook has taken the first position in the world for good reason. He received a breakthrough in the Internet space thanks to a solid foundation - the scientific method.

The scientific method of doing business is a set of methods for obtaining new knowledge within the framework of a particular science. And here Mark Zuckerberg's breakthrough is almost no different from discoveries in the medical industry or, for example, in physics.

Facebook is not only a consequence of the implementation of the talented ideas of a simple Harvard student. Appearance social network- a logical continuation of the centuries-old development of communication systems between people.

Einstein and Fleming didn't make breakthroughs from scratch either, despite being geniuses. Their discoveries are made on the basis of the information that other researchers have been accumulating for hundreds of years.

The main advantage of the scientific method is that it allows you to evaluate the potential of an idea before it is realized.

To understand what helped companies like Facebook or HubSpot skyrocket, look at a simple model proposed by a well-known venture capitalist named Chamath Palihapitiya. At one time he served as vice president of development for Facebook:

There are 3 stages here:

  1. The top of the conversion funnel. Traffic Sources and Conversion Rate.
  2. WOW is the moment when a person realizes a real need for your product. Early experiences and first impressions are formed.
  3. The main value of the product. The stage at which the customer begins to solve their problems with the product.

The point is that for the stable development of a business, you need to pay attention to each stage. If the product is not in demand, it is pointless to try to increase traffic. It is also inefficient to improve the quality of the product if there is no competent lead management.

When improving business processes in a scientific way, certain sequential steps are taken.

Step One: Generating a Hypothesis

First of all, you need to establish what issues are most relevant for you - distribution channels, target audience, market positioning, or maybe advertising strategy?

Step Two: Prediction

At this stage, a hypothesis is developed and appropriate conclusions are drawn. In our case, it looks like this: "Since the representatives of our target audience are mostly students, placing advertisements in print publications will not give the desired results."

Step Three: Check

The hypothesis formed at the previous stage needs to be tested. For example, students can be surveyed to find out how often they buy newspapers and magazines, and whether their attention is attracted by advertisements placed there. But first, it is better to check the initial hypothesis and understand whether your main target audience is really students.

Step Four: Conclusions

If the test shows that the hypothesis and assumption are correct, it is necessary to study all the collected data and draw conclusions.

If an error is found, make a new guess and propose a new hypothesis. Remember, even the wrong step is a step towards the goal. Therefore, do not be afraid of experiments and mistakes.

Does the environment affect business

According to some researchers, on efficient work all elements of the company directly affect external factors. Here we mean " external business environment", which is characterized by:

  • frequent fluctuations in the exchange rate;
  • fashion market trends;
  • consumer demand for a particular product.

Aspiring entrepreneurs should understand how important it is to adapt to the needs of the general population if they plan to produce products specifically for them. And it doesn't matter if they want it or not. If the goal of entrepreneurs is not only to keep the company afloat, but also to increase its assets, they should certainly take into account the influence of external parameters.

Internal factors of functioning (internal business environment) of an enterprise characterize:

  • volume of produced and sold goods,
  • number of outlets (economic business environment), their strategic location,
  • staff qualifications,
  • staffing,
  • the atmosphere in the team, the relationship between management and staff,
  • satisfaction of the organization's personnel with their position,
  • the degree of responsibility of the attitude of each employee to work,
  • the level of commercial education of the head of the company (business environment of the company).

The external and internal business environment are fundamental factors in the activity of any enterprise.

When doing business, responsible divisions of the enterprise are necessarily formed. If the external environment sets the requirements for the demand for a particular product, and the company does not satisfy the needs of society, then it's time to assemble the board of directors and solve pressing problems, adjusting the development and conduct of business, closing the production of individual products, opening new branches and subsidiaries that will produce the desired product.

The impact of the external environment can be divided into two groups: macro- and micro-impacts. This classification allows you to clearly study the aspects that are important for understanding entrepreneurs who are interested in running a successful business. These aspects affect the company's business environment. Each is unique, despite the relationship between them.

The first group is decisive when planning the activities of an enterprise in the foreign market. At the diagnostic stage, a business plan is drawn up, which reflects the interaction of the enterprise with other firms or the state, outlines different options for doing business and actions in case some factors interfere with their implementation. Business plans drawn up from this angle determine the essence of the company's activities (development of the business environment). And already taking into account them, they analyze and plan further work.

When analyzing the micro-impact, it is necessary to take into account the conditions of existence in which the company is currently located. When analyzing them, it is worth considering the frequent changes in modern market conditions, so all directions of unexpected developments must be foreseen. In fact, this directly affects planning internal structure company and its narrow-profile activities.

The activities of different enterprises can change radically under the influence of different global processes, for example:

  • legislative trends;
  • innovations in technical progress.

They change all the time. Also keeping international business and the Russian one largely depends on the financial solvency of the buyers for whom the company produces goods, as well as on the creditworthiness of citizens and the state banking system in general, the degree of development and profitability of competing firms.

Tracking these parameters is difficult, almost impossible. This is where the commercial professionalism of the owners of the enterprise comes into play, who are forced to constantly analyze the position of the company in the market and take into account that its trends can change very, very quickly. And, as already noted, this is primarily due to the processes in the legislation.

The business process diagram reflects its essence and mechanism of work. Creating a circuit in itself is not very difficult. It is enough to understand what questions the scheme should answer, and then follow the creation algorithm. If you can't wait to start creating models or don't know where to start, this article is for you.

I want to remind you that before starting the description of business processes, it is necessary. companies is the platform to start with.

The algorithm that I present here will be useful to those who are just going to describe business processes. For those who have been trained by me, the article will be an excellent repetition of what has been passed))))

Business process diagram - instructions for the impatient

1 - Define process boundaries

Every business process starts and ends with an event. The first thing to do is to mark the start and end events.

2 - Draw the main blocks of the process

Arrange the main blocks (subprocesses, operations) in the order in which they are performed.

Do not complicate the scheme at this stage. Display the blocks as if the process is running perfectly.

3 - Add forks and other events

And now it's time to complicate things a little. Add the main options for the development of the process and the main intermediate events. Complete the diagram with the missing operations.

4 - Designate the roles of participants in the process

There are no positions or specific employees in business processes. Instead, the concept of "role" is used. One employee can perform many roles. One role can be performed by many employees. A position is made up of a set of roles.

Add missing operations as needed.

5 - Place documents on the diagram

A document is not necessarily an official paper with seven signatures. From the point of view of business process management, a document is information on any information carrier. Email, report, presentation, SMS - all these are documents.

Sometimes it is necessary to display intermediate products. These are blanks, semi-finished products, or simply important parts of the work that pass from one process block to another. Add them at this stage. Of necessity.

6 - Add used programs and databases

The process should reflect which programs and databases it uses.

7 - Arrange tools and materials

If tools and/or materials are used in the process, this should also be displayed. The main points can be identified on the business process diagram. A detailed description is best given in the comments and special sections of the description. A great option is to draw up a diagram focused specifically on the use of tools and materials. In such a scheme, the emphasis is not on the flow of work, but on how, in what quantity and what materials are used in the business process.

8 - Define performance indicators in the business process

Place on the business process diagram the performance indicators that are taken into account in one way or another in the system.

9 - Associate the received scheme with other processes

Each business process is just a part of a larger system. All processes are interconnected. Essentially, a link is something that a process exchanges with other processes. Note that you must specify the processes that the current process is associated with, as well as what they exchange.

Linking a business process to other processes

10 - Check the resulting business process model

In principle, the scheme is ready. The business process diagram should answer the following questions:

  • Where does the business process begin and end?
  • What processes does it involve? What is exchanged?
  • What operations are performed? In what order?
  • Who performs the activities in the process?
  • What documents are used and appear in the process? In what operations are these documents used/appeared?
  • What tools, materials, software and databases are used in the process and in what operations?
  • What performance indicators and where exactly are recorded in the business process?

A well-prepared scheme should be easy to understand and sufficiently informative.
The business process diagram should be understandable to the “man on the street”.
The business process diagram at the description stage should reflect how the process is performed in real life.

This algorithm will allow you to quite simply and quickly describe necessary business processes. Next, I will talk in detail about the description of business processes. Stay in touch.

(((Prices may seem too high to them, but the income allows. Is it necessary to make excerpts from the contracts? Did they pay physicists? Are the sums large?

If yes, then Write a letter that this will not happen again, caused by the current need, blah blah blah, in search of a legal entity contractor and so on.

Go to another bank, this dumb one with his requests. Oyjavrik, we have big problems with this bank - we are suing. So far, without questions, only taxes and salaries are carried out, but I generally keep quiet about cash. And they do not give bank statements - as you want, and hand over reports. Open an account in another, transfer all flows there.

If you sue, they won't let you live.

Banks must annually update information about their customers (p.

1.6 Regulations of the Bank of Russia No. 499-P dated October 15, 2015). The bank also has the right to request information when opening an account and when conducting banking operations (clause 1, article 7 of Federal Law No. 115-FZ of 07.08.01, hereinafter - Law No. 115-FZ)

Particular importance should be given to the analysis of the work of competitors, since it is they who can significantly complicate the implementation of the project in full.

Legal aspects of organizing an enterprise or implementing a project - costs for legal support, licensing and other costs and possible difficulties, ways to resolve them; Justification of financial costs. One of the most important sections of a business plan.

It is worth considering in detail the need for financial resources, the procedure for their use, depreciation of fixed assets. Often, during the application review process, experts can assist in the development and adjustment of the business plan. This is especially true for those organizations that demonstrate financial stability and are profitable clients for the bank.

2. The terms of the project implementation should not be too high or, on the contrary, shortened.

In the event that an entrepreneur plans to take a large loan for a period of 10 years, and the project itself (for example, the construction and commissioning of a new workshop) will be implemented for 1 year, the bank will inevitably have questions why, with a “smooth” business plan and availability substantial profit, the business is unable to repay the loan for 5 years?

And vice versa, if the loan is taken for 5 years, and the project implementation will last 3 years, when reaching the break-even point in the next, 4th year, the lender will ask the question, due to which incoming payments will the loan be repaid?

Written explanation to the bank sample

To make settlements with the principal, as well as to explain the activities to the organization of suppliers for the shipment of goods, the agent, as a rule, uses a non-cash form of payment.

Comments Having opened a bank account, the agent can use it for settlements with both the customer and suppliers. In order to comply with legal requirements, banks may ask the agent for clarifications regarding the turnover on the account.

The most common reason for requests is low the tax burden in relation to the total turnover of funds. Under current law, the bank has the right to have a clarification regarding the account in the event that the activityWho can claim the inheritance after the death of taxes is relatively 1 percent of the clarification of the volume of transactions.

Given the specifics of the activity, the turnover of funds on the agent's current account is quite high.

At the same time, the organization of tax payments is low in relation to the total amount of turnover.

Analysis of the activities of the construction company StroyForest LLC

Main part 2.1 Brief description of the organization Society with limited liability"StroyPlastMontazh" was established in accordance with the decision of the general meeting of the company's participants on January 10, 2000, in accordance with Civil Code Russian Federation, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Limited Liability Companies" No. 14-FZ of February 8, 1998, others regulations the Russian Federation and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, regulating the creation and activities of business entities. The main activity is the construction of industrial and civil facilities with the performance of the functions of a general contractor.

The enterprise is a legal entity, has an independent balance sheet, current account, round seal with its full name in Russian and an indication of the location of the enterprise, other seals and stamps, forms, company symbols. Full brand name:

Letter to the bank about activities and business reputation

The point here is not at all a formality, but the relevance of information.

In today's realities, when life flows very quickly, it is extremely important for the FD to have only up-to-date data.

The document should not be outdated, but the date must be indicated - without a date, the letter may not be taken into account at all. Experts recommend using specific data to the maximum when creating a letter about the business reputation of a company.

Generalized information is also not accepted.

Such hackneyed phrases as “reliable and responsible”, “always pays on time” are perceived as an empty phrase, but if they are backed up with facts (give examples of contracts, indicate the amounts for which they were concluded, the terms in which payments were made, etc.) etc.) - the document will become more real and, as a result, it will be accepted. You can also indicate what plans the partner has for further work with your company. In a separate paragraph, it is necessary to highlight,

Sample Business Scheme Letter

Supplier: supplies consumer goods with deferred payment Wholesaler: receives consumer goods, sells consumer goods to Buyers Buyers: Purchase consumer goods from the Wholesaler Warehouse: Provides consumer goods storage services Then we must develop an activity scheme that shows the interaction of all participants. Supplier: delivers consumer goods to the Wholesaler, receives payment for the supplied consumer goods Wholesaler: receives consumer goods from the Supplier, repays them, sells consumer goods to Buyers, pays for warehouse services for storing consumer goods Buyers: Purchase and pay for consumer goods from the Wholesaler Warehouse: Provides services to the Wholesaler storage of consumer goods, receives payment for the services rendered. When the scheme of activities is created, it is necessary to describe the sequence of actions for the implementation of the transaction.

brings to your attention that profit

Information letter about the company's activities

Letters can be:

  1. open, public (to inform the widest possible range of people).
  2. confidential (intended for reading by a specific person);

When forming an information letter, you need to carefully monitor spelling and adhere to the written standards of the Russian language in terms of punctuation, vocabulary, grammar, etc.

Information letter Moscow 15.02.2015. Dear employees of Aspirin LLC. The management of the organization represented by the director Mezhenin M.A.

We must remember the fact that the recipients of business correspondence always look at how correctly the information brought to them is described.

An illiterate letter can reduce the value of the information contained in it and even undermine the recipient's trust in the sender. The letter should be written briefly, succinctly, to the point, remembering that "brevity is the sister of talent", and not spreading thought along the tree. It has been proven that the recipients of such letters are not ready to spend more than one minute reading them, which is due to the high pace of modern life.

Response to a bank request about the economic meaning of operations on an IP account

St. PetersburgChat Hello. Your answer is quite worthy, I believe that it does not require correction.

Send it to the bank and demand the execution of your transaction as soon as possible.

Recently a client approached with a similar situation.

they didn’t ask for any letters, but they dragged on with the check for 2 weeks, until they came with a scandal, everything was at a standstill. 04 December 2020, 11:59 Was the lawyer's answer helpful?

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Tenders for construction works large construction organizations benefit in such projects.

But even they are not able to cover the whole range of works, and are forced to involve smaller construction companies in order to fulfill their obligations on time.

Therefore, you need to look for customers among these construction companies by sending them your own commercial offers. It is better to provide your proposal in personal negotiations with a representative of such a company. There is a risk that a letter sent by mail will remain unanswered. The same fate will befall the email.

Important Taking seriously such a business, it is important not only to provide high-quality services, but also to be able to demonstrate this quality, your ability to perform work at a high level.

You need to declare your company in all existing forms and methods.

Among them, reviews are very effective.

However, it is not worth considering future activities overly optimistically - failure to comply with the parameters of the business plan may result in sanctions from the lender. An individual entrepreneur without employees, unlike an LLC or other legal entity, is not required to conduct an analysis management structure and optimize personnel costs. How to draw up a business plan for bank approval of a loan The business plan of each particular enterprise is unique. Its volume is not so important for a credit institution, the bank should see in it the real prospects for the development of the organization, the possibilities for repaying the loan in full, as well as the benefits of lending for the overall financial recovery of the company.

The business plan should contain an approximate list of service providers and consumers. Naturally, when it comes to opening a store retail- there can be no talk about consumers. But you should definitely consider the prospective suppliers of goods or raw materials for production, indicate their approximate prices.

InfoIt's great if there are any preliminary cooperation agreements with suppliers. The list of suppliers and consumers should include:

  • Company name;
  • work period;
  • volumes of deliveries or purchases;
  • any information that characterizes the company as a stable reliable partner.

4. Real market analytics. If the project is small and the amount of the loan is insignificant, you can use data from surveys and open publications.

  • Marketing. The marketing plan should consider the volume and profitability of sales, potential consumers, analyze the sales market and competitors. Particular importance should be given to the analysis of the work of competitors, since it is they who can significantly complicate the implementation of the project in full.
  • Legal aspects of organizing an enterprise or implementing a project - the costs of legal support, licensing and other costs and possible difficulties, ways to resolve them;
  • Justification of financial costs.
    One of the most important sections of a business plan.

    Business scheme 🚇 example for a bank

    It is worth considering in detail the need for financial resources, the procedure for their use, depreciation of fixed assets.

Business plan for obtaining a loan

In the event that an entrepreneur plans to take a large loan for a period of 10 years, and the project itself (for example, the construction and commissioning of a new workshop) will be implemented for 1 year, the bank will inevitably have questions why, with a “smooth” business plan and availability substantial profit, the business is unable to repay the loan for 5 years? And vice versa, if the loan is taken for 5 years, and the project implementation will last 3 years, when reaching the break-even point in the next, 4th year, the lender will ask the question, due to which incoming payments will the loan be repaid? 3.

Description of business processes: the pursuit of simplicity

When lending to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, especially long-term or for certain investment projects, credit organizations as additional guarantees, the payment of funds requires the provision of a business plan. This document is extremely important both for the approval of the application and for subsequent trouble-free loan payments. In what cases can a bank request a business plan The main task of a bank is to extract the maximum profit from its own funds without losing part of them due to untimely fulfillment of obligations by borrowers.
Additional losses of the so-called "lost profits" arise with large amounts of reservation. According to the standards of the Central Bank, the amount of the reserve in the absence of a business plan for an organization that is just starting up (a start-up loan) is at least 21% of the amount of the loan issued.
To get a loan to create or develop a business, you need a well-written business plan. It must reflect comprehensive assessment development of activities, analyze the state of the market, consumer demands, the level of competition and, as a result, the economic efficiency of the project. The article provides and disassembled a sample. How to draw up a business plan for obtaining a loan from a bank To obtain a loan from a bank, a business plan is drawn up so that the bank sees the prospect of project development and, of course, full repayment of the loan on time. First of all, a business plan must be correctly drawn up from a financial point of view: the bank is interested in points regarding collateral, guarantors, debt obligations, the speed of turnover and profit growth. Make a business plan honestly: you should not specifically indicate inflated income growth for the bank. The main thing is to observe systematic growth.

How to describe a business scheme for a bank

In the Banks and Credits section, the Bank asks for written explanations about the specifics of our business. given by the author Alexander Zimenko, the best answer is Hire a competent person, he will write. Only you will have to tell this person about your business, otherwise how will he write? I easily provide this service to my clients by asking a few clarifying questions in advance. Answer from 2 answersHi! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: The bank asks for written explanations about the specifics of our business.

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The business process diagram reflects its essence and mechanism of work. To create a circuit, in itself, is not very difficult. It is enough to understand what questions the scheme should answer and adhere to the creation algorithm. If you can't wait to start creating models or don't know where to start, this article is for you.

I want to remind you that before you start describing business processes, you need to establish their boundaries. A list of all the company's business processes is the platform to start with. The algorithm that I present here will be useful to those who are just going to describe business processes. For those who have been trained by me, the article will be an excellent repetition of what has been covered)))) 1 - Set the boundaries of the process Each business process begins and ends with an event. The first thing to do is label the start and end events.

Of course, any employee who has been working in a wholesale company for a long time will say that there are no organizational projects in the company, everything works by itself. This is far from true. The agency, as a consulting firm, has repeatedly had to develop business schemes in the form of organizational projects together with clients. See the site About designing business schemes. Now imagine an aspiring entrepreneur who scraped together the money for a business plan and was even able to secure investor funds.

He still has so much work ahead of him that he just doesn't realize. Therefore, in addition to the development of investment and business projects, the Agency provides services to entrepreneurs in organizing the activities of a start-up company using project management technology. The agency not only creates the necessary organizational projects, but also conducts trainings for employees on the workflow of the business being created.

Composition of the business plan The business plan should include the following sections:

  • summary (summary). It reflects the merits of the project, its profitability, methods of market penetration or expansion within it (if you need a bank loan for business development). This section comes first, but should be written last, in order to summarize the main ideas of all previous sections;
  • industry characteristic. The business concept is presented here: information about the company, its products or services (structure, market capacity, growth trends, competition, etc.). The information should be as specific as possible;
  • market research and analysis. It is better to draw up this section in the first place, since the prospects for the development of the company and the incentive to draw up a business plan depend on its indicators.

  • Categories
  • Business Law
  • I individual entrepreneur(IP), I produce lumber for construction companies. The bank asked me to provide in writing the economic meaning of conducting operations on the account, referring to the Law of 08/07/2001 No. 115-FZ cash to my personal accounts in other banks within a month in the amount of 1.3 million rubles received from counterparties for the delivered goods. I have prepared the following response: In accordance with the provisions federal law RF dated 07.08.2001 No. 115-FZ, you asked to explain in writing the economic meaning of conducting operations on your own bank accounts individual opened in other credit institutions.

Response to the bank's request about the economic meaning of operations on the IP account

We chatted with an employee, he said that the bank begins to get excited with a turnover of more than 300 thousand on all cards. Again, based on Mike's letter, a response was compiled: PJSC branch"MTS-Bank" in
Rostov-on-Don dated In response to your request No. dated 2015, I inform you the following: The bulk of the funds deposited by me into my current account are my own savings of past years, if necessary, I am ready to provide certificates in the form of 2NDFL confirming my income. You can also make a request to the credit bureaus if you have questions about my financial solvency.

The economic meaning of the operations indicated in the extract from the Internet bank as "MS VPP DEPOSIT FOR MTSBANKMOSCOW RU \ 643 \, Moscow, Moscow," This is nothing more than replenishing your bank card through your own service "Transfer from card to card" .

If, after my message, the authorized employees of your bank have doubts about any of my transactions, I ask you to immediately notify me of this by phone +7 and e-mail, and also provide a written list of transactions classified as “doubtful”. I look forward to further cooperation with your bank.
Took it to the bank, called back, asked to bring a certificate of 2-personal income tax, brought it. The cards were not blocked, we are working on. Urals Next was the bank UBRD.

The girl said that I was blocked by their security service, and I needed to bring documents. When asked which ones, she answered unexpectedly: “You better know which ones, it’s clear that you are experienced.”

Sample explanation of the economic meaning of ongoing operations sample

I'm not sure if the answer is legally competent enough, could you comment on it or supplement it?

Explanations to the bank: sample document

Minimize Victoria Dymova Support Officer Similar questions have already been discussed, try looking here:

  • How can a legal entity respond to a bank's request for an explanation of the economic meaning of account transactions?
  • What is the best way to respond to the bank's request with an explanation of the economic meaning of the operation?

Lawyers Answers (1)

  • All legal services in Moscow Assistance in obtaining a bank guarantee to secure applications under 44-FZ and 223-FZ Moscow from 15,000 rubles. Complex support of tenders Moscow from 10,000 rubles.

Explanations to the bank

Good evening, Dmitry! You should ask yourself the question on what grounds did the bank have a question for you. Each bank tries to protect itself from an unscrupulous client who can cause irreparable damage to the bank with his activities.

Therefore, the bank has reason to believe that you are engaged in illegal entrepreneurial activity. It is in your interests to provide the bank with information on the movement of funds, and explain that you do not violate the norms of the current legislation. And also for your information: From January 1, 2015, it is set out in new edition paragraph 3 of Art. 76 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, which establishes the right of the tax authority to block the taxpayer's account, as well as suspend transfers of his electronic funds, in case of failure to submit a tax return within 10 days after the deadline for filing it. Starting January 1, 2015

Banker's blog

Eleksnet, for this I get bonus miles

  • From the payment system I withdraw to the card of the bank "Obrazovanie"
  • From the card "Education" I transfer funds to the card of your bank
  • The economic meaning of transactions indicated in the extract from the Internet bank as "DEPOZIT QIWI-RTK MOSCOW RU\643\, Moscow, Moscow,"
  1. I replenish my Iglobe mile card with my money
  2. I pay by card for replenishment of the Qiwi payment system, for this I receive bonus miles
  3. Withdraw from the payment system to your bank card
  4. I cash out my money and proceed to step 1

Thus, for transactions for the amount of rubles indicated in your application, I received 25,040 Iglobe miles, which at a price of 0.4 rubles per mile (taken from the site is 10,016 rubles.
I use my bank account for its intended purpose - to carry out activities as an individual entrepreneur (IP), guided in my work by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (part two) of 01/26/1996 N 14-FZ (as amended on 05/23/2016) and other Legislative acts. I hereby inform you that the economic meaning of this operation is to transfer the funds earned by entrepreneurial activity to the household - for the purpose of personal and family consumption and business expansion.

My operations do not carry the risk of loss of business reputation for your bank, were carried out exclusively for lawful purposes, and are in no way connected with the financing of terrorism, drug addiction, prostitution and other illegal activities. I look forward to further fruitful cooperation with your bank.

Explanation of the economic meaning of ongoing operations sample


If, after my message, the authorized employees of your bank have doubts about any of my transactions, I ask you to immediately notify me of this by phone such and such and e-mail such and such, and also provide in writing a list of transactions classified as “ dubious." I look forward to further cooperation with your bank.

I took the letter to the bank, attached copies of several checks. The letter was accepted, there were no more calls and further sanctions, the card was not blocked and is still working. Tractor drivers Next was MTS Bank. An employee of the Rostov branch called me and asked me to come to the branch, where he handed me a request on a beautiful letterhead, where I was asked to explain the economic meaning of replenishing bank cards with money and through qiwi and the origin of funds in the amount of about 750,000 rubles. Filmed mostly in cash.
SB put a ban - it's all understandable because they are sitting under financial monitoring, and they have to deal with the size of sleepy operations by closing the account - they just pretend that they are fighting on a new account - it's like a new client, they play such a game at our expense, even after closing the account you as a client - you stay in the ban, and in order for this ban to be removed from you - you need to be loyal, otherwise you will never open a new account, the program will not give you a short time, they selectively choose those who agree to this game and thus allow you to get access to their services at least crookedly those who nevertheless managed to find out exactly what documents were needed had to collect statements from all banks that participated in one or another scrolling scheme. In general, I did not put up with them, I took Mike's letter to them almost word for word, as well as income statements for a couple of years.

This is the economic meaning of operations. All payments were made at the expense of my own savings, payments were made to my personal accounts and accounts in payment systems. If necessary, I am ready to provide information about accounts and phone numbers associated with them.

Operations with cards of your bank were carried out within the limits set by your bank. Thus, my operations were carried out exclusively for lawful purposes, and in no way connected with the financing of terrorism, drug addiction, prostitution and other illegal activities specified in Law No. 115-FZ. Classifying them as "suspicious" will only worsen the indicators of your bank's involvement in dubious cash and non-cash transactions and lead to the risk of loss of business reputation.

The first is to briefly and accurately formulate the name of the described process, which should be understandable and reflect the general essence of the sequence of actions that make up the business process. For example, instead of "Filing an application for the manufacture of a product into production and monitoring its execution", it is enough to name the process "Control of the production of a product." the sequence of their execution. With such a partition, the described process will be a top-level process. The level of detail of the top-level process may vary, but should be adequate to understand the audience that will use your description. 2 There are several ways to describe a business process.

Business scheme example for a bank

What are the examples of this, because it was promised that they would be? Now let's take a look at one. Imagine a map. In the very center is the main business process.
It is divided into separate components. They are accompanied by a management and support process that ensures that everything is executed as required. This will be process approach. When the work of one element is completed, its developments are transferred to the next.
Description of business processes Examples of this in a general form can be seen throughout the article. But full-fledged documentation is often comparable in thickness to small books (or even large ones if you are studying the work of a giant company).
Modeling of business processes (examples of which are also given here) requires that all operations of the enterprise be as clear and transparent as possible.

Explanations to the bank: sample document

  • Where does the business process begin and end?
  • What processes does it involve? What is exchanged?
  • What operations are performed? In what order?
  • Who performs the activities in the process?
  • What documents are used and appear in the process? In what operation are these jocuments used/appeared?
  • What tools, materials, software and databases are used in the process and in what operations?
  • What performance indicators and where exactly are recorded in the business process?

As a modeling notation, I recommend using BPMN A well-prepared diagram should be easy to understand and informative enough. real life.

Business processes: examples and description

Then a production meeting is held under the leadership of the general director, the entire package of documents is approved as an organizational project. Creation of an organizational project Position Responsibility in the company Activities for the creation of an organizational project CEO Organization of financial and economic activities Approval of the organizational project Commercial Director Supply and sale of consumer goods Selection of participants, activity schemes, work procedures CFO Planning and control of financial flows Development of a financing scheme Economist Economic calculations Development of an economic model Accounting Control of financial and economic activities Provision of standard forms financial statements, coordination of the payment scheme Lawyer Legal issues of business Preparation of contracts with participants Conclusion After the organizational project is approved, it begins to be implemented.

Algorithm for building a business process diagram

Most often it turns out that one working team is not enough. What then can be done? To fill the lack of forces, you can attract a temporary group.

It also helps to create a description of how the process functions on this moment time. At the same time, one should strive to identify all the connections between actions, and not fix the smallest details.


To avoid getting sidetracked, standard process maps and forms can be used. When developing processes, it is recommended to use the method of successive approximations.

In other words, it is necessary to repeat the cycle of improvement actions until an acceptable result is obtained.

Business scheme

The most popular of them is graphical, using diagrams made in various notations (notation is a set of symbols for denoting something). The most common types of notations for describing business processes are IDEF0, BPMN, EPC (ARIS), etc. As an example, let's take a look at a diagram made in BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation) using the PowerDesigner CASE tool (Fig. 1). The main elements in the diagram are: 1. "Process" (function) - a rectangle rounded at the corners; 2.

Transition" - an arrow connecting processes; 3. "Decision" - a diamond containing a question that can only be answered with "Yes" or "No"; 4. Conditions - text expressions under which the transition from one function to another is carried out.

Conditions are always enclosed in square brackets.

How to write a quality business plan that will be approved by the bank

The structure of the business plan The business plan should be drawn up in such a way that all indicators of the company's activities are considered to the maximum extent, and the creditor (that is, a bank employee who considers the application and is not familiar with the business) can form an objective opinion about the goals of the activity and the reliability of the business . Mandatory sections of the BP:

  • Summary: description in summary the goals and objectives of the project, the sources of its financing, the main consumers and the range of products.

    A step-by-step plan for describing a business process

    The summary should be of interest to the expert and contain the main parameters of the project under consideration. The resume should be as concise as possible (1 page).

  • Description of the business idea. In this section, it is important to conduct a so-called SWOT analysis, which considers all the opportunities and threats for the business, as well as its strengths and weaknesses.

Business scheme example for bank construction company

We write to the bank an explanation of plush transactions - plushki su

Similar notifications about activities as advertising either. I went in an explanatory letter to the bank about the activities of the standard. On the one hand, those who work on a simplified tax system and pay income tax do not have to keep track of expenses.

I used their card to withdraw ale, I used it infrequently, very evenly, since I had already heard about frequent blocking.
standard information letter on the activities of the company. A letter explaining the purpose of withdrawing foreign currency from rs legal. The main activity of the organization is

Business letters

Please help me write a good letter to the labor inspectorate. 3 and 4, a letter was drawn up stating that the declaration of SP for. the greatest sanctions that may threaten us with the refusal of the bank to work with us. We chatted with an employee, said that the bank begins to get excited with a turnover of more than 300 thousand on all cards.

The bank requires documents referring to its favorite 115-fz - forum

The financial monitoring department that detects these operations is not earning money, people sit on naked salaries, but if there are bonuses, then they are fixed (like the 13th). so as not to explain each transaction, you can inform the bank in advance that it is unchanged. A letter to the bank stating that cash is normal and. This article applies for failure to appear at the tax authority, and not for refusing to give explanations, which directs attention and the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation itself (see I ask you to help write a letter of request to the official portal of local governments. Banks have begun to show enthusiasm for the legality of clients' income and include the question of sources of funds in questionnaires.

Banks ask organizations for details on many transactions. So what are you actually accusing me of and what are you referring to?

Banks and anti-money laundering legislation banks ru

So what exactly are you accusing me of and what are you referring to? You are reading between the lines! There, besides the law, there are still a lot of by-laws! I don't have the desire or time to do it. Mention the position you are applying for and how you heard about it, the source of the information. Even if there is no such condition in the contract, then, as practice shows, the bank's security service requires documents within the framework of 115-FZ.

In what cases is one day of rest granted, in which cases two days of rest? Hello! For example, I ask you to provide clarification on the application of Art. If you don't like our bank, choose another one! Oh how! This is a statement by the head of the financial monitoring department of inresbank LLC, to paraphrase, as I understand it, my word is the law, if you think differently, I don’t care, if you don’t like it, get out. After talking with fellow hobbyists, armed as a template (thanks to my friend Boris from Volgograd for the link), I wrote a letter of the following content from the bank considering the issue of settling the relationship between the bank and the client upon the fact that the client has carried out operations that may carry the risk of losing business for the bank reputation. Most often with information letters promote the activities of organizations, products, published literature.

The principle of business management using the business model of the enterprise is shown.
But any practicing businessman will say that the existence of such a model is completely insufficient for real activity. And he will be right!

Today we will focus on more issues than modeling material and financial flows.

This is the development of business schemes and the description of these schemes in the form of legal and accounting documents.

This package of documents differs in content from investment project, this is an activity organization project or organizational project.

The need for organizational projects arises very often.

Consider the features of creating an organizational project using a specific example.

The Commercial Director of the Wholesale Company has received an offer from the Supplier for the supply of consumer goods (consumer goods) with a deferred payment. In total, the Supplier plans to supply 12,000 pcs. Consumer goods, such as electric kettles, at a price of 1000 rubles / piece. in batches of 4000 pieces / month. Deferred payment for each batch of 3 months. The commercial director knows that his company sells such teapots at a price of 2000 rubles per piece. He agrees to enter into a supply contract.

We need to develop an organizational project for this deal.


To begin with, we must identify all the real participants.
In addition to the Supplier and the Wholesaler, the transaction includes Buyers and a company providing warehouse services.

Supplier: delivers consumer goods to the Wholesaler, receives payment for the supplied consumer goods

Wholesale company: receives consumer goods from the Supplier, repays them, sells consumer goods to Buyers, pays for warehouse services for storing consumer goods

Buyers: Purchase and pay for consumer goods from the Wholesale Company

Warehouse: Provides services to the Wholesale Company for the storage of consumer goods, receives payment for the services rendered

Operating procedure

When the scheme of activity is created, it is necessary to describe the sequence of actions for the implementation of the transaction. At the same time, we write down all the numerical values ​​\u200b\u200bthat we know.

1. The supplier and the wholesaler enter into a contract for the supply of consumer goods
in the amount of 12,000 pcs.

Delivery is made in batches of 4,000 pieces, 1 batch per month.
The cost of consumer goods - 1000 rubles / piece.

2. The wholesaler rents additional warehouse space. The cost of the rent is 0.2 million rubles per month.

3. A wholesaler sells consumer goods to customers. Sales plan 1500 pcs/month

Sale price - 2000 rubles / piece.

5. The wholesaler pays the Supplier according to the schedule.
Payment schedule: 4 months - 4.0 million rubles, 5 months - 4.0 million rubles, 6 months - 4.0 million rubles.

economic modeling

Then we describe the material and financial flows and create an economic model of the transaction. Then we will be able to determine whether the Wholesaler can pay for the supply of consumer goods on time.

Supply of consumer goods

Name Unit rev. 1 month 2 months 3 months 4 months 5 months 6 months 7 months 8 months 9 months Total
Supply PCS. 4000 4000 4000 12000
Price rub./piece 1000 1000 1000
Total supply million rubles 4,0 4,0 4,0 12,0

Sale of consumer goods

Name Unit rev. 1 month 2 months 3 months 4 months 5 months 6 months 7 months 8 months 9 months Total
Sale PCS. 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 12000
Price rub./piece 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Total sale million rubles 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 12,0
Total sale million rubles 3,0 6,0 9,0 12,0 15,0 18,0 21,0 24,0


Name Unit rev. 1 month 2 months 3 months 4 months 5 months 6 months 7 months 8 months 9 months Total
Supply PCS. 4000 4000 4000 12000
Sale PCS. 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 12000
Remainder PCS. 2500 5000 7500 6000 4500 3000 1500 0
Rent payment million rubles 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2

Financial flows

Name Unit rev. 1 month 2 months 3 months 4 months 5 months 6 months 7 months 8 months 9 months Total
Payment of consumer goods million rubles 4,0 4,0 4,0
Proceeds from the sale of consumer goods million rubles 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0
Warehouse payment million rubles 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2
At the end of the period million rubles 2,8 2,8 2,8 -1,2 -1,2 -1,2 2,8 2,8
Cash flow million rubles 2,8 5,6 8,4 7,2 6,0 4,8 7,6 10,4 10,4

Cash flow is always positive. This means that there will be enough money from the sale of consumer goods to pay the Supplier on time.

Everything that we have described can be issued in the form of one document.

A document that describes:
- Members
- scheme of activity
- work procedure
- economic modeling
can be considered as a detailed feasibility study or a small business project for obtaining a loan.

For a real transaction, the development of an adequate document flow is also required.

Document flow

We will draw a new scheme, taking into account all the documents necessary for the implementation of activities.
As you can see, the workflow scheme is more complex than the activity scheme.

Three large blocks are visible on it, showing the relationship of the Wholesaler with other participants.

The basis of interaction is an agreement between the Wholesaler and:
- Supplier
- Buyers
- Warehouse

Let's take a closer look at these blocks.

Contract Wholesale Supplier

The contract for the supply of consumer goods is concluded between the Supplier and the Wholesaler.
The amount of the contract is 12.0 million rubles. Valid for at least 6 months. The contract should fix the schedule of payments for delivered consumer goods.

Each batch of consumer goods is transferred according to the Transfer and Acceptance Certificate.
Payment for each batch of consumer goods is drawn up by the Protocol.

After paying for the last batch, it is necessary to draw up a protocol of mutual settlements and sign an act on the implementation of the contract.

Interaction Wholesaler-Buyers

A purchase agreement between the Buyer and the Wholesaler is not required.

The buyer who wants to purchase consumer goods receives an Invoice.

After its payment, he draws up invoices for the receipt of consumer goods. The commercial department of the wholesale company draws them up in the amount of 3 copies.
The buyer goes to the warehouse. In the warehouse, he receives consumer goods and 1 copy. issued invoice.
Of the 2 remaining invoices, one remains in the warehouse for reporting, the other is transferred to the accounting department of the Wholesale Company.

Agreement Wholesale company-Warehouse

The wholesale company and the Warehouse enter into an Agreement for the provision of safekeeping services.
On the basis of the concluded agreement, the Wholesaler transfers the consumer goods to the Warehouse for storage. The transfer of consumer goods is fixed by the Transfer and Acceptance Act.

On a monthly basis, the Warehouse issues an invoice to the Wholesale Company for safekeeping services. The invoice is issued in advance, for the next month. The wholesaler pays the Invoice.

At the end of the month, the Warehouse and the Wholesale Firm sign an acceptance certificate for the delivery of work for the amount of services rendered.

In addition, the Warehouse provides the Wholesale Firm with a monthly report on the actual issued consumer goods.

organizational project

The described interaction of participants in this transaction is rather conditional. There may be differences from this interaction options.

In a real company, any business scheme involves the coordinated work of several responsible employees of the company, related to the preparation of the necessary documents.

Then a production meeting is held under the leadership of the general director, the entire package of documents is approved as an organizational project.

Creation of an organizational project

Position Responsibility in the company Activities to create an organizational project
CEO Organization of financial and economic activities Organizational project approval
Commercial Director Supply and sale of consumer goods Selection of participants, activity schemes, work procedures
CFO Planning and control of financial flows Development of a financing scheme
Economist Economic calculations Development of an economic model
Accounting Control of financial and economic activities Provision of standard accounting forms, coordination of payment schemes
Lawyer Business Legal Issues Preparation of contracts with participants


After the organizational project is approved, it begins to be implemented.

Of course, any employee who has been working in a wholesale company for a long time will say that there are no organizational projects in the company, everything works by itself.

This is far from true. The agency, as a consulting firm, has repeatedly had to develop business schemes together with clients, designed in the form of organizational projects.
Look at the website

Now imagine an aspiring entrepreneur who scraped together the money for a business plan and was even able to secure investor funds. He still has so much work ahead of him that he just doesn't realize.

Therefore, in addition to the development of investment and business projects, the Agency provides services to entrepreneurs in

The agency not only creates the necessary organizational projects, but also conducts trainings for employees on the workflow of the business being created.