Presentation "Health Kaleidoscope" Purpose: Formation of motivation in children for healthy lifestyle skills, through the traditions and values ​​of culture in the field of health. Presentation on physical culture on the topic "the formation and motivation of a healthy lifestyle in m

Presentation “Health Kaleidoscope” Purpose: Formation of motivation skills in children healthy lifestyle life, through the traditions and values ​​of culture in the field of health. Completed by: Skorobogatko Elena Alexandrovna The health of a child is above all, The wealth of the earth will not replace him Health cannot be bought, no one will sell Take care of him, like a heart, like an eye.

Objectives To form the need for a healthy lifestyle. To form the idea of ​​children about the dependence of health, on physical activity and hardening. Cultivate a conscious attitude to one's own health and use the available ways to strengthen it. To bring to the attention of children that physical activity is one of the sources of good health. To expand children's ideas and knowledge about the variety of physical and sports exercises. To acquaint children with the importance of vitamins and minerals in human life, to consolidate the idea of ​​the spiritual and moral foundations of health.

A healthy lifestyle is the basis for the harmonious development of the child, and, more than in more early age healthy habits and routines begin to be instilled in a person, the more effective the upbringing of a healthy lifestyle becomes. the upbringing of a healthy lifestyle

Organized motor activity in kindergarten Morning gymnastics (daily) Physical education (2 times a week) Outdoor games on the first and second walks (daily) Independent motor activity with various physical training aids: - in the morning - after breakfast - on a walk - after sleep - on the second walk Basic and play activity Hardening: - Wellness walks, daily - Washing with cool water before meals, after each contamination of the hands - Rinsing the mouth after each meal and after sleeping with water at room temperature (cool) - Air baths after sleep, in physical education class - Walking barefoot in normal conditions and along ribbed paths after sleep, in physical education classes (time increases gradually)

Nutrition The nutrition of a preschool child should be: First, complete, containing proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, and water in the required quantities. Secondly, diverse, consist of products of plant and animal origin. The more diverse the set of products included in the menu, the more fully the need for food is satisfied. Thirdly, benign - do not contain harmful impurities and pathogenic microbes. Food should be not only tasty, but also safe. Fourthly, sufficient in volume and calorie content to induce a feeling of satiety. The food received by a preschooler should not only cover the energy he expends, but also provide the material necessary for the growth and development of the body.

How to organize an active lifestyle for a child. According to the Ministry of Health, children and adolescents should do at least 60 minutes of physical activity per day. Of course, this does not mean that the child should go to the sports section every day, it is enough to go for a walk with the child or ride bicycles, play any outdoor games. Moreover, joint games with a child allow you to spend more time with your child.

How to provide for a child proper nutrition Half of the child's diet should consist of non-starchy vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, cabbage, broccoli, spinach, legumes, etc.) A quarter of the child's diet should contain starchy foods (whole grain bread, potatoes, corn, peas , cereals, rice, etc.) The rest of the diet should contain lean meat (chicken, turkey, fish or lean beef). To this, add fruit and non-fat milk.

How many hours a day should a child sleep. Good sleep is as much an integral part of a healthy lifestyle as nutrition and exercise. A child who gets enough rest tends to be happier and healthier than their sleep-deprived peers. Children in preschool age should sleep 9-10 hours a day School-age children and adolescents should sleep at least 8-9 hours a day.

"Lifestyle and Health" - Well, everyone knows that alcohol destroys the liver. Without such notions social work defective. Social aspects of health and healthy lifestyle. Rejection bad habits. Behavioral factors affecting health: Rational nutrition. Moreover, most patients with acute myocardial infarction die without waiting for medical help.

"Formation of a healthy lifestyle" - Formation of a healthy lifestyle: Positive orientation in education. Identification of cause-and-effect relationships in the Health and Lifestyle system. Rational daily routine. Sequential process of knowledge formation. Interdisciplinary school program "Health" instead of an independent subject (health lessons).

"About a healthy lifestyle" - Laughter does not lag behind us! If you want to be smart - run! "Formation of a healthy lifestyle". For sports there are no borders and distances! I choose life! If you want to be strong, run! Sport gives happiness of friendship and love! "FOOD is an important source of energy and strength for a person." Hardening! -wiping with snow -contrast shower -swim in the winter in the hole.

"Healthy lifestyle at school" - Cosiness, comfort of school premises favor the positive emotional mood of students. Hockey. School of Healthy Lifestyle. Expansion of the network of sports sections and circles. The health of the younger generation is the most topical issue. Material and technical base for a healthy lifestyle.

"The life of a healthy person" - Healthy spine. A point above the inner ankle (for beauty). A newborn young soul gives birth to a young healthy strong head. Keep refrigerated. “Newborn youth flows into my face. Chin to chest - turning the head to the side - carefully !!! My new face is born new - newborn.

"Components of human health" - The attitude of different people to the preservation and promotion of health. World Health Organization definition. ? Social welfare. Spiritual components of a healthy lifestyle. Physical well-being. What is well-being, happiness? Spiritual. What is health? Contradiction. Social components of a healthy lifestyle.

In total there are 34 presentations in the topic

Target : develop a set of activities that motivate schoolchildren to a healthy lifestyle.

Hypothesis: it is possible to develop a set of activities that motivate schoolchildren to a healthy lifestyle.

Tasks :

1) find out what the term "health" means;

2) find out the level of health status of schoolchildren in Russia at the present time;

3) conduct a survey, on the basis of which to analyze the attitude of schoolchildren to their health;

4) to analyze the concept of a healthy lifestyle and its components;

5) find out what the term "motivation" means

6) develop a set of measures.

Relevance : according to official statistics, at present in our country the commitment of citizens to a healthy lifestyle is extremely low. The spread of bad habits among the younger generation and the deterioration of the health of Russians associated with non-compliance with the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle require the search for effective measures to form the motivation for health-saving behavior. The health of the younger generation determines the level of development of society. Assessing the health of children today, we get a forecast of the country's well-being for the future.

Working process .

1. Working with various sources, we analyze the concept of "health".

The concept of health is defined differently by different specialists. Physiologists believe that health is a person's ability to optimal social activity when maximum duration life.

The 1948 constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”.

According to V.P. Kaznacheev (1978), health is a process of preservation and development of physiological, biological and mental functions, optimal labor and social activity with a maximum duration of an active creative life.

A. G. Shchedrina offers the following formulation: “Health is a holistic multidimensional dynamic state (including its positive and negative indicators) that develops ... in a specific social and environmental environment and allows a person ... to carry out his biological and social functions.”

Thus, health is the main value of life, it occupies the highest level in the hierarchy of human needs. Health is one of the most important components of human happiness and one of the leading conditions for a successful social and economic development. Realization of the intellectual, moral, spiritual, physical and reproductive potential is possible only in a healthy society.

2. We find out the level of health of schoolchildren in Russia at the present time, using material from reliable sources.

The state of health of the younger generation in our country is a serious state problem, on the solution of which the further economic and social well-being of society largely depends. Negative shifts, first of all, in the state of health of children and adolescents have acquired a stable character.

Official statistics continue to ominously testify to the deterioration in the health of students in schools.

Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents SCCH RAMS notes that the characteristics of negative changes in children's health during last years are the following:

  1. A significant decrease in the number of absolutely healthy children. Thus, among students their number does not exceed 10-12%.
  2. The rapid increase in the number of functional disorders and chronic diseases. Over the past 10 years, in all age groups, the frequency of functional disorders has increased by 1.5 times, chronic diseases - by 2 times. Half of schoolchildren aged 7–9 and more than 60% of high school students have chronic diseases.
  3. Changes in the structure of chronic pathology. The proportion of diseases of the digestive system doubled, 4 times the share of diseases of the musculoskeletal system (scoliosis, osteochondrosis, complicated forms of flat feet), and kidney diseases tripled.
  4. Increasing the number of students with multiple diagnoses. Schoolchildren aged 7–8 years have an average of 2 diagnoses, 10–11 years old have 3 diagnoses, 16–17 years old have 3–4 diagnoses, and 20% of high school students have a history of 5 or more functional disorders and chronic diseases.

There are several reasons for this situation and many of them are related to the school. The main school-related risk factors for the formation of the health of schoolchildren, first of all, include non-compliance with sanitary and epidemiological well-being in educational institutions, malnutrition, non-compliance with hygienic standards for study and rest, sleep and exposure to air. Volume curricula, their informative saturation often does not correspond to the functional and age capabilities of schoolchildren. Up to 80% of students constantly or periodically experience academic stress. All this, combined with a decrease in the duration of sleep and walks, a decrease in physical activity, has a negative impact on the developing organism. Also, low physical activity is detrimental to health. Its deficit is already 35-40 percent in the lower grades, and 75-85 percent among high school students.

To a large extent, the unfavorable health of schoolchildren arises from an insufficient level of literacy in matters of preserving and strengthening the health of the students themselves and their parents. In addition, a significant reason for the deterioration in the health of schoolchildren (high school students) is harmful factors- smoking, alcohol.

3. We conduct a survey of schoolchildren and, based on the answers received, analyze their attitude to their health.

Self-preservation motivation.

Operates primarily when there is a significant health problem or dangerous circumstances. An allergic person who has suffered anaphylactic shock is unlikely to eat chocolate if he clearly remembers that it was this product that caused the life-threatening condition. No matter how tasty the delicacy is, it will not become a temptation for such a person.

It is the motivation of self-preservation that can be decisive for refusing to use drugs. If a child knows from childhood about the frequency of "young" deaths among drug addicts, then this can be a strong motivating force.

However, attempts to unreasonably use the self-preservation motivation can only bring harm: a parent who talks about the mortal danger of smoking will not be able to “fool” the child for a long time: having seen how many people different ages smokes and continues to drive active life, the student will only lose confidence in the parent, and this will make further educational efforts useless. Speaking about the dangers of smoking, it is better to focus on the addiction itself, as a loss of freedom, and on the health problems of smokers.

It should also be remembered that the motivation for self-preservation in children is relatively low: children often “wear rose-colored glasses” and are sure that nothing terrible can happen to them.

Motivation to obey the rules of society.

The child, as well as the majority of adults, has a hard time accepting the state of rejection of his personality by the people around him. This, for example, is the basis for the implementation of many hygiene procedures.

It is thanks to this type of motivation that the environment of the child can have a significant impact on his lifestyle. This becomes most significant in adolescence, when schoolchildren, communicating in close companies, adopt each other's habits and preferences. In this regard, a company with pronounced sports attitudes can be an excellent basis for the formation of a healthy lifestyle for a student.

1. Pleasure motivation.

The pleasure of a healthy body is a strong incentive to adhere to the rules of a healthy lifestyle. A sick child cannot run and play as much as he wants, and this motivates him to the right behavior aimed at a speedy recovery.

2. Motivation of socialization.

The desire to occupy a higher stage in society can have a double meaning. In the company of an antisocial type, a teenager begins to smoke and drink beer only in order to be "their own". But in a situation of positive communication, a teenager strives to achieve the best physical shape and self-improvement.

3. Sexual motivation.

Relevant for high school and middle school students. Trying to make your body more attractive, as well as caring for sexual strength (in boys) can be a decisive motivating factor in a healthy lifestyle.

Creation of attractive material conditions.

Buy funny toothbrushes with the image of a cartoon character, buy beautiful clothes and accessories for sports, choose a sports section in a modern sports and health center, cook tasty and visually attractive healthy food - everything that is beautiful, pleasing to the eyes, hearing and touch can become an additional (but not the main) incentive for a healthy lifestyle.

A teacher plays an important role in motivating a healthy lifestyle for a child. students spend most of their time studying. Therefore, every teacher should have the knowledge and skills that can help guide children on the path to a healthy lifestyle. It can be done different ways, for example, solving problems about health in mathematics lessons, studying fiction about health in literature lessons, holding extracurricular activities aimed at showing students what non-compliance with healthy lifestyle rules can lead to, organizing sports events dedicated to healthy lifestyles.

Conclusion: thus, we managed to develop a set of activities that motivate schoolchildren to a healthy lifestyle, that is, the hypothesis has been proven.


Factors affecting the health of the student. ENDOGENIC (internal): 1. Age features of the student's development; 2. Sex differences between boys and girls; 3. Hereditary genetic: -associated with body type, temperament, etc.; - individual. 4. History of the child's development: -developmental disorders; - past illnesses and injuries.

Daily routine For children from 4 to 7 years old (preschoolers) Rise Breakfast before Procedures, walk Lunch before Quiet time Afternoon snack Music lessons, walk, leisure activities Dinner Quiet activities, leisure activities Evening procedures Lights out

For children from 7 to 8 years old (junior school student) 7-00 Waking up and getting up Morning exercises, tempering procedures (dousing, showering), washing, dressing, making the bed Road to school (walk) Training sessions at school, breakfast at recess, extracurricular activities, social work Road from school (walk) Lunch Afternoon rest, sleep (for children 7 years old) Being outdoors, walking, outdoor games and entertainment (skiing, skating, sledding, round shoes, etc. e.) Preparing lessons Staying in the open air Dinner and free activities (drawing, designing, embroidery, reading literature), helping the family Getting ready for bed, putting clothes, shoes in order, airing the room Sleep

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Health and lifestyle monitoring

2 is a complex system of dynamic monitoring of changes in the health status and lifestyle of children to identify critical deviations that require certain intervention and the implementation of psycho-physiological, medical-preventive and socio-economic measures in order to form motivation for a healthy lifestyle and disease prevention.

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3 Monitoring technology is a set of techniques, methods, ways of collecting and analyzing information, as well as a sequence of actions that contribute to the achievement of the ultimate goal

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Monitoring principles

4 1. Standardization of terminology, indicators, methods. 2. Structuring indicators (basic, additional, complex). 3. Staged management. 4. Unification of information support (use of a single information support). 5. Rationality (organization in priority areas). 6. Efficiency and efficiency (focus on realistically achievable results).

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Main tasks of monitoring

5 Organization of long-term monitoring of the health and lifestyle of children and adolescents. Creation unified system monitoring with a unified methodological approach and software. Analysis of incoming information based on the state statistical reporting, results of preventive medical examinations, research and health center data. Identification of cause-and-effect relationships in the Health and Lifestyle system. Adoption management decisions(development of targeted programs) on hygiene education and the formation of motivation for a healthy lifestyle (HLS). Evaluation of the effectiveness of the formation of a healthy lifestyle according to the principle feedback.

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Monitoring model

6 IAPS - information and analytical subsystem IAPS "Lifestyle" IAPS "Management decisions"

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Trends in Russian public health for the period up to 2015

7 1. Stabilization of morbidity in children at a high level. Further change in the structure of morbidity due to an increase in the proportion of mental disorders, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and digestive organs. 2. Negative changes in physical development. An increase in the proportion of children with underweight and short stature, especially among girls 14-15 years old. 3. A further increase in mortality in adolescence (especially among young men) due to injuries, poisoning, and suicides. 4. Increase in the general disability of the child population due to congenital anomalies, diseases nervous system and mental disorders.

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8 This trend is due to the presence of a dangerous lifestyle for children and adolescents. The creation of a system for monitoring health and the formation of a healthy lifestyle is the most important medical and social task, the solution of which will allow developing a regional targeted prevention program on a scientific basis and monitoring the effectiveness of its implementation based on the feedback principle.

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9 The state of health of children and adolescents Medical criteria for assessing the health of an individual Medical criteria for assessing the health of the children's team Physical development Disability The presence or absence of chronic diseases The level of development of the main functional systems The degree of resistance of the organism The achieved level of physical development and the degree of its harmony

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Management decisions

10 They consist in the development and implementation of targeted programs for hygienic education and the formation of a healthy lifestyle in order to preserve and strengthen the health of the child population.

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11 The target program is a systematized statement of the goal, objectives, list of proposed activities for the formation of a healthy lifestyle in order to preserve and improve the health of students in conditions educational institution.

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Model for monitoring the state of health and the formation of a healthy lifestyle

12 Morbidity Physical development Healthy nutrition Optimal physical activity Rational daily routine Personal and public hygiene Gender behavior Health status Healthy lifestyle components Demographic indicators Causal relationships Hygienic education Disability Adaptation level Absence of bad habits

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13 The effectiveness of the formation of a healthy lifestyle is assessed by: Age dynamics of changes in health indicators and healthy lifestyle indicators (5, 7, 12, 16 and 18 years). 2. Degrees of achievement of the final goal (feedback principle).

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Algorithm of actions of a specialist during monitoring

14 collection of information about the health and lifestyle of children and adolescents; statistical processing; primary analysis; highlighting critical changes; advancement of a working hypothesis of cause-and-effect relationships; search for priority risk factors; development of targeted programs for hygienic education and the formation of a healthy lifestyle; implementation of target programs and correction of risk factors; assessment of the effectiveness of the formation of a healthy lifestyle on the basis of feedback.

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15 A systematic approach to assessing the health status and lifestyle of children. Accounting for critical age periods at the stage of maturation of the child's body in order to determine priorities for the development of measures for the formation of a healthy lifestyle. 3. The use of prenosological diagnostic methods for early detection of deviations in the health status of children in order to make timely management decisions to preserve and strengthen their health and develop a healthy lifestyle. Main features of child population monitoring technology

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Hygienic education is a system of specially organized transfer from generation to generation of social experience and a way of forming attitudes, beliefs and skills that motivate the sphere of behavior of a child (adolescent) in the field of preserving and strengthening both their own health and the health of others.

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Model of hygienic education of children

17 Interest awakening Family and community support Psychomotor skills KNOWLEDGE BELIEFS Conscious behavior Systematic learning Consequence analysis Health motivation

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Principles of hygienic education of children

18 An integrated approach to the education of healthy lifestyles. The sequence of educational actions (algorithm). Availability of information. Positive orientation in education. Accounting for age and sex characteristics. Use of innovative technologies.

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Sequential process of knowledge formation

19 1 2 3 4 5 6 - evaluation, i.e. comparison of knowledge with given criteria - synthesis, i.e. consciousness of new information - analysis, i.e. decomposition of the whole into parts - application, i.e. ability to use - understanding, i.e. interpretation and transmission to others - memorization, i.e. memory storage

22 acquisition of knowledge about a healthy lifestyle; formation of motivation - "I want to be healthy"; conscious behavior - "I do everything to be healthy."

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Features of innovative technology of hygienic education

23 Comprehensive problem solving in structuring the forms, methods and means of education in the system "family - educational institution - society". Interdisciplinary school program "Health" instead of an independent subject (health lessons). Active involvement of students in the process of forming a healthy lifestyle instead of edifying education (“no smoking”). Accounting for dominant needs in critical age periods. Monitoring of behavioral factors and their correction based on the feedback principle, creating a self-developing process of motivation formation.

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24 Children's way of life depends not so much on the educational institution, but on socio-economic conditions and on the system of hygienic education in the family and in society. But it is necessary to start the process of forming motivation for a healthy lifestyle from an educational institution, where it is necessary to combine the efforts of teachers, educators, doctors, parents and the public on the issues of preserving and strengthening both their own health and the health of others.

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25 Thank you for your attention!

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