Ways and methods of improving the management system of the organization. Thesis: Fundamentals of improving enterprise management

Introduction …………………………………………………………….…………..3

Chapter 1. System approach………………………………………………………..6

1.1. Formation of a systematic approach to management…………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ...................6

1.2.System concepts……………………. …………………………….…..nine

1.3. Variables and a systematic approach …………………………………………….12

Chapter 2. Methods for the study of system management…………………………………………………………………………………………14 2.1. General characteristics of the methods…………………………………………... 14

2.2. Methods based on the use of knowledge and intuition of specialists ……………………………………………………………………………..………...16

2.3. Methods of formalized representation of control systems ………...20

2.4. Methods for researching information flows …………………....…23

Chapter 3. Ways to improve system management…………………...28

3.1.System analysis ……….……………………………………………………..28

3.2. Improving system management……………………….…….31


List of used literature……………………………………………...39

Applications ……………………………………………………………………..40


Management is an independent type of professionally carried out activity aimed at achieving the intended goals in market conditions through the rational use of material and labor resources using the principles and methods of the economic mechanism of management. Management - management in a market, market economy means: Orientation of the company to demand and market needs, to the needs of specific consumers and the organization of production of those types of products that are in demand and can bring the company the intended profit; Constant striving to improve production efficiency, to obtain optimal results at lower costs; Economic independence, ensuring freedom of decision-making who is responsible for the final results of the company or its divisions; Constant adjustment of goals and programs depending on the state of the market; Identification of the final result of the company or its economic self-sufficiency solid units in the market in the process of exchange; The need to use a modern information base with computer technology for multivariate calculations when making reasonable and optimal decisions. The content of the concept of "management" can be considered as a science and practice of management, as an organization of company management and as a process of making managerial decisions .Under the scientific foundations of management is understood the system of scientific knowledge, which constitutes the theoretical basis of management practice, provides management practice with scientific recommendations. The science of management was developed in the works of domestic scientists - D. M. Gvishiani, G. Kh. Popov, A. V. Popov, A. G. Aganbegyan, Yu. P. Vasiliev, A. I. Anchishkin and in the works of foreign authors – A. Fayol, P. Drucker, M. H. Mescon, H. Wolfgant and others. The first stage of the methodology of scientific management is the analysis of the content of the work and the definition of its main components. Then the need for systematic use of incentives was substantiated in order to interest workers in increasing labor productivity and increasing production volume. The authors of works on scientific management put forward and substantiated the following scientific positions: the use of scientific analysis to determine the best ways to achieve goals and solve specific problems; the importance of selecting workers most suitable for performing specific tasks and ensuring their training; the need to provide workers with the resources required for effective tasks. In foreign management science, four major concepts have developed that have made a significant contribution to the development of modern management theory and practice. These are the concepts of: scientific management; administrative management; management from the standpoint of psychology and human relations; management from the standpoint of the science of behavior. In modern conditions, there are three scientific approaches to management: an approach to management as a process; a systematic approach; situational approach. In my term paper, I will take a closer look at a systematic approach to production management. A systematic approach suggests that managers should consider the organization as a set of interdependent elements, such as people, structure, tasks and technology, which are focused on achieving various goals in conditions changing external environment. The objectives of the course work are: 1. deepening, consolidating and expanding knowledge of management; 2. development of skills and abilities of independent work with sources of scientific information;3. the formation and consolidation of experience in the practical application of theoretical knowledge. The objectives of the study of the course work are: 1. Substantiation of a systematic approach to managing an organization; 2. The value of a systematic approach to management;3. Ways and means of improving management. Research objectives: 1. Identification of the essence, structure, principles of functioning of a systematic approach to management;2. substantiation of factors and conditions for the effective functioning of a systematic approach; 3. Development of scientific and practical recommendations. The methodological basis was the works of domestic and foreign experts in the field of management, such as M. Kh. Meskon, M. Albert, F. Hedouri, V. V. Travin, V. A. Dyatlov, I. N. Gerchikov and others.


1.1 Formation of a systematic approach to management

Strengthening the interconnectedness of all aspects of the organization's activities (production, financial, marketing, social, environmental, etc.), as well as the expansion, complication and intensification of both internal and external relations led to the formation in the middle of the 20th century of the so-called systems approach to management.

He considers the organization as an integral set of various activities and elements that are in contradictory unity and in interconnection with the external environment, involves taking into account the influence of all factors affecting it, and focuses on the relationships between its elements.

In accordance with it, managerial actions do not just functionally follow from each other (the process approach emphasized this), but all, without exception, have both direct and indirect effects on each other. By virtue of this change in one link of the organization inevitably cause changes in the rest, and ultimately in it as a whole.

Therefore, each leader, when making his own decisions, must take into account their impact on the overall results, and the main goal of management is to integrate the elements of the organization, to find mechanisms for maintaining its integrity.

One of the representatives of the system approach, who first considered the enterprise as a social system, was an American researcher. C. Barnard(1887-1961), served for two decades as president of the New York Bell Telephone Company. He outlined his ideas in the books "Functions of the Administrator" (1938), "Organization and Management" (1948), etc.

According to Barnard, the physical and biological limitations inherent in people force them to unite in order to achieve goals in concerted groups (social systems). Any such system, he believed, can be divided into two parts: an organization (a system of consciously coordinated activities of two or more persons), which includes only the interaction of people, and other elements.

Any organization, according to Barnard, is hierarchical (this is its main feature), unites individuals who have a conscious common goal, who are ready to cooperate.

with each other, to contribute to the common cause, to submit to a single authority. All

organizations (with the exception of the state and the Church) Barnard considered as private.

Barnard's organizations can be formal or informal. Each formal organization includes: a) a system of functioning; b) a system of incentives that encourage people to contribute to group activities; c) a system of power (authority), which inclines the members of the group to agree with the decisions of the administration; d) a system of logical decision making.

The head of a formal organization must ensure the activity of its most important links, take full responsibility for the actions of subordinates, maintain internal communications, formulate goals, find a balance between opposing forces and events, the contribution of people and the satisfaction of their needs. one

People will cooperate effectively with an organization if they benefit from it. Therefore, the first duty of the leader is to manage incentives for activity, because orders are perceived only in certain areas.

The purpose of the informal organization, according to Barnard, is to spread

unofficial information; maintaining the stability of the formal organization; ensuring the personal safety of employees, self-respect, independence from official management.

Based on a systems approach, Barnard developed the concept social

corporate liability, in accordance with which management must take into account the consequences of decisions made and be responsible for them to society and the individual.

In 1956 T. Pearson defined the organization as a complex social system (combined actions and interconnected behavior of subjects), which is focused on achieving goals and, in turn, contributes to the implementation of the goals of larger organizations.

Organization subsystems are: formal and informal structures, statuses, roles, physical environment. The core here is the formal structure.

These elements are connected by communication, balancing and decision making.

1. Communication is understood as a method by which actions are called up in various parts of the system, control and coordination are ensured. The communication system forms the configuration, the structure of the organization.

2. Balancing is considered as a mechanism for stabilizing the organizational whole, its adaptation to changing conditions in order to harmonize the needs and attitudes of individuals and the requirements of the organization.

3 The decision-making process is an important means of regulation and governance.

Together, this is defined as an organizational system, the main integrating factor of which is the goal, and the stabilizing factor is the institutional standards that determine the roles of participants.

Within the framework of the systems approach, numerous quantitative theories management. The impetus for this was the emergence and widespread use of cybernetics, general systems theory, operations research and other mathematical methods. Proponents of these theories, relying on formalized descriptions various situations, tried using mathematical modeling to find optimal solutions to the problems facing the organization.

Improving the personnel management system is an important step in improving business efficiency in modern conditions. The slogan "Personnel decides everything" has always been an important element in the organization of any company, enterprise, firm. Quite often it happens that all measures for technical re-equipment have been taken, but there is no tangible progress, and this is determined by errors in the process management. Analysis and improvement of the personnel management system allows solving many accumulated problems and directing the business in the right direction. Ways to improve personnel management at the present stage are becoming the subject of research for many world centers, which makes it easier to choose the direction of forming an integral system.

The need for reorganization

An important task of the management of any company is to conduct a constant analysis of personnel policy in order to timely determine the moment when management no longer meets modern requirements.

The following signs can be distinguished that the improvement of personnel management methods is necessary:

  1. The company has grown and requires the formation of a unified management system.
  2. There is an increase in the number of personnel in the absence of growth in economic indicators.
  3. Lack of initiative of employees in the development of the company, associated with a lack of interest.
  4. Lack of personnel policy, especially in recruitment.
  5. Low level of qualification of workers, carrying out technical re-equipment.
  6. Dissatisfaction of employees with the existing relationships, the system of professional growth, methods of remuneration, etc.
  7. Poor adaptation of new employees and increased staff turnover.

If such problems become chronic, it means that it is time to change the management strategy and principles of relations with personnel, optimize the structure, processes and functions of personnel management, change the personnel policy in terms of recruitment, training and advanced training, fine-tune the tactics of motivation and incentives and etc.

Principles of reorganization

The choice of direction for improving the personnel management system includes a full analysis of the existing system in order to determine the main reasons for the slowdown in progress and determine ways to reorganize the management system.

Control system analysis

The first stage of the reorganization is associated with a complete and objective analysis of the entire existing management system and the development of basic approaches.

In general, the following methods and main directions can be applied at this stage:

  1. System analysis considers the entire structure as a whole: tasks, functions, organizational structure, personnel policy, technical equipment of management, information support, management methods. An overall interconnected picture is being built.
  2. Decomposition, on the contrary, is based on the division of complex problems into simpler problems. The whole system is divided into subsystems, subsystems - into functions, functions - into procedures, procedures - into operations.
  3. Sequential substitution explores the influence of individual factors of the company's development on the management system, taking into account external influences.
  4. Structuring goals checks the compliance of management methods with the specific tasks of the company. A rational management system is being studied based on the analysis of goals: their hierarchy is formed, the responsibility of each employee for the final results is determined, duplication of work is excluded.
  5. The expert-analytical method provides for the involvement of highly qualified specialists-experts in the analysis and choice of ways of reorganization.
  6. The normative approach is based on standards for choosing the type of management, the number of staff, the division of functions and the system of remuneration.
  7. The parametric method determines the correspondence of the parameters of the control system to the parameters of the production system in the form of normalization of their functional interdependence.
  8. Functional cost analysis reveals the least expensive method of management while ensuring the necessary final results - redundant and duplicating functions are excluded; functions are necessary, but not performed in real conditions; the required degree of centralization is specified.
  9. Principal component analysis allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of the system by one single indicator.
  10. The balance method determines the compliance of management functions with the time allotted for this - includes technological maps, sketches of the workplace, etc.
  11. The correlation method for improving the personnel management system at an enterprise or firm clarifies the relationship between the number of employees and the factors affecting the work.
  12. The method of experience is based on the analysis of the experience of the best periods in the activities of the team and the practice of similar companies.
  13. The analogy method is based on standard solutions developed for business development.
  14. Creative meetings are based on a collective way of solving a problem. The potential of ideas and ways to improve the management system is used to the maximum.
  15. The survey method involves finding a solution to the reorganization problem through leading questions prepared by professional services.

Directions of reorganization

Improving the technology for developing decisions on personnel management can be directed in the following main ways: improving the quality of personnel policy, optimizing the system of interest and motivation, and forming the most effective management structure.

The correct personnel policy is based on the following basic principles: planning the needs and ways of providing human resources in the process of company development; recruitment of qualified workers; ensuring the adaptation and professional orientation of newcomers in the team; conducting training and advanced training of employees in order to master more advanced technologies; exclusion of staff turnover.

Personnel planning is an important step in improving the management system. The plan should be drawn up taking into account the main directions of the company's development, identifying the need for specific specialties of employees by periods. It is important to provide a "safety cushion", i.e. reserve of potential employees. In this direction, it is advisable to work with universities, colleges and schools.

Staff recruitment should be based solely on the personal qualities of the applicant - education, intelligence, qualifications, communication skills, etc. The competitive basis should become a key method of personnel selection.

Competitive selection is based on broad information content (Internet, advertisements, television, newspapers, etc.), openness and objectivity. The applicant should be evaluated by a professional commission on such qualities: professionalism, creativity, unconventional thinking, mobility, desire to improve, etc.

Working with beginners requires some effort for their adaptation. First of all, a trial period is widely used, when a beginner must show his abilities in practice. An important element is an internship, i.e. assigning an experienced specialist to a new employee, who will help speed up the period of adaptation and development of vocational guidance.

The development of the company implies the constant development of scientific and technical innovations. Naturally, ensuring a modern level of production is impossible without staff development, incl. employed in management. It is important to organize a system of training and retraining based on the study of best practices.

A common option is the exchange of experience at seminars, symposiums, forums. An important stage is the professional certification of employees.

Real ways to improve the personnel management system are impossible without providing effective methods of motivation and interest in the final result of work. It has long been known that the best way to stimulate is the "carrot and stick" method. If a person approaches his work proactively, creatively, professionally, strives to master new technologies, then he should feel interested in this. There are different methods for evaluating good work: wages, bonuses, career growth. Of course, moral methods of stimulation are also possible, but they are much inferior to material motivation.

Simultaneously with the incentive system of incentives, there should be a system of punishment for poor performance. The inevitability of punishment is especially important in the service sector, where the final result depends on the attitude towards the client.

Many firms justifiably practice liability for such sins as being late, absenteeism, rude treatment of a client, marriage in the performance of their duties. For such misconduct, various measures of influence can be assigned: a system of fines, deprivation of bonuses, disciplinary sanctions.

“When it comes to getting a company moving forward, it's all about motivating people” L. Iacocca

For the successful operation of the enterprise and the well-established work of all employees, competent goal setting is required. And in order for employees to have a desire to do their job efficiently, the right motivation of the staff is required. Proper personnel management and good motivation create conditions not only for the successful achievement of the overall final goal of production, but also for the full labor productivity of all employees, the development of their creative activity and the satisfaction of both physical and spiritual needs.

A good manager is a manager who cares about his staff. The role of the manager is to:

1) in the formation of goals and objectives;

2) building a highly efficient enterprise structure;

3) staff motivation;

4) creating a team to achieve the set goals;

5) creation of normal working conditions.

To improve the general atmosphere in the team and reduce the level of conflict, it is necessary to introduce a personnel specialist, namely a psychologist, into the staffing table of the personnel department, whose main duties would include the following work:

Analysis of the level of conflict in structural divisions with the highest staff turnover and frequent change of leadership;

Development of measures, together with the personnel department, to reduce the level of staff turnover in these departments, which will lead to a decrease in the level of conflict in teams.

Improving work to reduce staff turnover is one of the most important activities of the personnel department.

In this regard, employees of the personnel department are recommended to organize preventive work with violators of labor discipline so that dismissal is the last and last measure of influence in a number of measures such as discussing violators at team meetings, depriving all or part of the bonus, postponing labor leave from the summer period, not providing vouchers, reducing the duration of labor leave by the number of days of absenteeism, deprivation for a certain period of the right to material assistance.

The main goal of staff turnover management is, first of all, to minimize the contradictions between the needs and interests of employees and the practical possibilities of satisfying them.

· identifying permanent sources of staffing and maintaining close liaison with these organizations;

· continuous improvement of the processes of production and social adaptation of young people in labor collectives;

· planning the professional career of each employee and determining the prospects for the labor path of each worker, developing with the participation of each of them individual plans for improving the qualification and general educational level.

An effective form of work organization that has a beneficial effect on reducing staff turnover is the use of flexible work schedules and part-time work. The ability to independently plan working time removes many problems, especially for women and those who combine work with study. The essence of a flexible schedule is to allocate the main time when all employees must be at their workplaces, and the periods within which each employee has a choice of working hours, subject to the obligatory working out of a certain number of working hours per week or per month.

Leaders need to be aware that differences in values ​​are a very common cause of conflict, and also that differences in behavior and life experiences can also increase the possibility of conflict.

One of the best management techniques to prevent conflict is to clarify what results are expected from each employee in the unit. Parameters such as the level of results to be achieved, who provides and who receives various information, the system of authority and responsibility, as well as clearly defined policies, procedures and rules, should be mentioned here. Moreover, the leader must clarify all these issues not for himself, but in order for his subordinates to understand well what is expected of them in each given situation.

Rewards can be used as a method of influencing people's behavior to avoid dysfunctional consequences. People who contribute to the achievement of organization-wide complex goals, help other groups in the organization and try to approach the solution of a problem in a complex way, should be rewarded with commendation, bonus, recognition or promotion. It is equally important that the reward system does not encourage non-constructive behavior of individuals or groups.

It should be noted that the systematic, coordinated use of a reward system to reward those who contribute to the achievement of corporate goals helps people understand how they should act in a conflict situation so that it is in line with the desires of management.

The establishment of proper wages, i.e. corresponding to the actual wages for work, is one of the fundamental influences on the motivation of employees' behavior. It is necessary to recommend to the department of organization of labor and wages the introduction of such labor incentive measures as:

employee bonuses (for length of service, skill level, results of work);

moral encouragement, i.е. awarding a diploma, announcing gratitude, followed by placing a photo of the employee on the Board of Honor for the results achieved in the implementation of an important production task;

Providing benefits to the best employees.

Studying the activities of the enterprise, one can single out the general characteristics of an effective system for stimulating labor and participation in profits:

· a direct and close connection with the achieved success in work in the form of income from profit growth, expressed as a percentage for each employee;

• pre-agreed principles, rewards for overfulfillment of the plan, entered into the accounting system;

· no "ceiling" for premiums based on profit sharing;

Compliance of the salary with the real contribution of the employee to the success of the company and reasonable living expenses;

Restrictions on base salaries for senior managers;

· a strict bonus scheme that includes only three categories of performance evaluation for each employee (good, satisfactory, poor), performance rating;

Each award is presented by the immediate supervisor and is accompanied by a conversation and congratulations; with employees who have not received a bonus, a conversation about the grounds for depriving the bonus is mandatory and in private;

There should be no payments independent of performance; it is better not to reward anyone at all;

bad employees cannot be rewarded in any case and in no way; you should never punish financially workers who made mistakes due to the fault of the leadership, even in days of crisis. If a worker does excellent work on his site, he should be encouraged;

· There should not be any secret or excessive overhead costs in the firm that adversely affect the bonus system.

In addition to the bonus system, there should be a system of regular review of salaries in two stages: at the first stage, the team reviews the salaries, at the second stage, the manager.

Incentives at the enterprise should play an important role as effective motivators or the main bearers of the interests of employees. Motivation and incentives for personnel have a significant impact on the development of such important characteristics of their work activities as responsibility, diligence, diligence, perseverance, conscientiousness, etc. Of course, it is necessary to establish the right balance between remuneration and results.

Thus, in order to improve labor motivation associated with the practical activities of the personnel of the enterprise, it is necessary to recommend the creation of a proper atmosphere by:

awareness of the importance of the work performed;

prospects for career advancement;

Providing benefits to the best employees;

fair payroll;

participation of employees in decision-making.

The creation of normal working conditions can be implemented through the creation of proper labor protection, the creation by managers in the entrusted units of psychophysiological and ergonomic working conditions and compliance with the requirements for their subordinates of certain rules, by placing a memo of the following content at each workplace by the department of labor organization and wages:

There should not be anything superfluous in the workplace, so as not to fuss in vain and not look for the necessary among the unnecessary;

All tools and devices should be arranged in a definite and, if possible, forever given order, so that everything can be found at random;

The landing of the body during work should be such that it is convenient to work;

After the end of the work, everything should be tidied up - the work, the tools, and the workplace.

Workers keeping their jobs in perfect order are encouraged.

Personnel management necessarily includes special training of employees in the necessary safety rules. Safety and health education is the only form of education that is required by law.

The development of social infrastructure is extremely important. This direction requires serious revision, in connection with the problem of providing nonresident citizens with housing. One of such solutions may be the establishment, together with the director for capital construction and social issues of the association and the head of the housing and maintenance service, of housing reservations (living rooms, beds in hostels), in accordance with the planned need for personnel recruited from other regions of the Republic of Belarus , and in the future, the provision of housing at the request of the personnel department to all nonresident citizens employed at the enterprise.

Creation of proper working conditions, rest and life, attentive attitude to employees are the main factors contributing to the retention of personnel in production. Naturally, the improvement of the personnel management system at the enterprise provides for the improvement of the work of the personnel department.

Improving the activities of the personnel department service, as a personnel management service at an enterprise, is recommended to be carried out in the following areas:

· providing a comprehensive solution to the problems of high-quality formation and effective use of human resources based on the management of all components of the human factor: from labor training and career guidance for young people to caring for labor veterans;

· widespread introduction of active methods of search and purposeful training of workers necessary for the enterprise and industry. The main form of attracting the necessary specialists and skilled workers for the enterprise should be contracts with educational institutions;

· revitalization of the activities of the personnel department to stabilize labor collectives, increase the labor and social activity of employees on the basis of improving socio-cultural and moral and psychological incentives;

· ensuring social guarantees for workers in the field of employment, which requires personnel specialists to comply with the procedure for employment and retraining of laid-off workers, providing them with established benefits and compensations;

· updating the scientific and methodological support of personnel work, as well as its material, technical and information base.

The need for such an improvement in the work of the personnel service is due to the fact that the personnel composition, as well as the status and level of remuneration of personnel officers, do not correspond to the tasks of implementing an active personnel policy.

Paying due attention to the professional training and retraining of employees, it should be remembered that visual teaching in the workplace is much more effective than theoretical lectures. You should teach a subordinate to work like this: comprehensively enlighten him about the theory of the case and send him to the workplace, without directing and prompting him until he himself asks for help.

Introduction …………………………………………………………….…………..3

Chapter 1. System approach………………………………………………………..6

1.1. Formation of a systematic approach to management…………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ...................6

1.2.System concepts……………………. …………………………….…..nine

1.3. Variables and a systematic approach …………………………………………….12

Chapter 2. Methods for the study of system management…………………………………………………………………………………………14 2.1. General characteristics of the methods…………………………………………... 14

2.2. Methods based on the use of knowledge and intuition of specialists ……………………………………………………………………………..………...16

2.3. Methods of formalized representation of control systems ………...20

2.4. Methods for researching information flows …………………....…23

Chapter 3. Ways to improve system management…………………...28

3.1.System analysis ……….……………………………………………………..28

3.2. Improving system management……………………….…….31


List of used literature……………………………………………...39

Applications ……………………………………………………………………..40


Management is an independent type of professionally carried out activity aimed at achieving the intended goals in market conditions through the rational use of material and labor resources using the principles and methods of the economic mechanism of management. Management - management in a market, market economy means: Orientation of the company to demand and market needs, to the needs of specific consumers and the organization of production of those types of products that are in demand and can bring the company the intended profit; Constant striving to improve production efficiency, to obtain optimal results at lower costs; Economic independence, ensuring freedom of decision-making who is responsible for the final results of the company or its divisions; Constant adjustment of goals and programs depending on the state of the market; Identification of the final result of the company or its economic self-sufficiency solid units in the market in the process of exchange; The need to use a modern information base with computer technology for multivariate calculations when making reasonable and optimal decisions. The content of the concept of "management" can be considered as a science and practice of management, as an organization of company management and as a process of making managerial decisions .Under the scientific foundations of management is understood the system of scientific knowledge, which constitutes the theoretical basis of management practice, provides management practice with scientific recommendations. The science of management was developed in the works of domestic scientists - D. M. Gvishiani, G. Kh. Popov, A. V. Popov, A. G. Aganbegyan, Yu. P. Vasiliev, A. I. Anchishkin and in the works of foreign authors – A. Fayol, P. Drucker, M. H. Mescon, H. Wolfgant and others. The first stage of the methodology of scientific management is the analysis of the content of the work and the definition of its main components. Then the need for systematic use of incentives was substantiated in order to interest workers in increasing labor productivity and increasing production volume. The authors of works on scientific management put forward and substantiated the following scientific positions: the use of scientific analysis to determine the best ways to achieve goals and solve specific problems; the importance of selecting workers most suitable for performing specific tasks and ensuring their training; the need to provide workers with the resources required for effective tasks. In foreign management science, four major concepts have developed that have made a significant contribution to the development of modern management theory and practice. These are the concepts: scientific management; administrative management; management from the standpoint of psychology and human relations; management from the standpoint of the science of behavior. In modern conditions, there are three scientific approaches to management: an approach to management as a process; a systematic approach; situational approach. In my term paper, I will take a closer look at a systematic approach to production management. A systematic approach suggests that managers should consider the organization as a set of interdependent elements, such as people, structure, tasks and technology, which are focused on achieving various goals in conditions changing external environment. The objectives of the course work are: 1. deepening, consolidating and expanding knowledge of management; 2. development of skills and abilities of independent work with sources of scientific information; 3. formation and consolidation of experience in the practical application of theoretical knowledge. The objectives of the research course work are: 1. Substantiation of a systematic approach to managing an organization; 2. The value of a systematic approach to management;3. Ways and means of improving management. Research objectives:1. Identification of the essence, structure, principles of functioning of a systematic approach to management;2. substantiation of factors and conditions for the effective functioning of a systematic approach; 3. Development of scientific and practical recommendations. The methodological base was the works of domestic and foreign experts in the field of management, such as M. Kh. Meskon, M. Albert, F. Hedouri, V. V. Travin, V. A. Dyatlov, I. N. Gerchikova and others.


1.1 Formation of a systematic approach to management

Strengthening the interconnectedness of all aspects of the organization's activities (production, financial, marketing, social, environmental, etc.), as well as the expansion, complication and intensification of both internal and external relations led to the formation in the middle of the 20th century of the so-called systems approach to management.

He considers the organization as an integral set of various activities and elements that are in contradictory unity and in interconnection with the external environment, involves taking into account the influence of all factors affecting it, and focuses on the relationships between its elements.

In accordance with it, managerial actions do not just functionally follow from each other (the process approach emphasized this), but all, without exception, have both direct and indirect effects on each other. By virtue of this change in one link of the organization inevitably cause changes in the rest, and ultimately in it as a whole.

Therefore, each leader, when making his own decisions, must take into account their impact on the overall results, and the main goal of management is to integrate the elements of the organization, to find mechanisms for maintaining its integrity.

One of the representatives of the system approach, who first considered the enterprise as a social system, was an American researcher. C. Barnard(1887-1961), served for two decades as president of the New York Bell Telephone Company. He outlined his ideas in the books "Functions of the Administrator" (1938), "Organization and Management" (1948), etc.

According to Barnard, the physical and biological limitations inherent in people force them to unite in order to achieve goals in concerted groups (social systems). Any such system, he believed, can be divided into two parts: an organization (a system of consciously coordinated activities of two or more persons), which includes only the interaction of people, and other elements.

Any organization, according to Barnard, is hierarchical (this is its main feature), unites individuals who have a conscious common goal, who are ready to cooperate.

with each other, to contribute to the common cause, to submit to a single authority. All

organizations (with the exception of the state and the Church) Barnard considered as private.

Barnard's organizations can be formal or informal. Each formal organization includes: a) a system of functioning; b) a system of incentives that encourage people to contribute to group activities; c) a system of power (authority), which inclines the members of the group to agree with the decisions of the administration; d) a system of logical decision making.

The head of a formal organization must ensure the activity of its most important links, take full responsibility for the actions of subordinates, maintain internal communications, formulate goals, find a balance between opposing forces and events, the contribution of people and the satisfaction of their needs.

People will cooperate effectively with an organization if they benefit from it. Therefore, the first duty of the leader is to manage incentives for activity, because orders are perceived only in certain areas.

The purpose of the informal organization, according to Barnard, is to spread

unofficial information; maintaining the stability of the formal organization; ensuring the personal safety of employees, self-respect, independence from official management.

Based on a systems approach, Barnard developed the concept social

corporate liability, in accordance with which management must take into account the consequences of decisions made and be responsible for them to society and the individual.

In 1956 T. Pearson defined the organization as a complex social system (combined actions and interconnected behavior of subjects), which is focused on achieving goals and, in turn, contributes to the implementation of the goals of larger organizations.

Organization subsystems are: formal and informal structures, statuses, roles, physical environment. The core here is the formal structure.

These elements are connected by communication, balancing and decision making.

Logical-intuitive methods for studying control systems. Test method

Analyzing the theoretical aspect, as well as a practical example, we can conclude that logical-intuitive methods, and in particular test methods, play a significant role in the study of personnel, management assets, etc. Worth noticing...

Belarusian enterprise management methods

The main direction for the introduction of economic management methods at domestic enterprises is the use of methods of economic justification for the choice of management decisions. Let's take a closer look at this area...

Organizational project of the personnel management service of the enterprise LLC "YuzhUral-Asko"

Changing business conditions increase the need to improve the personnel management system. As noted earlier, in Russia there is a need to improve and develop the personnel management system ...

The main functions of management on the example of CTO Techno-service LLC

Increasing the efficiency of personnel management activities on the example of the activities of OJSC "First Channel"

Having studied the state of affairs on Channel One, both in terms of the channel's ratings and in terms of the relationship between management and staff, it should be noted ...

Application of management methods

After analyzing the application of management methods at Voropaevsky DOK OJSC, we can conclude that there are reserves to improve their efficiency. As for the method of pricing...

Production process control system of JSC "Belkard"

Improving the control function of management

The main characteristics of effective control Control is effective if it is strategic, results-oriented, timely, flexible, simple and economical...

Improving the organizational structure of management at the enterprise in the context of innovations

The measures to improve the organizational structures of "City Express" include: 1. Ensuring the flexibility of organizational management structures, which is understood as reactions to changes in the external environment with the lowest costs ...

Improving the management system for the main production at the enterprise (on the example of RUP GZlin)

Accelerating the design and development of new products. The tasks of reducing the time for creating and mastering the production of new products require the widespread use of accelerated production preparation methods. Comprehensive standardization...

Improving the management of the organization on the example of LLC "Saturn-R-Atlas"

The state and evaluation of the effectiveness of personnel management on the example of the Tushino Children's City Hospital

Institutions will be able to survive in a tough competition if their management personnel can correctly and timely assess the world around them and the trends of social development. Successful HR management is above all...

Theory and practice of state enterprise management

In the current socio-economic situation, there is a need to improve the principles and priorities in the field of management of state unitary enterprises...

Managing the behavior of personnel in the organization

Consider organizational recommendations related to the construction of an organization (firm) and the establishment of its work. They are conventionally divided into: structural; related to staff incentives; communication. Structural recommendations...

Organization Profit Management