Features of motivation of preschoolers. Seminar for teachers of the dow "techniques for encouraging children to independent activity" Game motivation in the classroom in the dow

Prepared by: Sergeeva Natalya Vladimirovana - teacher of the 1st quarter. category MBDOU "DSOV No. 47", Bratsk

In connection with the entry into force of the Federal State Educational Standard, the achievements of children are determined not by the totality of specific knowledge, skills and abilities, but by the formation of personal qualities that provide psychological readiness child to school, and the main type of education should be a joint organized educational activities children with an adult, that is, the development of the child should be carried out in the game. It is the game that allows you to develop abilities, mental and artistic abilities, helps the baby to explore the world. In the game, he observes, remembers, develops imagination, builds systems of relationships. The game allows, as if imperceptibly, to solve various problems, sometimes very complex, and move forward along the path of the formation and development of children's intelligence. With the help of the game, you can help the child to realize himself, to gain confidence in his own abilities. Communication during the game is an important element of personality education, a source of mutual enrichment.

Any activity should be interesting for children, but specially organized by the educator, implying activity, interaction and communication, the accumulation of certain information by children about the world around them, the formation of certain knowledge, skills and abilities. Nevertheless, teachers continue to “engage” with children, but in such a way that the children themselves do not know about it, but this educational process lasts throughout the day, getting involved in various regime moments.

And here the motivational orientation of the activity of children comes to the rescue.

Motivation is a combination of internal and external driving forces, which encourage a person to activity, give this activity an orientation focused on achieving the goal.

Purpose of motivation- arouse in children an interest in an occupation, an entertaining business, or any activity, create conditions for enthusiasm, mental stress, direct the efforts of children to the conscious development and acquisition of knowledge and skills.

Motivation allows you to solve several problems at once:

  • Expand and enrich the range of gaming skills and abilities.
  • Increase the cognitive activity and performance of children.
  • Activate the processes of perception, attention, memory, thinking.
  • Smoothly regulate the behavioral difficulties of children, gradually accustoming them to obey the rules of the game.

Any interaction between a child and an adult begins with motivation. Without motivation from an adult, a preschooler will not be active, motives will not arise, the child will not be ready to set goals.

In the foreground are emotions. This is true for preschoolers.

I use in my practice such techniques that will ensure the emergence of the necessary motivation in most children.

I have identified eight types of motivation:

The first type is game motivation - "Help the toy", the child achieves the goal of learning by solving the problems of toys. I use bright, aesthetic toys, preferably new ones.

In the classroom with kids, you can not do without game characters. The use of game characters and game motivation are interconnected. Game and fairy-tale characters can "come to visit", "get acquainted", "give assignments", "tell fascinating stories", and also evaluate the results of the work of kids. Each character should be interesting and memorable, "have their own character." The child's desire to communicate and help him significantly increases activity and interest. During work, each child has his own character (carved, toy, drawn, to whom he provides assistance). At the end of the work, I invite the children to play with toys.

With this motivation, the child acts as an assistant and protector, and it is appropriate to use it to teach various practical skills. I use this motivation in GCD applications, design, drawing.

For example: (for younger and middle groups).

Application: Guys, look who is sitting on a stump? (A hare with a hare). Something sad hare, why do you think she is so sad? Guys, she said that her hares ran into the forest to walk in summer coats, and it was winter outside. But the older hare obeyed her and put on a winter coat. Let's help her find the rabbits and change clothes.

Drawing: Guys, a hedgehog came to us. And he came with friends. They play hide and seek and don't know where to hide. Let's hide them under the leaves.

Modeling: Matryoshka was going to walk, and it was raining outside, there were puddles. Let's make a path of pebbles for the matryoshka.

This example is suitable for older, preparatory groups.

The bear destroyed the house of animals. They were left homeless. How can we help animals? (We can build houses for them ourselves from cubes, appliqué, from Kuizener's sticks, paint with paints).

The second type of motivation is helping an adult - "Help me." Here, the motive for children is communication with an adult, the opportunity to receive approval, as well as an interest in joint activities that can be done together.

I inform the children that I am going to make and ask the children to help. I wonder how they can help. I give each child a feasible task. In the end, I emphasize that the result was achieved through joint efforts, that everyone came to it together.

I use this motivation in GCD sensorics, fine arts, in my work.

For example:

Sensory and sculpting: Guys, I want to treat our gnomes with cookies. But I am alone, and there are many gnomes. I probably won't make it. Do you want to help me? You can make colorful cookies.

Labor activity: The guys are coming to visit us. Please help me put the toys away.

Collective works, collages "Vase of Flowers", "Underwater World", "Magic TV" and others. Often used in final events on the theme of the week.

This type of motivation can be used from the 2nd junior group.

The third type of motivation "Teach me" - based on the child's desire to feel knowledgeable and able.

I inform the children that I am going to do some activity and ask the children to teach me. At the end of the game, I give each child an assessment of his actions and distribute stars.

For example:

Game activity: Guys, our doll Tanya is going to take a walk, I need to dress her for a walk. I do not know how to do that. Can you teach me?

Hand drawing: Guys I want to make an unusual exhibition, but I can't figure out how to turn a handprint into a drawing. Teach me.

You can use this type of motivation in gaming activities, in GCD in older groups.

The fourth type of motivation is “creating objects with your own hands for yourself” - based on the inner interest of the child. Such motivation encourages children to create objects and crafts for themselves or loved ones.

For example: Guys, look what I have beautiful card! This card can be given to mom on March 8. Do you want to give your mom the same one? And I show you how to make it.

I use it in artistic design, orientation, logic, manual labor, artistic creativity.

The fifth type of motivation is "Artistic word". I use poems, songs, nursery rhymes, riddles, etc. This type of motivation can be used in all age groups.

The sixth type of motivation is "Verbal". It is carried out only by verbal instructions. These are problem situations, the reception of the competition, the request.

For example:

  • Dunno and friends are arguing where there is air, what it is for and how to find out.
  • Thumbelina wants to write a letter to her mother, but she is worried that her mother will not be able to read it because of the very small font.

I use verbal motivations in GCD, as well as in final events. (in senior and preparatory groups).

The seventh type of motivation is “Object-effective”. These are letters, a magic basket, boxes, a magic box, a wonderful bag, posters.

Eighth type of motivation "Use of ICT".

The use of a computer allows you to activate involuntary attention, increase interest in learning, expand the possibilities of working with visual material, which contributes to the achievement of goals.

For example: Game - quiz "Magic chest", game "Learn a fairy tale", game - association "Who needs what for work", as well as presentations on the topic.

You can use this type of motivation at any age in GCD, as well as at final events.

Each activity should contain something that will cause surprise, amazement, delight that children will remember for a long time. We must remember the saying "Knowledge begins with wonder." At the same time, it is important to take into account the age of children, techniques that are suitable for each age. This system of building, conducting and analyzing GCD helps me, and children receive necessary knowledge and prepare for school with interest and ease, not noticing that he is being taught.

Thus, summing up, we can say that the motivation in organizing joint and independent activities for preschoolers is a direct stimulus, without which the child simply cannot be included in the pedagogical situation offered by adults. And the teacher, in turn, must be able to subordinate and combine different motives to achieve their educational goals, while taking into account the individual character traits and interests of each of the children in the group.

And I have prepared a card file of motivations for you. I hope it will be useful to you in your work.


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2. Doronova T. M., Gerbova V. V., Grizik T. I., Education, education and development of children aged 6-7 years in kindergarten: Method. A guide for educators working under the Rainbow program / T. M. Doronova, V. V. Gerbova, T. I. Grizik. - M. Enlightenment, 1997.

3. Bozhovich L.I. Problems of the motivational sphere of the child // Study of the motivation of the behavior of children and adolescents. - M., 1972.

4. Wegner L.A., Wegner A.L. Is your child ready for school. - M.: Knowledge, 1994.




Venue: MBDOU d / s No. 43

Developed by: Komalova N.L. deputy head for urv

The round table assumes equal work of all participants of the meeting.

Purpose: To increase the level of competence of teachers in the issue of game motivation of children in various types of activities


  1. To systematize the knowledge of teachers about the methods and techniques of involving children in different kinds activities
  2. Increase the creative potential of teachers
  3. Encourage teachers to use practical activities game motivation techniques for children


Modern conditions are characterized by humanization educational process, appeal to the personality of the child, the development of his best qualities, the formation of a versatile and full-fledged personality. The implementation of this task objectively requires a qualitatively new approach to the education and upbringing of children, the organization of the entire educational process. Children's education should be developing, ,

Accordingly, the ways, means and methods of teaching and educating children must undergo changes. In this regard, game forms of education and upbringing are of particular importance.

It is the game that allows you to develop abilities, mental and artistic abilities, helps the baby to explore the world. In the game, he observes, remembers, develops imagination, gets acquainted with the forms and properties of objects, builds systems of relationships. The game allows, as if imperceptibly, to solve various problems, sometimes very complex, and move forward along the path of the formation and development of children's intelligence.

With the help of the game, the child's learning is more effective, and education is more pleasant. With the help of the game, you can help the child to realize himself, to gain confidence in his own abilities. The game is a kind of experiment in which the conditions for self-expression and self-examination are laid. Communication during the game is an important element of personality education, a source of mutual enrichment.

I part: Theoretical substantiation of the problem

What is game motivation?

Motivation - (from Latin to set in motion, push) 1. Motivation for activity.

2. The whole set of persistent motives, motives that determine the content, direction and nature of the activity of the individual, her behavior.

What do you need motivation for?

Purpose of motivation - arouse in children an interest in an occupation, an entertaining business, or any activity, create conditions for enthusiasm, mental stress, direct the efforts of children to the conscious development and acquisition of knowledge and skills.

Motivation determines the “program” of game actions. In doing so, we take into account the following conditions:

1. An organization in which the child is involved in the process of independent search and discovery of new knowledge solves problems of a problematic nature.

2. Intellectual and practical activities in the classroom should be varied.

3. You should constantly change the form of questions, tasks, stimulate the search activity of children, creating an atmosphere of hard work.

5. The more new material linked to existing personal experience child, so it is interesting for him.

6. Accounting for individual, age, medical, mental characteristics of pupils.

7. The emotionality of the teacher, his ability to support and direct interest in the content of the lesson or task, to stimulate the cognitive activity of children.

Game methods, exercisesused in the work of teachers, allow you to solve several problems at once:

Expand and enrich the range of gaming skills and abilities.

Increase the cognitive activity and performance of children.

Activate the processes of perception, attention, memory, thinking.

Smoothly regulate the behavioral difficulties of children, gradually accustoming them to obey the rules of the game.

Increase the amount of corrective action by including game exercises at various regime moments.

The game method involves the use of various components of game activity in combination with other techniques:

showing, explanations, instructions, questions.

One of the main components of the method isimaginary situationin expanded form.

Why does the child not want to perform this or that task or assignment in class or in any kind of activity?


Bad mood

Feeling unwell

Not interested

Difficult for age

Poor preparation of the lesson by the teacher (ill-conceived, lack of visual material, plan)

Lack of motivation, lack of interest in the final result.

What and how to interest a preschooler's child so that he breaks away from his affairs and takes up the proposed business with interest?

The following methods should be used:

In the foreground are emotions . this is true for early and younger preschool age. for example: a teacher (during training for a walk. summer period): guys, the bunny is going for a walk with us, bunny, put on a blouse and catch up with us. and the bunny replies that he can't. Guys, let's show the bunny how to dress. bunny, look, our guys know how to dress themselves. children show an example of how to dress properly.)

You may also be interestedproblem posed(for seniors). for example: children, going for a walk, find a note from the garden Scarecrow “Guys, help. the sun bakes so hot that all the plants in my garden are about to die. And my hat does not save me from the heat at all. The teacher asks the children what to do in this situation, the children voice the options and go outside to water the garden. You can extend the game further, not just bring a hat for the Scarecrow from home or a dressing corner, but arrange a competition for the best hat for the garden Scarecrow. At the end, the Scarecrow will again send a letter with words of gratitude.

Brightness the proposed image (beautiful, aesthetic, anatomically correct toy or manual)

Novelty (an unfamiliar object always attracts attention. Little explorers wake up in children)

Practical task:(name and write your variants of examples in the indicated columns of the scheme)

Verbal motivation (only by verbal direction, problem statement)(reception of the competition, statement of the problem, request, praise-hula)

Object-effective motivation (the introduction into the process of any object of a toy or aid, with which the child will act in the future)

(letter, fairy tale character, magic basket, boxes, posters)

II part: Practical use technologies

Work in microgroups

The group members play the role of educator(s), the rest of the teachers are “children”. group members are invited to independently choose any type of activity for preschoolers of a given age and beat the chosen situation with teachers-“children”. From each group - one game situation.

Part III: Exchange of experience

Solving Pedagogical Problems

Dear teachers! Recall from your practice a situation (one) in which the children puzzled you (regime moments, classes, holidays, etc.). How did you solve this problem?

Give teachers 5 minutes to write down the most interesting moments of the workshop.

Invite teachers to create a brochure “Helpful Tips for Adults. How to behave in unusual situations

the wording of advice is common to all: "If a child does _____________, I ___________"


reflection, visual consolidation of the material


(insert the missing phrases in the blank fields)

  1. The whole set of persistent motives, motives that determine the content, direction and nature of the activity of the individual, her behavior is _____________.
  1. Children's education should be____________________________________________________, to ensure the subjective position of the child and the constant growth of his independence and creativity.
  1. Purpose of motivation - call in children ____________________________________________, create _________________________________________________, direct the efforts of children to the conscious development and acquisition of ________________________________.
  1. Motivation based on direct speech instruction - _________________________.
  2. Subject-effective motivation implies ___________________________________________________________________________


The whole set of persistent motives, motives that determine the content, direction and nature of the activity of the individual, her behavior is motivation.

Children's education should be developing, fun, challenging game, to ensure the subjective position of the child and the constant growth of his independence and creativity.

Purpose of motivation - call in childreninterest in an occupation, an entertaining business, or any activity, create conditions of enthusiasm, mental stress,to direct the efforts of children to the conscious development and acquisition knowledge and skills.

Motivation based on direct speech instruction- verbal motivation

Subject-effective motivation impliesintroduction into the process of any object of a toy or manual

Features of motivation of game activity of a child of preschool age. The need for activity as a peculiar component of motivation is most clearly manifested in such a type of activity as a game.

The game is the leading activity of preschool age, influencing the development of visual-figurative thinking of the child, the formation of an internal plan of action and the arbitrariness of behavior and activity, and thereby determining the formation of all the main psychological neoplasms of preschool age 29, p. 54 . The game contains all the tendencies of development, it is the source of development and creates zones of proximal development behind the game are changes in needs and changes in consciousness of a general type, L.S. Vygotsky pointed out 14 p.15. Modern studies of the play activity of a preschooler have confirmed the correctness of the ideas of L.S. Vygotsky. it was found that the most important aspects of the psyche, in particular the formation of the personality of the child, develops mainly in the game. Thanks to it, in the mind of a preschooler, socially accepted ethical standards behavior, the main driving motive of personal development is formed - to be like an adult.

The main neoformations of the development of the motivational-need sphere are determined by the emotionally effective orientation of the child in the world social relations, motives, tasks and meanings human activity, highlighting the main functions of social activity.

The result of this orientation is the formation in the child of social motives that are new in content, the most important of which are the desire for socially significant and socially evaluated activity, and the motive must take a new social position 7, p. 89 . There is a change in the psychological form of motives, reflecting the general trend in the development of consciousness from pre-conscious affectively colored immediate desires to motives that have the form of a generalized intention, standing on the verge of conscious 69 , p. 277 . In the game, the primary subordination of motives is formed, volitional motives are formed L.S. Vygotsky 14 . L.S. Vygotsky believed that a conscious choice is possible only in the case of operating with meanings, detaching from the visual situation of one's own performance of the action.

The game, which ensures the separation of meaning from action, creates certain conditions for the beginning of the hierarchization of motives.

The game affects the behavior of the preschooler, it creates optimal conditions to master the child's arbitrary forms of behavior.

The game is the first form of activity accessible to a preschooler, which involves the conscious reproduction and improvement of new movements 19, p. 101 . The arbitrariness of behavior, the origins of which lie in the child's mastery of voluntary movements in the process of elementary games, continues to be effectively formed in role-playing games.

The magic of the role, the psychological mechanism of which is undoubtedly associated with a special motivation for activity, restructures the child's behavior, he begins to control himself. Following the role-model, the child suppresses momentary impulses and desires, obeys the standard of behavior, which is dictated by the role. Throughout preschool childhood, while the child grows and develops, acquires new knowledge and skills, the role-playing game remains the most characteristic type of his activity.

Features of the plot role play disclosed in the works of psychologists L.S. Vygotsky, D.B. Elkonin, A.V. Zaporozhets 14, 69, 20 . The basis of the plot-role-playing game is an imaginary or imaginary situation, which consists in the fact that the child takes on the role of an adult and performs it in a play environment created by him. For example, playing at school, depicts a teacher leading a lesson with peer students in a classroom on a carpet. The role-playing game is formed in the course of a child's life, in the course of his communication with other people. As an activity, a role-playing game is a complex formation, consisting of investigating structural components of the target, need-motivational, meaningful, operational, and productive.

The role-playing game proceeds as a meaningful, purposeful activity in the course of which the child sets and realizes a significant goal for himself to prepare dinner for the doll-daughter, cure the bear, etc. At the same time, the goals are not constant, and as the child grows and develops, they change, stop being imitative and become more deeply motivated.

The main component of the role-playing game is the plot, without it there is no role-playing game itself. The plot of the game is that sphere of reality that is reproduced by children. The plot is a reflection by the child of certain actions, events, relationships from the life and activities of others. At the same time, his game actions turn the steering wheel of a car, cook dinner, teach students to draw and other one of the main means of implementing the plot, which is the operational side of the game. The plots of the games are varied.

Conventionally, they are divided into household games in the family, kindergarten, production, reflecting professional labor people games in the hospital, shop, livestock farm, community games in the celebration of the birthday of the city, the library, school, flight to the moon. The content of the game, notes D. B. Elkonin, 69 is what is reproduced by the child as a central and characteristic moment of activity and relations between adults in their everyday, labor, social activities.

Therefore, the content of the games is fragmentary, illogical. Toddlers often repeat in the game actions with toys shown by adults and related to everyday life. A.P. Usova 64 characterized such games as action games. Moreover, interest in actions often dominates, so the goal of the game slips out of the child's field of vision. Olya sat her daughters at the table, went to cook dinner, got carried away with actions with pots and pans, and her daughters remained unfed.

However, at the border of the third and fourth years of life, games become more meaningful, which is associated with the expansion of children's ideas about the world around them. Preschoolers begin to combine different events, including episodes from their own experience and from literary works which were read to them or, which is especially valuable, were shown through plot-didactic games, illustrations in books, table theater, filmstrips. In the fourth and fifth years of life in the games of children, the integrity of the plot, the interconnectedness of the reflected events is observed.

Preschoolers develop an interest in certain stories that they used to play in the family, hospital, builders, transport, etc. Children respond vividly to new impressions, weaving them, like storylines, into familiar games. The enrichment of the content is helped by the interaction of children in the game, when everyone contributes something of their own, individual. For example, Seryozha, whose father is the captain of a river steamboat, invites the teacher to take the children for a ride along the Moscow River. Having received consent, he builds a steamer from chairs, meets passengers on board.

At this age, the generalization and truncation of the situations depicted in the game begin, which are well mastered by the child in real life and do not arouse his particular interest. So, if the baby, playing in kindergarten, eats for a long time, drinks from cups, then children of the fifth year of life complete the dinner by barely bringing a spoon to their mouths. Sometimes children are limited to symbolic actions. The sailor floats around the room, which has become like a sea. Children of senior preschool age deliberately approach the choice of a plot, discuss it in advance, plan the development of content at an elementary level. There are new stories that are inspired by impressions gleaned from outside preschool based on animated series, books read at home, stories of parents, etc. Currently, travel games are widespread, including space games, the scope of displaying the work of adults has expanded serving work in a bank, in transport, security and law enforcement services, etc. At senior and preschool age the generalization of game situations continues, in addition to conditional and symbolic actions, put his head on his palm - the children fell asleep actively use verbal comments. Everyone seems to have slept - and immediately go to the hall for the holiday! Let's just say that we have already arrived in Africa. These verbal comments are a verbal replacement for any events.

Children resort to them so as not to violate the logic of the development of the content of the game. Thus, during preschool childhood, the development and complication of the content of the game is carried out in the following areas - strengthening the focus, and hence the sequence, coherence of the depicted - a gradual transition from a detailed game situation to a folded one, a generalization of what is depicted in the game, the use of conditional and symbolic actions, verbal substitutions. The diversity of the content of role-playing games is determined by the children's knowledge of those aspects of reality that are depicted in the game, the consonance of this knowledge, the interests, feelings of the child, his personal experience.

Finally, the development of the content of games depends on the child's ability to identify characteristic features in the activities and relationships of adults.

Each role contains its own rules of behavior, taken by the child from the surrounding life, borrowed from relationships in the adult world.

The subordination of the child to the rules of role-playing behavior is the most important element of the role-playing game. The deviation of any of the players from these rules causes protests among the partners in the game. You cannot argue with the captain! or Captains loudly order, and you ask the sailor to wash the deck! Thus, for preschoolers, the role is a model of how to act.

Based on this sample, the child evaluates the behavior of the participants in the game, and then his own. The role appears in the game on the border of early and preschool age. In the third year of life, the emancipation of a child from an adult is observed. At the same time, the preschooler has a growing desire to act independently, but as an adult. Then, while playing, the baby begins to perform certain actions characteristic of any adult, puts the doll to sleep, like a mother, although she does not call herself the name of an adult.

This is the first beginnings of the role. One more sign should be attributed to them - the child voices the toy, speaking on her behalf. Throughout preschool childhood, the development of a role in a plot-role-playing game proceeds from the performance of role-playing actions to role-images. In younger preschoolers, everyday actions predominate - cook, bathe, wash, carry, etc. Then there are role designations associated with certain actions: I am a mother, I am a driver, I am a doctor. The role taken gives a certain direction, the meaning of actions with objects, the mother chooses toys or objects for playing that are necessary for preparing dinner, bathing the child, the doctor selects a pencil - a thermometer for treatment, tears paper for mustard plasters, pours an imaginary medicine from a bottle, etc. Children prefer play the roles of those adults whose activities require certain paraphernalia for the mother - a set of household items, for the doctor - medical instruments, medicines, for the driver - a vehicle.

Thus, playing a role, children of primary preschool age use toys, real objects - a spoon, a basin for bathing a doll, as well as substitute objects - a pencil or stick becomes a knife, spoon, thermometer, syringe in the game. Role-playing interaction is carried out through object-playing actions, the doctor treats the patient by measuring the temperature, giving injections, etc. In the middle preschool age, the fulfillment of a role becomes a significant motive for playing activity, the child develops a desire not just to play, but to fulfill a particular role. The meaning of the game for a preschooler 4-5 years old is the relationship between the characters. Therefore, the child willingly takes on those roles in which he understands the relationship. The teacher takes care of the children, the captain steers the ship, makes sure that the sailors work well, so that the passengers are comfortable. The child depicts these relationships in the game with the help of speech, facial expressions, gestures.

At this age, role-playing speech becomes a means of interaction.

Since children develop a selective attitude towards certain roles, their distribution before the start of the game is a rather emotional process.

Adult help is needed. At older preschool age, the meaning of the game lies in the typical relationship of the person whose role is played by the child with other persons whose roles are taken on by other children. In games, role-playing dialogues appear, with the help of which relations between characters are expressed, game interaction is established.

For the quality of the performance of the role, the attitude of the child to it is important. Therefore, it should be borne in mind that older preschoolers are reluctant to take on roles that, in their opinion, do not correspond to their gender. So, the boys refuse to play the role of an educator, the head of a preschool institution, in the game of school they agree to be only a physical education teacher. In fulfilling the role, the child takes into account not so much external logic, the sequence of actions is a free runway at the airfield, which means that the plane can land as many meanings of social relations as the runway is free, but you need to ask the dispatcher so that an accident does not happen. The main result of the child's game is satisfaction, joy and pleasure received from the very process of the game. Along with this, there is a second result hidden from the child - this is the enrichment and consolidation of children's ideas about the life, activities and relationships of people, as well as the emerging comradely relations between children, a system of personal qualities, various cognitive interests and mental abilities.

The game with the rules, as well as the story game, is an element of children's subculture, belonging to children's life from preschool to adolescence.

Considering a game with rules as a sociocultural phenomenon, one of the types of traditional games, i.e. games passed down from generation to generation, researchers first of all note its inherent stability of form, the preservation of the basic structure with a variety of options I. Ivic, 1987 H. Schwartzman, 1978 Play and Culture, 1987 21, 72, 73 According to Kh. has a characteristic that unites it with other types of games and entertainment.

At the same time, a set of distinguishing features is inherent in the game with the rules. These include an organized structure, a competition, the presence of two or more competing parties, the criteria for determining the winner of the winner, the contract agreement regarding the rules.

All these features appear in the definition of Kh. Shvartsman 72 as being side by side, without any hierarchization. A more general criterion for limiting the game with rules from other types of activity is the presence of formalized rules. For example, I. Ivic 1987 21, developing international project on the collection and preservation of traditional games, emphasizes that a game with rules is characterized by the presence of a clear system of rules that governs the behavior of players.

The rules are impersonal, contractual or circumstantial for all participants. This does not exclude various variants of games and modifications of the rules, but as soon as the participants have agreed on the rules and version of the game, they are obliged to comply with I. Ivic, 1987. P.145 21 . Apparently, if we group all the features indicated by research, a game with rules can be most fully defined through two specific components - formalized, conventional, impersonal, contractual, binding rules for all and consistent relations with the establishment of the primacy of winning one of the parties.

Developed various classifications games with rules. The most general clear classification according to the degree and nature of the skills and abilities required by the game is given by H. Schwartzman 72 1 games based on the dexterity of physical competence 2 strategic games requiring the mental competence of the player. At the same time, Kh. Shvartsman 72 points out that these pure types are rarely found in culture, more often their elements are mixed in a particular game, although some may be predominant.

Children's games can be distinguished for various reasons 1. according to their specific characteristics - into story games and games with rules, and the latter can be considered within the framework of more detailed classifications 2. according to the form of their organization and the degree of regulation by adults in order to solve educational and educational problems - for independent play activities of children and didactic play with content specially introduced by the teacher. Story games and games with rules differ in the type of relationships and the nature of the combination of the interests of the players.

In a plot game, if it proceeds as a joint one, these are relations of complementarity, participation in the meaning of the partner's actions in each next step of the game, or simply independent actions of each. In a game with rules, these are competition relations associated with the establishment of superiority in something by one of the players. As a central characteristic, one can single out the result of the game - the win. In essence, it gathers, as in a focus, on the one hand, jointness and competitiveness can only be won from others, on the other hand, jointness and competitiveness can only be won from others, on the other hand, the impersonal, obligatory writing and the cyclical nature of the activity of the rule equalize all players, the renewal of the cycles opens the prospect of success for all. It is winning that gives this activity a playful character with its unpredictability, surprise. The presence of a win distinguishes a game with rules from a simple exercise, actions with didactic material although there are common features here - obtaining a predetermined end result, the presence of rules for working with the material. Consider the general scheme of the process of deploying a game with rules.

Initially, the players must take equal starting positions.

This means that it is fair for everyone to distribute the functional places in the game of a function with predominant activity, if such are assumed, the order of the participants entering the game, etc. Then the game cycle should be deployed, the specific actions intended by the game should be implemented, which ends with the definition of the winner.

Further, in order to repeat the game cycle, the starting positions of the players must be determined again. All these points involve the use of three kinds of rules. The first are normative rules or normative methods for regulating joint activities that implement the moral principle of justice, the second are the actual game rules, specific instructions that determine the actions of participants in each game, and, finally, the criterion or rules for establishing a win - determining the winner, which allow fixing the superiority of one of the players whoever wins first, who wins the most, etc. Participants in the game must master all these types of rules in order to unfold the process of joint activity. As is commonly believed, a game with rules is of great importance for the physical, sensory, mental development of children, which is carried out due to the content, the material on which each specific game is deployed. However, the specific developmental significance of the game with rules is associated primarily with its specific characteristics.

Especially important is the game with the rules for the development in children of normative regulation of behavior, namely normative regulation, and not just arbitrary action. In the game with the rules as a cooperative activity that requires compliance with the rules of the norm, binding on all participants, there is a need for mutual regulatory regulation of control over the implementation of the rules - an important component of the moral development of the child S. G. Yakobson, 1984 E. V. Subbotinsky, 1983 J. Piaget, 1932, etc. 70, 59, 71 This type of game creates the conditions and the need for children to master and actualize normative ways of implementing the moral principle of justice in independent activities.

The general structure of the game with the rules contributes to the emergence of competitive relations between children, the development of a desire for success in achieving a certain result, comparing their achievements with the results of their peers, and this comparison, distinguishing oneself from others is carried out by the child independently in accordance with the criteria available to him. Also important are the experience acquired by the child of experiencing a temporary failure, as yet socially unimportant, harmless activity, like a game. The significance of the experience of experiencing one's failure, acceptance for more stable, ordered reactions of the child to frustrating reactions is further indicated by a number of researchers, see Play and Culture, 1987 73 . In addition, playing with the rules, as well as other types of joint children's activities, have a significant impact on the child's mastery of various typical forms of interaction - simultaneous and sequential - sequential actions with others, the exchange of functionally distributed actions within the group and between teams, etc. on the development of the ability to contract, preliminary coordination of upcoming actions.

We considered it necessary to review the issues related to the development of a role-playing game with rules in normally developing children, since this will provide an opportunity to better understand the features of the formation of motivation for play activity in children with intellectual disabilities, since the formation takes place with an orientation towards the development of motivation for play activity in norm.

Chapter II Analysis of the results of experimental studies of the motivation of gaming activity. 2.3 Research methods.2.3.1. Experiment Magic Room 2.3.2. Technique Choice of game. 2.3.3. Observation during game activity. 2.3.1. Experiment Magic room. Purpose To study the relationship of children aged 5-7 years. 1. Revealing the features of children's communication in the process of playing activities. 2. Allows you to build a hypothesis about possible reasons popularity of the child. 3. Allows you to get clarifying information about the child's emotional and personal preferences. Instructions Imagine that a wizard has flown to you and invited you to his castle. This castle has a magical room that contains all the games, all the toys that are in the world.

You can come into this room and do whatever you want in it.

But there are two conditions: you must go there not alone, take two with you, whomever you want.

And yet, everything that you will do there, you will offer yourself. Questions 1. Who will you take with you? It is necessary to clarify what kind of children they are, and what age they are. 2. Now you have come to the magic room.

What would you suggest doing there? What and how to play. 3. Well, everyone played.

And then the children said that they were tired of it, and they would not play anymore. What do you suggest next? 4. What other games can you offer? 5. You suggested, but the guys don't want to play like that.

What will you do? Interpretation Initiative and position in communication 1. The child easily makes a variety of proposals for joint play that are clear in design. Interpretation In a real game interaction, the child will also be proactive. He takes on the main roles in the game and takes a leading, dominant position in communication. Dominance can be positive or negative. If positive, the child benevolently, constructively resolves emerging conflicts, taking into account the opinions and desires of others.

If negative - authoritarianism, the desire to achieve the goal in any way. 2. If the child offers 1-2 options for the game, he does not always imagine its course and finds it difficult to distribute roles. Interpretation In real play, these children are less active, they only support it. Make suggestions and clarifications related to their role. They choose middle-ranking roles for themselves. They take a submissive position in communication. They are not very popular, but they are not isolated either. 3. Children who refuse to show initiative.

At best, they offer one version of the game and cannot tell about its intention. Interpretation In a real game, they act as passive participants. They get secondary and unattractive roles. They take a submissive position in communication. Development of gaming skills. 1. The child can offer several options for a role-playing game, games - dramatization or games with rules. Can talk about the course of the game, its rules, distribute roles. Interpretation High level of gaming skills. 2. The child can offer one version of a role-playing game or a game with rules, or only desktop-printed ones.

Interpretation The average level of development of gaming skills. Games offered different kind role-playing, building and constructive, didactic, desktop-printing, etc. Each child chose 3 times. Instruction 1. Questions I will offer several games, and you choose one of them, which you would like to play now. 2. Let's play with the children. 1. Why did you choose this game? 2. What will you play with me later? 3. Which child do you want to play with? Why? Evaluation The analysis was qualitative and the results were recorded.

Observation during game activity. Purpose Observation of the features of gaming activity during the experiment and methodology. In the examination situation, the child is given the opportunity to choose toys and act with them. Observation begins from the moment when the child approaches the toys.

The presence of an emotional reaction to toys, interest in them, a desire to play and purposefulness of actions are recorded. Assessed - manifestation of interest in toys emotional reactions and statements, requests - selection of toys selection is thematic, in order to organize some kind of game or random, in order to collect more toys, regardless of their purpose - persistence of interest in a toy for a long time is engaged in one toy, organizes whether actions are taken with it - the adequacy of the use of toys, the correspondence of the use of the object to its intended purpose. Inadequate use tearing, breaking, licking, sucking, trying to put ridiculous actions with objects into the mouth - actions that are not dictated by the logic of the game or the quality of the object - the possibility of organization and the level of independent play manipulation, process play, play with plot elements - the nature of the game is monotonous or not , the presence of creativity - behavior during gaming activities, emotional reactions, the ability to switch to other games, the reaction to the participation of an adult. The study of the interests of the child, his needs is carried out in parallel with the study of the game. The results were recorded in the table. 2.2

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Development of motivation for gaming activity in preschool children with intellectual disabilities

There are too many Unknown, playing forces in each of us AA Blok The relevance of the problem of motivation. The problem of motivation as the most important structural element in the system.. Its study is important both for the theory of psychology and for social practice.

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The motivational sphere in preschool age is of particular interest to parents and teachers. The behavior of children in the period of personality formation is characterized by a certain naivety and simplicity. However, all the actions they perform have a hidden and conscious meaning, which is due to the upbringing received.

Due to the fact that the kindergarten period is a preparatory stage for further education, the formation of cognitive motivation must be given Special attention. The model of behavior built at an early age will further determine not only successful learning, but also social relationships in society.

Types of Preschool Motivation

The development of internal driving forces in a child requires special study and attention. After all, the presence of a strong cognitive motivation among preschoolers will be the key to the successful development of certain areas of life.

At an early age, a child's behavior is a reflection of certain emotional experiences. However, when performing certain actions, a preschooler does not always give an account of what exactly prompted him to such behavior. Motivation, which is stimulated by internal driving forces, always has a certain direction and is oriented towards the achievement of a goal. In order to ensure the emergence of the necessary motivation, it is customary in pedagogy to distinguish four types:

  • Game motivation;
  • Help for an adult
  • Craving for education;
  • Making things with your own hands.

The motivational sphere of the child is quite diverse. Interest in the world of adults encourages children to copy the behavior of their parents and loved ones. This feature is often used by educators in working with children. The most significant children's motive is their interest in everything new, in particular in the game. It is this process of arousing internal driving forces that helps to establish the right relationship with adults.

The desire to receive a positive assessment of the actions performed makes children sensitive to the opinion of an adult. A motivated child is happy to carry out various assignments and follow the established rules. For a baby aged 3-5 years, the environment in which he is most of his time is of great importance. Emotional microclimate kindergarten determines the norms of behavior for a growing child for the rest of his life.

How the desire for education is born

The family plays a leading role in the formation of cognitive motivation, since it is at an early age that a person’s social and domestic needs are laid down. In the conditions of family education, a preschooler develops an interest in everything new. The child learns to receive information from books and other sources, realizes the need for education. Over time, the baby begins to replace his “I want” with a more serious concept of “must”. creative pursuits help to instill in the child the concept that everything needs to be brought to its logical end.

Parents who are seriously involved in the upbringing of their children will definitely teach the kid to admit his mistakes and adequately evaluate the result of the work done. The desire for a certain success at an early age is a reliable basis for educational motivation.

In pursuit of a certain outcome, older preschoolers quite often perform various household tasks in exchange for being allowed, for example, to watch TV or take a walk. Such motivation of preschoolers indicates that the child puts the concept of “necessary” above his own “want”. Strengthen the initiative of the child can be encouraged or praised. At the same time, punishment has the opposite effect.

Due to the instability of the motivational setting, the promise of a child is considered a weak stimulus. In this regard, it is practically useless to demand from the baby the obligatory fulfillment of one or another condition. In addition, promises that are not fulfilled for various reasons form negative personal qualities in the form of optionality and carelessness.

Stimulation to action

Many children of middle preschool age require an external pedagogical influence on the motivational sphere. In order for the process of motivation to action to be purposeful, it is necessary to carry out certain trainings with the child:

  • The learning process should take place in close cooperation with the teacher. Teachers or parents should believe in the capabilities of the baby and thereby stimulate him to action. When working with a preschooler, you should not force events and rush to conclusions. Each baby is individual and unique in its own way.
  • It is very important to arouse interest in any activity in a maturing person. To do this, you can use the curiosity of the baby. In the process of working with a preschooler, it is necessary to create situations that require the solution of new problems.
  • The child needs to be explained in detail the reason for his failure or success. Evaluation of his activities by a teacher is a strong motivation. You need to compare the results of the baby not with other children, but with his early performance.

The formation of cognitive activity is facilitated by communication with adults in game form. In the process of such interaction, parents and educators stimulate not only the desire for education, but also convey their attitude towards this activity. An adult gives meaning to the cognitive activity of the baby and helps to direct children's motivation towards a specific goal.

Motivation for the development of motor skills

Various physical activity is formed in a person throughout life. The acquisition of skills from a preschooler is due to a number of different factors and conditions. The degree of mastery of a particular skill is assessed by a person's ability to control his consciousness.

The development of new motor skills occurs according to the following prerequisites:

  • The child should have a minimum of knowledge about the technique of action;
  • He must have motor experience and a certain physical preparation.

Motor skill requires constant improvement and a meaningful approach. Therefore, when mastering a certain action, the age of a preschooler is of great importance. The duration of the transition from skill to skill and the effectiveness of training can depend on the following factors:

  • giftedness of the child to the development of a particular discipline;
  • the complexity of the task;
  • age;
  • professionalism of the teacher;
  • the level of educational motivation.

Thus, the improvement of the motor skills of a small child is facilitated not by the mechanical repetition of certain actions, but by the readiness of consciousness to master the skill independently.

Psychology of mastering game motivation

Features of the motivation of preschoolers in a playful way lie in the fact that in the process of learning the teacher must switch the consciousness of a small child from the unconscious performance of actions to the conscious one. Also, the teacher should actively develop creative imagination children.

The awakening of motivation with the help of game actions should take place according to a certain program and in compliance with strict rules:

  • The tasks to be completed must have a certain level of difficulty;
  • Classes should be interesting and varied;
  • In the process of game motivation, the child must independently search for the necessary solution;
  • The form of classes should be constantly changing in order to exclude the creation of a tense working atmosphere;
  • New material should be interesting to the child and as much as possible connected with his life experience.

Teachers are required to emotionally stimulate the preschooler's interest in completing the task. Maintaining the right friendly atmosphere throughout the entire training cycle is the key to a successful solution of the task.

The interest of a small child can be aroused by fairytale heroes. Familiar characters always inspire a sense of trust. The kid is happy to go with them to an impromptu fairy tale in order to become a direct participant in various events. The effectiveness of game motivation is increased due to positive emotions and diligent efforts of the preschooler.

A special role in the development of motivation for action is played by the substitution method, based on the comparison of certain signs, symbols, concepts with familiar images. This tactic helps to liberate the baby as much as possible and make him show his imagination.

When conducting game-based learning, it is very important to have communication between the teacher and the student. For example, many children have difficulty retelling a particular text. With a long storytelling, kids quickly lose interest in such an activity. To prevent this from happening, the teacher can play the situation in the form of a game with subject pictures. It will be much more interesting for children to take turns taking a colorful picture and telling what is shown on it.

In the development of drawing skills in a preschooler, you can also use the game method, because what smaller kid the more he has to play. Draw the attention of the younger preschooler to fine arts can be done with the following exercises. The teacher first draws a certain object in the air or with a finger on paper and at the same time accompanies his actions with a verbal description. Then the children repeat the movement of the teacher and thereby awaken the motivation to imitate. With children of older preschool age, such a game should be played on a walk. They can view the surrounding objects and nature through the viewfinder of an imaginary camera. Such activities well develop memory, thinking and creativity.

Without motivation from an adult, a preschooler will not be active, motives will not arise, the child will not be ready to set goals. Motivation is a set of internal and external driving forces that induce a person to activity, give this activity an orientation focused on achieving the goal. This is the motivation of children's behavior (through their needs, personal motives, goals that are interesting to them, value orientations, etc.), which guides and organizes children, and also gives meaning and significance to the activity for the child himself

Motives related to children's interest in the world of adults. The desire to act like adults. Wanting to be like an adult. Game motives. Interest in the game itself. Motives for establishing and maintaining positive relationships with adults and other children. The desire to earn affection, approval, praise from adults is one of the main levers of his behavior. Motives of self-love, self-affirmation. The child claims to be respected and obeyed by others, to pay attention to him, to fulfill his desires. Children's claims to play the main roles in games. Children of three to five years old are self-affirmation in the fact that they attribute to themselves all the positive qualities known to them. Cognitive and competitive motives Junior preschool age- often listen to the explanations of adults only if they need the information received for practical activities. Senior preschool age - interest in knowledge becomes an independent motive for the child's actions, begins to direct his behavior.

A child of three to four years old does not compare his achievements with the achievements of his peers. Middle and senior preschool age - the desire to win, to be the first. moral motives. Younger preschoolers act in accordance with moral standards only in relation to those adults or children for whom they feel sympathy. Senior preschool age - children's awareness of moral norms and rules, understanding of their universal validity, their real significance. Public motives are the desire to do something for other people, to benefit them. Younger preschoolers can perform a simple task in order to please other people, but for this it is necessary that children vividly imagine the people for whom they are doing the thing, feel sympathy and sympathy for them.

1. Provide more autonomy. Let the child make "discoveries" himself, do not rush to present him with knowledge in finished form. 2. Try to show the need for each knowledge, give examples. 3. Associate new knowledge with those already learned and understood. 4. The task should be neither too difficult nor too easy. It must be feasible. 5. Show interest in the lessons yourself, create a positive emotional background. 6. Let the child feel his successes, achievements. Celebrate his "growth", patience, diligence. 7. Assess objectively the capabilities and abilities of each child. Try not to compare him with other children, only with himself. This approach focuses the child on their own improvement.

Firstly, the child must know that the result of his work is necessary for some game character. Secondly, in order to draw the attention of children to the needs or concerns of the game character, special techniques are required. Thirdly, in order for the children to be actively involved in the work, the teacher explains: in order to save the game character, exactly the subject is needed that ... Fourthly, one should not forget that children solve not an educational, but a game task. They are in the game world.

Technology of the activity approach (structure of classes) Introduction to the game situation Motivation, updating knowledge Statement of the problem of difficulty Exit from Application of new knowledge in practice Systematization of knowledge Reflection of children's activities Technology used

1. Introduction to the game situation (The leading activity of a preschooler is a game. And we will play) Creating a game situation (game moment). Psychological mood: greeting, establishing visual, tactile contacts. 2. Motivation, actualization of knowledge, ideas Formation of ideas about the upcoming activities. (The game situation should be directly related to the topic of the lesson: what children need to be taught). 3. Statement of the problem. Difficulty in a game situation. Acquaintance of children with the features and objectives of the upcoming activities. Giving personal significance to the upcoming activity. (Children fix in a speech that they can’t play further, because something cannot be done). 1. Introduction to the game situation (The leading activity of a preschooler is a game. And we will play) Creating a game situation (game moment). Psychological mood: greeting, establishing visual, tactile contacts. 2. Motivation, actualization of knowledge, ideas Formation of ideas about the upcoming activities. (The game situation should be directly related to the topic of the lesson: what children need to be taught). 3. Statement of the problem. Difficulty in a game situation. Acquaintance of children with the features and objectives of the upcoming activities. Giving personal significance to the upcoming activity. (Children fix in a speech that they can’t play further, because something cannot be done).

Get a gift (for example, pre-prepared gifts are "under locks"; on reverse side drawn castles - tasks that need to be completed); help the hero; solution of domestic issues; travel (it is important not to “lose” anyone, we pay attention to mutual assistance); competition (only for 56-year-old children, team classification, we pay attention to mutual assistance). Finding a way out of a difficult situation (What will we do? With what help? What is missing? What needs to be done? How will we do it?) Introduction of new information by the teacher to solve the problem. The teacher offers several types of activities, techniques, materials for solving a problem situation. Telling, explaining, leading children to resolve the situation. Independent application of the new in practice. Or updating existing knowledge, ideas. (completing of the work). Mastering methods of action, application of skills and abilities. Organization of practical activities, provision necessary assistance and emotional support (individually - differentiated approach). Organization of interaction in achieving results.

Systematization of knowledge. How was the problem solved? With using what? What have you learned? Where is this knowledge useful? 7. Reflection. Formation of elementary skills of self-control. Checking the results obtained Correction of possible errors Self-test (possible with the help of an adult), according to the model.

Toys or play characters: - must be age appropriate for children; - must be aesthetic, - must be safe for the health of the child, - must have educational value, - must be realistic; - should not provoke the child to aggression, cause manifestations of cruelty. - there should not be many game characters. Each character should be interesting and memorable, "have their own character".

INTRA-INDIVIDUALITY METAIN-INDIVIDUALITY is an inexpressible, internal inherent in a person, a unique combination of mental, biochemical differences. This is the inner position of a person. This is the secret to which we do not want to allow other people. - this is a unique psychological atmosphere that is created around a person in a particular social group, objectively existing in the subjective assessments of members of this group, reflected in their minds and activities. This is the psychological trace that a person leaves behind, the atmosphere that he creates with his presence. Meta-individuality always has an assessment, and a person has the right to accept it or not.

Creation of favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual features and inclinations, development of abilities and creativity each child as a subject of relations with himself, other children, adults and the world in the subject-developing environment of the MKDOE (in accordance with the tasks of the Federal State Educational Standard)