Car wash ideas. Effective car wash advertising

The car wash has become less profitable, but the competition continues to grow? Confused? We will help. The rules of the game have changed a lot: it is not enough just to provide quality services.

From the article you will learn how to promote a car wash and attract customers. The minimum task is active advertising of the business. General plan- retaining customers and creating a unique base that will provide high income.

Let's make a deal on the beach

First, a couple of preliminary remarks. They will be needed to develop active actions.


For a car wash to be profitable, it is necessary to develop a powerful advertising campaign. In the face of intense competition in Moscow, the marketing development plan can be compared to full-scale military operations.

Previously, drivers specifically went to the car wash. Now, as a rule, they stop by on the way from point A to point B. Therefore, the favorable location of the business is the main strategic advantage.

Car washes are best located in garage cooperatives, on the territory of gas stations and car services. Near car markets and busy roads, at the entrance to the city. It is important that the car wash is easy to enter. It makes no sense to organize a business in places where traffic jams form.

Location determines the range of services and pricing policy. Simply put, when planning a place for a car wash, study the future target audience, its financial capabilities and needs.

If you plan to buy a car wash business in Moscow, the conditions remain the same. When choosing a business, be guided by its location, asset status and reputation. These are the three pillars on which the whole thing rests and its further advancement is built.

How to make a car wash advertisement: a visible effect

So how do you advertise a car wash? Banners and streamers are installed on the roads next to the car wash. Or in places where traffic jams traditionally form. In traffic jams, you can organize the distribution of flyers and leaflets. If they contain a discount offer, the efficiency will increase. Of course, it makes no sense to create advertising in a long-playing traffic jam, which is located on the other side of the city. Drivers should quickly and easily get to the car wash. Ideally, you can easily turn off the road and fall into your caring hands.

Business cards and leaflets on the terms of netting can be distributed at gas stations and car services. How else can partnerships be useful? See below.

How to promote a car wash with the help of allied troops

IN modern conditions market network business feels the best. This rule can be transferred to the car wash. That is, to establish cooperation with brothers in the auto business. What does it look like? You advertise the service at the car wash. The service station, in turn, undertakes to advise you to visitors. Efficient move - cross fire with discounts: if you change tires in this best tire shop, then in our beautiful car wash you will receive a 10% discount or rubber blackening as a gift.

How to make more money at a car wash: hidden potential

Attention test. What is suspicious was written a few lines above? Right. What is tire blackening? It is hidden potential, secret weapon and Additional services. The organization of this kind of inexpensive and low-cost services will be useful in the work and promotion of a car wash.

Additional services can also be a gift for motorists. For example, when washing the interior, blackening of tires is a gift.

The offer of a set of procedures to restore order will raise profits. This saves the driver time, as there is no need to go somewhere else to, for example, change the oil. The driver will remember the place where he can get a whole range of services. If you give him a business card and a discount, he will remember and come back. If he really likes both times with you, he will return himself and bring friends. Therefore...

Promotion of a car wash: your man

It follows that the best advertisement- the authority of the neighbor. The notorious word of mouth is still one of the most effective publicity stunts. As a natural element, it is very difficult to control. In order for you to be advised, it is necessary to provide a high level of service and work performance. The same principle works on the Internet. Word of mouth will have an effect on thematic forums and websites.

How to attract new customers to a car wash: the best conditions

Nothing can be more attractive than a little intrigue. What an intrigue, we have a car wash promotion! Intrigue is a flyer or a discount card that promises every fifth visit with a 50% discount and carpet cleaning as a gift. That is, all promotions and offers that are commonly called a loyalty program.

Promotions help to attract new customers to the car wash and remind old ones about yourself. Launch blessed word of mouth. Fantasy knows no bounds when it comes to making a profit for your business. Accumulative cards are too attractive to "wash" in another place after receiving them. SMS-mailing, telling about starting promotions, is no less insidious: it is almost impossible to ignore it.

The first weapon - plee!

From word to deed. Now that the war plan has been drawn up, it's time to practically decide how to spin the car wash. If you have any questions why there are no ideas with girls in swimsuits or the development of a fashion site, we will sparingly note that it does not work.

The advertising campaign attracts the attention of motorists. To keep them and earn a good reputation, it is necessary to maintain work at a consistently high level. We are confident in your success and we know that in a year or two you will already create your own network of car washes.

Active advertising companies, favorable discounts in the first months of operation of a self-service car wash always give a good result. Offers attract a large flow of visitors, allow you to develop a base of regular customers. But after 2-3 months, many owners note a decline. There are no more queues at the car wash, profits are declining. What to do in this case and how to attract new customers to the car wash, while not forgetting about the regular ones?

Thinking over the methods of "luring" do not forget that the business operates in the "economy" segment. Catchy slogans for a discount of a few percent will not attract new people, because few people want to drive through half the city for the benefit of 10-15 rubles. Advertising should be of a slightly different nature and not always explicit.

Quality and more quality

The client will come to the car wash again and bring his friend if he is convinced that it is here that he can wash his car perfectly. Do not save on clean water and auto chemical goods. Buy reliable equipment that is easy and convenient to work with. Many customers leave car washes due to low efficiency detergents, which is difficult to wash even ordinary dirt. People prefer a rag and a bucket in the yard of their own house - it's free, you don't have to go anywhere, and the result depends only on your own efforts. Therefore, quality and again quality, stay tuned consumables with the utmost care.

Loyalty cards

A common offer that is actively used by network car washes. The client buys a loyalty card and washes at a discount at any facility of the selected company. Loyalty card usage is sure to keep repeat customers who live, work, or drive by your car wash regularly. The likelihood that drivers from the other side of the city will go to you for bonuses is extremely small. But the cards will be a good addition to the overall marketing strategy.


Offering a discount as such may not have the desired effect, so car wash owners come up with all sorts of promotions. Interesting offer combined with a good financial bonus will not go unnoticed. For example, happy hour promotions are very popular at self-service car washes. The bottom line is that drivers are offered to wash the car at night or on a certain day of the week much cheaper than usual. This allows you to unload posts during peak hours, remove queues, dragging some customers for periods of downtime.

Popular promotion "Pay for one service and get a 50% discount on the second." Sometimes, as a second service, they offer tire inflation or 10 minutes of using a vacuum cleaner for free. The promotion is held for a limited period of time. As soon as the client flow subsides, you need to come up with something new. Don't forget to actively advertise your offers. A simple sign at the entrance to the car wash is not enough. Use all advertising resources available to you.

Internet promotion

Creating a group in social networks does not require financial investments, but if the budget allows, then it is better to design a full-fledged website for your car wash. On Internet resources, you can promote your services, inform subscribers latest news, talk about promotions and various interesting facts. You can populate pages with SEO articles with queries relevant to your services. Be sure to use georeferencing: the name of the nearest metro station, locality, etc.

Another way to promote a business on the Internet is to mark the Yandex.Maps and Google Maps services, in various directories and on information portals. How it works? Suppose a driver is driving on a highway and decides to wash his car before entering the city. He opens Yandex and includes a search for the nearest car wash. If at the same time the car is in your area, the navigator will automatically direct the driver to you. The same will happen when typing the keyword "Car wash in City N". The search engine will give you the address of your self-service car wash in the TOP.

Quality feedback

Work with reviews, try to solve controversial situations personally with each specific client. Customers who are satisfied with the work of the car wash will simply leave and come back to you again. And those customers who did not like something, in a fit of emotion, write negative feedback about your company on the Internet and tell their friends about it.

Spend time monitoring the network. Check not only your site, but also other sites, thematic forums. Try to respond to every review, both positive and negative. Consider the comments and communicate politely even with boors.

You can write your answer right under the reviews, but not in the style of “you are wrong, we are good”, but with an explanation of the situation, with your apologies. Remember that this text will see not only dissatisfied customer, but also hundreds of visitors to the Internet page, among which yours will most likely be the target audience. The diplomacy of the car wash management significantly increases loyalty to the enterprise.

Pay attention to your business, work with clients, improve the quality of services, and then the flow of visitors will be stable.

Before you start talking about car wash promotion, you need to decide what car wash marketing is. When someone says the word "marketing" somewhere, they usually mean various academic works (for example, Philip Kotler) that are used large companies, such as Coca-Cola, Nike, IBM etc.

Advertising can be of two types. The first one is the usual classical, fashion advertising. The second type of direct response technique, i.e. direct response advertising. The difference is very significant. Most advertisements on television, newspapers, magazines, radio, signs, billboards are classic advertisements.

Main distinguishing feature classic advertising - the inability to track the response and, accordingly, the return on investment from each specific advertising channel, and even more so from each competitive advertisement.

Most advertising agencies, marketers, in general, all those who are involved in this and are somehow involved in this industry, do not bear any responsibility for zero results. If you spent 10-20-30 thousand on advertising and didn’t get any “exhaust” or can’t count it, if you didn’t increase the number of customers or if your sales didn’t increase, you will be given a variety of reasons. They will tell you that it is because of bad weather, because of the crisis, because you did not post ads often enough, and in general you are to blame.

Here you need to understand that everyone who makes money on advertising, i.e. magazines, newspapers, advertising agencies, etc., is interested in you buying as much of their advertising space as possible, as much of their services as possible. They don't care what results you get.

Differences direct response advertising from classical advertising somewhat. In general, direct response marketing is a separate big topic, but, for example, if we consider a newspaper ad built according to the laws of direct response advertising, we will see that, firstly, it contains a headline that attracts the attention of a potential client and makes him curiosity. Advertising creates interest in the client to what is offered. It makes the potential client want what is being offered. In such advertising, there is always some specific specific offer, most often with specific numbers. In such advertising, there are always restrictions either on the duration of the offer, or on the number of goods offered - in a word, this is called deadline. And most importantly, this advertisement was originally made in such a way that you can measure the effect of its impact. For example, you spent 10 thousand rubles on an ad in a newspaper. and you can safely say that the ROI from this particular ad was 113% in the first month.

In our country, so far, almost no one uses direct response methods. Why is it important? Why should you use this type of advertising?

Firstly, you are limited in the money you can spend on marketing, because a car wash is not Coca Cola. Accordingly, if you have a limited budget to start with, you cannot afford to spend it on advertising that does not bring results. You can spend money on advertising if it will bring a specific measurable result, expressed in money. Any ad that you can't measure the effectiveness of is money wasted.

And the second point: the reasons why you should invest any money in advertising at all are new client at your doorstep and increase sales. Direct response advertising focuses on these goals. And if someone tells you that you need to give image advertising, send it to the forest.

Classical advertising means "image enhancement" and so on, while direct response advertising uses terms such as return on investment. If you invested, say, $100 in advertising - got a $200 return or invested $500 - received a $3,000 return. Specific, measurable results expressed in terms of money, or in the number of customers, or in terms of sales. I think it will not be difficult for you now to choose which type of advertising you want to use.

On the other hand, everything I talked about was tactics. Now let's talk about your marketing strategy. I hear a lot of talk about how to get customers to a car wash, and basically it all comes down to the fact that the main thing is quality, and customers will spread the word of the car wash through word of mouth. First, word of mouth is too long and you can't afford to wait that long. Secondly, there is no way you can prove to someone that you have excellent quality until a person comes and wash your car. High quality only helps you AFTER a client shows up at your doorstep and pays for your services.

It is important to understand that you have two tasks:

1. Attracting a client.

2. Retention of the attracted client as long as possible.

Quality helps to RETAIN the client, but this is not at all what attracts the client. Customers are attracted by bright packaging, the way you present yourself, how you tell about yourself and what you offer to potential customers.

I often hear from car wash owners that advertising doesn't work. That's bullshit. Advertising works. But it only works if it is built according to certain rules. To ensure that your efforts to attract customers are not wasted, but are guaranteed to bring results, you must follow the three main principles of direct marketing:

1. Attractive marketing message.

2. Relevance of your message to your target clientele.

1. Attractive marketing message- this is what you will show to potential customers, and what you will attract them with. Understand one simple thing: to a potential customer, all car washes are the same. They all say the same thing in their ads, and to get noticed, you have to stand out from the competition. One of the most important things for this is a unique selling proposition. As you understand, it takes either money or time to attract customers. If you have nothing to hook a potential client with, he will not pay any attention to your advertising - and all your efforts and money will be wasted. People are tired of ordinary boring advertising, people see up to 3 thousand advertising messages per day and have already learned how to filter this frantic flow useless information, and moreover - no one trusts advertising. In order for your marketing message to break through these filters, you need to work on it carefully.

If you're fishing in a lake with 30 other fishermen and you all have the same bait, don't expect to have an incredible bite. If you have a special bait that is more attractive to fish, then you can easily catch five times more than other fishermen.

2. Relevance of the message to your target clientele is an equally important principle. I have said in previous chapters that one of the keys to successfully selling your services is knowing how customers make purchasing decisions. You Can't Attract Bentley Owners low prices. You can't advertise the quality of the wash as your advantage if speed is more important to your customers. In order for your marketing message to hit the target, you must know what is important to your customers and what is not. What worries them in the first place, and what - in the second. What are they afraid of and what do they like. Well, of course, you must clearly know what kind of people are your customers.

3. The right advertising channels is a way to deliver a marketing message to your potential customers. If your current customers don't all read motoring papers, there's no point in reaching new customers with auto newspaper ads. If your current clients are active on the Internet, you should have your own website and invest in online advertising. You can even fish in the toilet, but you are unlikely to catch it there, because the fish does not live in the toilet. If you're focused on servicing premium cars, you don't need your money to go to show ads to everyone. I am sure you will not be happy if you advertise in a car magazine, paying 20 thousand rubles for an exit, and only those people who can hardly have enough money to buy a Lada Kalina will read it. You need your marketing messages to reach the specific group of people who are yours. target customers. And for this, you must clearly know who is the best potential client for you. That is why I will repeat for the hundredth time about the vital importance of the customer base.

Opening your own car wash is a business that starts to pay for itself from the first day of work. The dream of seeing a queue at a car wash makes its owner actively look for ways to attract customers. Do not rely on "spontaneous". The choice of a clear marketing strategy will have a decisive impact on the profitability of the enterprise. Inattention to this seemingly insignificant detail leads to the fact that the profit is much lower than expected initially.

If you are in perfect order with the location and appearance car washes, the rest is a matter of marketing.

It is important to understand that in order to develop a business, it is necessary to solve two problems: attract a client and keep him as long as possible. I propose to consider several effective strategic schemes for attracting clientele from different angles.

Classic strategy

Regular customers of the car wash, using its services for a long time, are sure to be rewarded with discounts, attractive bonuses and accumulative discount cards. Special conditions and special offers should be discussed already at the first service of the car.

The traditional small business strategy has many advantages that are attractive for both customers and car wash owners:

  • The car wash visitor realizes that he benefits from the status of a "loyal" customer. The more he consumes services, the more significant the savings of his finances.
  • The business owner will receive increased profits from the new clientele. And this is fair. Indeed, according to statistics, one has to invest five times more money to attract newcomers than to retain regular customers.

When implementing the scheme, it is necessary to take into account several negative points:

  • Potential customers can choose offers from competitors that promise immediate benefits.
  • The growth of the size of discounts, the number of gifts and additional options has a reasonable limit. Visitors accustomed to rewards after reaching the maximum possible level can reduce loyalty to your car wash.
  • Over time, the profit from serving regular customers becomes less and less. Therefore, it is more profitable for the owner to direct efforts to find a new clientele, even if serious investments are required.

Motivational strategy

New customers are offered a car wash at a reduced rate for a certain period of time. This can be seen as a reward for choosing your particular car wash. Then the price becomes the standard for everyone.

Benefits of the scheme for both parties:

  • The main advantage of this technique for a potential client is the possibility preferential service.
  • The reduced cost of services often becomes the main motivational argument when choosing a service center.
  • Losing profits while serving newcomers, the car wash earns on regular customers much more than with the implementation of the classical strategy.

Negative points that need attention:

  • The cost of attracting new customers to a car wash increases significantly.
  • New service users are in a better position than old ones. Therefore, after the expiration of the preferential service period, car owners can go to competitors.

In my opinion, it is possible to achieve rapid success in the field of car wash service only by resorting to non-standard methods of promotion in the service market.

A skillful combination of classic and motivational strategies can lead to amazing results in the fight for the hearts of customers. The universal scheme helps to quickly and practically without loss expand the client base.

Universal Strategy

At the first stage of work with new clients, the motivational method is used. But the receipt of preferential services is limited in time or in the number of services.

Then visitors are offered to wash the car at the standard cost.

At the third stage, when the client is considered a regular, his loyalty is supported by discounts and bonuses according to the classical scheme.

This approach can really become the basis for a constant influx of people who want to use your services.

Attractive features of the strategic scheme:

  • It is beneficial for the client that at first they reward his choice, and over time - constancy.
  • The owner of a car wash can count on building long-term relationships with the target audience.

Disadvantages of the strategy:

  • It is not easy for clients to understand the structure of relationships and evaluate their benefits.
  • Complicated methodology for calculating car wash profits and increased costs to maintain a customer base.

In order for your car wash to get noticed, you need to stand out from the typical competitors. To do this, it is important to prepare a unique offer that offers something “in addition” to the standard service.

Choose the best marketing strategy, and then the customers will come again to multiply the money at the car wash checkout again.

To implement any of the selected strategies, it will help you, for accounting for customers, processing work orders, maintaining a customer base, calculating wages cleaners...and much more.

Any business depends on the number of those customers who purchase the company's products or use its services. A priori, any business cannot do without advertising itself and increasing the number of buyers of its goods and services.

How to advertise a car wash

This statement fully applies to such a type of business as a car wash. This business, due to the high competition in the Russian capital, requires much more effort on the part of car wash owners than in other regions of our great country. Of course, the fact that the motor vehicle fleet in the capital is constantly growing plays into the hands of the owners of car washes, but the question of how to promote a car wash in the conditions of high competition in the capital is one of the most urgent in the realities of the modern car business.

The editors of the project website tried to marketing research this issue and find out which car wash advertising will be the most effective in modern conditions.

Let's start with the fact that any new car wash (however, like some other types of modern business) should be known to as many potential customers as possible. That is, even before its opening it is necessary to use some means outdoor advertising(The "We're opening soon" banner on the car wash task will be very, very handy). It is necessary to organize the distribution of leaflets with a short list of future services and the exact address of the location of the future car wash. The car wash owner can be sure that the information will reach potential customers and they will definitely use the services of the new car wash when it opens. It is necessary to start creating a small Internet project for a car wash (a mini business card website), but not yet release it on the big Internet.

After the exciting moment of the opening has passed, it is necessary to start a large-scale advertising of the car wash. Repeat the same set of outdoor advertising tools (replace the banner with "We are opening soon" with the banner "We are open. Welcome"), pay for advertising in various print media, order advertising on the Internet (Yandex. Direct is quite suitable - that's why you need your own website ). Naturally, distribution of leaflets to motorists on the road and some other events. It is necessary to carry out various promotions at your car wash (a flight of fancy for business owners).

In fact, the question of how to quickly promote a car wash is important, but another question is even more important - how to make a car wash remain popular over a long period of time. For this it would be nice to have promotional video on the example of what is given at the end of the article.

A selection of videos advertising car washes