Rules of business communication are the basis of ethics. Business communication ethics

Business communication is a way of communication between people in the process of their implementation entrepreneurial activity or fulfillment job duties. That is, this is a type of communication that is associated with the production process of a product or the provision of a service and is not associated with personal or social relations between people.

Civilized business communications are built on the observance by its participants of certain unwritten rules and norms that contribute to the achievement of the goals set by the parties and the maintenance of good business relations between them, which are necessary for further mutually beneficial interaction.


The main difference between business relations and any other is their regulation. This implies the existence of certain boundaries in relations determined by the traditions of culture, universal moral principles and the requirements of professional ethics.

The ethics of business communication is one of the components of general ethics, which has all the characteristics of the latter. In a general sense, this concept can be viewed as a portfolio of ideas about morality, its norms and rules, which guide people in relations with each other in the process of production activities.

The basis of business ethics is respect for the interests of both the company that the person represents, and its customers, partners, competitors, as well as the entire society as a whole.

The main principles of business ethics are:

  • obtaining benefits by the maximum number of participants in business relations;
  • ensuring equal access for all participants in the relationship to the subject matter of the business relationship.

In business communication, there is always a very sharp contradiction between ethical standards and the very essence of entrepreneurial activity, which business people solve in different ways. In any case, this decision comes down to one of the main positions:

  • The essence of the pragmatic position or principle of utilitarianism is that ethics and business are incompatible concepts. The main thing is to achieve maximum profit indicators by any means. Entrepreneurs who adhere to this point of view try to avoid talking about morality, social obligations and ethical standards.
  • A civilized position or the principle of the moral imperative is based on the fact that it is ethics that can help maximize profits, expand or strengthen business contacts, introduce and strengthen ethical rules of conduct in society as a whole, which cannot but contribute to the further prosperity of business.

Business ethics today uses knowledge from various fields (ethics, psychology, scientific organization labor).

The need to study business communication ethics is associated with the constantly changing needs of the modern world and is the basis for the success of communications both in the business sphere and throughout society.

Tasks and principles of etiquette

There are several main tasks of etiquette:

  • The presence of certain established standards of conduct and the need to comply with them simplify the procedure for communication both with other organizations and within labor collective, since it is much faster and easier to work in accordance with generally accepted models. Subject to business etiquette participants in communications accurately imagine what can be expected from each other.
  • Etiquette helps maintain normal relationships with representatives external environment organization, as well as creating a working environment in the team.
  • It also supports the moral comfort of each participant in communication. In a person's life, mental stability often has greater value than physical comfort. The presence of rules of professional relations contributes to a person's job satisfaction.

The more favorable moral conditions are created, the higher will be the productivity of labor and, accordingly, the better will be the results. Also, the employee will show a greater degree of loyalty to the company.

The basic principles of business etiquette are based on the fact that when making a decision, one should make sure that the limits of action are combined with the moral values ​​of other participants in communications and can be coordinated with their interests. At the same time, coordination should have a morally justified goal, for the achievement of which only ethically appropriate tools should be used.

There are several basic principles:

  • Interpersonality. Any communication, including business, takes place between people with their personal characteristics. And despite the fact that the communication between them has a professional orientation, the interpersonal attitude will still have an impact on the interaction process.
  • Continuity. The essence of this principle lies in the initiation of constant contact by the participants of communication, if they are in sight of each other. Based on the fact that people communicate both verbally and non-verbal means, they constantly share certain information with each other, to which each participant in communication attaches its own meaning and draws its own conclusions.
  • Purposefulness. Any interaction has a specific goal or several goals. However, they can be explicit and implicit. Speaking to the audience, the speaker has an explicit goal to convey certain material to the audience, and an implicit one - for example, to demonstrate to the audience his remarkable intelligence and eloquence.
  • Multidimensionality. This principle assumes that in business relations there is not only the exchange of information, but also the regulation of relationships between the parties. That is, in professional interaction, its participants broadcast to each other their emotional attitude which acts as a regulator of their business relations.

The main postulate of culture and ethics professional communication comes down to a well-known moral principle: do not do to others what you do not want them to do to you. This applies to any type of business relationship, both within the organization (vertically and horizontally), and when negotiating with representatives of other companies or communicating with customers.

Fundamental rules

Based on the above tasks and principles of business ethics, it is possible to formulate professional ethical rules that are equally necessary for compliance with both ordinary employees in the team and the head or owner of the enterprise.

They are one of the key tools for success in a profession or business:

  • Accuracy and punctuality. As part of a professional or commercial relationship, you should try to never be late for work, a meeting, or a business meeting. After all, the degree of respect and trust in a person who keeps himself waiting all the time and at the same time wastes other people's time is rapidly decreasing. Such a quality on the part of others speaks of the inability to adapt to the modern rhythm of life, insecurity. It is also important to value the time of others and not take it for unnecessary conversations without their permission.
  • Effective organization working space. Workplace can speak eloquently about its owner. It is clear that if it is kept in order, the same can be said about the thoughts of a person. Moreover, it saves a lot work time. After all, in order to find on a desktop cluttered with papers desired document, it may take a long time.
  • Polite communication and respect for others. In business relations, it is important to respect and strive to understand the interlocutor, to be able to put yourself in his place and look at the situation through his eyes. Insults and humiliation in the professional sphere are unacceptable, as well as shouting, "strong" expressions and rudeness. You need to be able to act not only in your own interests. At the same time, one should not show excessive altruism. This type of behavior may indicate excessive softness.

  • Appearance appropriate to the situation. You should always remember that appearance is an important component of business communication. The main thing in the image is not the presence of expensive attributes, but neatness and accuracy. If a certain style of dress is adopted in the office, then it is better to adhere to it so as not to cause a negative attitude towards yourself both from the management and from colleagues.
  • Working mood. If an employee is result-oriented, then this has a positive effect on his career and on the efficiency of the company. The attitude of "slipshod" never inspires confidence. With such employees, the company can hardly hope to achieve its goals.
  • Restrained gestures. Do not forget about personal space. Business etiquette does not accept tactile contacts between communication participants. Kissing and touching are not allowed. The only thing that can take place is a handshake. It is also worth minimizing various gestures and facial expressions, because they can easily determine understatement or uncertainty. The back should be kept straight, the gaze should be firm, and the movements clear.

  • Rules for everyone. Business etiquette is the same for everyone, both male and female. Businesswoman can also shake hands with the interlocutor. At the same time, she cannot flirt, cast unambiguous glances, or play pranks. Features of the character of a participant in a business relationship should not be made public. Strictness and restraint are the basic rules that should be followed in a working environment.
  • Hierarchy. In business communication, it is not gender that comes to the fore, but the principle of hierarchy. That is, the status of an employee is determined by his place on the career ladder. Observance of subordination is one of the most important rules in business relations.
  • Relationships within the team. Achieving the goals set by the company is impossible without effective team. And a good team is built on the right interaction between its members (smooth relations, the absence of "favorites" and "victims", the inadmissibility of personal relationships).

  • Confidentiality. Employees must be able to keep confidential information, official secrets, not to talk about the state of affairs in the company, to monitor the protection of personal data.
  • Business tone in letters. Correspondence sent on behalf of the company, or in response to any document, must adhere to the rules of business correspondence.


In a traditional society, in relation to the values ​​and norms of business etiquette in an organization There are several types of human behavior:

  • "Disciplined"- an employee devoted to the organization who fully accepts the norms of behavior adopted in it and behaves in such a way as not to create a conflict of interest (of his own and the company).
  • "adaptable"- an employee who behaves in accordance with the standards generally accepted in the company, but does not accept its values. Despite the fact that such an employee follows the rules, he cannot be called devoted and loyal to the company. In extreme conditions for him, he may well commit an act that goes against the values ​​of the company.
  • "Original"- a type of employee who shares the values ​​of the company, but the norms of behavior established in it are unacceptable to him. In this regard, such a person may have conflicts with management and colleagues. Successful adaptation of such an employee is possible only if the company, as an exception, allows him not to follow the general norms.
  • "Rebel"- an employee for whom both the values ​​​​and the rules established in the organization are alien. Despite warnings, he breaks barriers and constantly clashes with others at all levels of the hierarchy. The need to adhere to certain patterns is perceived negatively by him. The reason for this may be the unwillingness to understand the significance of corporate norms and values, and the lack of skills necessary for this.

The subtleties of communication

Features of communication, due to professional duties or business necessity, depend on at what level or between what levels of the management hierarchy it takes place. Let's consider each type of interaction separately.

Employee - boss

  • The subordinate, by his behavior, should contribute to maintaining a comfortable psychological atmosphere in the team and help his boss in this.
  • An attempt by a subordinate to lead a superior will be considered a manifestation of non-compliance with the hierarchical principle and disrespect. The subordinate has the right to express his opinion to the head, but in the correct form and taking into account his position.
  • A categorical tone when communicating with management is not allowed.
  • Appeal to the head of the head is considered unacceptable.

What is business ethics? This is politeness, a culture of communication and the ability to solve any situation without arguing and shouting. Like universal human moral norms, the ethics of business behavior are not spelled out anywhere. Therefore, its concept in people is somewhat vague. In this article, you can get acquainted with the rules, principles and norms of business conduct.


What is business ethics? These are principles and norms that have been developed over the years. Thanks to them, you can solve any controversial situation without conflict and assault. Ethics of business communication regulates job responsibilities employees, their external and internal behavior, and also forms the business reputation of each individual employee. Thanks to the norms, rules and principles, people manage to maintain a friendly atmosphere in the team, avoid disputes and misunderstandings. The unwritten respect that each person has for his superiors, colleagues, and clients gives him the opportunity to treat everyone impartially.

Some companies even create written ethical codes so that employees know how to behave in a given situation. And in some companies special psychological courses and trainings are held.

Respect for other people's opinions

How often does a person believe that he is right, but others are wrong? This happens all the time. The ethics of business communication is, first of all, respect for the opinions of others. A person must understand that at work, and in life, he is surrounded by people who were brought up guided by some other principles, perhaps they have other life values. But your vision of the world and your values ​​should not interfere with working with people. Respect for other people's opinions is the path to success that leads to promotion. People who know how to enter into the position of another and listen to his reasoned position always achieve more than those people who believe that their opinion is the only one that deserves attention.

Features of the ethics of business communication are that people have to find compromises. There is no magic tool that helps a person to convince his opponent that he is right. You have to do it with arguments. And if you do not know how to clearly, beautifully and concisely prove your position, be prepared for the fact that your opinion will remain unheard. There is no one to be offended in such a situation. It should be understood that in order to become someone in business world You need to be able to present yourself and your opinion. And also do not forget to correct it periodically, if circumstances require it.


The ethics of business communication is respect for your colleagues. And what kind of respect can we talk about if a person spreads gossip? Normal relationships can be maintained with those people who will not mix their personal lives and business relationships. Of course, your colleagues may be interested in information about the new restaurant you were at yesterday, but not everyone will be pleased to hear about how tired your boss is. And if discussing management with your colleagues is half the trouble, then discussing your colleagues is a real problem. If you talk about someone and spill other people's secrets, you will no longer be taken seriously.

You need to be able to respect someone else's privacy. Do not make up tales and do not convey what you heard from colleagues over a cup of coffee drunk together. Know how to be above gossip and gossip. If someone asks you for your opinion on this or that person, just say what you could boldly say in the face of the person in question.

Don't talk too much

Want to appear smarter? Be silent more. This is the golden principle of business ethics. In order not to get into an absurd situation, try to keep your cool. If you have nothing to say to a colleague over a cup of coffee, you may well spend your break in silence. Don't be afraid of being thought badly of you. It will be worse if you talk about something absolutely uninteresting for your interlocutor.

Be careful what you tell and to whom. Try not to discuss your colleagues or speak badly about the current state of the working project. You should also exclude the topic of finance. You can discuss money matters only with clients or business partners. Business must be done openly. Colleagues must know exactly who, for what and how much receives. Transparent accounting removes all disputes and misunderstandings that may arise in the team.

Do not break verbal agreements

A person who keeps his word is worthy of respect. The ability to comply with oral agreements is one of the principles of business communication ethics. Having agreed with someone about something, you should write down what you promised to do. And if the project has a deadline, you will need to meet the deadlines, and ideally, do it in advance. Don't make promises if you know you can't keep the request. Do you want to offend someone? You will offend him more if you disappoint him when you cannot fulfill the promise. It’s not so scary to refuse requests for help, it’s worse to be branded as a person who does not keep his promises.

Sometimes some unscrupulous people can promise something and forget. And when they are asked the result, they will say that there was no contract, since nothing is documented anywhere. Throw off responsibility In a similar way not worth it. Once having undermined self-confidence, it will be difficult to return it, and sometimes impossible.

A culture of speech

Do you want to follow the rules of ethical business communication? Then watch not only what you say, but also how you do it. Keep a businesslike style of communication. Do not use rude and even more obscene words. Do not raise your voice to a colleague, boss, or sponsor. A calm and reasonable person always inspires more confidence.

Control the speed of your speech. Some people speak too fast, while others, on the contrary, are used to drawing out words. Both options are inappropriate. Speak at the optimum speed for the listener. You can work it out at home by talking with your family.

If you have a strong accent, you need to get rid of it. Some believe that the wrong way of speaking adds charm to them. It's funny to hear that. Perhaps this will make the actor more charismatic, but definitely not a man in a business suit.

Don't neglect your own health and that of others

Leaders must take care of their subordinates. If a project is running out of time, you can ask employees to work overtime, but for this processing should be given an additional day off. If processing happens too often, think about how well the work process is set up. Perhaps your trusted people who oversee this or that project are not up to the task assigned to them.

In business communication, there are invisible boundaries that separate each person. This area is called personal space. It should not be broken. Each person should take care not to overstep the boundaries of the colleague's personal space and not bring his subtle spiritual nature to tears. Such cases are not uncommon. In any team you can meet energy vampires who only do what they do to spoil the mood of those around them.

Language of the body

Speaking briefly about the ethics of business communication, one cannot fail to mention non-verbal signs. Body language plays an important role both in everyday life and in the business world. What should you know and what should you avoid? When communicating with your partners, or colleagues, try not to take closed poses. Do not cross your arms or legs unless absolutely necessary. Don't put your hands in your pockets. If you can't find a use for your hands, gesticulate.

Do not fiddle with pencils and pens. Small objects flying every now and then in the visibility zone are very distracting from the essence of the conversation. Don't make sudden movements. It is they who give out internal tension. Be relaxed. You should be comfortable sitting in a chair or standing in front of a person.

Don't worry about your appearance. It is very unpleasant to watch how the person sitting in front of you now and then straightens his hair or tie. This shows the fact that your opponent is trying his best to please you.

Let others speak

Ethical business communication requires that people communicate with each other in a courteous manner. You have probably noticed that some people, in a fit of passion or when some thought has completely taken over their mind, begin to behave very unnaturally. They raise their voice, interrupt the interlocutor and believe that their opinion is the only true one. You must respect all the people gathered in the office. Let everyone speak.

Even if you are the head of the organization and have already made a decision, listen to the opinion from the outside. A person is always pleased when his opinion is asked. Even if you don't apply the advice you've received from your peers, the mere fact of having a respectful conversation will lift you up in their eyes. The main thing to remember is that you should never interrupt a person. Even if your opponent is talking complete nonsense, you should listen to him to the end.

Listen to the interlocutor

The concept of ethics in business communication is based on a unique human property that very few have. Listening is the greatest gift you can develop. Everyone can hear the interlocutor, but not many can delve into the essence of his monologue. Most people are so used to playing with one goal that they do not even try to delve into the essence of the conversation. When a person does not speak, he forms in the brain a phrase that he will pronounce. He simply does not have free time to understand what, in general, is at stake. This is the reason why most of the controversy occurs. It is difficult to convey your thoughts to a person when he closes and thinks completely not about the subject of the conversation.

It is easy to develop the skill of an attentive listener. Try not to have an internal conversation with yourself while someone else is talking to you. It might be difficult at first. To test how well you understand the essence of the conversation, do a simple exercise after each conversation. Roll the dialogue back. Phrase by phrase, try to build your speech and the speech of the interlocutor. Such a simple exercise will show you how many percent of the conversation you managed to remember.

Be Friendly

The ethics and culture of business communication is based on your internal and external state. In any situation, no matter how bad it may be, you should keep a face. Smile at the person and talk to them as friendly as possible. Your opponent is not to blame for family troubles, that the bus was late, or that the car did not start in the morning.

Minor annoyances should not spoil the mood for you or your colleagues. Thanks to a positive outlook on the world and a friendly attitude, you will be known as a kind and open person. This characteristic will allow you to win the trust of colleagues, customers and superiors. And most importantly, by always being in a good mood, you will develop a habit of positive thinking that will help you overcome all life's troubles.

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Ethics of business communication- a set of moral norms, rules and ideas that regulate the behavior and attitudes of people in the process of their production activities. The ethics of business communication is a special case of ethics in general and contains its main characteristics.


The ethics of business communication is concerned with identifying the norms and rules of communication adopted in certain situations and conditions of communication, as well as predicting and determining the line of conduct and studying the factors that influence the behavior


Business communication arises on the basis of and about a certain type of activity related to the production of a product or business effect. At the same time, the parties to communication act in formal (official) statuses that determine the necessary norms and standards of human behavior. A distinctive feature of business communication is that it does not have a self-contained value, is not an end in itself, but serves as a means to achieve some other goals. In the conditions of market relations, this is, first of all, obtaining the maximum profit.

social contract

The basis of modern business ethics is the social contract (an informal agreement between the company and its external environment on uniform standards of behavior) and the social responsibility of the company (maximizing its advantages and minimizing the disadvantages that affect both business participants and society as a whole).

Construction of speech argumentation

To date, there are two most common principles for constructing ethical argumentation - the principle of utilitarianism and the principle of the moral imperative.

Principle of utilitarianism

An action is considered morally justified if it brings or tends to bring the maximum benefit to the maximum number of persons. The total benefit is compared with the amount of damage caused. And if it outweighs, the decision is unethical. If all alternative actions cause some degree of damage, then the “lesser evil” is chosen.

Principle of the moral imperative

Moral decisions should not depend on a specific result (any bribe is evil, deceiving one client is just as immoral as many).


  • Uzerina M. S. Ethics of business communication: textbook - Ulyanovsk: UlGTU, 2004. - 72 p.
  • Lavrinenko VN Psychology and ethics of business communication: Textbook for universities - 4th ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2005. - 415 p.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

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  • Ethics of business communication: Textbook, Ivanova I.S. The publication describes the basic rules of business communication that allow you to achieve success through compliance with the "golden rule of morality", the use of the categorical imperative of I. Kant, the rule ...

The concept of "ethics" as a doctrine of morality came to us from ancient Greece. The philosopher Aristotle introduced this term into use, establishing ethical standards public relations in various spheres of life, from family to politics. Largely thanks to him, we have a clearly structured system of moral categories: good, evil, conscience, dignity, good, happiness.

The ethics of business communication is a set of moral norms that streamline the behavior and relationships of people in the course of their mutual production activities. When making a decision, a person (regardless of position) should be guided not only own desire, but also by its compatibility with the values ​​of the opposite side. Allocate the following types business communication:

  1. (supervisor and subordinate).
  2. From the bottom up (subordinate and leader).
  3. Horizontally (employee and employee).

What are the specifics of each of them, the examples below will illustrate.

Top-down business communication

The attitude of the head to subordinates determines the nature of business communication within the company, its psychological microclimate in particular. The manner of giving orders, the organization of the work process, the established service discipline - everything should be focused on creating a comfortable and benevolent atmosphere in which team members feel protected and connected to each other.

The attitude of the head to subordinates determines the nature of business communication within the company, its psychological microclimate in particular.

Key rules and methods of leader behavior:

  • Strive to unite and unite the team. Create conditions for communication.
  • Do not pretend that you have lost control of the situation, otherwise you will lose authority and respect.
  • Know how to recognize own mistakes. Hiding them is a sign of weakness.
  • If an employee shirks from obligations, make it clear that you know this, make a reprimand or remark. Find out the reasons for poor performance.
  • If you criticize, then condemn the actions and actions, not the person.
  • Do not act as an adviser in your personal life. With a good outcome, you will most likely not be thanked; if bad - blame.
  • Judge fairly and on merit, do not single out favorites.
  • Encourage the team, even if success is achieved only thanks to you: “we were able”, “we have achieved”.

The form of the request can be anything: an order, a request, a question. Depends on the specific situation. If the relationship is based on trust and friendliness, asking will do. Such a manner of behavior on the part of the boss will allow the employee to be open and calm.

If such a statement is pronounced in an appropriate tone, then it will be perceived as an order. Most often they are used in emergencies or in relation to an unscrupulous employee. The question is used for discussion when the course of the conversation falls on the shoulders of a subordinate in order to test his professionalism and experience.

Business communication from the bottom up

Sometimes finding a common language with the boss is easy and simple. You can even draw him to your side and make him a real ally. And you can, on the contrary, turn against yourself and include in the ranks of ill-wishers. Therefore, knowing the basics of behavior in the “bottom up” aspect is so important for any subordinate. Here are a few ethical rules necessary to create a favorable and lasting relationship:

  • Contribute to the creation of a friendly atmosphere in the team.
  • Do not impose your worldview on the boss, do not command.
  • Express comments and suggestions politely and correctly.
  • Give up the eternal assent, the annoying categorical “no”. Have your own position on every issue.
  • Show yourself as a reliable and responsible employee, adhere to firm principles.
  • Do not seek support through the “head” of the boss (that is, from higher management), except in emergency situations. Otherwise, your act will be regarded as disrespect and disregard for his position.

You can not turn to higher management for support, except in emergency situations, otherwise it will be regarded as a disregard for the position of the head.

Business communication "horizontally"

As for communication with colleagues, finding the right angle of behavior is not an easy task. On the one hand, these are people who are competitors in the struggle for the desire to climb the career ladder. From another point of view, they are all members of the same team, which has a common professional goal.

The basic principles of business ethics are that colleagues should feel equal. Therefore, the following characteristics are taken into account:

  • Do not demand special treatment from colleagues. Treat each of them respectfully and friendly, address them by name.
  • Divide tasks, rights and shares of responsibility.
  • Don't promise what you can't deliver. Exaggeration of business opportunities threatens with a negative assessment from colleagues and a loss of significance in their eyes.
  • Don't overstep personal boundaries. Drop your prejudices.
  • Appreciate your colleagues. Treat them the way you would like to be treated.

General requirements

Basic knowledge of the postulates of business communication will facilitate the process of communication, prevent the occurrence of quarrels, disputes, conflicts. To maintain a warm atmosphere in the team at the enterprise, it is enough to remember some forms and features of behavior:

  • Everyone who enters the room should say hello to those present.
  • The pronoun "you" is preferred over "we". Also relevant is the “proper name” technique, based on the obligatory pronunciation of the name of the interlocutor.
  • It is important to maintain good mood, be friendly and polite, use the "mirror of attitude" technique when a smile causes a mutual reaction.
  • Know how to listen to the interlocutor and not interrupt him.
  • React to criticism calmly, do not get angry and do not take revenge.
  • Do not forget about appearance, literacy and demeanor (for example, about smoking, it is better to ask permission from others).


Knowing and mastering the norms of business communication helps to formulate one's own thought, analyze comments and evaluate criticism, which contributes to the strengthening of interpersonal relationships and the successful development of cooperation. Each entrepreneur who values ​​the reputation of the company seeks to establish in the team the postulates that make up the ethics of business communication, for violation of which he is even ready to reduce the amount of material bonuses.

The ability to quickly and correctly determine the national - psychological

type your interlocutor, then set trusting relationship and it will not be difficult for you to successfully interact with him. Knowing the characteristics of each psychological type, you can control the course of the conversation, reduce the risk of a conflict situation.

The psychology of business communication is an integral part of the complex of psychological sciences; it is based on the main categories and principles developed by general psychology.

The most important principles that guide general psychology and all its branches are the following:

The principle of causality, determinism, i.e. recognition of the relationship, interdependence of mental phenomena both with others and with material phenomena;

The principle of consistency, i.e. interpretation of individual mental phenomena as elements of an integral mental organization;

The principle of development, recognition of transformation, change mental processes, their dynamics, transition from one level to another.

Based on the analysis of personality psychology working group, norms of business ethics, national psychological types solve two main interrelated tasks:

Mastering the methods of psychological diagnostics, methods of describing the psychological states of the subjects of industrial activity, individual workers, managers, work groups;

Development of skills and abilities to change the psychological states of a subject through the use of special psychological technologies.

Ethics (from the Greek. ethos - custom, temper) - the doctrine of morality, morality. The term "ethics" was first used by Aristotle (384-322 BC) to refer to practical philosophy, which should answer the question of what we must do in order to perform correct, moral actions.

Morality (from Latin moralis - moral) is a system ethical values that are recognized by humans. Morality is the most important way of normative regulation of social relations, communication and behavior of people in various spheres of public life - family, everyday life, politics, science, work, etc.

In a traditional society (a society of "mechanical solidarity" according to Emile Durkheim), based on community social life, collective representations, mythological consciousness and interpersonal relationships, the main mechanism of business communication is ritual, tradition and custom. They correspond to the norms, values ​​and standards of business communication ethics.

This nature of the ethics of business communication is already found in ancient India. All human behavior and communication, including in the business sphere, is subordinated here to the highest (religious) values. The above is typical for traditional Buddhist teachings.

The primary role of the ethical norms of ritual, custom is given in business communication and ancient Chinese society. It is no coincidence that the famous Confucius (551–479 BC) puts duty, justice, and virtue in the first place in relations between people, subordinating benefit and benefit to them, although he does not oppose them to each other.

As in the East, in Western Europe of ancient times, much attention is paid to the need to take into account ethical norms and values ​​in business communication, their influence on the efficiency of doing business is constantly emphasized. So, already Socrates (470 - 399 BC) says that "who knows how to deal with people, he conducts both private and general affairs well, and whoever does not know how, he makes mistakes here and there."

However, unlike the eastern, Western European, especially

the Christian cultural tradition is more pragmatic. Economic, material interest comes to the fore here, along with this, much attention is paid to the status nature of communication. At the same time, the status of the boss is seen as more privileged than that of a subordinate. Hence, ethical norms, such as justice, goodness, goodness, etc., are filled with economic content and also acquire a status character. The criterion of morality in business communication moves to the economic sphere. Therefore, a person with a “market character” (as defined by Erich Fromm) is constantly in a state of contradiction, characterized by a split consciousness.

An attempt to overcome this contradiction of moral consciousness was made within the framework of Protestantism during the Reformation in the 16th-17th centuries. Protestantism has brought a lot of positive things to the ethics of business communication and achieved certain successes in its approval.

In the era of "wild capitalism" (Western Europe, the USA in the 19th - mid-20th centuries), in the ethics of business communication and, in particular, business conversation, greed began to come to the fore.

In modern developed countries observance of ethical standards in business communication and during a business conversation is recognized as important not only from the point of view of the responsibility of businessmen to society and themselves, but also necessary for production efficiency. In this case, ethics is seen not only as a necessary moral imperative of behavior, but also as a means (tool) that helps increase profitability, helps strengthen business ties and improve business communication.

Communication is the process of communication and interaction of social subjects: social groups, communities or individuals, in which information, experience, abilities and results of activity are exchanged. The specificity of business communication is due to the fact that it arises on the basis and

about a certain type of activity related to the production of a product or business effect. His distinguishing feature- it does not have a self-sufficient meaning, is not an end in itself, but serves as a means to achieve some other goals. In the conditions of market relations, this is, first of all, obtaining the maximum profit. Practice shows that in any business success by more than 50% depends on the ability to establish contacts and build business communication correctly.

Business ethics is also a system of knowledge about labor and professional morality, its history and practice; about how people are accustomed to relate to their work, what meaning they give to it, what place it occupies in their lives, how relations develop between people in the process of work, what inclinations and ideals provide effective work, and which hinder it.

At business people around the world there is a strict concept of business ethics and commitment. Over the years, partners who have been proven over the years are highly valued, and newcomers are examined with suspicion, often deleting them from their lists. notebooks the names of those who, from the first meeting, did not behave according to the rules. Therefore, newly minted entrepreneurs, with all their behavior trampling on the elementary foundations of business ethics, cannot hope for success.

Ethics and etiquette of business relations require that the leader possess the following qualities:

The ability to agree;

Decisiveness and justified compliance;

demanding of oneself and others;

Ability to work in stressful environments.

Business relationship - this is one of the types of social relations, such as the relationship between partners, colleagues and even competitors, arising in the process of joint activities in the market and in the team.

At the level of business relationships in a business, employees must be

focused on a partner, on a consumer, which increases interest in work. In order to successfully carry out any enterprise (make a deal), one should strive to understand the partner of business communication. In business relations, you must be the master of the situation, take the initiative and responsibility. Participants in business relations get the opportunity to influence each other's knowledge, skills, attitudes, feelings. In the studies of Professor B.F. Lomov, who paid quite a lot of attention to aspects of the socio-psychological phenomenon of communication, the idea is clearly presented: when we study the lifestyle of a particular individual, we cannot limit ourselves to analyzing only what and how he does, we must also explore with whom and how he communicates. This knowledge of the communication partner in professional life is no less significant than in everyday life. That is, the sphere of business relations can reveal the essence of our partner, as well as a business competitor. Business relationships involve many aspects, including communication.

Communication - this is a complex, multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the need for joint activities and including the exchange of information, the development of a unified strategy for interaction, perception and understanding of another person.

Ethical principles - a generalized expression of moral requirements developed in the moral consciousness of society, which indicate the necessary behavior of participants in business relations.

Ethics - a system of shared values ​​and ethical rules that an organization requires of its employees.

Psychological norms and principles contain the necessary list of psychological characteristics of a business person.

Principles of business communication ethics- this is a generalized expression of moral requirements developed in the moral consciousness of society, which indicate the necessary behavior of participants in business relations.

There are six basic ethical principles of business


1. Punctuality (do everything on time). Only the behavior of a person who does everything on time is normative. Being late interferes with work and is a sign that a person cannot be relied upon. The principle of doing everything on time extends to all service tasks. Experts who study the organization and distribution of working time recommend adding an extra 25% to the period that, in your opinion, is required to complete the assigned work. Violation of this principle is considered as disrespectful to the host, which may affect the course of the subsequent conversation.

2. Confidentiality (don't talk too much). The secrets of an institution, corporation, or particular transaction must be kept as carefully as personal secrets. You should not retell to anyone what you heard from a colleague, leader or subordinate about their official activities or personal life.

3. Kindness, kindness and friendliness. In any situation, it is necessary to behave with clients, customers, buyers and colleagues politely, affably and kindly. This, however, does not mean the need to be friends with everyone with whom you have to communicate on duty.

4. Attention to others (think of others, not just yourself) should apply to colleagues, superiors and subordinates. Respect the opinions of others, try to understand why they have this or that point of view.

Always listen to criticism and advice from colleagues, superiors and subordinates. When someone questions the quality of your work, show that you value other people's thoughts and experiences. Self-confidence should not prevent you from being humble.

5. Appearance (dress appropriately). The main approach is

fit into your work environment, and within this environment - into the contingent of workers at your level. It is necessary to look the best way, that is, dress with taste, choosing a color scheme to match your face. Carefully selected accessories are of great importance.

6. Literacy (speak and write well). Internal documents or letters sent outside the institution must be written in good language, and all proper names transmitted without errors. You can not use swear words; even if you just quote the words of another person, they will be perceived by others as part of your own lexicon.

These principles are present to varying degrees and are recognized as fair in various business cultures. The fundamental principles in the business world are: responsibility, respect for human dignity and the interests of those involved in business.

The ethics of business communication should be taken into account in its various manifestations: in the relationship between the enterprise and the social environment; between enterprises; within the same enterprise - between a leader and subordinates, between a subordinate and a leader, between people of the same status. Between the parties of this or that type of business communication there is a specificity. The task is to formulate such principles of business communication that would not only correspond to each of its types, but also not contradict the general moral principles of people's behavior. At the same time, they should serve as a reliable tool for coordinating the activities of people involved in business communication.

The general moral principle of human communication is contained in the categorical imperative of I. Kant: "Act in such a way that the maxim of your will can always also have the force of the principle of universal legislation." With regard to business communication, the basic ethical principle can be formulated as follows: in business communication, when deciding on

What values ​​should be preferred in a given situation, act in such a way that the maxim of your will is compatible with the moral values ​​of the other parties involved in communication, and allows for the coordination of the interests of all parties.

Thus, the basis of the ethics of business communication should be coordination, and, if possible, harmonization of interests. Naturally, if it is carried out by ethical means and in the name of morally justified goals. Therefore, business communication must be constantly checked by ethical reflection, justifying the motives for entering into it. At the same time, it is often quite difficult to make an ethically correct choice and make an individual decision. Market relations provide freedom of choice, but at the same time increase the number of solutions, give rise to a set of moral dilemmas that await business people at every step in the course of their activities and communication.

Despite all the problematic and difficult choice of a moral position, there are a number of such provisions in communication, following which you can greatly facilitate it, increase its efficiency and avoid mistakes in the process of interacting with others in business. Remember, that:

In morality there is no absolute truth and no supreme judge among people.

When it comes to the ethical failures of others, one should not make “moral flies” into “moral elephants.”

When we are talking about your mistakes, you should do the opposite.

In morality, one should praise others, and make claims against oneself.

The moral attitude of those around us ultimately depends only on ourselves.

When it comes to the practical approval of moral norms, the main imperative of behavior is: "start with yourself."

Special attention should be referred to Golden Rule ethics of communication: "Treat others as you would like to be treated." AT

In its negative form, in the formulation of Confucius, it reads: "What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others." This rule is also applicable to business communication, but in relation to its individual types: "top - down" (head - subordinate), "bottom - up" (subordinate - head), "horizontally" (employee - employee) requires specification.

Ethics of business communication "from top to bottom". In business communication "from top to bottom", i.e. in relation to a leader to a subordinate, the golden rule of ethics can be formulated as follows: "Treat your subordinate the way you would like to be treated by a leader." The art and success of business communication is largely determined by the ethical standards and principles that the leader uses in relation to his subordinates. By norms and principles, we mean what kind of behavior in the service is ethically acceptable and what is not. These norms concern, first of all, how and on the basis of what orders are given in the management process, what is the official discipline that determines business communication. Without observing the ethics of business communication between a leader and a subordinate, most people feel uncomfortable in a team, morally unprotected. The attitude of the leader to subordinates affects the whole nature of business communication, largely determines its moral and psychological climate. It is at this level that moral standards and patterns of behavior are formed in the first place. Let's note some of them.

Strive to turn your organization into a cohesive team with high communication standards. Involve employees in the goals of the organization. A person will feel morally and psychologically comfortable only when he is identified with the collective. At the same time, everyone strives to remain an individual and wants to be respected for who he is.

In the event of problems or difficulties associated with

dishonesty, the manager should find out its causes. If we are talking about ignorance, then one should not endlessly reproach the subordinate for his weaknesses and shortcomings. Think about what you can do to help him overcome them. Rely on this strengths his personality.

If the employee did not follow your instructions, you must let him know that you are aware of this, otherwise he may decide that he tricked you. Moreover, if the manager did not make a corresponding remark to the subordinate, then he simply does not fulfill his duties and acts unethically.

The remark to the employee must comply with ethical standards. Gather all information on this occasion. Choose the right form of communication. First, ask the employee himself to explain the reason for not completing the task, perhaps he will give facts unknown to you. Make your remarks one on one: it is necessary to respect the dignity and feelings of a person.

Criticize actions and deeds, not a person's personality.

Ethics of business communication "bottom-up". In business communication “bottom-up”, that is, in relation to a subordinate to his boss, the general ethical rule of behavior can be formulated as follows: “Treat your boss the way you would like your subordinates to treat you.”

Knowing how you should treat and treat your leader is no less important than knowing what moral requirements you should make to your subordinates. Without this, it is difficult to find a "common language" with both the boss and subordinates. Using certain ethical norms, you can attract the leader to your side, make him an ally, but you can also turn him against yourself, make him your ill-wisher.

Here are some necessary ethical standards and principles that can be used in business communication with the leader.

Try to help the leader in creating a friendly moral atmosphere in the team, strengthening fair

relations. Remember that your supervisor needs it first.

Do not try to impose your point of view on the leader or command him. Express your suggestions or comments with tact and courtesy. You cannot directly order something from him, but you can say: “How would you feel about…?” etc.

If any joyful or, on the contrary, unpleasant event is approaching or has already happened in the team, then it is necessary to inform the leader about this. In case of trouble, try to help facilitate the way out of this situation, offer your own solution.

Do not talk to the boss in a categorical tone, do not always say only “yes” or only “no”. An employee who always agrees is annoying and gives the impression of a flatterer. The person who always says no is a constant irritant.

Be loyal and dependable, but don't be a sycophant. Have your principles and character. A person who does not have a stable character and firm principles cannot be relied upon, his actions cannot be foreseen.

You should not seek help, advice, suggestions, etc. "over your head", immediately to the head of your leader, except in emergency cases. Otherwise, your behavior may be regarded as disrespect or disregard for the opinion of your immediate superior or as a doubt about his competence. In any case, your leader loses authority and dignity.

Ethics of business communication "horizontally". The general ethical principle of “horizontal” communication, that is, between colleagues (leaders or ordinary members of the group), can be formulated as follows: “In business communication, treat your colleague the way you would like him to treat you.” If you find it difficult how to behave in a given situation, put yourself in the place of your colleague.

With regard to fellow managers, it should be borne in mind that finding the right tone and acceptable standards of business communication with employees of equal status from other departments is a very difficult task. Especially when it comes to communication and relationships within the same enterprise. In this case, they are often rivals in the struggle for success and promotion. At the same time, these are people who, together with you, belong to the team of the general manager. In this case, participants in business communication should feel equal in relation to each other.

Here are some principles of ethical business communication between colleagues.

Do not demand any special treatment or special privileges from the other.

Try to achieve a clear division of rights and responsibilities in the performance of common work.

If your responsibilities overlap with those of your colleagues, this is a very dangerous situation. If the manager does not separate your duties and responsibilities from others, try to do it yourself.

In relationships between colleagues from other departments, you should be responsible for your own department, and not shift the blame on your subordinates.

If you are asked to temporarily transfer your employee to another department, do not send unscrupulous and unqualified employees there - after all, they will judge you and your department as a whole. Remember, it may happen that you will be treated in the same immoral way.

Ethical standards are the values ​​and rules of ethics that the employees of the organization must adhere to in their activities. The Rules provide for the rights, obligations and liability for non-fulfillment of duties or excess of rights. Ethical norms act as a regulator of business relations. Universal ethical standards are requirements for communication, inextricably linked with the recognition of the uniqueness, value of each individual: politeness, correctness,

tact, modesty, accuracy, courtesy.

Politeness - this is an expression of respect for other people, their dignity, manifested in greetings and wishes, in the intonation of the voice, facial expressions and gestures. The opposite of politeness is rudeness. Rough relationships are not only an indicator of low culture, but also an economic category. It is estimated that as a result of a rude attitude, workers lose an average of about 17% in labor productivity.

Correctness - the ability to keep oneself within the bounds of decency in any situations, especially conflict ones. Correct behavior is especially important in disputes, during which the search for truth is carried out, new constructive ideas appear, opinions and beliefs are tested.

Tact is also one of the important components of the culture of business communication. A sense of tact is, first of all, a sense of proportion, a sense of boundaries in communication, the violation of which can offend a person, put him in an awkward position. Remarks about appearance or deed, sympathy expressed in the presence of others about the intimate side of a person’s life, etc.

Humility in communication means restraint in assessments, respect for the tastes, affections of other people. The antipodes of modesty are arrogance, swagger, posturing.

Accuracy is also of great importance for the success of business relationships. It is difficult to conduct business without exact fulfillment of these promises and commitments in any form of life. Inaccuracy often borders on immoral behavior - deceit, lies.

Precautionary - this is the desire to be the first to show courtesy, to save another person from inconvenience and trouble.