Titmouse meaning. "great tit", nomination "living symbol of the small motherland"

The meaning of the titmouse tattoo in European tattoo culture is twofold. A titmouse is a bird, therefore the meaning of a bird tattoo is inherent - the desire for freedom, independence.

The meaning of a titmouse tattoo is cheerfulness, optimism, the ability to survive in any conditions without losing heart. This interpretation is associated with real tits: birds with a yellow breast characteristically whistle when spring approaches and know how to be content with little, surviving in the city and the forest.

A fluttering titmouse tattoo is a symbol of an easy attitude to life, an unwillingness to be burdened by problems and confidence that everything in life will work out. A realistic or stylized image of a titmouse - this factor does not change the interpretation. A titmouse can become part of a large tattoo, organically fitting into the general context.

Quite often, tits tattoos are complemented or combined with inscriptions that are of great importance to the owner of the tattoo. A tattoo depicting a titmouse can be a personal amulet of a person with whom he associates his special meaning.

The tattoo is universal, it is done by men and women of different ages. Titmouse tattoos are not as common as other bird tattoos like swallows, eagles, etc.

After a small bird seen in dreams, there may be an interest in what the tit is dreaming of. Various dream books and researchers of dream symbolism offer a very detailed description and many interesting options. Most often, the symbol is interpreted as a harbinger of some small difficulties, but the state of affairs is not always so.

The opinion of the authors of dream books

In order to understand why the tit dreamed, one should consider various interpretations. It is relevant to compare various sources in order to get the most objective picture:

As you can see, the symbolism can vary in diametrically opposite ways, so it is also advisable to consider the details of the dream.

The meaning of the signs and details of sleep

In each dream book, a titmouse means something different, but details are not described everywhere.

Here are some features of sleep you need to pay attention to:

Many interpreters interpret this symbol in connection with the well-known expression about a tit in the hands. On a symbolic level, this interpretation also deserves consideration. At the same time, the meaning of the saying varies depending on the details.

For example, what is the dream of a tit flying through the window : we will talk about some kind of acquisition that should be appreciated. Sometimes it's really better not to waste your money on pie in the sky, especially if something you need comes to you by itself. If you see a bird injured or weakened You may not be taking advantage of some opportunities that you should appreciate.

Tit symbol

In conclusion, we should consider the very figure of this bird and, in particular, the main color. If you do not take dreams where the bird has strange shades, then most often it is yellow. This color symbolizes happiness and prosperity.

Thus, the appearance of this bird in your dream is not at all spontaneous, most often, we are talking about well-being in business. A dream is considered especially positive, where titmouse flies into the room, where you work, or the space that is associated with your work. Such signs indicate the possibility of significant career advancement, and these symbols should not be neglected.

Frisky little tits always attract attention, especially in the city. When you watch them, for a while you forget about all current affairs and worries. At such moments, the soul brightens, and certainly no thoughts arise, but what does the tit mean as a symbol. But, of course, God's creation titmouse is endowed with a certain symbolism.

Tit is a symbol of joy and optimism. Photo: great tit.

Sweat, titmouse:
"Shadow-shadow, sweat!" -
Very much today
Unkind day.
Suddenly the sun will hear
Would like to know:
"Who's got it?" -
And ... it will come out again!

(I. Maznin)

Tit is a symbol of optimism and acceptance of life

The tit knows how to accept life as it is

Tits fluttering merrily from branch to branch symbolize joy and optimism. The bird meets any day with ringing singing, even in gloomy November or January cold, and personifies friendliness, mercy and good nature.

Optimism helps the tit to survive both in the forest and in cities, both in heat and cold. The tit represents simple views on life and everyday worries.

Tit reminds us to be in the here and now, stop delving into the past and not think too hard about the future. After all, only here and now is a real and joyful life possible. Thus, the tit personifies the unwillingness to plunge into problems, which are often inflated by ourselves. The tit is a symbol of an easy attitude to life.

The tit is a symbol of confidence in a good tomorrow. “There will be a day, there will be food” - a slogan that is quite suitable for a tit. And in this aspect, the tit is a symbol of humility and acceptance of everything that fate brings.

Cheerful Blue Titmouse

Tit as a symbol of trust

A tit sitting on a person's hand is a symbol of trust. In summer, the birds cope with the search for food on their own, but by autumn they move closer to human habitation in the hope of feeding. At the same time, tits prefer to take seeds from the feeder or from the ground, where they were thrown by frisky brothers.

But if you show patience and stand motionless for a while with a treat in your hand, then the titmouse may well honor a person with its trust. The most incredulous of all types of tits are great tits. The bird reminds that trust is not immediately and recklessly. Trust must be earned. And the given trust is a great honor and responsibility for the one to whom it was given.

Trust must be earned

The tit is a symbol of the soul

Like many birds, especially small ones, the symbolism of the human soul is inherent along with the titmouse.

The lightness of a small bird and its ability to fly high into the sky give rise to an association with a disembodied human soul, capable of soaring in high unearthly impulses.

The tit symbolizes the human soul and its high aspirations.

Tit as a symbol of hard work

Despite the seeming lightness and carelessness, tits are constantly working to raise from 7 to 15 chicks, and sometimes twice per season. By feeding their young up to 60 times per minute, tits destroy a huge number of plant pests.

It may seem that the titmouse frolics, jumping on the branches of trees. In fact, she diligently fulfills the destiny that the Lord has determined for her.

From here we can say that the titmouse is a symbol of hard work.

There will be a day - there will be food.

Negative symbolism of the titmouse

Sometimes the tit is associated with frivolity, some fussiness and poor memory. Indeed, one can observe that while carrying seeds from the feeder, tits do not eat them, but hide them somewhere in the bark of trees. And, of course, the birds do not remember where they put food supplies. So, the principle “there will be a day, there will be food” comes into force here, and it is quite possible that there will be food for another feathered fellow - the one who finds the hidden.

However, as the proverb says, “The titmouse bird is small, but it also remembers its holiday.” And therefore, regarding the negative association with a short memory, it is quite possible to say that all this is “vanity of vanities and other vanity.” And it is worth focusing on the bright and great.

November 12 is declared a holiday of the tit and is called "Titmouse Day". This ecological holiday was approved in Russia several years ago, and it is the day of the meeting of wintering birds.

The tit is happy in spring and is not sad in autumn

Tit as a symbol of constancy

Tit is a faithful inhabitant of his region

Tits are not migratory birds. Their flocks may drift in a certain range, but in general they are adherents of their region. Tit does not reflect on the topic “it’s good where we are not”, she lives where she was born and is happy with her life.

To summarize all of the above about the titmouse, we can say that this bird reminds us of the opposite: it’s good where we are. Not across the sea, not in mysterious countries and cities, but where we are now. Here and now.

Therefore, the question of the presence of negative symbolism in the titmouse is highly controversial. No matter how you look at the seeming frivolity of a small winged creature, in the end, the tit brings us back to reality and offers to reflect on big questions about accepting everything that is given, and about our place in this life on this Earth.

I hear: a tit is ringing
Among the yellowing branches;
Hello little bird
Messenger of autumn days!

Though he threatens us with bad weather,
Although he is a prophet to us in winter -
Breathe blessed happiness
Your cheerful voice.

In your greeting song
My hearing is already captivated
Only unrequited nature
An indifferent game?

Ile carelessly sings
And in you the desire to live -
The one that helps people
To endure death and life?

(I. Turgenev)

The tit is a small bird, but it reminds of big and important things. In the photo: a titmouse.