The system of organization and management of the enterprise. Components of the control system

The functioning of modern organizations faces many problems, some of which are typical and can be relatively easily solved by specialists using conventional technologies for developing and implementing solutions. To solve non-standard problems, special technologies are required to develop solutions, and, finally, solving some of the problems may be beyond the power of both managers and specialists. A set of such problems characterizes the organization as one of the most difficult objects for study and knowledge. Of particular interest is the management system of the organization. Its study and improvement is a constant task of the leader.

The management system is a set of all elements, subsystems and communications between them, as well as processes that ensure the specified (purposeful) functioning of the organization.

For the management system of organizations it is necessary:

    develop the mission of the organizations;

    distribute the functions of production and management;

    distribute tasks among employees;

    establish the order of interaction of employees and the sequence of functions performed by them;

    acquire or upgrade production technology;

    establish a system of incentives, supply and marketing;

    organize production.

The implementation of these activities requires the creation of an MS, which must be consistent with the organization's production system, Figure 4.

Figure 4 - Organization management system

The management system consists of four subsystems: methodology, process, structure and management techniques, Figure 5.

Figure 5 - The structure of the elements of the organization's management system

Management methodology includes goals and objectives, laws and principles, functions, means and methods, schools of management.

The management process is a part of management activities, including the formation of a communication system, development and implementation management decisions, creation of a management information system.

The management structure is a set of stable links between objects and subjects of management of an organization, implemented in specific organizational forms. The management structure includes functional structures, schemes of organizational relations, organizational structures and a system of training or advanced training of personnel.

Management equipment and technology include computer and organizational equipment, office furniture, communication networks, document management system.

The methodology and management process characterize management activity as a process, and the structure and management technique as a phenomenon. All elements included in the management system must also be professionally organized for effective work the company as a whole.

The main elements that make up the company management system are: goal, management process, method, communications, task, law, principle, organizational relations, function, technology, solution, information support characteristics, document management system, organizational structure.

The goal is an ideal image of what is desired, possible, necessary and historically acceptable for the company.

The management process is a sequence of stages of formation and implementation of the impact to achieve the goal.

A method is a way of influencing a person and a team. It is selected based on the priorities of the needs and interests of a person or team.

Communication is the process of interaction or opposition in the system "human - human", "human - computer" through the transfer of information.

A task is a specific problem arising from a goal that needs to be resolved.

Law is a necessary and stable relationship between phenomena. There are laws of nature, social development and public institutions (states). Laws have no alternatives.

A principle is the basic provision of any theory, doctrine, worldview. Principles have alternatives.

Organizational relationships - different kinds impacts on a person, including administrative, functional, patronage.

A function is a job, service or duty entrusted to a person.

Technology is a set of methods and processes for performing specified functions.

A decision is the result of a person's mental activity, leading to a conclusion or action.

Characteristics of information support - parameters of volume, value, reliability, richness and openness of information.

Functional structures - schemes of interaction of functions necessary for the successful operation of the company.

Document management system - the procedure adopted in the organization for the movement of incoming, outgoing and internal documents.

Organizational structure - a diagram of the interaction of positions, functions and subordination.

The relationship of the elements of the control system is schematically shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6 - The relationship of the elements of the control system

The goals of the company are divided into a group of specific tasks that are united according to the field of activity: economic, technical, social, environmental tasks, etc.

To solve problems, a set of functions or operations that must be performed is formed.

So, to solve economic problems, it is necessary to perform the following functions: accounting, labor and wages, marketing, etc.

A number of different tasks may require the same functionality. Therefore, the entire set of functions is analyzed, grouped and then the functional structure of the company is compiled.

Functions answer the question “what should be done to make the management process more efficient”.

In social terms, they share two management functions:

    organizational and technical - drawing up and coordinating the activities of employees in the labor process;

    socio-economic - control over the work of workers, over the appropriate use of machines and mechanisms.

Both functions exist in an inseparable unity, in which the organizational and technical function comes to the fore. With the transition to market relations, the scope of participation of everyone in the control of the enterprise will expand and gradually the socio-economic function will become the business of the producers themselves, and the need for external control over the labor process will disappear.

In organizational and technical terms, management is divided into functions according to two criteria:

    by belonging to the spheres of production and economic activity.

The fundamental feature is according to the content of the management process, according to which the following main (general) management functions are distinguished:

Planning is the definition of the purpose of the operation of the object and the means to achieve it. Planning must be ongoing. Reason: the desire of organizations to continue their existence as long as possible after achieving their goal. So they redefine or change their goals; constant uncertainty of the future - plans must be revised to align with reality.

Organization is the formation of the object and subject of management, their divisions and links between them. These functions can be considered in two aspects: firstly, as the process of creating a system of rational forms of division of labor, developing the structure of management bodies, selecting and placing personnel, etc.; secondly, as a process of its improvement (continuous improvement of the formal organizational structure as a whole and its leading subsystems, clarification of the role and place of each employee in the management system, etc.)

Motivation is the creation of an internal urge to act, which is the result of a complex set of needs that are constantly changing. To effectively motivate employees, it is necessary to identify these needs and provide a way to satisfy them through good performance.

Control is the process of ensuring that an organization actually achieves its goals. There are three aspects of managerial control:

    setting standards is the precise definition of goals that must be achieved in a designated period of time (based on plans developed during the planning process);

    measuring what was actually achieved over a certain period and comparing with the expected results (if both of these phases are performed correctly, then the organization's management not only knows that there is a problem in the organization, but also knows the source of this problem);

    actions to correct deviations from the original plan (for example, revising goals to make them more realistic and relevant to the situation).

Communication and decision-making are considered as connecting processes, because. they are required to implement all control functions.

Depending on the operating conditions of the company, the process of performing functions can be cyclic and one-time, continuous and discrete, sequential and parallel.

The selected process scheme determines the priority of certain organizational relationships. Based on the functional diagram, process and organizational relations, the composition of personnel is determined by the number and qualifications. These data are enough to build an organizational management structure (linear-functional, hierarchical, matrix, etc.).

Knowing the list of all positions, functions performed and subordination, it is possible to calculate technical equipment staff workplace. After that, in accordance with the delegated authority, employees can develop, agree, adopt, approve and implement decisions. In addition, laws and rules (principles) of professional activity apply to almost all elements. From that moment on, the company is considered to have started work.

Management process- is the impact on the object in order to change its state or shape.

Control system is divided into two subsystems: managed and managing.
Control subsystem performs production management functions. It includes the management apparatus with all employees and technical means. Managed Subsystem performs various management functions. It includes workshops, sections, brigades.

On a functional basis, the control system is divided into subsystems:

  • technical (machinery and equipment);
  • technological (a number of processes, stages of production);
  • organizational;
  • social (unity of social relations);
  • economic.

The control system includes:

  1. structural and functional subsystem (implements the principle of unity of the structural and functional elements of the system);
  2. information-behavioral subsystem (providing actions with the necessary information);
  3. a subsystem of self-development (the principle of independence, independence of the development of individual elements).

Subject of management

Appointment of the subject of management- to ensure the controllability of the system as a whole.

Controllability- the ability of the system to perceive the control action and respond to it appropriately.

Subjects of management centers of activity, centers of responsibility.

Subject of management is a leader, collegiate body or committee exercising managerial influence. The leader can be both formal and informal leader of the team. In turn, the subject of management can also be the object of management (for senior managers).

The main goal of the functioning of the subject of management is to develop a management decision that ensures the efficiency of the functioning of the system as a whole.

The goals of the subject of management are considered at 2 levels:

  1. at the integrative level - the subject of management functions in order to bring the system to the goals set for it, therefore the degree of achievement of the goals of the system as a whole is a criterion for the effectiveness of the functioning of the subject of management;
  2. at the local level (at the level of the system itself).

Requirements for the subject of management:

  1. the subject of management must implement the law of necessary diversity (quantitative side);
  2. the control system must have all the properties and characteristics that are inherent in a cybernetic system (these requirements characterize the qualitative side):
    • unity;
    • integrity;
    • organization;
    • emergence.
  3. the subject of management must be fundamentally active, who knows the goals, knows the ways to achieve them and constantly generates functions. A fundamentally active system consists of active elements;
  4. the management system should always be the center of responsibility;
  5. the subject of management must be law-abiding;
  6. the subject of management must be of a higher socio-cultural level in relation to the external environment in order to be able to adequately respond to the impact external environment and influence the development of this level;
  7. the subject of management must have a higher creative and intellectual potential in relation to the object.

As part of the subject of management, when considering the aspect of elements, it is necessary to distinguish the following subsystems:

  1. system of management goals;
  2. functional model of the control system;
  3. structural model;
  4. information model;
  5. model of communications (system of relations);
  6. efficiency model;
  7. control mechanism;
  8. operational (technological) model.

Control object

The object of management is the socio-economic system and the processes that take place in it.

Control object- this is an individual or a group that can be combined into any structural unit and which is subject to managerial influence. At present, the idea of ​​participatory management is spreading more and more, i.e. such management of the affairs of the organization, when all members of the organization, including ordinary ones, participate in the development and adoption of the most important decisions. In this case, the control objects become its subjects.

Management process in an organization

Management process- this is a certain set of management actions that are logically connected with each other in order to achieve the goals set by transforming input resources into products or services at the output of the system.

The management process is a set of actions related to identifying problems, finding and organizing the implementation of decisions made.

All management processes are divided into two groups:

  1. permanent processes - represent the functional areas of human activity to achieve current goals;
  2. periodic processes are an active form of management caused by unforeseen situations and requiring the development of operational management decisions.

The main stages of the management process are shown in the figure.

The creation and stages of the management process determine its elements:

Target- each management process is carried out to achieve a specific result, goal. Goals in the management process should be of an operational nature and be transformed into specific tasks. They are a guideline for specifying the use of the necessary resources.

Situation- represents the state of the managed subsystem.

Problem is a discrepancy between the actual state of the managed object and the desired or specified state.

Solution- represents the choice of the most effective impact on the existing situation, the choice of means, methods, the development of specific management procedures, the implementation of the management process.

Stages of the management process:

  1. setting a specific goal;
  2. Information Support;
  3. analytical activity is a set of operations associated with assessing the state of a managed object, finding ways to improve the existing situation;
  4. choice of options for action;
  5. implementation of solutions;
  6. feedback - compares the result obtained from the implementation of the solution with the goal, for the sake of which the management process was carried out.

Management mechanism

Management in the organization is carried out with the help of management mechanisms. The economic mechanism solves specific problems of interaction in the implementation of socio-economic, technological, socio-psychological tasks that arise in the process of economic activity.

control mechanism is a subsystem of the control system, the purpose of which is to ensure the controllability of the system as a whole.


  • methodology (regularities, principles, policies, rules);
  • decision-making bodies;
  • executive bodies;
  • selected point of influence;
  • method of influence;
  • protective mechanisms that are built into any system (self-regulators);
  • tools of influence;
  • feedback;
  • responsibility centers and control centers;
  • forms of manifestation of influence.

The economic mechanism of management consists of three levels:

  1. intracompany management;
  2. manufacturing control;
  3. personnel Management.

Intracompany management:

  • marketing;
  • planning;
  • organization;
  • control and accounting.

Principles of intracompany management:

  • centralization in management;
  • decentralization in management;
  • combination of centralization and decentralization;
  • focus on long-term development goals;
  • democratization of management (participation of employees in the top management).

Manufacturing control:

  • R&D;
  • ensuring the development of production;
  • sales support;
  • selection of the optimal organizational structure of management.

Personnel Management:

  • principles of selection and placement of personnel;
  • terms of employment and dismissal;
  • training and professional development;
  • assessment of personnel and its activities;
  • forms of remuneration;
  • relationships in the team;
  • involvement of workers in management at the grassroots level;
  • system of labor motivation of employees;
  • organizational culture of the firm.

Methods of influence in management

Management considers management methods as a set various ways and techniques used by the administration of firms to enhance the initiative and creativity of people in the process of work and meet their natural needs.

The main goal of management methods is to ensure harmony, an organic combination of individual, collective and social interests. A feature of methods as tools practical management is their relationship and interdependence.

Management methods can be:

  1. economic;
  2. organizational and administrative;
  3. socio-psychological.

Economic Methods affect the property interests of firms and their personnel. They are based on the economic laws of society, the market and the principles of remuneration for the results of work.

Organizational and administrative methods are based on the objective laws of the organization of joint activities and its management, the natural needs of people in a certain order to interact with each other.

Organizational and administrative methods are divided into three groups:

  • organizational and stabilizing - establish long-term connections in management systems between people and their groups (structure, staff, regulations on performers, activity regulations, management concepts of firms);
  • administrative - provide operational management of the joint activities of people and firms;
  • disciplinary - designed to maintain the stability of organizational ties and relationships, as well as responsibility for certain work.

Socio-psychological methods are ways of influencing the social and psychological interests of firms and their staff (the role and status of an individual, groups of people, firms, psychological climate, ethics of behavior and communication, etc.). They consist of social and psychological and must comply with the moral, ethical and social norms of society.

Control functions

Control function- this is a type of human labor activity aimed at balancing the state of the organization with the external environment, while entering into the system of managerial relations.

According to these features, two main groups of control functions can be distinguished:

  1. general management functions are functions that determine the type of management activity, regardless of the place of its manifestation;
  2. specific functions are functions that determine the direction of human labor on a specific object. They depend on the organization, directions of its activity. Specific management functions arise as a result of the horizontal division of labor.

TO general management functions relate:

  • planning;
  • organization;
  • coordination;
  • motivation;
  • control.

Planning function involves deciding what the goals of the organization should be and what the members of the organization should do to achieve those goals. Planning is one of the ways in which management provides a unified direction for the efforts of all members of the organization to achieve its overall goals.

The purpose of planning as a management function is to seek to take into account in advance all internal and external factors, providing favorable conditions for the normal functioning and development of enterprises (divisions) included in the firm. This activity is based on the identification and forecasting of consumer demand, analysis and assessment of resources, prospects for the development of the economic situation.

Organize means to create a structure. There are many elements that need to be structured so that an organization can carry out its plans and thereby achieve its goal.

Since people do the work in an organization, another important aspect of the organization's function is to determine who should do each specific task. The leader selects people for a specific job, delegating individual people assignments and powers or rights to use organizational resources. These delegation entities take responsibility for successful execution their duties.

Coordination as a function of management, it is a process aimed at ensuring the proportional and harmonious development of various aspects (technical, financial, production and others) of the management object under optimal labor, monetary and material costs for the given conditions.

According to the method of implementation, coordination can be vertical or horizontal.

Vertical coordination acquires the meaning of subordination - the subordination of the functions of some components to others, and in management - the official subordination of juniors to seniors, which is based on the norms of official discipline. The task of vertical coordination is to organize effective communication and balance structural divisions and their employees of various hierarchical levels.

Horizontal coordination consists in ensuring the cooperation of managers, specialists and other employees of departments between which there are no subordination relations. As a result, an agreed unity of views on common tasks is achieved.

Motivation The process of motivating oneself and others to act in order to achieve a common goal. The manager must always remember that even the best plans and the most perfect organization structure are of no value if someone is not doing the actual work of the organization. Therefore, the task of this function is to ensure that the members of the organization perform the work in accordance with the duties delegated to them and according to the plan.

Control is the process of ensuring that the organization actually achieves its goals. Circumstances can cause the organization to deviate from the main course outlined by the leader. And if management fails to find and correct these deviations from the original plans before serious damage is done to the organization, the achievement of goals will be jeopardized.

Business is influenced by many factors: competition in ongoing activities, economic situation population, the quality of the goods and services offered, the location of the company and its remoteness from the points of sale, and so on. But perhaps the most important thing on which the success of the company depends is the organization of enterprise management. A lot depends on this factor. If not all. With the wrong guidance, even the most best product either they will not do it in the required volume, or they will miss the deadlines for execution. In this article, we will look at the main enterprise management organizations and analyze the mistakes that should not be made.

The essence of the organization management process

The organization of enterprise management is a purposeful and controlled activity, which is a combination of various methods of motivating and controlling the work of the team to achieve the set task (this includes both the global goal of the organization and short-term ones, such as increasing the sales market, improving product quality, increasing sales efficiency etc).

The organization of the enterprise is divided into the managing and managed parts, where the manager is the directorate, the manager and the information department (also called the administrative and managerial apparatus), and the managed is organizational departments involved in the production process. The success of the organization will lie in the proper coordination of both components.

Goals of the enterprise management system

In order to understand the issue of enterprise management, it is necessary to determine its goals. They may be different, but are combined into four main blocks:

  • Economic - aimed at increasing sales and increasing the profits of the enterprise.
  • Industrial and commercial - the fulfillment of a given volume of production and sale of the product, aimed at ensuring the economic goal, contractual obligations, and so on.
  • Scientific and technical - aimed at obtaining the necessary specifications product, aim to improve quality as well as increase productivity as a result of technological improvement.
  • Social - aimed at meeting the needs of the executive staff.

The economic goal is predominant, while the other three work for it, complement each other. Usually, the enterprise works simultaneously on each of them, naturally, dividing responsibilities between the heads of different departments. indicator successful work over the implementation will be an increase in sales and an increase in the total profit of the company, that is, the fulfillment of its economic goal.

Functions of the enterprise management system

The division and specialization of management and its activities is called the enterprise management functions of the organization. According to the principle of long-term, there are basic and specific management functions. The main (they are also permanent) functions are planning, organization, motivation and control.

  • Planning is aimed at determining the prospects for the development of the economy, predicting its future state and determining the role of the enterprise in the resulting picture. Based on the results obtained, a further action plan is drawn up. Planning includes several successive stages: foundation, idea), forecast (foreseeing business opportunities using scientific justification), program (final formation of further activities with the calculation of the resources necessary for implementation).
  • The organization is aimed at the formation of leadership, the regulation of relations between the managing and managed systems, it also improves the efficiency of all other functions due to the fact that it creates a clear system of managers and ensures their successful interaction.
  • Motivation helps to find the reasons that help the team achieve the tasks assigned to it, provides them with them, thereby stimulating them to work effectively.
  • Control - the final stage, which conducts observation for the purpose of verification. the main task of this function is the correction of the produced strategy. Control establishes regulatory indicators, then measures and analyzes them, after which it determines actions that contribute to the improvement of these indicators. Recommendations can be different: revising goals, redistributing tasks, attracting personnel, improving the organization of enterprise management.

Specific functions affect a specific area of ​​activity and are due to the division of the management structure. The object of the function is taken as a separate link, for example, marketing, sales department, administration system. Usually they are short-term and focus on the area that shows unsatisfactory results at the control stage.

Enterprise management structures

Based on the defined functions, for successful execution which require different competencies, the composition of the leadership is formed, which can be one person, a department or a division of managers. The organization of an enterprise management system implies the choice of the most appropriate option. Based on the scope of necessary powers, six management structures are distinguished:

  • Linear. In such a structure, management is carried out from the boss to the subordinate along the hierarchy. An important nuance is that orders come from only one person. It is very important to choose the optimal number of employees for one manager, the efficiency of work will depend on this. Such a system has its drawbacks, for example, a complex decision-making process - in order to get approval for any action, a subordinate needs to turn to all those higher in the hierarchy, as a result of which there is a slow reaction in relation to even the most important issues, plus corruption and intrigue are also rampant.
  • Functional. In such an enterprise management organization, functions common to several departments are transferred to one department or a person who executes orders from several bosses. The advantage of the structure is the complete elimination of duplication of the work of the performer, the disadvantage is the lack of unity of orders, which, as complexity increases, can slow down the workflow.
  • Linear-functional. This structure combines the two previous ones: decisions are developed by qualified specialists, after which orders are given down the hierarchy.
  • Program target. With such management of the organization of labor at the enterprise, the leaders of each individual project are allocated, after which they give orders aimed at achieving individual goals of the company. The manager receives a task from the director or his deputy, while having a subordinate staff. Over time, such departments are often transformed into independent in-house firms.
  • Matrix. Such a structure combines at once a linear, program-targeted and functional organization.
  • Divisional structure combines product and regional principles. The fundamental parts here will be departments endowed with a certain independence, entering into contractual relations with each other and independently financed through profit. At the same time, management makes decisions for the long term.

Social patterns influencing the choice of enterprise management structure

The organization of the enterprise management structure should be chosen from certain social patterns that have an impact on the course of the company's activities as a whole. These laws include:

  • Technical and economic law that reveals the essence technical side production, reflects the relationship of man to technology and nature.
  • Social and socio-economic laws, showing the essence of the relationship between individual classes.
  • Legal.
  • Socio-psychological laws that show the essence of the relationship between employees and entire departments in the company, their interaction with each other.

The principle of effective construction of the enterprise management structure

Successful organization of enterprise management begins with certain rules of construction, principles that must be relied upon when choosing the structure and methods of management. Firstly, we must not forget that the main source of productivity increase is always a person, therefore, based on his psychological and social qualities, an effective program of the company's work should be drawn up. And if you give workers or departments some autonomy, their performance will increase significantly. However, the freedom of employees must be combined with centralism and leave the main goals for employees - quality standards, company policy.

The next principle is that planning should always have a long-term perspective and be based on a constant change in the market. The company must also be prepared to expand staff if necessary. When choosing a management system, it is necessary to focus on the most simple and understandable forms, not to complicate the management process. And of course, do not forget about the interests of consumers.

Enterprise Management System Methods

The method of management is a way of influencing employees and the team as a whole, the purpose of which is to ensure the coordination of their work to obtain the necessary results. According to the content, methods of organizing enterprise management are divided into three broad groups:

  • Administrative methods are based on the subordination of employees down the hierarchy and are divided, in turn, into organizational and managerial. The former cover entire management structures and give a clear division of responsibilities, they manifest themselves in general instructions and company standards. The second constitutes an operational response and manifests itself in the form of orders.
  • Economic methods are based on interest in the results of production and are aimed at encouraging employees to achieve the goals set for them by management. This includes monetary incentives for employees in the form of bonuses, as well as material liability for the work done.
  • Socio-psychological methods are based on the psychological state of employees and include various educational and educational activities, the creation of a favorable working environment and the settlement of social ties in the team, and the participation of employees in management.

Composition of the management of the organization

The organization of personnel management at the enterprise is carried out with the help of top management appointed by the owner of the company or the board of founders. The management apparatus should include four areas: general, technical, economic and operational.

The general management unites all line managers and is headed by the director of the enterprise, relying, in turn, on deputies and assistants. The chief engineer of the organization is at the head of the technical direction, he is usually the first deputy director of the enterprise. However, its most important task is the management of research work. At the head economic service there is a chief accountant, who is subordinate to the planning and economic department, the labor department, the accounting department, the logistics department, the financial department and the marketing department.

The operational management service consists of a production and dispatching department and a planning and dispatching bureau. The dispatcher on duty is appointed as the head of the operational service.

Further management is determined based on the volume of production and includes the heads of workshops, site foremen.

Work with the personnel of the enterprise

It is necessary to analyze in more detail the work with the personnel of the enterprise. As mentioned above, a person is the main resource of an organization, therefore, he should be given maximum attention.

Work with personnel begins with adaptation. This process includes practical familiarization of people with their responsibilities, clearly communicating to them all the necessary information, rules and regulations of the enterprise, its goals, as well as establishing interpersonal relationships between employees.

We must not forget about the development of personnel, increasing their professionalism. It all starts with employees understanding the need for continuous training and self-development, awareness of their role in the team and increased responsibility for their results. For these purposes, educational events and trainings are held. Development is based on learning, which must be managed and funded by the organization. An important advantage for employees will be the opportunity for career growth with advanced training.

An analysis of the organization of enterprise management makes it clear the high role of staff motivation. Motivation is a process of encouraging employees to work effectively and is based on administrative, economic and socio-psychological methods of influence. The structure of any of the motives consists of three main parts: determining the needs of employees, the reward that the employee can receive, and assigning the action necessary to satisfy the need.

For the purposes of staff motivation, such needs as physiological, social, psychological, social recognition of his personality, the need for self-expression, involvement in a job well done, and others serve.


The organization of enterprise management planning is a complex and multifaceted process that needs qualified development by professionals. With the growth of the company, there is a tendency to complicate the organizational and managerial structure, increasing its scale. The main goal of any enterprise is the implementation of the designated standards, for which it is necessary to bring the level of discipline to the required level. To do this, each company selects the most suitable methods of influence and management for its structure.

Closely related. With the right approach to choosing the company's management, working with employees, methods of stimulating staff to achieve the desired results, the company will develop and increase its profits. With an erroneous approach, everything will be exactly the opposite. That is why the management organization should pay maximum attention and periodically analyze the results of management activities.

The functioning of modern organizations faces many problems, some of which are typical and can be relatively easily solved by specialists using conventional technologies for developing and implementing solutions. To solve non-standard problems, special technologies are required - the development of solutions, and, finally, the solution of some problems may be beyond the power of both managers and specialists. A set of such problems characterizes the organization as one of the most difficult objects for study and knowledge. Of particular interest is the management system of the organization. Its study and improvement is a constant task of the leader.

Control system (CS)- a set of all elements, subsystems and communications between them, as well as processes that ensure the specified (purposeful) functioning of the organization.

For the management system of organizations it is necessary:

  • develop the mission of the organizations;
  • distribute the functions of production and management;
  • distribute tasks among employees;
  • establish the order of interaction of employees and the sequence of functions performed by them;
  • acquire or upgrade production technology;
  • establish a system of incentives, supply and marketing;
  • organize production.

The implementation of these activities requires the creation of an MS, which must be consistent with the production system of the organization

SU consists of four subsystems: methodology, process, structure and management techniques

Management methodology includes goals and objectives, laws and principles, functions, means and methods, schools of management.

Management process- part of management activities, including the formation of a communication system, the development and implementation of management decisions, the creation of a management information support system.

Managment structure- a set of stable relationships of objects and subjects of management of the organization, implemented in specific organizational forms. The management structure includes functional structures, schemes of organizational relations, organizational structures and a system of training or advanced training of personnel.

Management equipment and technology include computer and organizational equipment, office furniture, communication networks, document management system.

The methodology and management process characterize management activity as a process, and the structure and management technique as a phenomenon. All elements included in the MS must also be professionally organized for the effective operation of the company as a whole.

The main elements that make up the company management system are: goal, management process, method, communications, task, law, principle, organizational relations, function, technology, solution, information support characteristics, document management system, organizational structure.

The goal is an ideal image of what is desired, possible, necessary and historically acceptable for the company.
The management process is a sequence of stages of formation and implementation of the impact to achieve the goal.
A method is a way of influencing a person and a team. It is selected based on the priorities of the needs and interests of a person or team.
Communication is the process of interaction or opposition in the system "human - human", "human - computer" through the transfer of information.
A task is a specific problem arising from a goal that needs to be resolved.
Law is a necessary and stable relationship between phenomena. There are laws of nature, social development and public institutions (states). Laws have no alternatives.
A principle is the basic provision of any theory, doctrine, worldview. Principles have alternatives.
Organizational Relations- various types of influences on a person, including administrative, functional, patronage.
A function is a job, service or duty entrusted to a person.
Technology is a set of methods and processes for performing specified functions.
A decision is the result of a person's mental activity, leading to a conclusion or action.
Characteristics of information support- parameters of volume, value, reliability, richness and openness of information.
Functional Structures- schemes of interaction of functions necessary for the successful operation of the company.
Document management system- the procedure adopted in the organization for the movement of incoming, outgoing and internal documents.
Organizational structure- a scheme of interaction of positions, functions and subordination.

The goals of the company are divided into a group of specific tasks that are united according to the field of activity: economic, technical, social, environmental tasks, etc.

To solve problems, a set of functions or operations that must be performed is formed. So, to solve economic problems, it is necessary to perform the following functions: accounting, labor and wages, marketing, etc.

A number of different tasks may require the same functionality. Therefore, the entire set of functions is analyzed, grouped and then the functional structure of the company is compiled. Depending on the operating conditions of the company, the process of performing functions can be cyclic and one-time, continuous and discrete, sequential and parallel.

The selected process scheme determines the priority of certain organizational relationships. Based on the functional diagram, process and organizational relations, the composition of personnel is determined by the number and qualifications. These data are enough to build an organizational management structure (linear-functional, hierarchical, matrix, etc.).

Knowing the list of all positions, functions performed and subordination, it is possible to calculate the technical equipment of the personnel workplace. After that, in accordance with the delegated authority, employees can develop, agree, adopt, approve and implement decisions. In addition, laws and rules (principles) of professional activity apply to almost all elements. From that moment on, the company is considered to have started work.


The organization management system consists of several subsystems that allow the organization to fully function. Each of the subsystems is assigned certain and very specific responsibilities that they perform so that the organization can achieve its goals.

One of the subsystems in the control system is the supporting subsystem. It allows you to create internal optimal conditions for the functioning of any organization. The provisioning subsystem is aimed at providing information, technology and resources to the organization itself, so that there is no distraction from the main goal.

The supporting subsystem allows employees to perform their activities in more comfortable conditions, as it is aimed at information support, complete and timely.

Information support is a set of tools and methods for building information base. It defines the ways and forms of displaying the state of the control object in the form of data, documents, graphs, etc. External information support includes: rules for classifying and coding information, reference information, operational information, methodological and instructional materials. Internal information support provides a description of: input data, intermediate information arrays, output signals and documents.

Knowledge and understanding of the supporting subsystem in the management system allows you to organize its activities in the most optimal way.

Naturally, the main meaning of the system is that it has relationships between elements and in itself is more than the totality of its parts. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to separate the functions of some units, which can perform both the role of a functional subsystem and a support one.

This determines the relevance of the study of the supporting subsystem in the organization's management system and the regulation of supporting functions for those units that also perform the functional load.

The purpose of the course work is the study of the supporting subsystem in the control system.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

· characterize the supporting subsystem in the control system;

· analyze the supporting subsystem in the MBU KTsSON "Care";

· formulate proposals for regulating the activities of the department of psychological assistance as an element of the supporting subsystem.

The object of the study is MBU KTsSON "Care".

The subject of the study is the subdivisions of the Center that perform supporting functions.

The analysis of theoretical and methodological literature, analysis of statistical data and documentation of the organization were used as methods.

Course work consists of an introduction, three chapters, seven paragraphs, a conclusion, a bibliography and an appendix.

Chapter 1. Characteristics of the supporting subsystem in the control system

1 Features of the supporting subsystem in the control system

The composition of the supporting subsystems (support subsystems) is determined by the needs of the general linear, target and functional management. The main thing is that conditions must be created to guarantee the legitimacy, validity, reliability, rationality, timeliness and effectiveness of the entire management system.

The introduction of a management system based on standardization contributed to some improvement in the technical and economic performance of these enterprises, obtaining a higher economic effect of their activities.

It was noted that as a result of the introduction of the management system:

· streamlined the activities of management work;

· rationally distributed the composition of management functions among departments;

· duplication of activities in the management apparatus was excluded;

· in a number of cases, the general management system changed positively;

· increased creative activity and expanded democratic principles in enterprise management;

· the responsibility of management employees and labor discipline increased, the diligence and organization of control over the implementation of decisions and requirements of standards improved.

Control system - system scientific approaches and methods, target, providing, managed and managing subsystems, contributing to the adoption and implementation of competitive decisions.

Supporting subsystem - a subsystem of the management system, which defines the composition, quality level and organizational issues of providing the input of the system with everything necessary for its normal functioning. The components of the supporting subsystem include: methodological, resource, information and legal support. Suppliers must be reliable and competitive.

The main tasks of the supporting subsystem include:

· competitiveness of regulatory and methodological documents on the management system;

· the validity of the composition and quality of the norms for the consumption of various resources for specific goods and stages of their life cycle; sources of resources;

· quality of information;

· the composition and quality of legislative acts on various aspects of management;

· availability and effectiveness of organizational and technological projects for the implementation of goals

· management system, the mechanism of its functioning.

One of essential conditions the integrity of the management system, its cost-effectiveness and ensuring the rational interaction of its spatial-structural, process organization and economic methods management is the formation on a scientific basis of its supporting subsystems: personnel, information and technical.

According to essence systems approach the organization's management system (management system) should consist of the external environment (behind the "black box") and internal structure(inside the black box). A number of authors substantiate the need to design the internal structure of the organization's management system of five subsystems: 1) scientific substantiation of the system; 2) target subsystem; 3) providing subsystem; 4) controlled subsystem; 5) control subsystem. In relation to the "black box", it is rational to place the target subsystem at its "output", and the providing (energy) one - at the "input". The scientific justification of the system is associated with all subsystems of the organization's management system, so it should be in the center of the "black box". Thus, the structure of the organization's management system will look like this (Fig. 1.1).

Rice. 1.1. The structure of the organization's management system

management subsystem psychological assistance

Consider the structure of the supporting subsystem. The supporting subsystem includes the following components: methodological support (3.1); resource provision (3.2); information support (3.3); legal support (3.4) .

Within an organization, communication between subsystems is usually all direct and two-way. Connections of links inside the "black box" indicate that the execution of any operation (general function) on any component of the managed subsystem (strategic marketing, innovation management etc.) requires the application or fulfillment of the requirements of all components of the scientific justification subsystem that provides and manages the subsystems of the organization's management system.

Depending on the decisions managerial tasks the following information management technologies may be involved. Saving (save labor costs, materials and financial resources, but do not have a significant impact on changing the state and level of functioning of the enterprise), basically transmitting information from the source to the addressee without responsibility for the essence of the transmitted information and its use by the addressee. Rationalizing (covering not only the functions of transmission, but also to a certain extent responsible for the use of information). Creative (development of new knowledge, their transfer, processing, use to improve the control object).

The composition of the supporting subsystems does not depend on the chosen subject area. In general, the operation of the information system in the control loop is described by the functional structure and information support. Human behavior in the control loop is characterized by organizational support and support labor resources. The behavior of the automaton in the control loop is described by mathematical and technical support.

The functional structure is a list of functions (tasks) implemented by it and reflects their subordination. Under the function of the information system is understood the scope of the system, aimed at achieving a particular goal of management. The composition of the functions implemented in information system, is subdivided into information and control functions.

Information functions, in turn, include the functions of: centralized control, computational and logical operations. The number of control functions should include the following functions: search and calculation of rational control modes; implementation of specified control modes.

Information support is a set of means and methods for building an information base. It defines the ways and forms of displaying the state of the control object in the form of data on the internal state of the control system, documents, graphs and signals from the external environment.

The technical support (a set of technical means) consists of devices: measurement, transformation, transmission, storage, processing, display, registration, input (output) of information and actuators.

Organizational support is a set of means and methods for organizing production and managing it. The purpose of organizational support is: selection and setting of management tasks; analysis of the management system and ways to improve it; development of solutions for the organization of interaction, personnel; implementation of management tasks. Organizational support includes work methods, requirements for paperwork, job descriptions, etc. In conclusion, we note that all supporting subsystems are interconnected, with functional subsystems and the control subsystem. So, for example, the subsystem "Organizational support" determines the procedure for developing and implementing the system, the organizational structure and composition of employees, legal instructions for which are contained in the subsystem "Legal support".

2 Functions of the supporting subsystem

When analyzing and designing supporting systems, the following tasks are solved:

· substantiates the composition of supporting subsystems;

· different methods of organizing individual supporting elements of the management system, primarily information and technology, are compared;

· the degree of rational centralization of supporting subsystems in the analysis of the management system and the ratio of the capacity of internal supporting subsystems and the use of services of centralized (industry, regional) organizations of the corresponding profile are determined;

· rational methods of elementary organization of management are studied and selected; progressive methods of interaction of elements of the control system in standard control processes and subdivisions of control subsystems are determined.

These tasks are related to the functional load of the supporting subsystems.

The management support subsystem is complex.

Legal support, includes: observance, execution and application of measures of the current legislation; development and implementation of local regulations; preparation of proposals for changing existing or repealing outdated regulations; application to performers and contractors of the current norms for bringing them to official, administrative or other responsibility;

Information support implies the timely provision of the necessary and sufficient information to the management bodies for making management decisions.

Information support is one of the most important supporting functions, the quality of which is a determining factor in the validity of the decision made and the efficiency of the system. In dynamics, information support as a process is included in the concept of "communication". Communication is the exchange of information, on the basis of which the management receives the information necessary for making effective decisions, and brings decisions taken to company employees. Communication is a complex process consisting of interrelated steps. Each of these steps is necessary in order to make our thoughts understandable to another person.

When exchanging information, the sender and recipient go through several interrelated stages. Their task is to compose a message and use a channel to convey it in such a way that both parties understand and share the original idea. This is difficult, because each stage is at the same time a point at which the meaning can be distorted or completely lost.

Basic requirements for the quality of information:

· timeliness;

· reliability (with a certain probability);


· reliability (with a certain degree of risk);

· completeness of the information system (in terms of quality and resource intensity of the product, conditions, stages of the life cycle of the company's and competitors' products, etc.);


· legal correctness;

· repeated use;

· high speed of collection, processing and transmission;

· possibility of coding;


Issues of organizing an array and information flows, technological process its processing are the main functions of information support.

Objectives of resource provision of production management: timely provision of the company with the necessary types of resources of the required quality and quantity; improving the use of resources.

The availability and composition of resources are determined by the volume of a particular type of resource, its structure in terms of nomenclature and assortment, quality and delivery times.

The process of the movement of resources includes: the formation of resources, i.e. their involvement to carry out marketing research, work on strategic management etc.; use of resources in one of the listed areas; resource recovery; disposal or write-off of resources.

Methodological support includes: creation of a legal, methodological and calculation base for the implementation of management functions; organization of production processes based on scientific standards; ensuring the comparability of different types of activities through a single methodology for assessing the quality of work; ensuring the mode of saving labor, material and financial costs at all stages of the product life cycle.

Office work has as its main functions: timely provision of document flow; acceptance of incoming documentation, registration, accounting, distribution of documents and their delivery to the contractor; sending and sending outgoing documents, preparing documents and their prompt reproduction; exercising control; storing and ensuring the use of documents and archiving; regular examination of the scientific and practical value of documents in order to determine the period of their storage.

Under technical support management system is understood as the equipment of management processes with modern technical means that correspond to the applied management methods, the material and technical base of production and the methods of its organization and are combined with all other elements of the management system.

Thus, the supporting subsystems are a set of elements, the absence of which in the management system will call into question the effectiveness and, in general, the existence of the organization. An organization as a system requires the interconnection of elements, their interaction, but any processes must be based on something, for example, on complete information, legally justified documents, etc. All this is the work of the supporting subsystem, its organization and maintenance at the proper level simplifies and makes the activities of all organizations more efficient.

Chapter 2. Analysis of the supporting subsystem in the MBU KTSSON "Care"

1 Organizational and managerial characteristics of the institution

The municipal budgetary institution "Comprehensive Center for Social Services to the Population" Care "was founded in 1993. In 2008, the second site of the Center "House of Veterans" was opened. The activity of the center is aimed at solving the vital important issues pensioners living alone and living in families, the disabled, as well as citizens in difficult life situations, disabled from childhood over 18 years old and up to 35 years old.

The Center provides the following types social services: social and household, social and rehabilitation, social and health improvement, social and psychological, social and legal, social and transport.

At present, the Center of this level is the only one in Kaluga, a number of services it provides are unique.

Currently, the Care Center is a multidisciplinary institution that provides social services to the elderly and disabled and provides them with a wide range of various social services, including home social and medical and social services, and semi-stationary social services in the Veterans House department. The semi-stationary department of social services is designed for 32 places. Elderly citizens and disabled people who have retained the ability to self-service, both single and living in families, are admitted to the department. During the period of stay, clients are provided with a complex of medical and rehabilitation services in order to improve their health and improve their psycho-emotional state. Social services at home are provided to single and lonely elderly citizens and the disabled. One-time social services are provided to all disabled citizens: men over 60 years old, women over 55 years old and the disabled.

More than 6,000 people use the services of the center every month, of which about 2,000 people are served at home.

Geographically, KTSSON "Care" includes branches located at the addresses of the street. Moscow, 217 and st. Vrubovaya, 22. A number of departments of the Center are located at both addresses, for example, a social hairdressing salon and a social canteen, a sewing workshop.

In general, the structure of the Center includes 16 functional units, a number of which perform and support functions, 2 support units and a management subsystem, including a director, three deputies and a head of economic services.

We list the main divisions of the Center.

The social canteen service provides assistance in the form of food to pensioners, the disabled and other low-income citizens on demon paid basis.

Departments of social assistance at home (14 departments) were created for social and household services for elderly citizens and disabled people who have partially lost the ability to self-service and need outside support, social and household assistance at home.

Semi-stationary day care social rehabilitation department "House of Veterans" was created with the aim of restoring the social status of citizens of the third age, prolonging active physical and creative longevity. This paid department of day stay is designed for 30 people. Time of daily stay: from 9.00-16.00; except weekends. Reception of citizens is carried out on the basis of a personal written application, the provision of other relevant documents, a receipt for payment for the stay.

Department of urgent social assistance The activities of the department are aimed at providing emergency assistance to people who are in extreme life situation. These are lonely pensioners, invalids, families with many children.

The Department of Day Care for Elderly and Disabled Citizens The activities of the department are aimed at reducing the lack of communication among the elderly. The specialists of the department form the motivation for active longevity thanks to the work of clubs in various areas: spiritual and historical, musical and literary, health, local history and many others. The most modern technology is at the service of visitors to the department: home theater, karaoke, video equipment. The library is working. Everyone can receive socio-legal and other types of social services in the prescribed manner.

The department of social rehabilitation of people with disabilities from childhood over 18 years old and up to 35 years old (ORID) was established in 2003. The work of the department is aimed at social adaptation and socio-cultural rehabilitation of young people with disabilities. The department has an art studio, music and theater studios, a studio manual skill and others. Equipped with a room for social adaptation. The specialists of the department work with their wards on individual programs of social rehabilitation. Parents can always turn to the department for advice and support.

The department of emergency psychological assistance by telephone "Hotline" is designed to provide emergency psychological assistance to the population of Kaluga and the region.

The Department of Psychological Assistance was created: to conduct psychological counseling of persons - clients of the Care Center; for psychological counseling of citizens in need of psychological assistance; for psychological support of employees of the Care Center (including for the prevention of burnout syndrome).

The “Social taxi” department of the “Care” center provides paid social and transport services for disabled people of the 1st and 2nd groups for transportation to socially significant places: clinics, hospitals, government agencies.

The department of the social hairdressing salon provides relevant paid services to the elderly and the disabled.

The social laundry department is intended to provide paid laundry and ironing services to lonely or lonely elderly people, the disabled, participants in the Second World War - clients of the Care Center.

Sewing workshop, here the master will perform a simple repair of products: changing the length, replacing the zipper, etc. Services are paid.

The rental point provides social and rehabilitation equipment for domestic use (walkers, wheelchairs, etc.) on a paid basis.

The center employs a lawyer on a paid basis who provides services to all interested citizens of Kaluga at a reduced price.

The department of primary admission is intended for the primary reception of citizens of the city of Kaluga

The organizational and methodological department provides organizational, methodological and reference and information support for the activities of the Center, and also participates in the organizational support of events held by the Center.

The Care Center also includes an accounting department, a personnel department, maintenance and repair services, and a labor protection service.

The management structure is presented in Annex 1.

The management structure of the Center is a linear-functional structure. Currently, the Center has a director and three deputies, whose tasks include solving various problems.

The Deputy for General Affairs manages the unit on the street. Vrubova and is responsible for the activities of the four departments located there, as well as a specialist in primary admission. Rest general services, located in the same building, report to the deputy for social work, who is located on the street. Moscow.

The Deputy for General Affairs manages the departments: “The House of Veterans, ORID, organizational, methodological and psychological assistance.

The deputy for general issues reports directly to the director of the center on the work done.

The Deputy for Social Work is responsible for twenty-four departments, of which fourteen departments are departments of social assistance at home. Also under the leadership of this deputy are other functional departments that provide the previously described services to various categories of citizens.

The deputy for organizational issues organizes and manages work that is more aimed at maintaining the internal structure of the center - these are housekeeping and repair services. Including the social taxi service and car maintenance are subordinate to him.

Functional divisions include the Human Resources Department and the Accounting Department.

Each department submits monthly progress reports. Almost every department in the Center can provide paid services, which is determined by the charter of the Center and legislative acts municipality Kaluga city.

Let us dwell on the results of the Center's activities in 2012.

Table 1. Number of citizens served

Type of service 2012 Serviced at home for elderly and disabled citizens by 14 departments of social services at home 1000 people Served by the urgent social services service (persons) 4050 people Served by the rehabilitation department for disabled children over 18 years old 120 people Home accompaniment of families raising disabled children over 18 years old 60 families Served by the day care department 80 1033 people received psychological help and support

The number of people served is growing every year, the quality of service is also improving.

2 Analysis and evaluation of the supporting subsystem

Within the framework of the MBU KTSSON "Care" there are about 22 different departments that perform various types of activities.

Most of the departments are functional departments, the main task of which is to provide services to various categories of citizens, mainly the elderly and people with disabilities.

As supporting subdivisions, only economic and repair services can be singled out, which are aimed at maintaining the material and technical base of the Center in proper condition. The supporting subsystem also includes the organizational and methodological department, which provides organizational, methodological and reference and information support for the activities of the Center, and also participates in organizing events held by the Center.

On the other hand, many of the functional units perform activities that are also aimed at technical, informational and resource support of the center.

So, for example, a sewing workshop, a laundry and a sports hall are used for internal needs.

Information support is also formed by the departments of legal consultations, psychological assistance, medical services of the Center.

Each department within the Center has its own Regulations, which are agreed and approved by the Director and the Department social protection.

The activities of each employee of the Center are built in accordance with the job descriptions, the Regulations on the department in which the employee performs his duties, and also in accordance with the Charter of the Center.

Almost all job descriptions of the Center's employees contain an indication that, in addition to providing services to the Center's clients (the functional side of the activity), his duties include interacting with other employees and departments of the Center and providing services to them in accordance with his official duties.

Indication in job descriptions there are, but often quite general, the regulations on branches also indicate that, if necessary, they provide services both to individual employees, on conditions corresponding to the conditions for providing similar services to clients, and to other branches.

The Center in its structure has a lot of departments that can perform not only functional tasks, but also maintain not only the Center itself in proper condition, but also provide comfortable conditions labor for each individual employee.

The main problem is that instructions for the performance of functions in relation to internal services are given, but the structure for their implementation, payment schemes, division of the working day and areas of activity, is not given either in the regulations or in the job descriptions.

In general, it is quite natural that the Center, which can provide such a wide range of services to the population, as an additional support and formation of loyalty, the formation of an organizational culture, and the improvement of the quality of work, should have a developed, justified and fixed system of work with employees and departments. Unfortunately, on this moment such work is only being built, but it does not have a full-fledged consolidation in the normative documents of the Center.

At the same time, the mandatory reporting of employees and subdivisions of the Center includes items on the provision of internal services.

The need for regulatory consolidation and the formation of a fully developed system of internal interaction and the provision of services is also required due to the fact that the Center's employees work a different number of hours, are located geographically in different parts of the Center.

The development of an internal system for the provision of services is also of great psychological importance for employees. They will clearly know what services, when and by which employees are provided. The interaction of departments on internal issues also needs to be strengthened in order to organize an enlarged information and methodological interaction within the Center.

Thus, the analysis of the supporting system of the MBU KTsSON "Care" allows us to talk about the following difficulties that need to be addressed:

· determine the services of which departments, in what quantity, when and how the employees of the Center can use;

· determine the services of which other employees, in what quantity, when and how employees of the Center can use;

· develop an internal work plan for the provision of services to the Center's employees (months or decades of priority areas, for example, psychological diagnostics, sports events, etc.);

· develop, if necessary, an internal schedule for the provision of services by employees (departments) to other employees of the Center;

· develop changes in the job descriptions of employees who provide services to other employees of the Center;

· to develop amendments to the Regulations on the branches of the Center that provide services to other employees of the Center;

· coordinate changes in the normative acts of the Center with the Director;

· make changes to regulations Center;

· prepare reports on the provision of services to the employees of the Center;

· draw up reports on the interaction of departments within the Center.

These actions will improve the efficiency of intra-organizational interaction, determine the conditions for interaction and provision of services within the Center, and improve the organizational culture and loyalty of the Center's employees.

In the next paragraph, we turn to the consideration of the issue of the department of psychological assistance, the activities of whose employees are largely affected by the organization of the provision of services to other employees of the Center.

3 Department of psychological assistance as an element of the supporting subsystem

One of the functional divisions of the MBU KCSON "Care" is the department of psychological assistance.

The creation of the department is due to the need to organize and implement activities for psychological assistance and support for the elderly and people with disabilities, both within the Center and at home.

Consider the main characteristics of the department of psychological assistance, which are noted in the Regulations on the Department of Psychological Assistance (Appendix 3).

The main functions of the activities of various specialists are given in the job descriptions of this department. The functional responsibilities of each specialist are specified in an additional agreement to his employment contract.

The volume of services provided by the specialist of the department per month must correspond to the estimated time standards approved by the institution.

The main activities of the department: diagnostics of the general emotional and psychological state of the clients of the center and its employees. Diagnosis of the causes of negative conditions. Development of a plan and program of work with clients and employees of the Center in accordance with the identified problems. Carrying out preventive measures in families in the mode of psychological support of the family, aimed at getting the family out of the crisis, with the obligatory involvement of the family's internal resources. Increasing the psychological stability and formation of the psychological culture of citizens, primarily in the areas of interpersonal, family and parental communication. Carrying out activities that contribute to the adaptation of citizens to changing socio-economic conditions of life. Maintaining a computer data bank about the clients of the psychological assistance department, about the clients of the ORID department, about socio-psychological patronage.

Within the framework of this department, the following activities are carried out: psychological diagnostics, psychological counseling, prevention and prevention of professional deformation.

In general, it can be seen that the Regulation does not pay much attention to work as an internal support service, although the burden on the department's employees is heavy.

First of all, almost all the activities of a socio-psychological orientation that are held at the Center are provided by the staff of this department with organizational and methodological support and support. As individual services, employees are provided with a full range of services that are also provided to third-party clients of the Center.

Unfortunately, at the moment there is no organized temporary division of the provision of services, it is not prescribed separately financial reward for the services rendered, although in words it is postulated that the payment of psychologists, among other things, depends on the number of persons served and the number of events held.

At present, with the support of the Department of Psychological Assistance, the School of Professional Excellence "Steps of Growth" has been organized. The activity of this school is aimed at providing internal training and development of all specialists of the Center. The school has its own position, which indicates the work within its framework of the employees of the department of psychological assistance, but changes were not made to the regulatory documents of the department itself and its employees.

Considering the department of psychological assistance as an element of the supporting subsystem of the management system, one can single out a number of positive aspects in the participation of this department as a providing one.

Firstly, the activities of the Center are aimed at working with people with psychologically difficult categories of citizens, the elderly and people with disabilities, as well as their parents. In this regard, in order to avoid separation from the main work of the majority of employees, it is necessary to develop training and organizational and methodological support in psychological areas. These tasks are realized by the management of the Center, but they are weakly enshrined in the regulations.

Secondly, working with people, especially those with psychologically difficult categories of citizens, requires certain internal qualities, knowledge, skills and abilities, the ability to relieve stress, the acquisition of stress resistance skills, etc. The burden of creating an internal psychological service also falls on the department of psychological assistance. If for organizational and methodological methodological activity The management of the Center officially allocates time for the department and its employees, but there is no time for work as an internal psychological service.

As a difficult moment, it is necessary to highlight the misunderstanding and the lack of a separate normative fixing of the division of wages in accordance with all subsections of the work of the department and its employees.

Thus, in the course of analyzing the activities of the department of psychological assistance, the following problems can be identified as a supporting element in the management system that require regulatory consolidation:

· to describe in detail in the Regulations on the Department of Psychological Assistance how the staff of the Department provide organizational and methodological support to the activities of the Center;

· describe in the Regulations on the department of psychological assistance what services and how the department provides other employees of the Center;

· describe in the Regulations on the Department of Psychological Assistance the schedule of the working day of the employees of the department, indicating the time of work with the employees of the Center, including it in the main working time;

· describe in the psychologist's job descriptions in detail all the functions performed by him in relation to other employees of the Center.

To solve the above problems, the following steps are required:

· develop additions and amendments to the Regulations on the department of psychological assistance;

· develop additions and changes to the job descriptions of a psychologist;

· coordinate additions and changes to the Regulations and job descriptions with the Deputy Director for General Affairs and the Director of the Center;

· make agreed additions and changes to the Regulations and job descriptions;

· familiarize the employees of the psychological assistance department with the changes in the Regulations and job descriptions against signature;

· form the work schedule of the department and its employees for familiarization with other employees of the Center.

These proposals will make it possible to structure the work of the department in a certain way, make employees understand the question of when and what functions to perform, and increase efficiency. psychological work inside the Centre.

Next, let's move on to specific proposals for formulating changes to the department's regulatory documents. Changes must be made to the Regulations on the department (list of activities, work schedule of the department employees) and to job descriptions (defining the scope of duties in relation to other employees of the Center).

Chapter 3. Development of changes for the socio-psychological department as an element of the supporting subsystem

1 Development of changes in the regulation on the socio-psychological department

Unfortunately, the current regulation on the department of psychological assistance is typical; no one has carried out processing for a specific organization. Further, only additions to the regulation will be given, containing a description of the work on the organizational and methodological support of the work of the Center, its employees and individual work with other employees of the Center.

It is necessary to make a number of additions to the current regulation: to formalize the tasks of the department, functions and schedule of activities.

The task item should be supplemented with the following provisions:

· providing social and psychological assistance to employees of the enterprise in solving individual, social and psychological problems;

· advising the head of the enterprise and heads of structural divisions involved in personnel work on socio-psychological problems of management;

· advising employees of functional units on issues related to professional activities: difficult clients, professional burnout, basics psychological support clients;

· development of intraorganizational training of employees in the psychological direction;

· training of specialists upon entering the organization to the specifics of the organization's activities;

· support for the selection, placement and movement of personnel.

The function item must be supplemented with the following items:

· conducting professional psychological testing of employees hired;

· collection and analysis of survey results, creation of a data bank of psychological information (conclusions and recommendations of psychologists) of employees;

· participation in the appraisal of employees;

· socio-psychological support of problem situations in the professional activities of functional units;

· psychological analysis of professional growth and issuance of recommendations on the formation of a reserve and rotation of personnel;

· study and optimization of the psychological climate, identification of hidden negative processes, prevention conflict situations in a collective;

· development and implementation of measures for the professional adaptation of young professionals;

· conducting training seminars and trainings with internal clients;

· public voicing of the results of one's own learning and self-development;

· enriching the experience of employees of functional units with new psychological methods and methods from related fields of knowledge;

· formation of a unified system of internal psychological service to ensure interaction between departments.

It is necessary to introduce a clause on the organization of the work of the department of psychological assistance. It is necessary to describe how the working day and workspace in the department are built.

This can be represented as follows:

· the department of psychological assistance and its employees are subject to the internal regulations adopted at the Center;

· the working day of the employees of the department from 9.00 to 16.00;

· once every two days for an hour, the employees of the Department conduct methodological and socio-psychological activities for employees

· the department consists of 3 psychologists, one of which is the head of the department;

· every day one of the psychologists is on duty to meet the needs of the internal psychological assistance service;

· an employee who is on duty for internal service during the day only responds to requests from functional services and senior staff;

· while the employee is on duty, other employees take over his duties.

These points are the main ones for the Regulations on the Department of Psychological Assistance. The main and most important is the moment of securing the release of one of the employees from the performance of functional duties in the performance of professional activities aimed at the needs of other functional units of the Center.

3.2 Development of additions to the job description of a psychologist

The current job description of a psychologist is also absolutely typical and no changes have been made in accordance with the specifics of the Center's activities. The following are additions to a number of points that will help structure and improve the effectiveness of the psychologist's work with the staff of the Center. The additions describe only the work of a psychologist as a specialist in an internal psychological assistance service.

In the functions section, the following additions should be made.

The following functions are assigned to the psychologist.

Development of measures to improve the working conditions of the Center's employees, reduce the impact of negative factors and increase work efficiency.

Participation in the formation of labor collectives, the design of systems and the organization of work.

Examination of the individual qualities of employees, implementation of measures for the production and professional adaptation of young specialists.

Formation, maintenance and development of a system of measures aimed at reducing professional stress and emotional burnout.

Consultation of managers and employees of the Center on issues within its competence.

Participation in the system of intraorganizational training as a methodological support.

Participation in the system of collective interaction with clients in difficult cases.

To perform the functions assigned to him, the psychologist of the enterprise is obliged.

To study the influence of psychological, economic and organizational factors on the professional activities of the Center's employees in order to develop measures to improve their working conditions and increase work efficiency.

Perform work on drafting plans and programs for social development, identifying psychological factors that affect employees.

Conduct surveys of the individual qualities of employees, the characteristics of labor activity of various professions and specialties, as well as those related to professional selection, checking the psychological working conditions, identifying interests and inclinations, and job satisfaction.

Participate in experiments to determine the impact of working conditions on the psychological and emotional state of employees.

Analyze labor processes and the psychological state of the employee during work.

Develop professiograms and detailed psychological characteristics of the professions of workers and positions of employees, determined by the influence of the production environment on the worker's mental stress, give recommendations on the conditions for the optimal use of a person's personal labor capabilities, taking into account the prospects for the development of his professional abilities.

Participate in the implementation of measures for the professional adaptation of specialists.

Take part in the formation of labor collectives, in the design of labor organization systems (organization of working time, rationalization of jobs), taking into account psychological factors and ergonomic requirements.

Organize, maintain and develop the system of internal organizational training, including both theoretical and practical issues in its areas of competence.

Advise the leaders of the Center on the socio-psychological problems of the management of the team, as well as employees involved in personnel and labor issues.

The psychologist has the right:

Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise relating to its activities.

Submit proposals for improvement of the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the management.

Receive from the heads of structural divisions, specialists information and documents on issues within its competence.

Involve specialists from all structural divisions of the enterprise to solve the duties assigned to it.

To be released from functional duties to external clients when solving problems for internal clients.

Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

The job descriptions of the psychologist of the department of psychological assistance should supplement the Regulations on the department and not contradict it, so that the work with the internal client is effective and does not conflict with the original functional duties of the department.


Course work is devoted to providing a subsystem in the control system. This system its main task is to provide the functional and control subsystems with information, resources, methodology of activity and legal justification.

This system works for the internal market of the organization, but without it, the organization's activities will not have a base.

The first chapter was devoted to the theoretical evaluation of the supporting subsystem. We have considered the general characteristics and structure of this subsystem.

Three questions were considered in the second chapter. Firstly, general characteristics MBU KTSSON "Care" for organizations. Its structure, functions and degree of effectiveness.

Further, the analysis was addressed to the entire supporting subsystem in the Center's management system. Within the framework of this question, the main conclusion was made that it is difficult to separate divisions according to belonging to one or another subsystem, since many divisions also perform the main (functional) activities and at the same time play the role of supporting elements.

In this regard, the third question of the second chapter is devoted specifically to the department of psychological assistance, which is entrusted with significant supporting functions, but they are not specified in the regulations and regulations.

Thus, in the framework of the third chapter, we proposed specific changes in the position on the department and the job descriptions of the psychologist, which will allow to consolidate the supporting functions of employees, as well as solve the problem of combining functional and supporting duties.

In conclusion, we note that the tasks assigned to the study have been implemented, the goal of the work can be considered achieved.


1. Gerasimov K.B. Designing systems for managing the processes of an organization // Vestn. LGU them. A.S. Pushkin. 2012. No. 1(6). pp. 46-55.

2. Gerasimov K.B. The composition and structure of the elements of the organization's process and sub-process control systems // #"justify">Appendices

Attachment 1


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