Download the Memorial Day presentation.

The purpose of this work:consolidation and deepening of historical knowledge, development of skills for independent creative and search work, development and education of patriotic feelings in vivid examples the heroism of our army, the bravery and courage of the people. To instill in children a sense of personal empathy for those who defended their homeland, a sense of pride in their country and the generations of our ancestors who lived in it, every Soviet family, families of students.

Event progress

Leading. There are events over which time has no power, and the further the years go into the past, the clearer their greatness becomes. These events include the Great Patriotic War.

June 22, 1941 without declaring war, Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Union. Hitler planned a blitzkrieg.

Back in 1941 many people gathered on the streets of cities because from all over

heard ... (Levitan's speech sounds - 2 slide presentation.)

All of our people rose up to fight the Nazi invaders. Both old and young went to the front(3 slide presentation.).

Our soldiers left in echelons to defend their homeland, then still not knowing that the war would not end soon(4 slide presentations)

Leading. “Everything for the front, everything for victory” - the motto sounded everywhere. And in the rear there were women, old people, children. Many trials fell to their lot. They dug trenches, stood up to the machines, extinguished incendiary bombs on the roofs. It was hard(5 slide presentation.).On the fronts and in partisan detachments, very young fighters fought along with adults. Along with the names of the legendary war heroes Panfilov, Karbyshev, Gastello and many others, we name the names of young heroes who gave their lives for the victory.

Marat Kazei ... The war has fallen on the Belarusian land. The Nazis broke into the village where Marat lived with his mother. In the fall, Marat no longer had to go to school in the fifth grade. The Nazis turned the school building into their home. After the death of his mother, Marat went to the partisans and became a scout. Penetrated into enemy garrisons and delivered valuable information. The boy participated in battles and showed courage. Marat died in battle. He fought to the last bullet, and when he had only one grenade left, he let the enemies get closer and blew them up ... and himself. For courage and bravery pioneer Marat Kazei was awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union. A monument to the young hero was erected in the city of Minsk.

Lenya Golikov Grew up in the village of Lukino. When the enemy captured his native village, the boy went to the partisans. More than once he went to reconnaissance, brought important information to the partisan detachment. There was a battle in his life that Lenya fought one on one with a fascist general. A grenade thrown by a boy knocked out a car. A Nazi with a briefcase in his hands got out of it and, shooting back, rushed to run. Lenya is behind him. He pursued the enemy for almost a kilometer and finally killed him. There were some very important documents in the briefcase. The headquarters of the partisans immediately sent them by plane to Moscow. But soon Lenya died. On April 2, 1944, a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was published on awarding the partisan pioneer Lena Golikov the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

ZINA PORTNOVA The war found Zina in the village of Zuya, where she came for the holidays. An underground organization "Young Avengers" was created, and Zina was elected a member of its committee. She participated in operations against the enemy, distributed leaflets, conducted reconnaissance. In December 1943, the Nazis seized the girl and tortured her. Zina's silence was the answer to the enemy. The brave young pioneer was brutally tortured, but until the last minute she remained steadfast, courageous, unbending. And the Motherland posthumously noted her feat with her highest title - the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

The biggest battles at the beginning of the war were:Battle of Moscow, Battle of Stalingrad, Battle of Kursk.

Results of the first days of the war:

  • German troops captured: the Baltic states, Belarus, Moldova, Western Ukraine; The enemy advanced deep into the Soviet Union by 350-600 km;
  • Soviet troops lost:
  • 3500 aircraft;
  • 6000 tanks;
  • more than 20,000 guns and mortars;
  • More than 100 divisions suffered heavy losses.

The German command attached great importance to the capture of the capital. Hitler said: "Moscow is taken - the war is won." The Soviet soldiers, who bravely defended the approaches to Moscow, also understood this.

The Moscow battle lasted more than six months:from September 30, 1941 to April 20, 1942. The autumn days of 1941 were the most alarming and formidable in the history of our Motherland.

All of its population rose to defend the capital, Moscow was preparing for severe trials. Thousands of volunteers went to the front, people worked on the construction of defensive lines and provided the soldiers with weapons and ammunition. The closer the enemy approached Moscow, the more stubborn its defense became. November 7 A parade of Soviet troops took place on Red Square.

This strengthened the spirit of the Russian people. “Our cause is just, victory will be ours” - with these words, military units left the parade for the front. The whole world has learned and understood: Moscow is standing, fighting. Moscow will win.

The enemy did not take into account the losses, trying to break through to the capital at any cost. However, the stamina and courage of its defenders knew no bounds.

December 6, 1941The Soviet troops went on the offensive. For the enemy it was sudden and unexpected. This was the first defeat of the Nazis. The battle of Moscow was the beginning of a radical turn in the Second World War, the first crown of the heroic deed of the Soviet people.

During the Great Patriotic War, more than 20 million Soviet people died. 1710 cities and towns, 70 thousand villages and villages were completely destroyed. 6 million buildings burned and destroyed. The country has lost 30% of national wealth.

But these sacrifices were not in vain, the Nazis were defeated. May 9, 1945 Berlin, the last stronghold of fascism, has fallen. The whole sky exploded with salute of the long-awaited victory.

Will never disappear from the memory of the people's pride in Great Victory, the memory of the terrible price that our people paid for it.

Symbol in honor of warriorswho died in the battles for our Motherland during the Second World War 1941 - 1945, -Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.People all over the world know him and come to honor the memory of the dead. It is located in Moscow, in the Alexander Garden, near the Kremlin wall, open May 8, 1967

Written at the foot of this monument:"Your name is unknown, your deed is immortal."

Violetta Rogozhina
Day of Memory and Sorrow (beginning of the Siege of Leningrad on September 8). Presentation

Day of Remembrance and Sorrow

Target: expanding children's knowledge about the history of their native city.



To expand the knowledge of children about the heroism of people during the years of the Great Patriotic War and people who have survived blockade of Leningrad;

Enrich children's vocabulary;


Encourage children's interest in events taking place in their hometown;

Continue the formation of patriotic feelings, a sense of pride in their hometown;


To cultivate a sense of respect for the defenders of our Motherland;

Cultivate positive qualities personalities: kindness, emotional empathy.

Slide St. Petersburg

Leading: Guys, what is the name of the city where we live?

Children's answers.

Leading Q: Does anyone know what it was called before?

Children's answers.

Music is playing "Holy war", slide show

Leading: June 22, 1941 started Great Patriotic Won. The goal of the enemies was one to capture our country. One of the main blows the Nazis sent to the city Leningrad to wipe it off the face of the earth.

8 September In 1941, the enemy surrounded the city. Leningrad was in the blockade ring.

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Leading: But the city lived. Factories worked, shells were fired, teams of volunteers were on duty, saving monuments, palaces, houses from incendiary bombs.

slide show

Leading: Every day food stocks were melting in the city. The only product was bread, but it was not enough. The bread was not as fresh, soft, white as we eat now. There was almost no flour in this bread.

The workers received a day of bread 250 grams, and employees and children 125 grams on cards.

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Leading: A motor road was laid on the ice of Lake Ladoga, called "dear life". It delivered food, warm clothes, so necessary Leningraders, took out the wounded and children. Moving along the road of life, the soldiers showed courage, heroism, risked their lives.

Sounds like a record "Song of Ladoga"

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Leading: In it hard times in the city Leningrad composer Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich lived and worked. He wrote the Seventh Symphony and it became a great work that inspired and inspired people. In the days blockade many musicians, who were supposed to perform this piece of music, died of hunger and only 15 weakened people were able to play. The concert hall was packed. Composer, musicians and all population of Leningrad wanted to show the Nazis that they are alive and will live, that they are fighting and working.

"Seventh Symphony" D. Shostakovich

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Leading: It was very difficult for children at that time, but they studied, helped the elders. Many of them worked in factories, post offices, and helped care for the wounded in hospitals. There was one girl, her name was Tanya Savicheva. She had a big family: grandmother, mother, two sisters, two brothers, two uncles.

She kept her diary. In alphabetical order, the letter "Zh" appeared the first tragic record made by hand Tanya: "Zhenya is dead". Her whole family died and Tanya was left alone. She was rescued and taken to an orphanage. But she did not live long. From hunger, cold, loss of loved ones, her health was undermined. Tanya Savicheva was also gone. Tanya passed away. The diary remains.

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She was buried in the village cemetery, where she rests under a marble tombstone. Nearby is a stele with a bas-relief of a girl and pages from her diary.

Tanya Savicheva not only survived blockade, but still preserved for all those living now the whole horror of war.

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Leningrad blockade- tragic and great page Russian history, claiming more than 2 million human lives. Bye memory about these terrible days lives in the hearts of people, passed from hand to hand to descendants - this will not happen again!

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Afghanistan! You are our pain and grief, The cry of mothers is heard here. The sea of ​​burning tears has already been wept, Perhaps they will be enough for all the years. History cannot be reversed, We paid in full for Russia, But memory brings us back again To Afghanistan, where we served.

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MINUTE OF SILENCE February 15 - Day of Remembrance of Soldiers-Internationalists The memory of the fallen will be honored with a minute of silence. Let's bow our heads before blessed memory those who gave their lives, leaving for immortality.

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Remember us, Russia, in the February cold, Before you marry festive table. Remember those who did not violate your oath, Who protected you forever and left for eternity.

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APRIL 1979 The April Revolution took place in Afghanistan, which marked the beginning of an internal armed conflict, and subsequently civil war in this state. A group of officers-members of the underground People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan carried out a military coup, removing Afghan President Daoud from power.

Slide 8

DECEMBER 1979 On December 14, at the request of Afghan President Hafizullah Amin, a battalion of the 345th Guards Separate Airborne Regiment was sent to Bagram. By the evening of December 23, 1979, it was reported that the Soviet troops were ready to enter Afghanistan. On December 24, the Soviet government signed a directive stating: "A decision has been made to bring some contingents of Soviet troops into the territory of Afghanistan in order to assist the friendly Afghan people."

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The struggle was for complete political control over the territory of Afghanistan. The armed forces of the DRA government, on the one hand, and the armed opposition (mujahideen), on the other, took part in the struggle.

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During the conflict, the Mujahideen were supported by military specialists from the United States, a number of European countries - members of NATO, China, as well as Pakistani services.

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Excerpts from a letter: “The mountains here are very beautiful, but it is dangerous to walk on them. Min-sea. Legs fly off just like that. "Spirits" - decent bastards ... They run through the mountains so that you can't catch up. They carry all their weapons on their humps: large-caliber machine guns, mortars, machine guns, rapid-fire rifles. All this is American, English, Chinese, Pakistani production. Climb out over the mountain, fire and hide. You come to the place, and there - shish. There are many caves in the mountains, many of them are mined. As a rule, they do not enter, from there you can not return. The “spirits” have different tactics: they mine roads and paths, fire at car columns, our positions, rob Afghan cars.”

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It was very difficult for those who first entered Afghanistan. Illnesses have begun. Due to bad water, almost everyone fell ill, often had to sleep on the ground. It was only towards the end of the war that sleeping bags appeared, and even then there were not enough of them for everyone, and it was not uncommon to see soldiers warming up at the fire at night, instead of sleeping before the next battle.

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From December 25, 1979 to February 15, 1989, 620,000 Soviet soldiers, officers, generals visited Afghanistan, who performed international duty and provided assistance to the fraternal people. During this time, 14,453 people died, died from wounds, accidents, disappeared without a trace, did not return from captivity, 35 thousand were injured.

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LOSSES OF THE SIDES Losses of Afghanistan The exact number of Afghans killed in the war is unknown. Over 2.5 million Afghans (mostly civilians), several million more found themselves in the ranks of refugees, many of whom left the country. Losses of the USSR As of January 1, 1999, irretrievable losses in the Afghan war (killed, died from wounds, diseases and in accidents, missing) were estimated as follows Missing and captured: 417 wounded, shell-shocked, injured: 53,753 became disabled: 10,751 Losses of equipment: Aircraft: 118 Helicopters: 333 Tanks: 147 Infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, BRDM: 1314 Guns, mortars: 433 Radio stations, command and staff vehicles: 1138 Engineering vehicles: 510 Flatbed vehicles, fuel trucks: 11,369

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Heroes of the Soviet Union. During the war in Afghanistan, 86 people were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

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We are met not as we read in books, An evil look from under closed black eyebrows... We are greeted with fire, and so we want to shout: “After all, we are carrying bread for hungry people!”.

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We bring you medicines, clothes, cars, We bring you toys for your children, Well, you put mines under our wheels And shoot our young guys from the mountains!

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Poems are devoted to that time... It's already fifteen kilometers to Kabul, It became clear - the column will calmly reach. The silent battalion commander suddenly began to smile And said into the headset: "Today we are lucky."

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The withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. February 15 - Soviet troops are completely withdrawn from Afghanistan.

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And, chasing the sun, we rush home, To our families, who yearned for us, And over the Afghan land scorched by the sun, Our souls dwell in the fallen. How long have they been waiting for this day! Never again will it be necessary to display an alarming address on envelopes, hoping to get an answer. Our children will no longer be killed in a foreign land, and the silence of the cemetery will not be tormented by volleys of farewell military salute.

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On May 14, 1988, the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan began. Soviet troops were in Afghanistan for nine years, one month and nineteen days - from 1979 to 1989. February 15, 1989 the last unit of the 40th Army of the USSR left Afghanistan.