Scenario of the concert "Summer" for children of the senior group. Scenario of a summer folklore festival on the street: "Green Christmas time", "Summer flashed quickly ..." Dance "merry travelers"

Jamilya Fattakhovna Tukhvatullina
Scenario of the concert "Summer" for children senior group

First educator. Why is summer called red? Because there is a lot of sun in summer! and also, probably, because this is a beautiful, rich time of the year. The sun wakes up very early in the summer, and with it the sonorous feathered folk awakens.

Listen to the "Song of the Lark", music. P. I. Tchaikovsky.

Following the birds, ants, butterflies, and bees wake up and begin their working day. For them, in the green thick grass there are many flowers: blue, purple, red, yellow. Listen, guys, how poets talk about summer.

Second teacher.

Happy summer,

You are dear to everyone.

In the rays of fragrant

Flowers bloom.

Their songs of praise

They fly to the sky.

shiny midges

Circling in a crowd

And the sun sends them

Your ray is golden.

First educator. The air in summer is filled with the smell of flowers. There are many of them everywhere: in the forest. and in the field. both in the meadow and in the flower beds in the garden. Everyone loves flowers flowers, admire them, collect bouquets, weave wreaths. Do you know flowers?

The teacher makes riddles about flowers. The answer will be fresh flowers that are here in vases. Then the children, together with the teachers, sing the song of E. Tilicheeva "Summer Flowers".

Second teacher.

I love Russian birch

Either bright or sad

In a bleached sarafan,

With handkerchiefs in pockets

With beautiful clasps

With green earrings.

I love Russian birch.

She is always with her friends

Spring dances,

Bends under the wind

And bends, but does not break.

Adults and children sing the song "Ay yes birch", music. T. Popatenko. Children in colored scarves lead a round dance to this song.

First educator. Summer is loved by both adults and children.

Children take the stage.

First child.

Hello summer! Hello summer!

Everything is warmed by the bright sun!

Let's run into the green forest

Let's lie down in the meadow!

Second child.

Hello blue river!

Third child.

Hello, hello, thick rye!

Fourth child.

Us a cheerful steam locomotive

Brought to you from the city.

Fifth child.

Hello white daisy!

Sixth child.

Hello pink porridge!

Seventh child.

We need a lot of flowers For bouquets and wreaths!

Eighth child.

Hello wild berry!

Ninth child.

Hello, mischievous squirrel!

Tenth child.

Summer has come to us again.

Everything. This is very good!

Second teacher. And what quiet evenings in the summer!

Listen to how well the poet A. Pleshcheev wrote about this.

Pale pink stripe

Dawn goes out behind the mountain.

An ear slumbers, leaning

Above the dewy border,

The day says goodbye to the earth

Quietly, quietly the night is coming,

In the sky a month behind you

The stars are clear.

First educator. And the composer S. Prokofiev wrote music, which he called "A month walks over the meadows."

Everyone listens to music.

First educator. How many new, interesting things you saw in the summer. At the end of the summer we will meet again, and then you yourself will tell us about the summer. And now it's evening. Time to sleep.

Educators sing the song "It's time to sleep", music. S. Razorenova.

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Theatrical performance for junior schoolchildren "Hello, summer!"


Children - boys and girls from the theater group, assistants to the presenter.

Venue: a large playground in the school yard, a yard leisure area with a small stage and a place for dancing, a large school hall and a gym.

Registration: garlands of flags, a flagpole on which a flag with a sun is raised.

While the audience gathers, cheerful music sounds. But then the soundtrack of the song by I. Reznik and A. Pugacheva “Starry Summer” sounded. This is the signal to start the show. Under this song, the presenter can come out. She can sing this song herself to the background music


Hello, hello dear friends!

A fun game brought you all to the playground.

How many faces are unfamiliar here,

Both serious and funny!

I also see my old friends.

Well, come to me quickly!

Members of the theater group, children run up to the presenter junior group, participants of the presentation.

Who you are? What is your name?

Introduce yourself soon! Do not take it for work!

Participants, each in turn, say their name.


We are ordinary guys!

We live in the same yard.

From dawn to dusk

We play and sing.

Take a look at our yard

If the path happens -

Everyone can easily return to childhood.


The very first number of summer

Flowers were woven from the sun for children. The colors of June are brighter, more noticeable.

Here come the summer holidays.

A. Parkhomenko

Dear children:

Both girls and boys.

Congratulations on your holidays

I invite you to play on the playground.

With you for a long, long time

Let's sing, joke, play,

And of course, and of course

We will dance with you!

Here's a dance for you to start

So that you don't get bored.

Everyone dances one or two dances from the disco program.


Who excels in education

I ask you to raise your hands!

Who are fours and fives

Not lazy to receive?

Spectators raise their hands

So, you all have excellent knowledge,

You can solve the most common riddles.

Guesses a riddle.

The hot sun will warm everyone,

He will dress the meadows in a colored outfit,

Play, call to swim,

Mushrooms and berries will bring.

What is the name of the season?

Who will call me now?

1st child. May I ask a riddle?

The sun is shining brightly,

Both light and hot

And around the heat, flowers

All day wander, wander.

What time of year is this?

2nd child. And I know this riddle:

The sun bakes

Linden blossoms.

The rye is ripe.

When does it happen?

presenter. What is summer?

3rd child. That's a lot of light!

4th child. This field!

5th child. It's a forest!

6th child. It's a thousand wonders!

1st child. It's a fast river!

2nd child. It's clouds in the sky!

3rd child. These are vibrant flowers!

4th child. This is the blue of height!

V. Stepanov


Come on together, come on together

Let's meet the summer with a sonorous song!

The soundtrack of the song “Song of Summer” (music by E. Krylatov, lyrics by Y. Entin) is turned on, which all children can sing.

At the end of the song, the performer of the role of Summer comes out.


You sang heartily, sang from the heart.

And here, to the meeting, someone is in such a hurry.

Everything from the clear sun in the world blossomed,

Here, to meet you, the hot summer has come!

E. Shulga

Summer enters - a girl in a bright sundress and a wreath.


I am a hot Summer, a rich Summer,

I am dressed in a fragrant wreath of flowers.

I came here to congratulate you on the holidays

And she brought wonderful guests with her.

I will make riddles

What kind of guests - guess!

Guesses a riddle.

Warm, long, long day.

At noon, a tiny shadow.

Blooms in the field.

Ripe strawberries.

What month is it, please?


Right! June.

June has come and the air is bright

And blue overhead.

Among the branches a cheerful wind

Plays with delicate foliage.

And strings of sunshine

They sing their own melody

That summer has come

That the holidays are coming again.

June enters.

3rd child.

June has come to visit us,

With the singing of birds, with the buzz of bees.

Hello, hello, our month!

What will you give us as a reward?


Every day I give you

In the sky a bright dawn

Field, river, summer heat

And in flowers the whole native land!

E. Shulga

In order not to make you sad,

Let's invite everyone to the dance!

Dance break.


Which one of you is attentive?

Who is the most observant

Will he name signs and proverbs about June?

The child actors start and the audience continues.

4th child. There is nothing to eat in June, but fun: flowers grow, nightingales sing.

5th child. Prepare the sleigh in summer and the cart in winter

6th child. Summer day - feeds the year!

3rd child.

Summer greets us with flowers,

The breath of herbs and the trill of birds

And reveals poets in us,

And pathfinders, and singers.


We will hold a song contest now,

Let's sing songs about summer, about the sun!

We will start, you - continue,

Sing these songs.

Songs for the competition

I'm lying in the sun,

I look at the sun

I lie and lie

And I look at the sun.

(words by S. Kozlov, music by G. Gladkov)

Hear how they ring in the sky high

Sun rays strings.

If you are kind, it is always easy,

And when it's the other way around, it's hard.

(words by M. Plyatskovsky, music by B. Savelyev)

Eaglet, eagle, fly higher than the sun.

And look at the steppes from above.

Forever silent merry lads,

I was the only one left alive.

(verses by Y. Shvedov, music by V. Bely)

Chunga-Changa - blue sky.

Chunga-Changa - summer all year round.

Chunga-Changa - we live happily,

Chunga-Changa - let's sing a song!

(verses by V. Entin, music by V. Shainsky)

If suddenly thunder strikes

In the middle of summer

This trouble

We will survive.

(verses by A. Khait, music by B. Savelyev)

The sun, air and water are more useful than all,

They always help us from diseases.

From all diseases it is more useful for us:

Sun, air and water!

(verses by V. Lebedev-Kumach, music by V. Solovyov-Sedoy)

How good is it all around!

Dense undertrees light house

And the path is golden

flooded with bright sun,

We're walking, we're walking, we're walking.

How good is it all around!

(verses by JI. Nekrasova, music by I. Dunaevsky)

May there always be sunshine

May there always be sky

May there always be a mother

May I always be!

(lyrics by L. Oshanin, music by A. Ostrovsky)


Well done to everyone who sang with us

To not get bored here

We invite you to dance!

Dance break.


Hot, sultry, stuffy day,

Even chickens seek shade.

The mowing of grain began.

Time for berries and mushrooms.

His days are the pinnacle of summer.

What is the name of this month?

Following a joyful June

The second brother is coming - July.

Let's sing and dance with him.

Or choose a game?

Middle brother, come out

Have fun guys!

E. Shulga

July enters.


Wait for us, summer forest.

We'll be there soon.

How many fairy tales and miracles

At the children's forest!

July will lead the guys

Along the forest path

Hot berries are burning

I have in a basket.

V. Tatarinov

Who will call my signs?

What is the arrival of July known for?

1st child. July is the peak of summer.

2nd child. Summer is nice for everyone, but the top of the summer is heavy!

3rd child. On Ilya before lunch, summer, after lunch, autumn.


And now I want to know from you

One two Three -

Hurry up here!

There is a competition for the best poem about summer. It can also be started by the participants of the performance - child actors, 5-6 people, no more. Participants receive prizes.

July (ending the competition of readers).

Thanks for the lyrics!

I will give everyone a dance as a reward.

Dance break.


Maple leaves turned yellow

Flew to the countries of the south

Fast-winged swifts.

What a month - tell me!


August is coming to us

What does he bring to people?

Enter August.

Gloriously August worked hard,

New bread was born in the field.

Mushrooms, apple harvest -

Don't be lazy, just collect!

Tell me quickly August's signs of everything.

4th child. What you collect in August, you will spend the winter with it.

5th child. Summer is a supply, and winter is a pickup.

6th child. In August, the sickles are warm, and the water is cold.

3rd child. In August, a peasant has three worries: to mow, to plow, and to sow.

2nd child. Roses bloom - good dew falls.


Your knowledge is good

Dance with all your heart again!

Music turns on -

The dancing continues!

Dance break.


Now let's rest a little.

We will hold an auction of summer terms here.

I will start - you continue,

Don't repeat what you said.

Rain, rainbow, mushrooms,

Sun, berries, flowers...

The audience continues.

We are ending the auction.

And the winner is our prize.

Gives a prize to the last player in the game.

There are too many signs of summer.

You just forgot to name everything

What do kids love in summer?

Celebrate your birthday.


birthday in summer

That's a lot of light

The sun is radiant

The whole earth is warm.


What a beautiful birthday

Why is he so expected?


After all, on a holiday with impatience

All friends are invited to visit.


Every birthday is happy

Invite the guys

Because without a doubt

No friends and no fun.

1st child. Birthday is a miracle!

Whatever you wish

Everything will always happen

Everything comes true at once!


It's time to celebrate birthdays.

Just who is the birthday boy here, how would we know?

Who was born in August and who is not,

And to whom do June and July send greetings?

E. Shulga


We will now find out the ego, there is a game for this:

It will be interesting, get ready, kids

Come on, birthday people, all come to me.

On command, you will quickly look for your month

One, two, three, look for your month!

Birthday people run each to their own month.


Everyone who celebrates a birthday in the summer every year,

Today we congratulate, invite to a round dance!


We are birthday today

They baked a loaf for you.


He is sweet and tall

Toasted barrel!

E. Shulga


Let's start a round dance about Karavai,

Let's sing a song for all the birthday people!

Children form a general round dance "Loaf".


Birthday Tanyusha,

Petyam, Sasha and Andryusha,

And Yegor, and Airat,

Both Timur and Marat.

Zina, Yulia and Natasha -

Congratulations to all of us!


Lots of joy and fun

I wish you a birthday!


Grow up faster

Help the elders at home!


Don't offend kids

And learn only "five"!


And we also wish you

Bring joy to friends!


I want to amuse you all a little, surprise you

And this concert number

Give to all children.

Concert number.


The music is playing again

Invites you to dance!

There is a disco program of 5-6 dances. Then all the participants of the performance go to the center of the stage.


The red summer will pass -

The school will call you again!


In the meantime, walk

Sunbathe in the sun!

July. Get new strength!


So that every day of vacation

Only brought joy!

presenter. Now it's time to say goodbye!

Everything. See you soon! We are waiting for you again, kids!


Come, come

And bring your friends with you.

We will be glad to see you

In this room every time!

There are songs about summer.

The characters say goodbye to the audience.

The script of the holiday for students in grades 1-2 in the summer school camp "Hello, summer"

Prepared by: Tanacha Valentina Vasilievna, teacher primary school Kuznetsovo-Mikhailovskaya School of I-III stages
Target: create a festive atmosphere and a joyful mood for children.
Presenter 1
Hello, hello, hello!
We are happy to welcome everyone!
Lead 2
Today we celebrate the holiday of summer,
Festival of the sun, festival of light.
Presenter 1
Dear kids!
Girls and boys!
Summer! Summer is coming to us!
(Music sounds, Summer comes out)

Good afternoon my friends!
Waiting for you all me?
Hello summer! Hello summer!
All the kids are waiting for you.
Child 1. We've been waiting for summer
Studied well!
All along we dreamed
When will it come!
child 2.
Adults and children know:
Summer - best time years on the planet!
Summer is the season
Nature delights in summer
Flowers are blooming,
The fruits are pouring.
Ripe berries in the field
The nightingale trills.
Warm days, with all my heart,
The kids are very happy.

Presenter 1 And guys, summer is a lot of sunshine.
Summer: Yes! I have enough sun for everyone. And where did it hide? Guys, let's call him.
(The sun appears.)

Presenter 1: Hello Sunshine! We are very glad to see you.
The sun: I am the bright sun
I light a candle in the windows,
For good weather
To grow children year by year.
Host 2: Of course, Sunshine. Well, what is summer without you. We really need your rays.
Sun: Rays, guys, I have not simple ones. Follow my ray, and you will find something interesting. (The sun throws his ray-ribbon on which the task is).
- It contains my riddles,
Guess them guys!
1. Flowers bloomed in the garden,
There are mushrooms already in the forest,
Thunder rumbles somewhere
It has come ... (Summer.)
2. These three brothers
Very similar, even too much.
And heat and rain
AND long days. (Months of summer)
3. You warm the whole world
And you don't know fatigue
Smiling at the window
And everyone calls you ... (Sun)
4.outside shirt,
In the hut sleeve (Ray of the sun)
Well done boys!
Sun: Here you guys, the next ray.
Presenter 1:
The summer sun is shining.
In the field and in the forest
Flowers bloomed:
White chamomile, pink porridge,
Buttercup is a yellow flower
Blue cornflower.
(Music sounds. Children perform a dance of flowers)
Sun: My next ray is not simple, but magical.
(Summer gets magic wand.)
-Come closer, close your eyes and repeat the magic words after me - cribs, crabs, booms!
Summer:(music sounds) Well, miracles! We are in a fairy tale.
The game "Guess the tale by the musical fragment"
Sun: Here, guys, you still have my magic path (throws his ray.)
Summer: Let's smile together!
We will plunge into the world of the game with you!
If you agree, say "Yes"
- are you in a great mood? (yes)
- Shall we sing and dance?
- play different games? (yes)
Will we offend each other? (no)
- Are we going to dance? (yes)
-I ask everyone to stand up and repeat the movements after me. (Various music sounds)
Game - repeater "Repeat after me"
Summer: Good as the sun shines!
Children are having fun today.
We'll follow the ray
We’ll still find something interesting! (Find a box).
Game "Guess by touch"
Sun: Accept the next ray
"Song marathon start"
Summer: Let's remember the songs in which the Sun is found. I'll start, and you sing along! (Songs “I draw the sun”, “It's raining on the street, it's slush on the street ...”, “Let there always be sunshine ..
Well done boys!
They sang together, from the heart!
Host 2: The sun showed us the rays of the path, and now we need to return these rays to him. Let's play a game with the Sun.
The game "Give back the rays of the sun." (To the music, the sun needs to return all the rays.)
All kids love us!
Sorry, but we've got to go!
Summer Thank you, dear children, for the warm and joyful welcome. It's time for us to go home. You sang well, played well, met us.
Presenter 1:
Our holiday ends
Summer and holidays are starting!
The song "Vacation is a fun time"

Music sounds.

Children go to the playground.

Presenter: Hello, good people and nice kids!

As in our meadow, we gathered to meet the summer. Meet and greet.

In Moscow, winter lasts a long time, and people - young and old - so want warmth and sun. Really guys?

Summer is a great time!

Summer loves kids?

Presenter: Where is the summer? Where is the summer?

Animals, birds, waiting for an answer!

Children (or adults) come out - a swallow, a mole, a bear, a horse, hares.

presenter : Hello, animals and birds!

Do you know where summer is?


Summer, - the swallow considers, -

Coming very soon.

Summer has to hurry

And it flies like a bird.

Arrives? - the mole snorted. -

Under the ground it crawls!

Are you saying summer is coming?

I don't hope so!

Toptygin grumbled:


Sleeping in his lair somewhere...

The horse neighed:

Where is the carriage?

I'll deliver summer now!

Summer, - the hares told me, -

Get on the train at the station

'Cause it might be summer

Ride a hare without a ticket!

Presenter: Guys, let's go towards the summer. Get in your wagons and let's go!

The music sounds “Here it is, what our summer is” (children line up behind the educator and walk around the site with the music on the train.

Presenter: We've arrived! See who's in a hurry here?

To the music, an adult dressed as Summer enters.

Summer: Hello, good people, funny kids! You recognized me? You were waiting for me? Happy to fly?

Can you name the summer months? What is the first month? And second? And the third? Did you guys know that June in nature is called the “blush of summer”, July is called the “top of summer”, and August is called the “generous month” or “summer reserve”.

Guys, do you know poems about summer?

Poems about summer. (G. Konoval)

Hello summer!

Hello summer!

Warmed by the warm sun

Burnt winds.

Hello summer!

Hello summer!

It's time for our joy.

Summer goes for mushrooms

Hurries for blueberries

Delicious with us

Juicy apple crunches.

Along the path, along the path

Summer leads us to a fairy tale

And from a sunny basket he distributes smiles to everyone.

Summer: Well done guys, you are well prepared for the summer. They grew up, they learned poetry.

Well, I have prepared riddles for you guys.


1. The smallest bug,

Barrel in black dots. (Ladybug.)

2. Very light as a blade of grass,

Himself green as a blade of grass,

In the meadows, in the forests, by the rivers

Hiding in the grass ... (Grasshopper.)

3. Who washed away the rubbish and dirt from the path,

He watered the sheets, blades of grass,

The hedgehog guessed the riddle

He snorts: ... Spilled ... (Rain.)

4. Sisters are standing in the field,

Yellow eye, white eyelashes. (Chamomile.)

5. Hey, bells, blue color,

With language, but no ringing. (Bell.)

5. Not a bird, but with wings,

Not a bee, but flies over the flowers. (Butterfly)

6. The gates went up,

Beauty all over the world.

The sun ordered: "Stop,

The Seven Colored Bridge is steep.” (Rainbow)

7. Hat and leg-

That's the whole Yermoshka. (Mushroom)

8. Alenka grows in the grass

In a red shirt

Whoever passes,

Everyone bows down. (Strawberry)

Summer: Well done boys. My summer riddles have been solved. And let's go to the summer forest: there are grasshoppers, and daisies, and bluebells, and bugs. And butterflies!

Show dance

Summer: Summer is the most colorful and polyphonic time of the year!

Let's remember what sounds are heard in the forest, near the lake, in the clearing. Guys, try to convey the sounds of the forest with gestures and sounds.

Game Sounds of Summer.

The noise of the wind - hands are raised up, gently swing them to the right - to the left.

The chirping of birds - they wave their arms like wings, and chirp, croak.

The chirping of grasshoppers is the sound "ts - ts - ts".

Splash of waves - hands move like waves, to the sound of "sh - sh - sh".

Summer: Oh, I almost forgot that there is another sound in the summer. This is the laughter of girls and boys.

Presenter: Exactly! Let our children tell funny poems.


Early in the morning, in the evening

Late at dawn

Uncle rode on horseback

In a chintz carriage.

And behind him at full speed,

jumping steps,

The wolf tried to swim

A bowl of pies.

The hare looked up at the sky

There's an earthquake

And from the clouds on him

Dripping jam!

The fisherman is sleeping in the river!

Gathering cheese from the bushes!

Cows are grazing with hares!

Oxen are being milked in the meadow!

The bear is dancing!

Pumpkins began to sing songs!

Mowers are mowing the forest!

There is dew on the snow!

And the moon shines on us in the morning!

Children in chorus: And kids don't like candy!

Summer: The guys told funny poems. Everyone's mood was lifted. What is the mood? In!

Summer: And I propose to tell about my good mood.

"If life is fun - do it"

Grandmothers-Hedgehogs run out from behind the bushes.

Grandmother-Ezhka: So, so, have fun, dance, but they didn’t invite us? And we love summer too. Oh how we love.

Summer: We always welcome guests.

Grandmother-Ezhka: Come out guys, dance with us.

Dance show "Babka-Ezhka"

Grandmother-Ezhka: Oh, respect the old ladies. And I will ride you on my broomstick for this!

Broom ride game (senior)

Summer: Ah yes Grandmother - Ezhka, well thought up! And I also play with the kids. Look, look, we're blowing bubbles!

Game "Soap Bubbles" (junior)

Grandmother-Ezhka: Summer, it's good that you've come.

You can pick berries, flowers, and after the rain - my favorite fly agaric mushrooms.

Kids, let's pick mushrooms?

Summer: We will, only the guys know that fly agarics are inedible mushrooms. We will collect other mushrooms.

Game "Collect mushrooms" (junior)

Grandmother-Ezhka: Okay, thanks, I'll need those mushrooms for lunch too. And I have one more interesting game came up with!

Summer: Grandma, what do you have?

Grandmother-Ezhka: This is my new aircraft. If the broom breaks or the stupa leaks, then I will fly by parachute.

Summer: How should you play your game?

Grandmother-Ezhka: Yes, it’s very simple: who didn’t run away, I caught him!

Parachute game "Hurry to run" (senior)

Grandmother-Ezhka: Look, you are smart. Do you do physical education?

Summer: yes After all, summer is an active time: you can play ball, and jump rope, and roller skates, and ride a scooter, and ride a bicycle, and swim!

Grandmother-Ezhka: Or will you just lie on the couch and watch TV in the summer?

Summer: Right because there is no time to be bored in the summer!

General dance

Presenter: Well, our holiday is over.

Scenario of the holiday for the smallest "Fairytale Summer" Participating: SUMMER (host), BABA YAGA, YAGUSIA (granddaughter of Baba Yaga), HARE, WOLF. The hall for the holiday is decorated with summer attributes. (Flowers, fruit vases, multi-colored ribbons, twigs with leaves, a large poster with the name of the holiday in the background, the walls are decorated with children's drawings on a summer theme). Children and parents can sit in the hall as it is more convenient for them.

Sounds like a song about summer. The host enters the hall, she is Summer. She is dressed in a colorful sundress, her hair is loose, decorated with a wreath of flowers. In his hand he carries a basket in which there are flowers and fake fruits, as well as blanks needed for games. Summer, smiling sweetly, slowly spins to the sound of the song.

Hello my darlings, hello my darlings. How I missed you. Ah, my scarlet flowers, my ripe berries, how big and beautiful you all have become. Real princes and princesses. I came to you to amuse you at a holiday called "Fairytale Summer". Do you know who I am? Come on, say my name all together. (Children and parents answer together: “Summer!”)

Of course, my precious ones. I am Summer!

If there are thunderstorms in the sky

If the grasses bloomed

If early morning dew

Blades of grass are bent to the ground,

If in the groves above the viburnum

Until the night, the rumble of bees,

If warmed by the sun

All the water in the river to the bottom

So it's already summer!

So spring is over.

Summer: Guys, what do you like most about summer? (Children and parents answer: “It’s warm in summer!”, “We wear light clothes in summer”, “There are a lot of berries and fruits in summer”, “In summer you can swim, sunbathe”, “The sun shines in summer, and sometimes there are thunderstorms”, etc.

Summer: You are my smarties, you know everything about summer. Now I want to play with you funny game. It is called “Call me”. Now, my dears, I will show you drawings of different fruits and berries that you probably fell in love with. After all, they are so ripe, sweet, beautiful. (Alternately pulling out drawings of berries and fruits from the basket, he shows them to the children and offers to name them. Children and mothers answer)

Summer: Goodies! And now let's go with you to a strawberry glade, pick berries. (The game "Picking berries" is being played. Drawn berries are scattered on the floor in the hall. The children collect them all together. Summer helps them. So that there are no disputes between the children, you can pick berries in one basket for everyone, placing it in the center of the hall. The game is accompanied by cheerful music.)

Summer: Well done, guys, they collected all the berries in the clearing, not a single one was left. I know you love berries. Do you like fairy tales? (Children and mothers answer together: “Yes, yes, we love!”) Can you name your favorite fairy-tale characters? (Children answer, mothers help: Kolobok, Little Red Riding Hood, Baba Yaga, etc.)

Summer: That's right, well done! Guys, do you know that even the most malicious fairy-tale heroes get better in the summer. Yes, yes, it’s cold and hungry for them in winter, and they are angry at everyone. And in the summer it's warm, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, the berries are ripening, the mushrooms are growing, why should they be angry? I have one friend Baba Yaga. Just don't be afraid of her. She's not evil at all. Today she asked to join us for a holiday. And not one came, she brought her granddaughter with her. Yagus. They want to dance with you and play games. (Under the “Song of Grandmothers Ezhek” from the “Flying Ship” mf, Baba Yaga and her granddaughter Yagus fly into the hall on broomsticks. They dance, make faces, make faces. They invite children and mothers to the center of the hall, Summer helps organize a dance. Everyone dances. )

Summer: Oh, and we got a fervent dance, right, guys? (Children and mothers answer: “Yes!”) Did you like it? (Children answer in chorus: “Yes!”)

Baba Yaga:

I'm Grandma dear

Slim, beautiful.

perky, playful,

I want to hang out with you!


I feel good in the warm summer

I do no harm to you kids.

I'm just dreaming...

And in my dreams I fly.

Baba Yaga: Again, my granddaughter's airplane fantasies began! Well, what should I do with it, guys? My granddaughter Yagusya wants to be a pilot of big planes. And fly like a bird. V-o-from so, like this. (They show with Yagusey, the flight of a large plane)

Yagusya: I want-I want to fly high-o-o-ko-o-o, far-o-o! But Baba Ezhka does not let me in (Whimpers, as if crying) Summer: Children, let's help Yagusa fly, and we ourselves will also fly on airplanes with her. Do you want? (Children and mothers answer: “Yes, yes!”) Now we will make airplanes with you. (Gives out paper to everyone. Children and mothers make paper, multi-colored airplanes. You can distribute ready-made airplanes to children. Children and mothers are invited to the center of the hall. They all fly airplanes together. Baba Yaga, Yagusya and Summer help to launch airplanes further and higher. The game is accompanied by a song from m. f "A clouds, white-winged horses")

Baba Yaga: Oh and well done kids!

Yagusya: Now you can fly just like me! La-la-la! Tra-la-la! And we know how to fly, that's what we are, airplane pilots!

Baba Yaga: My granddaughter not only loves to fly, she also loves all kinds of animals. Either a squirrel will drag the lost one from the forest, or a galchenka with a broken wing. Recently, she even treated a bear cub's paw, the poor thing fell into a trap, and hurt its paw. And my Yagusya, and so and so, after all, she cured, she returned to her mother bear as a healthy baby. She can even talk to animals.

Yagusya:(Boasting) Yes, I can!

Summer: Yagusya, and you teach the kids to speak animal-like and bird-like.

Baba Yaga: And in a bird way, I can too. Kar-kar, who screams like that, guys, what kind of bird, you know? (Children and mothers answer.) Let's shout together, kar-kar! (Children echo all the voices of birds and animals)

Yagusya: Chick-chirp, chick-chirp, whose voice is this? (Children answer) And now together, chirp-chirp, chirp-chirp!

Summer: Cuckoo-oo! What kind of bird is calling to get up so badly in the morning? (Children answer) And now together, crow-ooh! (Children echo)

Yagusya: Me-uh-uh-uh, me-uh-uh, who makes such a sound? Does he give us wool for a sweater? That's right, sheep (Children answer, echo the voice)

Baba Yaga: Mu-u-u, mu-mu-u-u! She grazes in the meadow, she emits a moo-oo-oo voice, she gives us milk! (Children answer, repeat after B. Ya)

Summer: Where-where, where-where, what kind of bird, ah-ah-ah? He sings songs to the cockerel, gives testicles for an omelet (Children answer. And they echo the voice of the chicken)

Yagusya: Woof-woof-woof, woof-woof-woof. He respects the good, bites evil people. Who is this? (Children answer. And bark like a dog)

Baba Yaga: Meow-meow-meow, if he suddenly notices that you are sad and gloomy, he will immediately sing a song, meow-meow-meow, mur-mur-mur! Who is this? (Children repeat and echo the voice)

Summer: Well done guys! And you know how to speak like an animal!

Baba Yaga: Have fun with you guys. Your summer is fabulous and very fun. It's time for us to run to our fairy forest, to our fairy animals.

Yagusya: Summer, Summer, how is it, We made the kids happy, What will you give us for this? Summer: A lot of sunlight, In the sky, a rainbow-arc, and daisies in the meadow. Yagusya: What else will you give me? Key ringing in silence Pines, maples and oaks Strawberries and mushrooms. I will give you a cuckoo, so that, having gone out to the edge, you shouted louder to her: “Fortune telling me as soon as possible!” And she answered you Guessed for many years!

Yagusya: Like this? Coo-coo, coo-coo, coo-coo?

Baba Yaga: Guys, let's get together! Coo-coo, coo-coo, coo-coo! (Children join in)

Yagusya: Thank you for the gift, Summer is warm. Let's go Granny, our magical forest is waiting for us. Bye bye, guys!

Summer: Goodbye, Baba Yaga, goodbye Yagusya! Guys, I have another surprise for you. (He drags a decorated cardboard box - “Magic Chest” into the hall by the rope. The box can be made without a bottom so that Bunny can walk with his feet) Guess who I hid in my magic chest? I give a hint, this fluffy, little animal is very fond of children. And moms and dads, lovingly, call their children the same as the name of the animal. Who is this? It is white in winter and gray in summer. Plus, he's so fast and agile. (Jumps like a hare. Children guess) That's right, kids, this is a Runaway Bunny! A fleet-footed bunny jumps between the grasses, Crumpled a white dandelion with its paws. White fluffs flew high, A hare jumps far along the forest path. (Bunny jumps out of the box. He has balloons in his hand. Cheerfully and provocatively greets the children)

Bunny: Hi guys! Hello Red summer, carrot summer! I like summer very much. And I love kids, I like to play with them and have fun.

Summer: So, let's play together, Bunny!

Bunny gray sits

And wiggles his ears.

Like this, like this

He moves his ears! (Hands move ears)

It's cold for a bunny to stand

You need to warm up your paws.

Like this, like this

You need to warm up your paws. (rubbing hands together)

Bunny is bored standing

Bunny needs to jump

Like this. So, Bunny needs to jump! (all jump together)

Summer: Bunny you Bunny, Little Bunny. Long ears, fast legs. Bunny you Bunny Bunny is a rascal, You are afraid of the Wolf, Bunny is a coward. (The song “About the Wolf” sounds. A wolf runs into the hall. He threatens the children with his finger. The bunny tries to hide among the children. The wolf, dancing to the song, makes frightening sounds)


Oh-oh-oh, I'm afraid of the wolf.

The wolf is dashing, very angry.

Drives me through the forest

He scares me a lot.

Wolf: Well, come closer! Yes, at least you! (beckons one of the children)

When you see me

You will run three miles away.

I look into your faces

And I laugh merrily:

Sneeze at the police

I'm not afraid of her!

Well, try, come on-

Bang on the horns!

I am the Gray Wolf! Teeth - click!

I'm scary, I'm dangerous

Terrible bully.

Nobody wants to be with me

Hang out and make friends.

I'm very afraid

Both hares and hedgehogs.

And even a teddy bear

Looks so creepy -

Trembling like a frog

When I come up

Come on, try it! I'll break anyone

I am the Gray Wolf! Teeth - click!

I am the most dangerous And terrible beast in the forest. U-U-U-U!

Summer: Fluffy bunny, don't be afraid honey! The kids and I will help you deal with the evil wolf. We will teach you how to drive the wolf away!

Bunny:(Approaching Summer and hiding behind her back) How-how? Teach me, teach me

Summer: And we will shoot balls at the Wolf, he will get scared and run away. Bunny: And I have balls with me! Guys, you will help me drive the Wolf away. (Children and mothers answer in chorus “Yes!” Bunny and Leto distribute balloons to children and help drive the Wolf away by shooting balloons at him)

Wolf: Oh-oh, what kind of children, what a thing, not to be afraid of the evil Wolf! Oh, it hurts, oh no, oh-oh-oh! (He hides from the balls, showing that he is hurt and scared. The game is accompanied by the song “About Friendship” At the end of the song, the Wolf runs away.)

Summer: Well done guys! We all together defeated the Wolf and saved our Bunny! The Gray Wolf ran away, only the heels sparkled.

Bunny: Thanks kids! I'm no longer afraid of the Evil Wolf.

Summer: Bunny, do you know how smart our kids are? They can also read poems to us!

Bunny: Yah?! Summer: Yes, yes! Guys, do you want to read poems to us? (Children read poems about summer. If there are no learned poems, Summer distributes leaflets with poems to mothers and mothers expressively read them)

Poem options:

Why is there so much light?

Why is it warm around here?

Because it's summer

For the whole summer came to us!

Today, tomorrow and yesterday

It's hot, hot, hot everywhere...

Well, isn't she lazy?

Stand in the sun all day?

Summer laughs again

In an open window

And sun and light

Full, full, full!

Again panties and t-shirts

They lie on the shore

And the lawns bask

In chamomile snow.

June came, "June, June!" -

Birds are chirping in the garden.

Just blow on a dandelion

And it will all fall apart.

The rain soaked the ground

The wind opened the sun.

Across the river - jump, yes lope -

The bridge has been thrown.

Made friends with the coast

Seven color arc.

What a beautiful summer day

The shadow plays merrily

Butterfly flutters in the garden

The finch is humming something

At the bush of blooming roses

A flock of dancing dragonflies

And the bee buzzes all day

She brought fragrant honey.

What a good day

A light breeze blows

Summer sun rays

So nice hot.

Lei, lei rain, lei,

Don't spare your strength.

Here I stand on the bridge

I grow up in the rain.

I woke up in the morning

And washed with dew.

I didn't like to wash

Learned over the summer!

I love strawberries, I love raspberries.

You feed her Daughter Alina for the future!

Summer means sun, sea and sand.

And at night I would swim, I get a little tired.

In the summer I live in the village, How good it is there.

In the meadow I lie on the grass, I watch the clouds.

For fruits, warmth and sun

Summer, I love you!

I'm already quite big

Do you want me to sing to you?

(Summer thanks children and mothers for every rhyme, each reader is honored with applause all together)

Summer: I really liked your poems guys. And I love you all very much. I will not regret for you neither warmth, nor fruits, nor my fragrant flowers. You are so sweet, tender and beautiful, like flowers that bloom in summer. And if you want, I will briefly turn you into multi-colored flowers. And Zaika will help me with this.

Bunny: Help, help! (Summer and Bunny put headbands on each child’s head with drawings of various colors glued to them. Approaching the child, the presenters tell him what kind of flower he will become (Chamomile, cornflower, rose, peony, etc.)

Summer: And now, my flowers, I invite you to a fabulous summer for a flower dance. Let's all join hands and dance. (The song “Sun” or “Song about flowers and curls” sounds (lyrics by Akhundova, music by Baranova, Spanish by A. Apolinariev) Children and mothers dance with Summer and Bunny.

Summer: Oh, how we had fun. They danced and played. And now it's time for you to receive gifts from a fabulous summer for your skills.

Bunny: Both I and I will give out gifts. (The song “Gifts” sounds. Bunny and Leto give out pre-prepared gifts to children. (Summer hands with Bunny go into the middle of the hall. A. Pugacheva’s song “Summer” sounds softly)

Summer: It's time for me guys, In the forests and fields. You need to do a lot, It's time, it's time.

Bunny: And I'm with you, Summer! I will jump into my forest. And to you guys, I'll still jump in! I advise you not to be sad, not to get sick. Mom, dad love and grow up as soon as possible!

Summer: Not for long, kids, I'm leaving you, I'll take a walk with you before the fall. Sunbathing, swimming, I will be with you together, I will not forget to pick up ripe berries for you too. Warm rain to wash, Run through the dew, frolic on the lawn We will also have time.

Bunny: Wave your hands, Yes, and we will wave. Everyone liked it today, At our holiday!

Summer: Goodbye, kids! Goodbye, my good ones!

Bunny: Bye bye, kids! (The song “Summer” sounds louder. Summer and Bunny wave their hands to the children, leave. Children and mothers also say goodbye.

The holiday ends.

In compiling the script, children's poems and songs of Soviet and Russian authors E. Blaginina, S. Mikhalkov, E. Erato, S. Marshak, A. Shibaev, V. Bezladnov, etc.