What is work from home called? Possible job titles What are those who are looking for workers called

Now many people want to work at home so that they don’t depend on anyone or anything. But few people know what work at home is called and how to properly organize your working day.

So, first, let's decide what is the name of working from home? Freelance. And in order for it to bring you income, and you can make a career, you just need to learn how to use your time effectively.
To do this, you need to follow the daily routine. Wake up at 9 o'clock in the morning. Until 11 o'clock you have time for all household chores. But after 11:00 get to work. And, the next 3-5 hours, work and work again. You only have the right to lunch break, minutes, commercials for 30. And so every day.

Working atmosphere

Creating a working atmosphere is very important point. It is better if it is a separate room where you can fully immerse yourself in the work process. Clothing should be comfortable, but not homey. According to the office, you should arrange a desktop - without any frills.

Learn to plan

A well-distributed amount of work will allow you to complete orders on time and even save time somewhere. By doing what is planned for the day, you effectively use your working time.
Freelance is an independent work that requires your determination, initiative and freedom of action. And by following the above tips, you can become a successful freelancer.

In the daytime, you constantly want to sleep, does vigorous brain activity occur only after twilight? What is the name of a person who likes to work at night? How to call an individual who is awake at night and sleeps during the day? Why is this happening and how much is it fraught with consequences for the body? All the subtleties of the phenomenon: the causes of occurrence, the pros and cons of such a habit.

A person who is most active at night and sleeps during the day is called a nyctophile. This noun was formed from the name of the phenomenon itself. Nyctophylia is a conscious desire to stay awake at night, based on some psychological reason or disease. Moreover, nyctophile will be sure that it is in the dark time of the day that his brain works most productively, and his working capacity increases.

It is worth noting that the popular judgment, what is the name of a person who likes to stay awake at night - "owl" - does not work here. The thing is that the “owl” is just a person’s chronotype, indicating that a person prefers to go to bed late and wake up a few hours before noon. We are talking about situations where the daily routine is changed by 180 degrees. Day is night, night is day.

I like to work at night - is it harmful?

There is no single answer to this question.

On the one hand, a person whose brain activity begins at night and gives good results will bring only pluses. On the other hand, with the constant syndrome of nyctophilia, many metabolic processes that are naturally inherent in the body are violated.

We noticed that people who work exclusively at night, precisely own will(note shift work etc.), somewhat weaker and more emotional than those same "white collars" who leave for work at 7 in the morning? The thing is that an irregular working day cuts off the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for sleep.

Systemic disruption of the necessary night sleep breaks the balance of natural regeneration of all internal organs, increasing the chances of their rapid wear. In the future, "in the course" goes nervous system, emotional excitability increases, inexplicable outbreaks of aggression appear.

Reasons for working at night

There are several reasons for the desire to rearrange day and night in places. After reading, you will understand for yourself how harmful night work is for you. Just ask yourself the question, why do I not sleep at night?

  • Own choice, habit, inability to control oneself

The most common occurrence: stayed up late, woke up closer to dinner - you can’t fall asleep that day. “Rolling” around this circle several times, day and night change places. It is possible to get out of this closed chain by an effort of will - to go to bed earlier, to get up early, despite the desire to sleep.

  • Violation from a physical point of view, insufficient production of the "sleep hormone" melatonin

This problem can be solved with the help of harmless pills - melatonin - the sleep hormone. Of course, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary.

  • Psychological disorder - fear of people, large crowds of people

The most terrible and neglected form of "confusion" of day and night. Caused by dislike of being in the crowd, as a result - being among people in general. Nyctophiles in this stage are extremely successful in their night work, but they lose their ability to communicate with people. With such disorders, the help of specialists is needed.

Such an inconspicuous, but fundamental position for every organization - what is the name of a recruiter? What are his responsibilities and how does the profession develop in modern realities? What is the name of the person who is looking for employees for the company and is it always one person? Interesting nuances and moments of work in this industry.

The profession of a person who selects staff and is looking for new employees, when old ones are fired, is called - recruiter . Previously, the position had a different name - HR manager, HR manager .

By the way, there is another name applied to a person performing such duties - an HR specialist (human resources - English. human resources). However, this position includes not only the obligation to search for a new staff. More on this below.

What are the responsibilities of a recruiter and HR specialist

The job responsibilities of a recruiter working for one five-day firm are limited to a small set:

  • search for new candidates necessary criteria to a vacant position;
  • documentation management: registration / dismissal of personnel, maintenance of work books;
  • drawing up and monitoring the vacation plan for employees, interchangeability;
  • collecting data on employees, their specialized education.

Young organizations with small staffs rarely hire a full-time recruiter or HR manager. To reduce the cost item, to search for specialists, they turn to a recruiting agency.

By the way, such a recruitment policy saves not only the organization's money, but also significantly improves the quality of recruitment. The recruiting agency has well-established, proven over the years, mechanisms for finding the “right person”.

Monetary relationships develop in a simple way: the agency selects a staff, who, after the final interview with the director, finds a job in the company. After working out probationary period the agency gets paid.

HR Specialist – Recruitment Search and…

Fortunately, modern companies, inspired by the successful development strategies of their Western colleagues, are increasingly abandoning a “flat” personnel officer or a typical recruiter. They are replaced by HR (human resources) managers who combine several positions: a personnel officer, a psychologist, a coach-trainer, and a motivator.

Unlike the usual “search-employment” strategy, HR specialists lead permanent job with personnel, conducting various trainings, motivational courses and seminars on personal growth and development within the company.

By the way, such a specialist looks much wider at applicants. He judges them not only by the points earned: the education received, recorded in work experience etc. And above all, in communication and knowledge "here and now."

Such a policy, a strategy for the selection and development of personnel in companies leads to lightning success. Each employee is motivated, has a chance to develop within the company, constantly works with a coach, not letting his potential fade away.

Do you know the name of the recruiter in your company? Pay attention to this person, because if not everything, then a lot depends on him.

Principles of creating vacancies on the Internet.

It makes sense to create 5-10 vacancies, each of which is placed in different categories in order to cover the market more widely. Jobs need to be updated every day. The vacancy has a title, requirements, responsibilities and conditions. Possible titles, requirements, obligations and conditions can be found in this file.

Possible job titles.

1. Intern… ????? (for example, in the customer service department)

2. Employee in the office

3. Office worker

4. Office worker

5. Office worker

6. Office worker

7. Employee in the management office

8. Administrative - personnel officer

9. Administrative clerk

10. Employee in the wholesale direction

11. To perform the functions of ...????? (for example, a manager)

12. Employee or Specialist with functions ... ????? (for example, an administrator)

13. An employee with skills ... ????? (for example, a personnel officer)

14. An employee with experience ... ????? (for example, in procurement)

15. Employee in the office with o / r (work experience) ... ????? (for example, in logistics)

16. Employee with o / r ... ????? (for example sales representative)

17. An employee with responsibilities ... ????? (for example, a manager)

18. Employee or Employee or Specialist in the office with the functions of a manager

19. Employee in the office with the functions of an office manager

20. Employee in the office with the functions of a sales manager

21. Employee in the office with administrator functions

22. Employee in the office with the functions of a personnel officer

24. Employee in the office with the functions of a secretary

25. Employee or Specialist with the functions of a secretary-administrator

26. Employee in the office with the functions of a promoter

27. Employee in the office with the functions of the organizer

28. Employee in the office with the functions of an accountant

29. Employee in the office with the functions of an economist

30. Employee in the office with the functions of a marketer

31. Employee in the office with the o / r of a physician or doctor or health worker

32. Employee in the office with medical education

33. Specialist with pharmaceutical education

34. Specialist in the field of medicine

35. Health Diagnostic Specialist

36. Employee in the office with the o / r of a teacher or teacher

37. Employee in the office with an o/r psychologist

38. Specialist or Employee with ... ????? (for example, accounting) skills

39. Presenter or Presenter

40. Business consultant

41. Lecturer - motivator

42. Recruiter

43. Personnel officer

44. Personnel officer - motivator

45. Personnel officer - recruiter

46. ​​Personnel officer - clerk

47. Personnel officer - administrator

48. Personnel officer with administrator functions

49. Personnel officer with pedagogical education (pedagogical experience)

50. Specialist or Training Officer

51. Specialist or Staff Development Officer

52. Specialist or Onboarding Officer

53. Specialist or Training and Motivation Officer

54. Specialist or Human Resources Officer

55. Specialist or Human Resources Officer

56. Specialist or Recruiter

57. Specialist or Human Resources Officer

58. Specialist or Human Resources Officer

59. Specialist or Human Resources Officer

60. Specialist or Employee of the personnel department (HR department)

61. Specialist or Recruiting Officer

62. Specialist or Employee in the department of recruiting and communications

65. Specialist or Marketing Officer

66. Specialist or Employee of the Marketing Department

67. Specialist or Employee in the information department

68. Specialist or Information Officer

69. Specialist or Office Worker

70. Specialist or Employee for personnel office work

71. Specialist or Records Officer

72. Specialist or Records Officer

73. Specialist or Document Management Officer

74. Specialist or Contractor

75. Clerk

76. Specialist or Employee in business center

77. Specialist or Employee of the information center

78. Business Negotiator or Officer

79. Specialist or Customer Service Officer

80. Customer Service Specialist or Employee

81. Specialist or Employee of the service department

82. Specialist or Employee of the customer service center

83. Specialist or Employee of the client department (customer service department)

84. Specialist or Account Officer

85. Specialist or Loyalty Officer

86. Specialist or Key Account Officer

87. Specialist or Employee for work with wholesale clients

88. Specialist or Regional Account Officer

89. Specialist or Relationship Officer corporate clients

90. Specialist or Partner Relations Officer

91. Specialist or Employee of the financial department

92. Specialist or Sales Officer

93. Sales Support Specialist or Officer

94. Specialist or Employee for wholesale trade

95. Specialist or Employee for regional sales

96. Specialist or Wholesaler

97. Specialist or Regional Sales Officer

98. Specialist or employee of the wholesale distribution (wholesale department)

99. Specialist or Wholesaler

100. Specialist or Employee in the field of ... ????? (for example, wholesale)

101. Specialist or Employee in the field of ... ????? (for example, wholesale)

102. Direct Sales Specialist or Employee

103. Specialist or Promotion Officer

104. Consumer Network Development Specialist or Officer

105. Specialist or New Client Finder

106. Specialist or Employee for office work

107. Specialist or Employee in the commercial department (commercial department)

108. Business Development Specialist

109. Development Specialist

110. Specialist or Regional Development Officer

111. Regional Development Specialist

112. Regional Discovery Specialist

113. Specialist in the organization of business processes

114. Specialist in the organization of learning processes

115. Specialist in the organization of processes ... ????? (for example, sales)

116. Specialist with functions (function) ... ????? (for example, an advertiser)

117. Compliance Specialist

118. Supervisor

119. Leading specialist ... ????? (for example, the wholesale department)

120. Leading employee…????? (e.g. HR)

121. Chief Specialist…????? (e.g. in advertising and marketing)

122. Chief employee ... ????? (for example, in the department wholesale sales)

123. Senior specialist ... ????? (for example, training and development of personnel)

124. Regional Specialist

125. Regional specialist in the field of ... ????? (for example, personnel management)

126. Regional specialist in the field of ... ????? (for example, wholesale promotion)

127. Regional specialist for ... ????? (for example, sales)

128. Company Representative

129. Company representative

130. Representative of the economic interests of the company

131. Representative of the commercial interests of the company

132. Regional representative

133. Consultant

134. Diagnostic and Health Consultant

135. Consultant - administrator

136. Chief Consultant

137. Senior consultant

138. Business consultant

139. Business development consultant

140. Consultant in ... ????? (for example, sales department)

141. Consultant for ... ????? (for example, wholesale)

142. Consultant on ... ????? (for example, management)

143. Consultant for ... ????? (for example, industrial) product group

144. Office consultant

145. Seller - consultant

146. Product consultant

147. Specialist consultant

148. Personal consultant

149. Product Specialist

150. Organizer

151. Organizer of training events

152. Organizer of corporate training

153. Organizer - administrator

154. Office organizer

155. Personnel organizer

156. System business organizer

157. Organizer for the development of ... ????? (for example, a consumer network)

158. Organizer of work ... ????? (for example, sales department)

159. Coordinator

160. Specialist - coordinator

161. Employee - office coordinator

162. Coordinator - organizer

163. Coordinator - consultant

164. Coordinator - administrator

165. Office coordinator

166. Office coordinator

167. Project coordinator

168. Network Coordinator

169. Personnel coordinator

170. Sales support coordinator

171. Customer Service Coordinator

172. Coordinator for ... ????? (for example, training)

173. Organizer or Coordinator in ... ????? (for example, the marketing department)

174. Human Resources Coordinator

175. Senior or Chief Coordinator… ????? (e.g. release department)

176. Assistant or Assistant Manager

177. Assistant or Assistant manager (office)

178. Assistant or Assistant manager (reserve officer)

179. Assistant or Assistant to the Head of Department

180. Assistant or Assistant to the head of the structure

181. Assistant or Assistant to the manager ... ????? (for example, the head of personnel)

182. Assistant or Assistant Manager

183. Assistant or Human Resources Assistant

184. Assistant or Human Resources Assistant

185. Assistant or Marketing Assistant

186. Assistant or Assistant Manager

187. Assistant or Assistant ... ????? (for example, secretary)

188. Assistant or Assistant for ... ????? (for example, document management)

189. Assistant or assistant in work ...????? (e.g. from PC)

190. Assistant or Department Assistant ... ????? (for example, the personnel department)

191. Office administrator assistant

192. Personal assistant in the office

193. Administrative assistant

195. Manager

196. Managing administrator

197. Office manager

198. Office manager

199. Department manager

200. Project Manager

201. Manager for ... ????? (for example, personnel)

202. Manager ... ????? (for example, organization)

203. Administrative manager

204. Office manager

205. Head of department

206. Head of sales (sales department)

207. Head of personnel (personnel department)

208. Head of recruiting (recruiting and communications department)

210. Head of Marketing (Marketing Department)

211. Head regional business

212. Head of the regional center

213. Branch manager

214. Head of direction

215. Head commercial organization

216. Head of commercial structure

217. Head of division

218. Head structural unit

219. Development manager

220. Head of Regional Development

221. Project manager

Possible "Requirements"

1. Ability to formulate thoughts

2. Flexibility of thinking

3. Systems thinking

4. Business thinking

5. Analytical mindset

6. Fresh ideas

7. Creative thinking

8. Willingness to work with people

9. Ability to work with people

10. Desire to work with people

11. People Experience

12. People skills

13. Literate speech

14. Literacy

15. Ethics business communication

16. Business Communication Skills

17. High communication skills

18. Developed communication skills

19. Ability to negotiate ...

20. Successful negotiation experience

21. Experience working or communicating with ... clients or business partners

22. The skill of conducting ... negotiations ...

23. Business negotiation skills at the level of top officials

24. Experience in negotiating with…

25. Experience with ... (for example, key) customers or partners of the company

26. Experience in building or maintaining relationships with … clients or partners

27. Good written communication skills

28. Developed oral communication skills

29. Knowledge of the Russian language

30. Knowledge of ... (for example, English) language is welcome

31. Business Etiquette

32. Good looks

33. Presentable appearance

34. Presentation skills

35. Presentation skills

36. Ability to work in a team

37. Ability to communicate effectively in a team

38. Ability to work effectively in a team

39. High or Fast learner

40. Full learning

41. Desire to learn or develop

42. Striving for growth and development

43. Ability to learn easily or quickly

44. Additional education in ... (for example, the training area)

45. Mastering new programs

46. ​​Ability to quickly learn new methods of work

47. Information processing methods

48. Audience skills

49. Ability to work with a large amount of information

50. Ready for large amounts of information

51. Receiving, sending and processing data

52. Professional presentation of educational material

53. Development of educational material

54. Skills in organizing trainings or events

55. Skills for conducting trainings or events

56. Audience skills

57. Professional presentation of information

58. Experience in preparing and conducting presentations

59. Fundamentals of psychology

60. Fundamentals of labor or staff motivation

61. HR practices

62. Assessment methods business qualities employees

63. Possessing modern technologies in HR

64. Experience in recruiting or recruiting

65. Experience in participation in personnel assessment

66. Self-reliance

67. Positivity

68. Consistency in work

69. Energy

70. Responsibility

71. Leadership qualities

72. Focus on results

73. Result Oriented

74. Manifestation of activity

75. Activity

76. The desire to develop the qualities of a manager

77. Patience

78. Without bad habits

79. Stress resistance

80. Independence in work

81. Mindfulness

82. Organization

83. Diligence

84. Goodwill

85. Developed organizational skills

86. High organizational skills

87. Responsible organizer in your area

88. Experience in preparation of marketing materials, participation in exhibitions

89. PC knowledge ( office programs)

90. Computer skills

91. PC knowledge at the user level

92. Confident PC user

93. Confident use of the Internet

94. Blind typing welcome

95. Possession of a blind ten-finger typing method (Russian)

96. Successful build experience dealer network

97. Experience of successful active sales

98. Trade experience is a plus

99. Sales experience in high-tech industry

100. Experience in the development of a direction in the high-tech sphere

101. Ability to work professionally

102. Ability to work accurately, intensively in conditions of high dynamics of the company's development

103. Experience in a company of a similar profile is desirable

104. The ability to solve problems is important exactly ... (for example, an office manager)

105. Obligation when working ... (for example, with clients)

106. Management experience ... (for example, from 2 years, a team of 3 people)

107. Experience in developing a franchise and own retail business

108. High level of desire for development (desire to participate in new, complex projects)

109. Knowledge of the regional market

110. Competences: …(e.g. leadership, results orientation, stress resistance)

111. Experience in large trading companies

112. Purposeful professional focused on self-realization

113. Specialist with organizational and management competencies

114. Fundamentals of economics, organization of labor and management

116. Fundamentals of entrepreneurship and business, rules and principles of sales

117. Work experience on leadership positions

118. Business skills

119. Creation and resource management

120. Experience in team building

121. Ability to competently organize the work of the department

122. Management skill

123. Administrative experience - personnel work

124. The ability to organize the work of people aimed at fulfilling the tasks set

126. The skill of planning and organizing work processes

127. Experience with business papers (contracts, applications, invoices, waybills)

128. Documentation experience is a plus

129. Education: ... (for example, incomplete higher / higher)

130. Work experience: ... (for example, any)

131. Schedule: ... (for example, full time full time)

132. Email resume with photo

Possible "Job Responsibilities"

  • Possible hazardous effects of solar activity and space weather factors on people, objects and infrastructure