Pigeons in human life research work. Research work "Dove gray

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan Municipal educational institution average comprehensive school No. 5 of the Municipal District Meleuzovsky District of the Republic of Bashkortostan Research Theme: “Dove bird of my city” Performed by Valishin Iskander, student of class 4 “B”, head Kalyanova Natalya Viktorovna Meleuz 2016. Table of contents 2 5 6 7 3 4 Introduction 1. general information about the dove. 2. Interesting facts about the pigeon. 3. City pigeons. 89 4. Conversation survey with a pigeon breeder. 5. Birdwatching. 6. Organization and conduct of the experiment. 7. Conclusion. 14 8. List of used literature. 9.App. 15 16 1112 10 13 3 Introduction. Pigeons and people. The dove is so familiar that sometimes we do not notice it. He, like other birds, has a beak, neck, head, torso, tail, wings, legs and body is covered with feathers. (Fig. 1) Figure 1. The appearance of a pigeon. Dove to man. Why? Probably from us he is waiting for warmth and attention. Maybe it's worth trying to try to be closer to making contact with this community, to take a step towards it. For this, I tried to find out more about the bird that I meet every day near my house, near school, at bus stops. Subject. The dove is the bird of my city. Target. Determine if pigeons need human attention. Tasks: To study: 1. What order of birds does it belong to? 2. How many species of pigeons exist in nature? 3.What is the life expectancy? 4. What is the flight speed of a pigeon? 5. How does he nurse his offspring? 6. Are there monuments dedicated to this bird? Explore: 1. In what places of our city does it live? 2. What does it eat? Hypothesis. I assume that pigeons need help and attention from a person. Research methods: reading books on the research topic; use of Internet materials; discussion with adults; conducting experiments; independent analysis of the results. 1. General information about the pigeon The DOVE is a semi-domestic and wild bird. (Ushakov Dictionary) According to rough estimates, there are more than 800 breeds of pigeons in the world, most of them are decorative. About 200 breeds are bred in our country, many of them exist only in Russia. Pigeons are conditionally divided into four groups: (Fig. 2) Types of pigeons Sports (postal) Figure 2. Classification of pigeons. Decorative Flying (racing) Meat Each of the breeds has its own style of flight. Some rise in circles to a great height and circle for several hours, others immediately go up and seem to stand in one place for hours. And there are those who tumble in flight over their heads, falling down, or, as lovers say, “knocking out a pole”, go up. No less popular among bird lovers are decorative pigeons. When breeding these breeds, great importance is attached to the beauty of plumage and original appearance. For example, peacock (trumpeted) pigeons attract attention. They got their name from the rich plumage of the tail. When caring for a dove, the male throws his tail over his back, spreading it like a fan. I also learned about how a wild pigeon cooes - a klintukh. In old parks, in the crowns of large deciduous trees, one can sometimes hear a low, unhurried, repeated sound “ububububub…” several times in a row. About another representative of the pigeon family - the common turtledove, I read that with her “turbling” she declares herself everywhere. Her voice is a soft and unhurried "turrturrturr ...", performed with a certain rhythm and emphasis many times in a row. 2. Interesting facts about the bird. 5 thousand years ago, domestic pigeons were already known in ancient Egypt. The dove is the hero of many ancient legends and ritual actions. According to legend, the god of war Mars did not fight because a dove made a nest in his battle helmet. The formidable warrior did not dare to destroy the bird's nest, and the war was prevented. From that moment on, the dove became a symbol of peace and friendship, and among the ancient Jews, love and morality. Pigeons are cruel. And if in dogs the winner licks the one who surrenders, then these meek birds can beat the vanquished to death with blows of their beaks. Well-trained carrier pigeons can reach speeds of up to 60-70 kilometers per hour. The height of their flight in bad weather is 100 150 meters, in good weather 300 350 meters. They withstand a sports distance of up to 500,600 kilometers. The radius of departure of pigeons from the dovecote in search of food reaches 40 kilometers. The resulting pigeon couples are strong and do not collapse in case of any family troubles (with the exception of the death of one of the spouses). This bird is flocking, that is, it keeps in groups, often of impressive size. In Paris, England, there are monuments to this bird ... It happened in 1942. English submarine fascist planes were damaged, and she was forced to sink to the bottom. Death seemed inevitable. Two pigeons lived on board the submarine. Notes were attached to the paws of the birds indicating the coordinates of the location of the boat, they were placed in a special capsule, which was thrown out through the torpedo tube. The dove died during the storm, but the dove managed to fly to the base. And help came. For this feat, the dove was awarded the highest military award of Great Britain and immortalized in the form of a bronze bird. However, this monument is a sign of gratitude and respect to all 200 thousand winged signalmen who "served" in the British army during the Second World War. "A flock of pigeons" was erected in honor of the 60th victory in the city of Angarsk. Monument 3. City pigeons They originated from wild gray pigeons crossed with pigeons of different breeds, from which they inherited a variety of colors. In the cities you can meet the rock pigeon. It is similar to the rock dove, but is well distinguished by a white stripe on the tail, noticeable during takeoff. This species is very trusting of humans. Birds settle in the attics and eaves of houses, rest on rooftops and feed on what people throw, seeds. wild plants , due to lack of food, especially in winter, it sometimes pecks the remains of fruits and vegetables in landfills. In spring, the birds form pairs. Sometimes they arrange tournaments: they beat each other with wings and peck at an opponent. There are only two eggs in the clutch. (Fig. 3) Figure 3. Dove laying. Incubation lasts 17 days. At the same time, the female sits on the eggs from 16 pm to 10 am, then the male replaces her, and she goes to eat and rest. (Fig. 4) Figure 4. Caring parents. The chicks are born naked and blind. (Fig. 5) Figure 5. Pigeon chicks. Up to 10 days of age, parents feed them only "Bird's milk". At the age of 2530 days, pigeons are already quite independent. 4. An interview with an amateur pigeon breeder. How did you decide to start breeding pigeons? Since childhood. First they played with the boys. Gradually grew into something more. You could say it's a hobby. How and what do you feed? I feed every day in the morning. I will definitely change the water. The premises must be kept clean. I feed millet, wheat, seeds. What chickens eat, so do they. What breed of pigeons do you keep? Gaming. They are very beautiful in flight. Where do you get pigeons? We exchange with friends. They live in Orenburg, Kumertau, Magnitogorsk. I keep in touch with them. Pigeons themselves lay two eggs. They hatch for 21 days and chicks appear. And if they get sick, do you treat them? I buy medicine for them in the veterinary pharmacy. Or take me to the vet. Does anyone in the family enjoy pigeon breeding? The son was fond of, now he has stopped. Do they bring you profit? No. I keep them, how to say how people keep cats and dogs. How was the pigeon house built? It's not easy, took built. I have special permission for this. Thank you very much! It was very interesting! 5. Birdwatching. My further research went through the observation of birds in their natural environment. The purpose of the observation: to find out if there are pigeons in the city, in what places they live. Object of observation: pigeons. Equipment: neighborhood plan, pencil, notepad. To do this, I determined the observation route, which began from Tekhnicheskaya st., 10. On the plan (Fig. 6), I marked the points where the birds met. At all control points - counted pigeons. Figure 6. Observation route. The results of the observation, issued in the form of table No. 1. No. Points Feature of the place Quantity Features of observation of the observed birds 1 2 3 4 5 6 St. Tekhnicheskaya Sewer manholes Lenin St. Stop Smolenskaya St. Stop Department store Kolkhozny market Trade area Lenina 150 Shop Magnet Glory Park Monument to soldiers of the Great Patriotic War 6 10 9 30 3 11 People fed Many people 2 sick birds People fed 3 birds with frostbite 1 bird with frostbite People feed TOTAL: 69 6 sick Table 1. The result of observing the distribution of birds in the city. Conclusion: the pigeon is found in places where it is warm (sewer manholes), at bus stops, near shops, in markets, therefore, where there are a lot of people. This means that birds need people, they expect help and attention from them. 6. Organization and conduct of the experiment. Purpose: to find out what kind of food pigeons prefer. Experimental object: pigeon. Place of experiment: Collective farm market. Equipment: different kinds feed: sunflower seed, pumpkin seed, white bread, rye bread, apple slices, orange slices. During the week, at the same time, the birds were offered different foods, which were given at the same time (in different piles). I fixed which of the feeds the bird eats first. I showed the result in the form of table No. 2. + + Pumpkin seed Food eaten first Proposed food product Sunflower seed No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Table 2. Results of the experiment to identify food preferences Apple slices (small) Rye bread (crumb ) White bread (crumb) Pieces of orange + + + + + + + + + + + + + dove. Conclusion: most of all, pigeons prefer sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds are in second place, bread is 3rd and 4th, but pigeons remained indifferent to fruits. 7. Conclusion. Studying reference, popular science literature, I was able to learn a lot about the pigeon interesting facts. Through my observations in nature and experiment, I was able to establish that pigeons need human attention, especially in winter. This is not the end of my study of the pigeon. The next stage of my work is the development and production of a leaflet in which I will tell my classmates how to care for and care for a pigeon. 8. List of used literature. 1. B.E. Raikov, M.N. Rimsky Korsakov “Zoological Excursions” M.: “Topikal” 1994 2. Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Naturalist. M .: "Pedagogy - Press" 3. Birds of fields and forests. M .: Terra - Book Club. 1998 4. Songbirds. M .: Terra - Book Club. 1998

Telkova Tatyana Nikolaevna
Position: primary school teacher
Educational institution: MBOU Petropavlovskaya secondary school
Locality: Petropavlovka village Kusinsky district Chelyabinsk region
Material name: Project work
Subject: creative project"Pigeon yard. Pigeons in my grandfather's life"
Publication date: 17.04.2018
Chapter: elementary education

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Petropavlovsk secondary school

Kusinsky district "

Third scientific - practical conference

"Young Explorer"

creative project

Subject: "Pigeon Patio: Pigeons in My Grandpa's Life"


4th grade student

Purtova Vera


primary school teacher

Telkova T. N.

with. Petropavlovka


Introduction 1

Main part 2

1. Pigeons in my grandfather's life.

Where did it all begin?

2. Pigeon family

3. Feeding pigeons. My experiment

4. Interesting facts about pigeons

Conclusion 7

Literature 8


1. Introduction

Tasks design work:

1. Find out how grandfather got interested in pigeons, what role do these

birds in his life.

2. Draw the attention of classmates to the fact that breeding pigeons

responsible and exciting business.

3. Learn new and interesting things about these unusual birds.

relevance and practical significance themes

I know that pigeons have been loved by people since ancient times.

its unpretentiousness in maintenance, fidelity and flying qualities. Why

there is attachment to these birds? After all, the content and breeding

pigeons are engaged in by hundreds of thousands of people different ages, professions,

education. What benefits does pigeon breeding bring to people?


2. Project implementation

Fundamental question:

Why did my grandfather become a pigeon breeder?

Questions guiding the project:

1. How did it all start?

2. Pigeon family.

Working methods: conversation, observation, collection of information from books, magazines,

Internet, experiment.

Project partners: sister Nadia, parents, grandfather, classmates,

classroom teacher

Implementation period: three months

Main part

“Pigeon breeding is a great art,

great mystery, about which frivolously

man must not speak

T. Huxley

Where did it all begin?

My grandfather, Vasiliev Mikhail Vasilievich, is a pigeon breeder. From an early

As a child, he breeds pigeons. I always watch how

my grandfather takes care of pigeons, how he feeds them, treats them, arranges for them

comfortable living environment and try to provide him with all possible assistance. I

I noticed that after talking with pigeons, grandfather's mood rises,

he becomes cheerful and cheerful.

I wanted to know in more detail how my grandfather got interested in

pigeons, what role do these unusual birds in his life and tell

about it to your classmates. I asked my grandfather a few questions:

1. How long have you been keeping pigeons?

2. What do you like about this bird?

3. What interesting facts about the life of pigeons could you tell?

4. What difficulties await the beginner pigeon breeder?

In a conversation with my grandfather, I realized that breeding pigeons was not for him.

just an interesting occupation, but the work of his whole life. Grandpa told me

different ages, professions, education. And the benefits of this lesson

large: systematic care for your favorite pigeons produces

human punctuality and diligence, when acquiring and spending

fodder - prudence and frugality. Repeated rises to

dovecote and descents from it, walking and cleaning in the fresh air strengthen

health. Pigeon breeding combines sport, aesthetic pleasure,

instills in a person a sincere feeling of love for animals

attitude towards nature.

From the words of my grandfather, I realized that pigeon breeders are a special warehouse of people.

A man who has been breeding pigeons rarely gives it up anymore

My grandfather recalls how, as a child, he watched

the flights of these wonderful birds, how they soar beautifully, turn over into

air. Already at the age of 13, with his brother Sergei, they acquired the first pigeons. Then

there was an army, service in the border troops, but thoughts about pigeons did not leave

never. And since 1978 my grandfather started breeding pigeons

Seriously. He bought them and exchanged them in clubs of pigeon breeders and others.

amateurs in Kus, Zlatoust, Chelyabinsk. Tried to get pigeons

different breeds, colors.

pigeon family

Grandpa has a lot of books about pigeons. Their books "Pigeon Breeding" (author V.

A. Romanov), I learned that for a long history of breeding, a person has managed

breed a large number of varieties of pigeons. Divide them into

four main groups: racing, decorative, sports (postal) and

There are no particularly clear differences between them. Pigeons have an amazing

ability to navigate in space and on the ground, exacerbated

"feeling at home" It is these features that formed the basis for the derivation

carrier pigeons. Such pigeons are able to overcome huge

distances and develop speeds up to 100, and sometimes up to 180 kilometers per hour,

therefore they are called "sports" and are used in competitions on

flight speed and distance. Therefore, it is to this breed that the grandfather

gives preference. Now he has about fifty different colors

pigeons of the breed "sports gray" and "sports blue". Grandpa

told me that carrier pigeons attracted him with a particularly developed craving for

home that even after 8 years they can find their way home in any weather.

exhibition in the city of Chelyabinsk.

This dove flew a long distance from the Carpathians (Western Ukraine,

border with Poland) to the city of Tyumen, overcoming a huge distance in 19

days. Another pigeon arrived from Moscow in 3 days. These pigeons are grandfather

mated with doves and got stronger breeds of sporting pigeons. I

learned that pigeons, finding their way home, are guided by magnetic

fields, flying by smell, by the sun, over the mountains, over the terrain.

My grandfather told me many interesting stories. One day he gave

carrier pigeon to the city of Kopeysk, Chelyabinsk region, it was "dark -

pockmarked bastard." The dove brought out a dove in a new place, he grew up and she

returned to her grandfather's dovecote with him six months later. That's such a miracle!

And I also consider it a miracle that grandfather recognizes all his pigeons even in flight.

on top, he knows all the numbers and determines them from memory.

I was very surprised by the fact that pigeons, like people, get sick. They are

can be carriers of infectious diseases dangerous to humans,

such as tuberculosis, encephalitis. Grandpa looks after

with his pets, and even treats them himself: he gives injections, puts them in food

special medicine. He says a sick bird can infect

healthy and even human.

My grandfather is a participant in many pigeon breeding exhibitions and competitions. When

the city of Tolyatti was 250 years old, it participated in the celebration and

released two pigeons, and then he was invited to visit Togliatti

engineering plant. He enjoyed the trip very much.

He also released 12 pigeons in the city of Kamensk-Uralsky,

four grandfather's doves and one dove from Kusa arrived.

It has become a tradition in our village during the most festive moments, such as:

release doves into the sky. And our whole family is very happy that

fellow villagers admire a flock of grandfather pigeons, how they soar beautifully in

air and then return to their home.

Pigeon feeding. My experiment and conclusion

From my grandfather, I learned that this bird is unpretentious in food. But for that

so that pigeons do not get sick, they need vitamins. Grandfather pours food for them

twice a day. Renews the water every two days. I did an experiment

to find out what kind of food the pigeons prefer.

Organization and conduct of the experiment

Purpose: to find out what kind of food pigeons prefer.

Equipment: various types of feed: sunflower seed, wheat,

barley, millet.

During the week, at the same time, the birds were offered various

feed that was given at the same time (in different piles). I fixed

Which of the feeds does the bird eat first? The results of the observations were included in

Experiment results

Types of food

Food eaten in

first of all

The food that

pigeons don't like

The food that





Conclusion: pigeons prefer wheat most of all.

Interesting facts about pigeons

From the Internet, I learned that the dove has been considered since time immemorial.

"Bird of the World" It is imprinted in the form of a monument in more than 30 cities.

planets. These amazing birds full of mysteries and secrets, which are very

interesting to reveal to many people. It turns out that all over the planet Earth

There are over 300 species of these birds. They live in every part of the world

except, of course, in the coldest regions, however, most pigeons

lives in the tropics.

The amazing thing about these unique creatures is their eyesight. His

completely incapable of blinding the sun and the "lightning" of electric welding

devices. Even in such conditions, the bird can find very small

grains among stones. Such abilities give the eyes of these creatures

a kind of connective tissue that can change the density, i.e. or

be transparent, or darken and not transmit rays.

Pigeons have been domesticated for a very long time. They were constantly used as

mail carriers over long distances. In the 11th-12th centuries, the dove had a tighter

value, as a thoroughbred stallion, because at that time there was no

mail, no phones.

Grandpa told me that the dove is a very loyal creature. male and

the female is often attached to each other all her twenty years of life.

However, there are times when, in the confusion of the city, a dove suddenly throws

husband with children. But, a little taken aback by the "divorce", the father of the family in the end

successfully continues to raise chicks independently.

There are many legends, stories and stories, one way or another connected with

these amazing birds. The oldest of them, which has come down to our

time is "The Tale of Bygone Years". This story tells about

Princess Olga, who used pigeons in military affairs. In one of

wars, she asked the people of the besieged city for 3 sparrows and 3 doves with

every yard. The settlers immediately sent what they needed to the princess.

The same ordered to tie dry tinder on fire to each bird. When

the birds were released, they carry the lights to their nests. First caught fire

dovecotes, then yards. Thus, Olga got rid of all at once

Grandpa told me a lot of facts about these birds. About how they

more than once saved people's lives, surprising with their incredible

abilities. My grandfather and I concluded that even after centuries the dove

will also help a person survive in difficult conditions.

At school on class hour I introduced my work

classmates. It aroused great interest in them and some guys

I also wanted to start breeding these birds.

In this regard, with the help of my grandfather, I developed recommendations for

beginner pigeon breeders. (Appendix No. 5)


Summing up my work, I can conclude that the goal that I

set, achieved. After watching grandfather, talking with him, reading

special books, articles on the Internet, I realized that attachment to

pigeons in people arises because of their beauty, a kind of grace

fidelity, affection for a person. It is these dove qualities

attract my grandfather and he has been breeding these for 40 years

wonderful birds.

I asked my grandfather: “What doves mean to you?” And he answered:

“Some people are breeding fish, others are dogs, and I

like pigeons. This job is for the soul. Observation, care, communication with

pigeons charitably influences me, calms nervous system,

relieves stress, improves mood, gives vitality. At

grandfather has a favorite poem "Pigeon Yard", author S.

Maklaev. He says that this poem contains the meaning of everything that

associated with doves. (Appendix No. 4)

I realized that communication with domestic pigeons allows a person

get close to nature, learn its secrets and fall in love animal world, become

pigeon breeding

is an


active recreation, relieves nervous tension and overload, which

full of modern life.


1. Encyclopedia "I know the world", Moscow, "AST Publishing House", 2001.

2. Great children's encyclopedia, Moscow, Publishing house "Children's

Literature, 2003

3. “Pigeon breeding”, V. A. Romanov, Moscow, 1987.

4. Internet


1. The poem "Pigeon Yard" p. Maklaev


Application No. 4

Poem "Doves"

Legs on their own out of habit

They lead to the pigeon yard.

Where are my pets

Everyone is looking forward to it.

I'll open the breeches for them

To freedom with the whole crowd

A flock of birds fly

After the crown of the night.

Someone stretches their wings

Someone is in a hurry to fly up

If anyone is familiar with flight

Why not fly?

State within a state

I'll call it a joke

I'm just a subject in their kingdom

I'll pick up and sweep.

"Pigeon Yard" since childhood

Just like I dreamed.

I built a house for the birds

So I named him.

S. Maklaev

1. Before purchasing birds, weigh the pros and cons, and

check with local pigeon breeders.

2. Before you start pigeons, study the features of the dovecote device

and purchase the necessary supplies and equipment.

3. Familiarize yourself with the diet for pigeons and stock up on grains and minerals.

4. Birds should be purchased only from pigeon breeders or at exhibitions, with

with the help of experienced hobbyists.

5. Love your pets. Study their behavior, constantly take care of

them, about their health and you will get a charge Have a good mood, cheerfulness and


Abstracts of project work

"Pigeon Patio: Pigeons in My Grandpa's Life"

Mentor: Telkova Tatyana Nikolaevna, primary school teacher,

Section "Protection of design work"

Nomination: "Social and environmental projects"

Project work tasks

Find out how grandfather got interested in pigeons, what role do these

birds in his life.

Relevance and practical significance of the topic

Pigeons have long enjoyed the love of people for their

unpretentiousness in maintenance, fidelity and flying qualities. Why

there is attachment to these birds? What benefits does it bring to people

pigeon breeding?


Pigeons are amazing birds that can be bred at home.

conditions. They bring joy to people. Contact with them The best way

replenish your vitality.

Project implementation

Questions guiding the project:

1. How did it all start?

2. Pigeon family.

3. Feeding pigeons. My experiment and conclusion.

4. Interesting information about pigeons.

Methods of work: conversation, observation, collection of information from books, magazines,

Internet, experiment

Practical application: a lesson in the world around

Nomination " Children's project in primary school"

If you ask yourself what kind of birds we see on the streets of the city most often, the answer will be unambiguous - pigeons. Most of them are easy to tame and are not afraid of humans. But living with these birds literally side by side, we do not see pigeon chicks. In the flock, everyone is the same size, so what the chicks look like and what they do until they are fully grown is a mystery to many.

Problem question:Why on the streets of the city, where there are so many pigeons, we never meet their chicks?

Objective of the project: find out if pigeons have chicks, and if so, why we don’t see them.

Project objectives:

1. Conduct a survey (questionnaire) among adults and children.

2. Study the materials of the library and Internet resources.

3. Watch the pigeons.

4. Create a calendar "Unusual pigeons".

Hypothesis: I assumed that there are no small pigeons and they are born immediately as adults.

Object of study: pigeons.

Project participants: children, parents.

Implementation period: one year.

Research methods:study of literature;conducting a survey;own observations.

Project Description

After conducting a sociological survey, I confirmed my assumptions. 80% of respondents have not seen pigeon chicks, 40% think they exist, but have never seen them, but everyone wants to know where they are hiding.

From additional literature, we found out that there are approximately 300 species of pigeons. These birds live in all parts of the world except for extremely cold areas, but most species live in tropical climates.

In Christianity, the dove symbolizes the holy spirit, purity, peace, baptism, good news. The Bible says that Noah sent a dove in search of dry land after the flood, which then brought an olive branch. Having become a symbol of peace, the dove is depicted as a monument in many cities of the world, it is installed in 33 cities.

Pigeons are heroes. With the word hero, we have an image of a brave man who saved many lives. Unfortunately, not many people know that our feathered friends, pigeons, were also heroes. In wartime, they carried out complex assignments and often risked their lives. Most famous bird became a dove named Commando. In 1945, the pigeon received a medal for his courage. And in 1946, the dove Soldier JOE was awarded for saving thousands of lives.

Conclusion: my hypothesis is not Confirmed, chicks exist! And there are explanations for the fact that we do not see them.

First, pigeons build their nests in places resembling caves and rocks. In nature, pigeons are inhabitants of mountains, rocks and steep banks. They settle in places inaccessible to those who like to taste game - cracks and caves, where they place nests, incubate eggs and feed chicks. City pigeons are easily adapted to settlements, as buildings and structures remind them of natural conditions and allow them to settle in places inaccessible to humans and predators. In cities, they nest on rooftops, under window sills, under bridges.

Secondly, the chicks do not leave the nest for up to six weeks, until they grow up. At the age when the chicks fly out of the nest, they are absolute copies of their parents, but smaller. Another difference is that up to 8 months the plumage of chicks does not have a characteristic metallic sheen, as in adults. Teenage pigeons can be recognized by hyperactive behavior, pestering other pigeons (begging for food). Even adolescents can be found mostly near the nesting site.

Project "The Secret of the Pigeons Revealed"

Section: Educational projects

Theme: "Dove-bird of peace"

Medvedeva Olga Vladimirovna
primary school teacher

c. Isakla


Introduction.. 3 pages
1. Main body 4 pages
1.1 Dove. What kind of bird? .4 page
1.2. The image of a dove in legends and myths 4 - 5 pp.
1.3. Good messenger. Bird of Peace 5 – 6 pp.
1.4. Types of pigeons 7-8 p.
2. Breeding pigeons
2.1. Dovecote arrangement .............................. 8 - 9 pages
2.2 Nutrition. My experiment and conclusions.....9 – 10 pp.
2.3.Conclusions..11 p.
3.Conclusion12 pages

4. Bibliography 13 pages.

5. Appendix 14 - 15 pages.


Relevance of the chosen topic:
Since childhood, everyone knows that the dove is the bird of the world. But rarely does anyone know why? In addition, since ancient times, pigeons have been loved by people for their unpretentiousness in keeping, fidelity and flying qualities. Why does attachment to these birds arise?
“Dove bird of peace” I met this saying in the text of the Olympiad task. I wonder where this came from, because pigeons, in fact, are not much different from all other birds, these questions swept my imagination and I turned to the world wide web for answers
My uncle is a pigeon breeder. So I decided to learn as much as possible about this extraordinary bird, about her habits, development, to answer the question regarding the attachment of people to pigeons, including my uncle.

Research hypothesis:
Pigeons are amazing birds that can be bred at home. They bring joy to people. Contact with them is the best way to replenish your vitality.
I suppose that the true passion for pigeons, communication with them makes a person kinder, purer in soul and nobler in heart. Pigeon breeders can watch for hours how their pets, performing miracles of aerobatics, go up, sparkling with plumage in the sun. At the same time, the soul comes to life, all anxieties and sorrows recede away. This is one of the pleasures that a person receives by communicating with nature.

Purpose of the study:
answer the question "Why is the dove considered the bird of the world?";

Research objectives:
a) study the living conditions of pigeons in a dovecote;
b) get acquainted with the history of breeding birds;
c) determine preferences in the diet of pigeons;
d) draw the attention of classmates that breeding pigeons is a responsible and exciting business;
e) find out why the dove is called the bird of the world.
Object of study:

Research methods:
a) observation and communication with pigeons;
b) analysis of the diet;
c) selection of literature, study of Internet resources.
1. The main part.

Pigeon. What kind of bird?

The dove is so familiar that sometimes we do not notice it. He lives next to us, tries to be closer to the person. But are we happy with such a neighborhood?
Pigeons (pigeons), a family of birds of the order pigeon-like. About 290 species, united in 41 genera. The common ancestor of all domestic pigeons is the wild dove. The body of the pigeons is dense, the head is small, the neck is short, the wings are usually long and sharp, the tail is of medium length, rounded. The legs are short, four-fingered, the toes are long, with short strong claws. The beak is small, straight, thin at the base, and somewhat swollen towards the top. The base of the beak is covered with a soft skin wax. The plumage of pigeons is thick and dense, varied, often bright in color. Males are larger than females, they do not differ in color. Widespread in the world. In Russia, there are rock dove, dove, turtle doves, etc. Most species are forest dwellers, some live in rocks, cliffs, and human structures. Pigeons are strictly diurnal. Food is usually collected on the ground, in connection with which they walk well. They fly beautifully: easily, quickly, they can make sharp turns. They are social birds. Most often kept in flocks, sometimes of enormous size. Pigeons feed mainly on plant seeds.
Pigeons are among the oldest domestic animals. The history of their domestication dates back thousands of years before our era. In the early Middle Ages, they spread throughout the world. About 200 breeds of domestic pigeons are bred in Russia.

The image of a dove in legends and myths.

It started from ancient times. People believed that the dove did not have a gallbladder, and therefore it was pure and kind. Many nationalities revered it as a sacred bird, a symbol of fertility.

Even before our era, the ancient Romans had a legend about how the doves of the goddess of love Venus built their nest in the helmet of the god of war Mars, and the god of war, in order not to destroy their nest, abandoned another bloody undertaking.
In scripture in Judaism and Christianity, Noah released a dove three times from his ark in the hope that it would bring news of the end of the Flood. The first time the dove returned with nothing, the second time he brought an olive branch in his beak, and the third time he did not return at all, which meant that "the water had left the earth."
Since then, among many peoples, the dove has come to personify good news, a symbol of peace that is often used in our time.
In China, the dove is a symbol of longevity, fidelity, order, respect for elders, spring and voluptuousness. AT Ancient Greece and in Rome, the dove symbolized love and the renewal of life, since in the myths Zeus was fed by doves. Therefore, the emblem of Athena was a dove with an olive branch, as a symbol of new life. Among the Jews, white doves became a symbol of purity, but nevertheless they were sacrificed there. In Hinduism, doves act as messengers from the god of the dead. In Japanese culture, a dove with a sword means the end of all wars and civil strife.
The dove has long been considered a symbol of peace and love. In the East, this bird was sacred and revered as a messenger of the gods. Also in ancient times, it was believed that the devil can take on any form, except for a dove, a donkey and a sheep.
Legends of love and fidelity are associated with this bird. After all, pigeons live with one partner and choose him for life. The male, caring for the female, spins around her, inflates his neck, bends his head to the ground and spreads his wings. This dance is certainly accompanied by loud cooing. After the end of the ceremony, the male and female look after each other - they clean their feathers and “kiss”, touching their beaks. These birds have love and tenderness, fidelity and jealousy.

1.3. Good messenger, bird of the world.

The dove of peace is an expression that gained popularity after the end of World War II in connection with the activities of the World Peace Congress.
The dove is everywhere considered a bird that brings good. Officially, the dove was declared the bird of peace in 1949, after the war, at the World Peace Congress, because the dove was used as a postman who carried letters on his paws during the war. Since then, the dove has received the title of "bird of the world."
The emblem of this congress was drawn by Pablo Picasso. The emblem depicts a white dove carrying an olive branch in its beak. There is a tradition of releasing white doves as a symbol of peaceful intentions.
The choice of a dove as a symbol of peace seems somewhat strange, since doves are quite aggressive animals, often fighting over food or nesting sites. Even in ancient times, the dove was considered a symbol of fertility, and later peace. Because of the devotion to their offspring, the dove symbolized maternal feelings. Sometimes the dove was a sign of wisdom.
The dove was depicted on the scepters of some rulers, symbolizing the power sent to them by God.
Fertile, feeding on any seeds and insects, pigeons aroused the interest of a person as soon as he tried their meat. Unpretentious birds were bred for meat back in Ancient Egypt. Pigeons were easily tamed and attached to the house. Even flying away from the dovecote, they always came back. People began to use this feature of pigeons.
It is so arranged by the Creator that doves are very attached to their nest. If they are separated, they can starve for several days. Many pigeons return back to their homeland. And it's amazing how they find the way, because often they have to overcome the distance of hundreds of kilometers.
Taking the pigeon away, the man taught him to find his way to the house from an increasingly remote place. After such training, the bird, even taken hundreds of kilometers away, quickly returned back. The navigational abilities of pigeons help to correctly determine the direction to the house. When a pigeon flies to familiar places, it finds its way to the dovecote using the landmarks that it memorized during training flights.
Going on military campaigns or traveling, people took trained pigeons with them. When it was necessary to convey a message home, a note was tied around the neck or paw of the dove and the bird was released. The dove flew to its native land, and the recipient of the message could only check the mail regularly, looking into the dovecote. Pigeon mail originated, probably in ancient times, in Egypt and Mesopotamia.
Carrier pigeons are mentioned in many medieval historical chronicles.
In Russia, the first regular postal-pigeon communication was organized by Prince Golitsyn in 1854. And New Zealand is considered the birthplace of regular pigeon mail.
During the Second World War in the Soviet troops, pigeons - postmen delivered 15 thousand pigeon grams!
At the end of the Great Patriotic War very few carrier pigeons have been preserved in our country. An important role in the development and restoration of carrier pigeon breeding was played by the Ostankino nursery of carrier pigeons.
In 1870-1881, German troops laid siege to Paris. Then communication was carried out by carrier pigeons transported over the front line by balloons. During the siege, they delivered about a million private letters and official documents. For these merits, a monument to brave birds was erected in France. Julius Caesar actively used carrier pigeons during wars and sieges.
In our time, the pigeon service has lost its former significance. But it exists. For example, in the English city of Plymouth, carrier pigeons serve medicine. How to urgently deliver a blood sample from the clinic to the central laboratory, and even at rush hour, when it is impossible to drive through the streets due to traffic jams? The pigeon delivers a tube of blood from the hospital to the laboratory in minutes. Such speed in emergency cases saves people's lives.

1.4. Types of pigeons.

Over the long history of breeding, man has managed to breed a large number of varieties of pigeons. They are divided into four main groups: sports (postal), flight, decorative, meat. There are no particularly clear differences between them. At times, racing and decorative breeds are brought into one group due to the many common features.
Wild pigeons appeared on earth 35 million years ago. The ancestor of all modern pigeons was the rock dove, which still lives in Europe, North Africa and the Caucasus.
Pigeons are among the oldest domestic animals. The history of their domestication dates back thousands of years before our era. In the early Middle Ages, they spread throughout the world. Pigeons are called "citizens of the world" because, with the exception of the northern and southern polar circles, they live in all countries, on all continents.

Meat pigeons.
The first breeding pigeons had precisely meat direction. Today, pigeons are also eaten in many countries, so special breeds with improved gastronomic qualities are bred. It was here that various meat breeds of these birds were bred.

Flying or racing pigeons.
The special ability of pigeons to return to their usual places of residence was noticed - they began to be used as postal birds. Then the man became interested in the beauty of birds and the special ability to fly. This is how special flight breeds appeared. All of them have a special flight style. This group includes many types of pigeons, including decorative ones. Depending on the style and ability to fly, there are:
high-flying breeds - pigeons fly high into the sky, making several circles. Flying high into the sky, birds can linger there from 2 to more than 10 hours.
racing - rise into the sky, making an unusual circular flight. Their feature is the ability to make turns through the wing, as if tumbling.
fighting - such pigeons do not rise very high into the sky, but during the flight they tumble through the tail. They can do both horizontal and vertical somersaults "pillar". At the same time, during a somersault, they strongly hit their wings, creating special clicks.
rollers - birds that make a helical flight due to somersaults through the wing. It seems that the dove is spinning around its axis.
Sports, or carrier pigeons.
For the purpose of delivering letters, birds were used back in Ancient Rome and Greece. Then in the Middle Ages, carrier pigeons were kept by kings and nobles. At that time, this was the fastest and most accurate delivery of letters. Birds were used until the 20th century, and even during the Second World War, birds served people with their amazing ability. But even today in Peaceful time technology, high communication and communication pigeons are not left without work. True, now they are simply called sports and compete in flight speed. The world center of this sport is Belgium. The ability to quickly overcome long distances and orientation in pigeons is innate and is inherited. That is why other breeds of birds do not have such a gift.
decorative doves
These birds differ from all other species in certain external decorations, for example, crests, the length and shape of feathers, the presence of growths, etc. There is certain types pigeons that have the coloration of other birds. Accordingly, they are called larks, gulls, storks, swallows, and even bullfinches. These breeds are bred solely for beauty.

2. Breeding pigeons

2.1. Dovecote device.
It became interesting to me, but how do domestic pigeons live? What conditions are required for their maintenance? From my uncle I learned the basic requirements for building a dovecote.
It should be large enough so that the pigeons are spacious in it, the sun's rays should freely penetrate through the windows, but at the same time there should be no drafts in the dovecote. Pigeons constantly need clean fresh air and a certain humidity in the room. The dovecote can be arranged in the attic, in the barn or in special rooms. The attic is the best place. It is always dry here, there is good ventilation. From the dovecote located in the attic, the birds immediately fall onto the roof, from where they open good review. From such a dovecote, doves take off not from the ground, but already from a certain height.
The dovecote must be kept clean. It is undesirable to arrange it in strong sunshine, the room should not warm up much in summer period.
The temperature inside the dovecote should be: in winter - not lower than 5 - 7 degrees, and in summer - not higher than 20 degrees. The dovecote should have electricity. This is necessary in order to control the length of daylight hours, as well as the condition of the pigeons at any time.
Uncle's dovecote is spacious, there is enough space for each pigeon. The dovecote has perches and designated nesting areas.
In winter, the uncle settles doves and pigeons in different rooms, as he believes that winter chicks are weak and frail. But in the summer, these birds have four clutches of two eggs. Pigeons are diurnal. The manure is used in the garden to fertilize the soil. Pigeons love to swim and are very fond of sunbathing.
When I enter the dovecote, the birds greet me friendly, they fly from place to place, loudly flapping their wings. My uncle has about 100 pigeons. Most pigeons are racing breeds. Their coloration is the most varied. From white to black.
Chicks are born naked. Chicks are fed with special "pigeon milk" - semi-digested food that adult birds burp. To eat, the chick leans its beak against the corner of the father's or mother's nose and licks milk, which is more like sour cream.

2.2. Nutrition.
I consulted with my uncle, he helped to conduct research.
I learned that this bird is unpretentious in food and eats any crops that are offered to it. Feed them twice a day. We update the water every two days.

Organization and conduct of the experiment.
Purpose: to find out what kind of food pigeons prefer.
Equipment: various types of feed: sunflower seed, wheat, barley, millet, peas, corn, apple pieces, pumpkin seed.
Time: autumn holidays.
During the week, at the same time, the birds were offered different foods, which were given at the same time (in different piles). I recorded which of the feeds the bird eats first.
I entered the results of observations in the table.

Experiment results

Suggested feed
Food eaten first

sunflower seeds






Apple pieces (small)

pumpkin seed


2.3. Conclusions: most of all pigeons prefer sunflower seeds
in second place are wheat and pumpkin seeds;
in third place - barley and apple slices
in fourth place - millet, peas
pigeons remained indifferent to corn.

Based on my observations, I have developed recommendations for beginner pigeon breeders:
1. Before purchasing birds, weigh the pros and cons and consult local pigeon breeders.
2. Before planting, study the features of the dovecote device and purchase the necessary inventory and equipment.
3. Familiarize yourself with the diet for pigeons and prepare grain and mineral feed.
4. Birds should be purchased only from pigeon breeders or at exhibitions, with the help of experienced fanciers.
5. Love your pets. Study their behavior, constantly take care of them, and you will get a charge of good mood, vivacity and health.


Pigeon breeding requires a lot of time and great affection for them.
The pigeon, one of the most revered birds in the world, based on the carrier pigeons carrying letters during the Great Patriotic War, is officially declared the bird of peace.
Attachment to pigeons in people arises because of their beauty, peculiar grace, cooing.
Observation, care, communication with pigeons has a charitable effect on a person, calms the nervous system, relieves stress, improves mood, and gives vitality.

4. Conclusion.

Summing up my work, I can conclude that the goal that I set has been achieved. Having studied the reference, popular science literature, I was able to learn a lot of interesting facts about the pigeon. The dove is often mentioned in ancient legends and traditions. The pigeon can reach speeds of up to 180 km per hour. It turns out that pigeons feed their chicks with milk.
In the course of observations, I managed to find out that caring for domestic pigeons is not an easy task. Only a person who truly loves these birds and is devoted to them can contain them.
From my uncle's stories, I realized that birds are very similar to people. The pigeon couple is very faithful to each other, they care for each other, take care.
If each of us knows information about the pigeons that surround a person in Everyday life, care for and protect them, then:
- we will treat not only the birds kinder and more attentively, but also to each other;
- there will be less evil on Earth, and our world will become more beautiful, more beautiful and more joyful.
Through research, I realized that people's attachment to pigeons arises from their beauty, a kind of grace, they have a beautiful
plumage, they are beautiful in flight, and how touchingly a dove cares for a dove!
Their cooing, similar to the conversation of close people, fascinates and serves as an example of a reverent attitude towards others.

4. Bibliography.

1. Encyclopedia "I know the world", Moscow, "AST Publishing House", 2001.
2. Great Children's Encyclopedia, Moscow, Children's Literature Publishing House, 2003.
3. Tatyana Plotnikova: “All about pigeons. Ripol classic, 2011
4. Internet - resources.


Song of the white dove.

To whom did the White Dove bring the message:
- There will be joy after tears.

There will be happiness after troubles
Sorrows will disappear trace.

There will be bread for everyone
Abundant on earth.

There will be shelter for all the homeless
Warm, sunny ready.

Instead of dead zones - gardens,
Reservoirs and ponds,

Parks, groves and forests:
The whole earth is a blooming garden! -

Why will it be so?
That will dispel sorrow and darkness,

Stop war and death
Will renew the earthly firmament?

The White Dove brings peace!
Bold and swift is his flight;

Won't linger anywhere
He goes everywhere

Establishing peace everywhere
Calling everyone to a fraternal feast.

And for the world, after him,
Rise up to fight

Hundreds, thousands of fighters -
Mothers, children, fathers!

Anyone who loves honest work
Life, science, beauty,
To whom the will is dear
And the fate of people is close -

Everyone will follow the Dove
And the war will be swept away from the earth!

The world is the smile of all children,
The world is the joy of mothers,

The world is an abundance of all blessings,
A bold step into the future.

The world is the breath of Spring,
Whose steps are already heard,

The first ray in the dawn mist
New life on earth!

Spirina Natalia Dmitrievna

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State institution "Zhalgyskan secondary school"

department of education of the akimat of Karasu district

Research work on the topic

"My favorite pets are pigeons"

Section - Biology

Performer Akhmedov Tofig Grade 5

State institution "Zhalgyskan secondary school" of Karasu district, Kostanay region

Head: Akhmedova N.G. teacher

State institution "Zhalgyskan secondary school"

Study period 2013-2015


1. Introduction.

2. Information about pigeons.

3. Breeds of pigeons. Distribution and habitat

4. Reproduction and crossing of pigeons. Breeding a new breed.

5. Feeding pigeons




The relevance of research . We live in the 11th century - this is the century technical progress. We are surrounded by many technological innovations: computers, Cell Phones, LCD TVs, etc. we so quickly get used to everything new that man invents, completely unaware of what surrounds us, created by nature itself.

My work is dedicated to pigeons. I will answer why I chose this topic.

We live in a village. My dad passed on his love for pigeons to me. Pigeons occupy a special place in his life. He started breeding them as a child. His love for pigeons was transferred to me. Dealing with them, we “rest our souls. You can watch for hours how doves, performing miracles of high flight, go up, sparkling with their plumage in the sun. At the same time, it becomes joyful, all anxieties and sorrows recede away.

Subject my research is devoted to the study of various breeds of pigeons and the breeding of a new breed by crossing a wild female and a thoroughbred male.

Target my research is to learn something new for myself about pigeons, about their habits and habits, and the most interesting thing for me is breeding a new breed. My mom and I did this for a year.

The objectives of my research are:

1. Pick up literature and a variety of pictures with images of pigeons.

2. Use in the work the materials found on the Internet on the research topic.

3. Observe the life of pigeons of various breeds during the year when breeding and feeding chicks.

The main methods of my research were: viewing books and various literature; observation of my pets, a description of the results.

Research hypothesis

We assume that the true passion for pigeons, communication with them makes a person kinder, purer in soul and nobler in heart. Pigeon breeders can watch for hours how their pets, performing miracles of aerobatics, go up, sparkling with plumage in the sun. At the same time, the soul comes to life, all anxieties and sorrows recede away. This is one of the pleasures that a person receives by communicating with nature.

this work belongs to the section of problem - research

1. Information about pigeons

Rock dove Columba livia

The rock dove, along with sparrows, is a typical city dweller. It can be found throughout the European part of Russia, Western Siberia and in the south Far East. The wild species of these birds is common on the coast of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, in the Urals and the Caucasus, in Kazakhstan. Birds that settle in the urban environment have a different color, while in the wild the Rock Pigeon is always colored the same: gray-gray plumage, two stripes on the wing, a gray tail and a dark beak. Through breeding, many new breeds of pigeons were obtained from the Blue Pigeon. About my breed, which I bred, I want to tell you below.

scientific classification

Kingdom: Animals
Type: Chordates
Subtype: Vertebrates
Class: Birds
Order: Pigeons
Family: Pigeons
Genus: Pigeons
Species: rock dove


Pigeons, common in the wild, do not look like all the usual city birds. Urban birds can have more than 30 color options: from white and beige to almost black.

There are practically no differences between the male and the female, except for the fact that the plumage on the female's chest is less shimmery with silver. Juveniles have lighter plumage and a gray or brown iris for the first six months.

An ordinary pigeon has a grayish-gray plumage, gray wings with two characteristic stripes, on the chest the plumage casts a metallic yellowish or purple color. The size of the dove ranges from 30 to 35 cm, weight - about 300 grams. Feathers densely tear the body, but are poorly fixed on the skin. Around the eyes of the dove there are non-feathered areas. The beak is dark, almost black, surrounded by a characteristic white area - cere. The eyes are orange-red or yellow. Wings with a metallic sheen, span - up to 65 cm. The tail is straight or slightly rounded, with a dark stripe along the edge. Paws are red or pink.

2. Breeds of pigeons. Distribution and habitat

Pigeons inhabit the entire Eurasian territory. They can be found from the Yenisei to Altai, on the borders of East India and Myanmar, and even in Africa. They live on the islands of the Mediterranean Sea, the British, Faroe and Canary Islands. Initially, in Russia, pigeons settled only on the coast of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, in the Volga region and in the North Caucasus. Over time, the birds spread throughout the country. Today, pigeons can be found all over the world. They live even in cool, high-altitude places, and always inhabit areas cultivated by man. Pigeons settle not only near settlements but also in forests. Also, some birds prefer rocky areas and mountains. For example, rocky pigeons make nests in the recesses of rocks, in caves. In the south, rock pigeons are sedentary, while in the north, birds move to warmer places for wintering. Pigeons settle in flocks, colonies, but at the same time they are monogamous. The population of wild species of pigeons is not large and over time the number of birds decreases. Pigeons were brought to other continents and islands (America, Great Britain) on purpose, initially not living there. Pigeons were brought to Nova Scotia by colonists in the 15th century. In Kazakhstan, 5 species of pigeons are common: rock pigeon, rock pigeon, stock dove, pigeon, Japanese pigeon. People breed and decorative pigeons to enjoy looking at these beautiful birds. This is a peacock dove, and a puffin, and Bukhara pigeons, and many, many others.

pigeon breeding

In conditions wildlife pigeons settle in colonies, within which they form pairs. Pigeons are monogamous and remain faithful to their partner throughout their lives. The male attracts the female with a beautiful marriage dance: he cooes, walks around her, spins, spreads feathers, puffs up his goiter. Sometimes both doves take off, flapping their wings vigorously, and soar in the air. In response to courtship, the female begins to show attention to the male and usually the dance ends with mutual encouragement: the birds clean each other's plumage, touch each other with their beaks, the female can peck the male on the head. The nesting period for pigeons has no clear boundaries and can last at any time throughout the year. In many ways, it depends on the area where the pigeons live. In Eurasia, pigeons breed mainly from March to October.
Pigeons make nests in rocks or other places inaccessible to predators. Pigeons - inhabitants of cities for nesting choose places of the cultural landscape that resemble natural conditions: attics of houses, cornices, crevices in brickwork. I built a dovecote for my pigeons.

Having built a nest, a pair of pigeons can use it repeatedly to breed offspring.

When building a dwelling, the male produces construction material, which is served by various twigs, straws and blades of grass. The female is directly involved in the construction of the nest. The nest is made simply, one might say, carelessly, and has a flat shape. Pigeons are very careful and try to equip their nests so that it is extremely difficult for a person to detect them.

The female lays 1-2 white eggs with a smooth shiny shell in the nest. The female lays eggs intermittently (about two days).

Both partners incubate the offspring. The male is in the nest, as a rule, in the morning, while the female is busy eating. If the female lingers for a long time, the male begins to coo invitingly so that the female will quickly replace him in the nest. The incubation period lasts from 17 to 30 days, depending on the breed of the pigeon. Chicks are born at intervals of a couple of days, they are absolutely helpless and covered with sparse hairy down. At first, their parents feed them "bird's milk" - a nutrient fluid secreted in the goiter.It consists of 64-82% water, 7-13% fat and fat-like substances, 10-19% protein, 1.6% minerals and astringents, vitamins A, D, E, B. In appearance, in the first days, the milk resembles liquid yellowish sour cream, and rancid butter tastes like rancid butter. After 3-4 days, it becomes thicker, on the 6-7th day, the parents mix crushed food particles into it. And on the 10-11th day, the chicks already receive grain and mineral impurities with water.

After the first chick hatches, the parents immediately start feeding it. The female usually starts feeding first. The dove lowers its head to the chick, grabs its beak with its beak and regurgitates the prepared food. By the time the second chick appears, the first one has time to get goiter two or three times. After each regurgitation, the female raises her body and beak again and, without releasing the chick's beak, gives him another portion. For one feeding, she produces 10-15 regurgitations, with an interval of 10-20 seconds. After a short break -6-10 seconds - feeding is resumed. Having sated, the chick takes it under the dove. After 1.5-2.5 hours, feeding is resumed. Pigeons secrete milk for an average of 9-10 days. From the 10th day after hatching the chick, milk production is reduced. If the production of milk is timely, and the hatching of the brood is delayed by 2-3 days, the pigeons may leave the nest,

without waiting for the appearance of the chicks. The brood in this case dies from overcooling.

Such food has a high energy value, contains a lot of proteins and few carbohydrates. When the chicks grow up, the parents begin to feed them with plant seeds. Outwardly, young pigeons are similar to adults, but have a faded plumage and a brown color of the iris. After a month or so, the chicks become independent, fly out of the nest. The ability to reproduce in pigeons appears at the age of about six months.

The interest of bird lovers in pigeons has a long history. Pigeons have been bred in captivity since ancient times. Birds began to be tamed in Central Asia and Egypt. Then they spread to Italy and further throughout Europe. In India, too, many were engaged in the selection of pigeons. Thus, considerable experience has been gained in breeding birds in captivity. During this time, more than 800 different breeds of pigeons have been bred. They can be divided into three main groups: meat, sports and decorative. Representatives of various breeds of pigeons have characteristic features by which they are classified as one or another species.
Pigeons differ not only in size, but also in physique, plumage color and ability to fly. Most often, pigeons are bred for sporting purposes, but there are also lovers of breeding and maintaining pure breeds, which stand out for their beautiful plumage and voice.

Many breeders are interested in improving the flying ability of birds. Carrier pigeons belong to the sport species.

They can fly over long distances (300-500 km) in a short time. At the same time, they are well oriented and always return home. The flight speed reaches 60 km. at one o'clock.

Today, sports (mail) pigeons participate in various competitions. So, at the beginning of the 19th century, the first tournament for sporting pigeons was organized in Belgium. This was the beginning of a new breed of pigeons, called "Voyageurs" ("Travelers"). These pigeons are aces of flight. They can reach speeds up to 140 km. at one o'clock.
The meat pigeon breeding industry is not widespread in Kazakhstan, but is popular in other countries (France, Italy, Hungary). Its purpose is to bring out large birds, weighing about 1 kg., capable of rapid reproduction.

Breeders have bred many decorative breeds of pigeons. These birds are amazing appearance. For example, warty pigeons are distinguished by a “neck collar” on their necks, and among the so-called Asiatic pigeons, one can meet peacocks with beautiful tail plumage, curly pigeons, deep Jacobins, having a beautiful “crown” or “wig” on their heads.


Pigeons eat twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. In search of food, birds are able to make long-distance flights.
The main diet of pigeons is grain. They also feed on seeds, fruits, berries, and rarely insects. Pigeons easily adapt to the food offered to them by humans. In the conditions of cities, pigeons can often be seen in the garbage heaps, looking for food among the garbage. Pigeons are illegible in food for the following reason: there are no more than 40 taste buds on their tongue (a person has 10 thousand of them).

Water plays an important role in the nutrition of pigeons. It contributes to the swelling of the grains. Pigeons drink water in a way that is not typical for birds: they immerse their beak in water to the very nostrils and suck in the liquid.

pigeon breeding

At this time, more than 800 different breeds of pigeons have already been bred. Pigeons are crossed either of the same breed to maintain the valuable qualities of birds or pigeons of different breeds - to improve the species.
Pigeons in breeding science can be divided into three main groups: meat, sport and decorative. Representatives of various breeds of pigeons have characteristic features by which they are classified as one or another species. Pigeons differ not only in size, but also in physique, plumage color and ability to fly.
In Russian tradition, there is a special term - pigeon breeding. There are special nurseries for breeding pigeons - pigeon houses. Until recently, they were extremely popular among ordinary residents - dovecotes could be found in the courtyards of cities and in the suburbs. Dovecotes are equipped with special nest boxes - steam boxes. There are still hundreds of thousands of pigeon breeders all over the world. By selection, hundreds of species of pigeons were bred, which are distinguished by an amazing variety, both in external

traits and ability to fly.I decided to see what kinds would come out if cross a wild dove

and purebred male .

That's what happened!

Pigeons are strong and hardy birds. And I want to note one more quality. Pigeons are very responsible parents. They do not abandon their nests even in extreme situations. During a fire in the dovecote, the pigeons did not abandon their nests, but continued to sit on them, protecting their unhatched chicks. The rest of the doves hovered in the air without flying far. After extinguishing the fire, the whole flock flocked to the still hot roof. I was very touched by such a responsible attitude of pigeons to their family.

In Palestine, doves were sacrificed to the gods; among the Jews, the dove was a symbol of love and moral purity. In Christianity, the dove has a special meaning: this bird is a symbol of peace and friendship.

I love my pigeons so much!!!


In my work, I tried to give a variety of information about pigeons. He considered questions from the history of pigeon breeding, learned a lot about the breeds of pigeons and their reproduction.

Based on their work, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. Pigeons - amazing birds that bring joy to people.

2.Exists many breeds for various purposes.

I would like to end with these words

Literature review

From literary sources, we found out that at present there is an increasing interest of society in breeding pigeons.Schmidt H. “Doves. 300 breeds for exhibition and breeding. Complete Atlas.”-From this atlas, we learned about more than three hundred breeds of pigeons: their history, use, exhibition and breeding value, as well as all the important and characteristic features of these amazing birds.It says that pigeon breeding is one of the many hobbies of people. Devoting his leisure time to breeding pigeons, a person creatively approaches his favorite pastime, constantly experimenting, trying to get a new breed of domestic pigeons or offspring from exotic species of these birds. We also learned that pigeon clubs have been created in the cities of Kazakhstan, which carry out great propaganda on the protection of birds and the development of amateur pigeon breeding in their cities, provide assistance and give useful advice to beginner pigeon breeders, organize exhibitions, organize work with children - sections and circles on pigeon breeding.

In books such as: "All About Pigeons" S.P. Bondarenko , the magazine "Pigeon breeding", the book.A.F. Ziper "All about pigeons" -the biological characteristics of pigeons, the conditions for their maintenance and breeding are described in detail, a classification of pigeon breeds is given.


1. Bondarenko S.P. “It's all about pigeons. Practical Tips» Moscow 2002

2.S.P. Bondarenko. “All about pigeons” -2004

3.A.F. Ziper “All about pigeons” -2001

4. Magazine "Pigeon breeding" Moscow 2009

5. Schmidt H. “Doves. 300 breeds for exhibition and breeding. Complete Atlas.-2008.


for research work

“My favorite pets are pigeons” by a 6th grade student of the State Institution “Zhalgyskan School”

Akhmedova Tofiga

This research work, carried out on the topic "My favorite pets are pigeons" is theoretical, research, problem-search.

The work is done on 19 sheets. In the course of the work, the author used additional literature, Internet resources, did a lot of research work, observing the breeding of pigeons.

Relevance research is that we live in the 11th century and do not notice at all what surrounds us, created by nature itself.

But one has only to stop a little, look around, observe.

The world of birds is very colorful and diverse. There are a lot of birds in nature. In the forest, on the river, in the field - birds live all around. And every bird is beautiful in its own way.

It is human nature to desire nature.

This desire also implies communication with other living beings.

Hypothesis research lies in the fact that a true passion for pigeons, communication with them makes a person kinder, cleaner in soul and nobler in heart. Pigeon breeders can watch for hours how their pets, performing miracles of aerobatics, go up, sparkling with plumage in the sun. At the same time, the soul comes to life, all anxieties and sorrows recede away. This is one of the pleasures that a person receives by communicating with nature.

Head of research N.G.Akhmedova